The Superheroine Experience

Chapter 4: 4. Power & Wonder Pt. 1

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AN: For this story arc, a special guest from the office across the street!

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There was an angry Tamaranean in Roulette's office.

Veronica had been in the middle of reviewing financial records when the rogue princess Komand'r had flown in through the open balcony doors in a rush of purple and fiery red. Now the amazonian alien woman was pacing back and forth in front of Veronica's desk, muttering to herself… and visibly agitated.

Veronica didn't like interruptions. Normally, this would have resulted in shouting, but clearly this required a gentler approach. As far as business partners went, Komand'r had proven quite lucrative. But the woman was also… emotional. Volatile. There were good reasons behind her villain name.

"Blackfire." Veronica greeted calmly and cordially. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The Tamaranean ceased her pacing, whipping her attention towards Veronica with glowing green eyes. They burned with fury… but not towards her.

"Screw the pleasantries, Roulette." Komand'r sneered. "I have new targets for you." 

She strode up to the front of the desk, standing tall in her armor of black plate and gleaming silver. Rather than bulky, her garb was form-fitting, snug to her figure in a way that betrayed its alien nature. Her Tamaranean physiology had blessed her with a body that boasted of raw power and bold womanhood - strength and beauty entwined through firm muscle and supple flesh. It was enough to take anyone's breath away. But Veronica's expression remained still, serene.

"I see. Who?" Veronica sat back in her chair. Her curiosity was sincere. Getting new talent for the Mask & Cape was always on her mind.

The princess' sneer turned into a nasty, devious smirk.

"That Kryptonian bitch, Power Girl."

Veronica was more than familiar with that one. Hell, she'd just seen news footage earlier that day of that buxom blonde powerhouse ripping through a giant mech like it was made of cardboard. Power Girl was always in the public eye - and how could she not be? With those looks and that body, admirers were a certainty. Veronica had seen the fansites herself, both the genuine… and the lurid.

As far as heroines went, Power Girl was easily one of the most popular. And one of the most desired. A lucrative prospect, to be sure… but was she a smart one?

Veronica didn't let her reservations show. She gave a simple nod, drumming her fingers idly upon the surface of her desk.

"And who else?" She asked.

The rogue princess crossed her arms, her smirk growing. The angry green glow of her eyes had dimmed some, allowing Veronica to see the wicked delight swirling just beneath.

"Wonder Woman." Komand'r answered firmly. Hotheaded she may have been - her hair was coming alight that very moment, beginning to glow red and orange and gold - the alien exile was indeed serious.

That made things complicated.

"Hmm." Veronica laced her fingers together. "Those two are quite the high profile targets."

"And Zatanna and Vixen weren't?" Komand'r shot back hotly. 

"Wonder Woman and Power Girl are both considerably more dangerous to us. Especially if we fail to enthrall them properly. If either of them even catches a whiff of what we're doing here… Well, you've had run-ins with them before."

"That's why we should take them off the board sooner rather than later." Komand'r planted her hands on the desk, leaning in. She was undeterred. It was plain to see - this woman's mind was set.

More than that, Komand'r wasn't really wrong. Each heroine the Mask & Cape enthralled was one less heroine that could cause problems for them down the line. On the other hand… it was beyond obvious that Veronica's business partner wasn't pushing these targets because it was the smart thing to do. The exiled princess was angry about something. 

Somehow, the Amazon and the Kryptonian had both drawn Blackfire's fury.

"So what inspired this bold plan of yours?" Veronica had to ask.

The angry glow of Komand'r's eyes flared up again as she pushed away from Veronica's desk. She was pacing again, slowly this time.

"Nothing." Komand'r lied - clearly so. "Just two more supersluts to add to our roster. Just imagine the kind of money they'd bring in. Don't tell me you haven't thought about it."

Veronica sighed. She had thought about it - about both the ludicrous amount of money and the sheer thrill of bringing the likes of Wonder Woman to heel.

"I won't deny the potential gains. But you're not pushing this for the money, are you?" It was more an accusation than a question.

Komand'r locked eyes with Veronica. The six-foot-three alien princess whose body burned with cosmic power stared down the puny, powerless human woman in the red silk dress. Neither blinked.

"Do it as a favor to me then." Komand'r insisted. She held her chin up, proud and regal. "You wouldn't have the Mask & Cape without my tech. You owe me."

Once again, Komand'r wasn't wrong. And Veronica hated owing debts.

"I'll see what I can do."

- - -

Days later, Roulette was in her office again. And she was smiling. 

Veronica couldn't remember the last time victory had tasted so sweet.

She'd watched and she'd waited, looking out for the perfect moment to strike. Snatching up superheroines required great patience and even better timing. The chances that came were so big and so sudden, Veronica briefly thought they might have been ploys meant to lure her people out and expose her operation.

Luck, however, continued to be firmly on Roulette's side. She didn't just win. She won big.

Both of the high profile targets were acquired on the same day. She'd sent out her people, trusted agents who know the tech, knew the process, and knew just what was on the line. Today they had more than earned their paycheck… and a considerable bonus on top of that. That's how she kept them so loyal: it paid to be on Roulette's crew.

They got Wonder Woman at a charity event over in D.C. One handshake was all it took. Contact with the pheromones was the first hook, the alien tech hidden in the agent's watch was the second, producing a signal that planted the seeds of control in the Amazon's mind. A trigger phrase slipped into small talk finished the job. They got Power Girl a similar way, getting up close with the Kryptonian during post-battle clean-up over in LA. 

Now, the Amazon and the Kryptonian were standing in the middle of Roulette's office. Two heroic titans, stars of the Justice League, in the flesh. Tall, powerful, gorgeous.

This wasn't a dream. This was real. Veronica was staring right at them and still she hardly believed it.

"You look like you've seen a miracle." Spoke a smooth, sultry voice. 

Beside her, Veronica saw Poison Ivy similarly admiring the fruits of their efforts. No doubt the redheaded Gothamite was relishing the moment - the last time Ivy had seen Wonder Woman up close was when the Amazon had cut her way through dozens of her fierce, green children. Veronica couldn't imagine there was a single villain alive who didn't hold a grudge against the perfect Amazon princess.

"It's still sinking in for me, I suppose." Veronica turned her attention back to her two new, lovely trophies.

"I get it." Said Ivy. "If they weren't standing here in the flesh, I wouldn't believe it either."

Wonder Woman and Power Girl stood at the center of the room, backs straight, chins held high… and their considerable chests pushed out. Neither woman could ever be called soft or delicate… but damn if they weren't womanly. They stood still, obedient… but Veronica could see the apprehension written clear on their proud, striking faces. 

Both of the Leaguers knew who she was, knew where they were, knew what had been done to them. Even so, they could do nothing. That was the delicious, wicked beauty of this sort of mind control - their minds were still their own, but they had to obey.

"Are you two just going to stand there and gawk or are you going to tell us what the hell is going on here?" Power Girl finally snapped. The blonde's glare burned with useless anger, the closest she would ever get to heat vision in Veronica's presence.

"Agreed. I grow tired of this game, Roulette." Wonder Woman added, her voice coming so lofty and dignified but no less heated.

Ivy cocked her head to the side. Her curiosity was obvious, but the heroines' demands didn't interest her in the slightest.

"Hmm. Should I start working on stronger pheromones? Find a way to lessen the backtalk?"

"No." Veronica answered. "The hold we have is absolute. It just doesn't completely overshadow the target's personality. I like it that way. And so do the customers. They don't pay for sex dolls, they pay for superheroines. We might nudge them to be more enthusiastic, sure, but we don't replace who they are."

Ivy considered her words, pursing her full, red lips.

"A little defiance does make things interesting…" She hummed.

The green woman slid forth on bare feet. Veronica watched as Poison Ivy slowly closed in on Wonder Woman. A wonder in her own right, Ivy's beauty was a world's difference from the Amazon's. Soft and lush where Wonder Woman was firm and smooth, Ivy's femininity was more overt… and more abundant. Supple green flesh was barely contained by that corset of dark green leaves. Spilling out of her scant outfit the way she was, Ivy offered up just as enticing a view as Wonder Woman in her snug, golden bustier.

Now, Ivy held the Amazon by the chin. Wonder Woman's defiance began and ended with her eyes. She did nothing, said nothing as Ivy leaned in and stole a kiss.

A second passed. Then two. Three. The clock ticked on and Ivy kept her lips locked with the Amazon's, enjoying her taste of victory, of control. Finally, with a pleased hum, the villainess pulled back. She wore a bright smile, content. As for Wonder Woman, Veronica caught the outrage in the Amazon's eyes… and noted the flushed cheeks as well.

"Mmm. Better than I imagined." Ivy licked her lips as she came back to Veronica's side. "Think of the customers these two will bring in. We'll be booked solid for months. Maybe years."

"We'll have to work overtime to keep this under wraps…" Veronica mused, noting with glee the looks of worry falling across the heroines' faces. "But it'll be more than worth it."

"You know you can't hide this. Not forever." The Amazon spoke up, her tone dark with warning.

Power Girl joined her compatriot, her own voice coming sharp and threatening.

"And when word reaches the League, this clubhouse of yours is getting wiped off the map. You can bet your ass on it!"

Veronica started to laugh. She couldn't help it. Ivy joined her, the redhead's amusement coming rich and throaty.

"Oh, ladies…" Veronica shook her head, grinning from ear to ear. "By the time the Justice League finds out, half of them will already be under our control. And the other half will be our paying customers."

"And the two of you will be the happiest little sex slaves on the market." Ivy taunted with a voice sweet and warm like honey.

There was a flicker in the heroine's faces, a flash across their eyes. More than apprehension. Shock. Fear. Realization of just how helpless they were. How powerless they were.

Veronica savored the sight. This feeling of triumph was beyond sweet. It was intoxicating.

"So, Ivy… what sort of theme fits these two the best?" Veronica asked as she began to circle her club's newest talent.

Ivy pursed her lips again, tapping a finger against them.

"I'm thinking… domestic bliss." A lurid smile spread across Ivy's face. Her voice dripped with venom. "Wonder Woman and Power Girl would make for such lovely, obedient housewives. Wouldn't you agree?"

- - -

Komand'r heard the crack of thunder and smiled. Through the high windows of her warehouse hideout, she saw a flash of brilliant light… and felt a deep tremble roll through the very ground.

Excitement shot through her body as if she herself had been struck by lightning. She felt it thrum through her nerves, her veins, tingling just beneath the skin.

He was here. Just like she planned.

Komand'r sat on the edge of her bed and waited. Over the idle buzz of her TV, she could hear her visitor's heavy footfalls approaching. Each thump matched the beat of her heart, each becoming louder, coming closer. A moment later, he came into view.

From the shadows came forth a tall man, powerfully-built and handsome. So tall he was that he stood over even Komand'r herself. He was well-dressed, sporting a heavy brown coat layered over a fine black sweater, matching with his dark slack and polished loafers. Every scrap of clothing was custom tailored to that magnificent body, flatteringly snug to those wide shoulders and thick, corded arms. 

His hair was dark gold, so fine and sleek as it fell down to his shoulders, framing a strong, chiseled face. His beard was neatly trimmed, not yet long enough to hide away his dimpled chin or the firm line of his jaw.

Most striking of all were his eyes. They were a bold, gorgeous, electric blue. And they were set firmly upon Komand'r.

The man went by "Don Blake". And he had come for her.

The Tamaranean exile felt a fluttering in her heart. Even dressed as an Earth-man, nothing could truly mask her visitor's power. Nothing could hide away what made this man so tantalizing a prize.

Despite the racing of her heart and the knotting pressure deep in her gut, Komand'r put on the face of innocence. She leaned back, propping herself up with planted hands, crossing one knee over the other. Her own garb was much less impressive - out of her black and silver armor, she had slipped into a simple brief top and sweats. She was vulnerable. Enticingly so.

"So barbaric, breaking into a woman's house like this. I thought you were supposed to be some kind of hero."

The man who called himself Don Blake stepped up to the foot of Komand'r's bed. He towered over her, staring down with hard, burning eyes.

"No games, Komand'r. I know what you've done." His voice was deep, his words booming with power that matched his body. It took effort for Komand'r not to break into a girlish laugh.

"Done? I haven't done anything. I've been right here, thinking about how awful and lonely it's been without a real man in my bed." She slid her hand over the fine, soft sheets, offering up the faintest of smiles.

Don did not return it.

"My sources tell me the Justice League hasn't been able to contact Wonder Woman or Power Girl for over twenty-four hours. I know you're involved."

"Your sources?" Komand'r snorted derisively. "You didn't ask them yourself? Oh, that's right! You're not officially part of their little club. Too clean-cut for you, didn't you say? Yet you still bother with them."

"Diana and Karen are close friends. I will not stand by and let harm come to them. Tell me where they are."

Komand'r saw his fists clench tight. A shiver rolled down her back. She was well familiar with the strength in those hands. But she also knew this man would never hurt her.

…Unless she told him to.

"So forceful. I like this side of you. It's sexy."

"Komand'r." Don warned.

"I can be a close friend, too." The Tamaranean uncrossed her legs, stretching one out to brush her bare foot along the man's calf. His legs were thick as tree trunks, solid with muscle. She gave a tiny pout, batting her eyelashes up at him. "If only you'd let me."

Don offered only a scowl. Outside the walls of her warehouse came another crack of thunder.

That one made Komand'r jump. She drew her leg back quickly… but excitement still coiled through her insides. She loved to rile him up.

"I won't ask again." Don didn't raise his voice, but his words carried with force. It was the sort of power that could make a girl swoon. Even a princess of Tamaran.

"Or what?" Defiance swelled in Komand'r's heart. Not because of her pride, but for the sake of the thrill. It was always sweeter when Don was angry, she knew. Her eyes flashed with insolence, the sort she knew he loved to hammer out of her. "You'd never hurt me. So how about we make a deal?"

"I said no games."

"And this isn't a game. It's an exchange. We can both get what we want. I think that sounds fair, no?" Komand'r waited, watching the man's face for dissent. To her inner delight, none came. She continued on. "I'll tell you where the super-bimbos are. But first you'll have to do something for me."

Don's eyes narrowed. The man was… unimpressed. Still, there came no clear denial. Don Blake crossed his arms over his broad chest, now looking expectant… and impatient. Komand'r's heart fluttered again, her whole body feeling light. She had him.

"Being a bad girl is sooo stressful. And lonely." She whined, once more teasing her bare foot along Don's leg. "All these mean heroes chasing me down, trying to put me away. I barely have the time for fun anymore."


"It is!" Komand'r sat up, bouncing slightly on the soft bed. She patted the spot beside her. Don didn't budge an inch. "A woman like me coming home to an empty bed? That's the real crime!"

Don gave her a long, hard look. For a time, he said nothing. Then… a heavy sigh.

Moving slowly, reluctantly, he began to shrug off his heavy coat.

Komand'r nearly leaped with joy.

"I do this and you will tell me where the girls are." Don demanded as he tugged off his sweater next, revealing the glorious artistry of his naked torso. Komand'r drank him in, all those firm, tight muscles packed onto his chest, his arms, his stomach, each of them so flawlessly crafted, so immaculately toned. The exiled princess almost forgot how to speak.

"Yes, sir!" She answered gleefully, giving up a mock salute. Her hands went for his belt next. "Now come teach this bad girl a lesson."

- - -

Being a hero was often hard work. Sometimes sacrifices had to be made for the greater good… or for the sake of dear friends.

Even so, Don had to remind himself that he wasn't doing this for fun. How could he enjoy himself when Diana and Karen were still waiting for rescue?

The truth was… Tamaranean cunt was a delight unlike most any other. So slick, so warm, so damn tight. It was enough to make even a god forget himself.

"Had enough?" Don looked down into Komand'r's blushing face. Her eyes were glowing green, wild with desire.

"How… is that… even a question?"

If nothing else, Don had to admire the woman's stamina. Most of his lovers would hardly have been able to speak after the sort of bouts he'd given Komand'r. And still the Tamaranean craved more from him.

A deal was a deal. Even under the identity of Don Blake, he was honor-bound to keep his word. With a grunt, he sank his cock into her cunt again, stabbing down to the root. Komand'r clung to him, shuddering and whimpering. Always the touchy one.

He let his aching cock soak in the heat of her sex before lifting his hips. He retreated from Komand'r's body, her silken lips gliding over his length, glazing him with molten honey. He peered down between them, watching inch after inch of his cock draw from her sodden sex. Unsheathing from her until only the tip remained between her legs. Then… he snapped his hips back down with force. Their bodies clapped together. Don's cock was swallowed up in bliss again.

Komand'r shook in his arms, choking out a sob. Her eyes glowed brighter, green fire damning him and yearning for more at the same time.

Don kept his breath and his rhythm steady, threading his fingers through his lover's dark, fiery mane.

"I know you like it rough." He spoke roughly, gritting his teeth as he worked himself against her hot, tight body. "But I need you lucid enough afterward to answer my questions. Try to stay awake for me."

"I'll be a good girl…" Komand'r promised with a soft purr. Her lips drew over his, stealing a tiny kiss. "Once you punish me. Come on, baby. Make me scream again."

The princess writhed beneath him, bucking up against his thrusts. She held his gaze, urging him to play along. So he did.

Don shifted above her, moving his arms while keeping his cock sheathed in the soaking heat of her pussy. He took her by the ankles, his large hands easily closing around them… and he folded her legs upward. A short, simple move that had the rogue princess squealing. With her feet now up by her head, Komand'r was trapped. Pinned beneath Don's looming mass. A plaything to use as he pleased.

He fucked her. Hard.

Just like she wanted, just like she demanded, he made her scream. She cried, she shrieked, she thrashed and wailed - as much as she even could, given her position. But Don was merciless. His body worked like a machine, his cock pumping like a piston, hammering down into the slick tightness between her thighs. Over and over and over again. He fucked tirelessly, endlessly, until the princess was falling apart around him. 

He'd felt her ending, the walls of her cunt spasming around him in ecstasy. The sensation was always a delight, sending pleasure dancing down the length of his cock. But it wasn't enough to bring him over the edge with her. Not this time. 

Don withdrew from her fully, letting her legs flop back to the bed. She lay there, staring up at the ceiling through lidded, sated eyes. By the end of this latest bout, Komand'r was left a ragged, panting mess. Well-fucked and satisfied.

"X'Hal." The Tamaranean huffed, taking in slow, deep breaths. Don watched her bare breasts rise and fall. It was a shame that she was on the wrong side of the law, he felt. Her beauty and strength were stunning, her body a masterwork of curves and taut muscle. She twisted upon the sheets, turning onto her belly, her eyes following him. "We could do this more often, you know. It pays to be bad."

"Our deal, Komand'r." He reminded her firmly… but not unkindly. Don fought back a frown. He really had to stop going so easy on her.

His lover rolled her eyes.

"The super-bimbos are safe… for now. Roulette has them."

Don grimaced.


"Mind control. I provided the tech, Poison Ivy provided the pheromones. Really powerful stuff, especially when you put them together. Enough for Roulette to mold Wonder Woman and Power Girl into perfect, obedient housewives."

Don felt a fire rise in his chest, burning hotter than a dying star. But the man kept himself composed. Komand'r had been absolutely correct - he would never hurt her… even if she did sometimes deserve it.

"Where?" He growled.

The exiled princess let out a tired sigh.

"Roulette's place. She's renovated since the MetaBrawl stuff. Made a whole new club for this sort of thing. The Mask & Cape. Your friends are going up for auction tomorrow."

Don immediately rose to his feet, quickly gathering his clothes from the cold floor. The thought of any of those sleazy lowlifes getting their filthy hands on Diana or Karen…

Violent thoughts raced through Don's mind. He shook his head and turned back to the naked woman on the bed. He glowered.

"This isn't over, Komand'r. We will be having words again."

The villainous Blackfire offered up a vexing smirk in return. She giggled in the face of his calm fury.

"Looking forward to it, stud."

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