The system is the king of the counterattack master

Chapter 72 Failed debut

On the top of Wangyue Mountain, a Wuling Hongguang made a sky-shattering roar. Because it was a mountainous night, the roar was particularly shocking.

With a sharp howling sound, Han Xiaodong's Wuling Hongguang rushed down the track like the wind. He has run this section of the road hundreds of times in the simulated environment, but today's car conditions are slightly different from those in the simulation. That's it. It was so different that he almost flipped the car in the first corner.

Originally, according to the condition of the last set of tires, he needed to slow down and flick at the first corner, so that the grip of the car could help him turn the corner.

However, due to the replacement of new tires and brakes, Wuling Hongguang's grip and braking performance have been greatly improved. Han Xiaodong failed to adjust the state in time. Although the friction of the tires has increased, he still maintains the original depth. Stepping on the brakes caused the entire parking space to not swing up.

However, the tall car body brought huge braking inertia to the car. Because the whole car stopped too fast and the direction was not enough, the car body tilted and almost fell under the cliff.

Fortunately, Han Xiaodong's precise control training was diligent enough during this period of time. He swung the front of the car in time and accelerated to refuel, thus avoiding a car crash and fatal accident.

With his flick, Wang Hao in the car and Lu Ying who followed him broke out in a cold sweat.

However, Han Xiaodong quickly found his rhythm with the help of Xiao K. When he reached the second corner, he basically recovered his usual feeling.

Although it was still a little uncomfortable to drive, the car was under his control after all.

Wang Hao and Lu Ying communicated through the radio, and Lu Ying was taken aback by the turn just now.

Han Xiaodong's only relief was that that small bump did not make them doubt that it was his first real run.

For the next few turns, Han Xiaodong turned easily. Once he got used to driving, the new brakes and tires made him feel more comfortable.

Seeing that he had regained his rhythm, Lu Ying stopped talking to Wang Hao through the radio, and just followed behind intently.

Entering the first hairpin turn in a blink of an eye, Han Xiaodong chose to go through this turn more safely.

Although he has been able to complete the drifting of this corner proficiently in the simulation, but with new tires and brakes, he still dare not try it lightly. After all, Wang Hao is also in the car. If something goes wrong, he and Wang Jiayuan is not easy to explain.

So he tapped the brakes in advance, and as soon as he turned the direction, the whole car turned 90 degrees smoothly. After entering the acceleration point, he kicked the accelerator again, and the car sped out quickly.

Everything went well, Wuling Hongguang and BMW m3 were speeding on the Wangyue Mountain track one after the other, and the roar of the two cars echoed over the entire Wangyue Mountain.

When entering the second hairpin turn, Han Xiaodong deliberately let the car look outside, which is an important vertical drop point marked by the small K, but since the simulation training, Han Xiaodong has only really completed the vertical drop twice , the remaining dozens of attempts all ended in failure. This is the only place where he did not complete the challenge among the five vertical points.

The drop at this point is more than 50 meters high, about the height of [-] or [-] floors. The reason why it is difficult to challenge is not how difficult it is to go down, but that the floor below it happens to be a bend, which requires Wuling Hongguang to go downhill at the last section. , you have to turn the car body sideways, almost drifting and falling on the next layer of road with precision, otherwise it will fly out of the road and get into the pile of rocks.

Even with the assistance of the deceleration hoe and the precise calculation of Xiao K, Han Xiaodong's experiments still failed repeatedly, and in the end he even refused to continue to try this corner, thinking that it was a waste of time.

However, he still glanced down today. It didn't matter. He didn't see the scene below the slope clearly, but he saw a faint shadow at the end of the track.

Han Xiaodong's heart tightened!
Oops, someone is peeping!

He hurriedly asked Wang Hao to notify Lu Ying to stop, and stepped on the brakes himself.

After the two cars stopped, Han Xiaodong pointed in the direction of the finish line, and Wang Hao also looked in the direction of his finger.

It didn't matter if they stopped, the black figure seemed to realize that he had been spotted, and quickly started the car, turned around and drove towards the road.

"Is it Xie Ming?" Lu Ying asked on the radio.

"I don't know, it's too far away, I can't even turn on the lights, so I can't see clearly." Wang Hao replied with a frown.

Although he only saw a shadow, and the car fled immediately after being spotted, Han Xiaodong still recognized the outline at a glance—it was the pickup truck in Xie Ming's photo!
"Is it from Xie Ming?" Han Xiaodong asked Xiao K in his mind.

"The tracking has been started." Little K replied: "It didn't return to Pingshi, it entered the tunnel. There are no cars in the tunnel now, so we can only wait for it to come out."

Han Xiaodong's heart was pounding. He suddenly thought of Xie Ming's phone call. Could it be that Xie Ming wanted to attack him on Wangyue Mountain?

"Go down first." Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

It seems that today's debut was fruitless.

Thinking to himself, Han Xiaodong started the car.

The two cars came to the place where the black shadow disappeared, Wang Hao got out of the car, carefully observed the tire marks left by the car, and said leisurely: "F150 Raptor, driving such a ostentatious car without turning on the lights. "

"What is that?" Han Xiaodong asked.

"The big guy made by Ford in the United States is not much cheaper than the BMW m3. The car weighs nearly 3 tons. Compared with ordinary racing cars, it is definitely a heavyweight player. But what is it doing here?"

Wang Hao gave a brief introduction to this car, and asked a question in confusion.

"Could it be that Xie Ming wanted to do something during the competition?" Lu Ying asked worriedly.

Wang Hao shook his head: "If you chase from behind, no one can catch up with that Ford Raptor. Although he has a 6-cylinder engine, running such a rough mountain road is not his forte.

If it is blocked from the front, the car is too wide, unless Xie Ming wants to kill himself, otherwise he will not be stupid enough to use such a big guy. "

"Then what is this car for?" Lu Ying was a little confused by Wang Hao's words.

"I also don't understand, if it was sent by Xie Ming to monitor us, then it should choose an inconspicuous car, and if it finds such a big target, doesn't that mean that it is watching us? Now we can only pray that he walked in by mistake."

Regarding the appearance of this raptor, Han Xiaodong is obviously not as optimistic as Wang Hao, because this is the second time he has seen this car, and it definitely did not appear here by accident.

It's just that he can't say such words, so he can only let Xiao K continue to follow.

"He came out of the tunnel." Xiao K finally got the news: "But he turned into a small road soon and lost it."

Han Xiaodong wailed in his heart, it seemed that this match was not destined to go so smoothly.

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