The Studious Goddess Is Not To Be Provoked

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 . Won’t it? I teach you

Chapter 25. Won’t it? I teach you

Lu Zhanyu stood up silently and patted the ashes on his body, thinking that Xia Wei’an was really as violent as the rumors, alas, this trip was difficult!

In this mathematics class, Teacher Geng talked about a few questions left in the morning. Emperor Xingchen taught her the accuracy. When the class was over, the teacher assigned homework. Xia Wei’an used the break time to do the questions like the morning, but these questions The difficulty of her is different again. She has a bad foundation. After thinking for a long time, she didn’t come up with a solution.

“Sister An, you see they scolded you again on campus forums, saying that you are so ugly, but your skill at seduce people is not bad, and you are so fascinated by the new school grass.”

Lu Yuxuan in the front row suddenly turned her head, and handed her mobile phone screen to her eyes to show her the comments that made her popular, which were all personal attacks on her.

“Start, didn’t you see me doing homework?”

Xia Wei’an waved her hand impatiently. She was full of these math problems now. She was able to memorize the problems, but she still couldn’t find the way to solve them.

Lu Yuxuan was boring, pouting her mouth and turning back, thinking that Xia Wei’an wanted to behave in front of the new school grass. However, when Lu Xiaocao went out to play basketball, she pretended to be serious and hardworking. I can’t see it either!

I heard Lu Zhanyu’s nice voice when I thought about it this way.

“No? I teach you.”

She quickly turned her head, and saw Xia Wei’an raising her eyebrows and asking: “You will?”

“Such a simple question is an insult to my IQ. Okay, brother is the chairman of the student union of our school! Come, look, this question needs to be solved like this…”

Xia Wei’an originally wanted to confuse him, but he was already explaining the idea of ​​solving the problem. As soon as Xia Wei’an heard that this was really the case, he immediately entered the state, listening to his explanation and following his train of thought.

After a few questions, Xia Wei’an actually felt a sense of a moment when the questions came to the point. The boringness that had been puzzled before was wiped out, and she was refreshed when she solved the questions.

“Unexpectedly, you really have two brushes.”

She originally thought that he must have studied poorly, and he came to their school to borrow after he got into trouble at the original school, but from this point of view, it doesn’t look like that. By the way, what did he just say about the student union, it shouldn’t be in the university. Is it? This Lu Zhanyu is not easy!

“Huh, that’s of course, you don’t have the ability to dare to mix in the rivers and lakes? You can ask me if you don’t understand in the future, I will give you free tuition!”

Lu Zhanyu patted his chest and promised with pride. Xia Wei’an wanted to be courteous and steal if he didn’t do anything. But now she is missing a tuition teacher. Since he is willing, no matter what kind of child he has, she should accept it. That’s it.

She was about to nod her head to agree. Lu Yuxuan in the front seat turned her head hurriedly, clenched her pretentious hands against her chin, blinked, and said in a low voice, “Brother Zhan Yu, can you also take me with you and help others with tuition? What about it?”

Lu Zhanyu shook his whole body, all his goose bumps rose up, and decisively refused.

Lu Yuxuan was angry and jealous, and hurriedly picked up her mobile phone to find out the morning article, and handed it to Lu Zhanyu, “Brother Zhanyu, look, Xia Wei’an is betting with the deputy squad leader!”

In fact, her purpose is to show Lu Zhanyu the content of the bet, so that he knows that Xia Wei’an is not a good thing, and betting with others viciously proposes to let people drop out of school.

Lu Zhanyu’s complexion became worse as he watched, and finally threw the phone on the desk with a “cang” sound, which made Lu Yuxuan’s flesh hurt, but seeing Lu Zhanyu frown and become angry, he was secretly happy.

(End of this chapter)

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