The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 59

Chapter 55:

In the evening for dinner, Huang Jie brought Zhuang Yi to the center of the station, and set up a fire with everyone to roast some game that the students hunted during the day. Zhuang Yi met Zhou Shao and other people who he knew well, and also saw those who had advanced to the fourth level. Shang Qingyun.

Regarding what happened after Zhuang Yilu, Yinwei and the team of seven people separated from everyone, although the seven were unwilling to mention it, the teacher who brought them back accidentally said about the sixth-level female orangutan, and everyone immediately circulated it based on this. Thinking, I quickly guessed most of the truth.

Everyone knows that Shang Qingyun injured the face of the female orangutan. Although he was thrown far away by the mother orangutan and fainted, he was promoted to the fourth level as the first year. Shang Qingyun Continuing his legend of letting go of the third-level strength of the students of the same level, and comparable to the strength of the fourth-grade students, his status in the eyes of the seniors has naturally increased, and everyone is very happy to talk to and talk with genius nobles like Shang Qingyun.


However, after Zhuang Yi came, the situation changed slightly. Many people who were chatting around Shang Qingyun looked towards Zhuang Yi unconsciously.

Shang Qingyun has been living in the station for two days. People who want to see him or want to get to know him have long been addicted, while Zhuang Yi just came today. Zhuang Yi’s name had already been passed down in school. People in the first and fourth grades are already familiar with Zhuang Yi, but some in the second and third grades have not had a chance to see him.

The affairs of Shang Qingyun can be understood by everyone, and the deeds of Zhuang Yi naturally inevitably spread. Although many have the role of Zhang Zhe and Wang Han, as a second-level spirit master, Zhuang Yi has subdued a fifth-level monster. And single-handedly took back the egg of the swallowing giant eagle, this is an undeniable fact.

When Zhuang Yi brought Lei Xiu there, both Zhuang Yi’s elegant appearance and Lei Xiu’s awe-inspiring aura convinced many girls and boys in the second and third grades.

Slowly, some people in the second and third grades took the initiative to talk. For these non-malicious classmates, Zhuang Yi and others naturally accepted them. Everyone talked about the adventures in the Warcraft Forest this time, and the atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

The next day, all the spirit masters stationed in the area set off and walked towards the camp outside the Warcraft Forest.

Unlike when I came in, the journey from the camp to the camp was cleaned up by the teachers who came to rescue the classmates this time. When everyone went back this time, all the monsters on the road were temporarily driven away by the teachers. Dare to come over, so the road is very smooth. Everyone took advantage of this to speed up and finally returned to the camp before dark. What is surprising is that many students came back earlier than them, and Zhuang Yi is still there. I saw Lin Rui.

“Zhuang Yi! Huang Jie!” Lin Rui, who was fetching water in the camp, saw a lot of people coming back. He looked up and saw the most eye-catching Lei Xiu in the team. He also quickly saw Zhuang Yi and others, and quickly raised his hands. Call them by name.


Several members of Zhuang Yi’s first-grade auxiliary soul master class saw that Lin Rui was already inside, and they hurried over.

This camp was built before entering the Warcraft Forest. At that time, the areas of each grade were strictly divided. Seeing that the first grade area has arrived, Zhuang Yi and others greeted Lu Yinwei and Xu Ling and quickly walked in the direction of Lin Rui. .

Because of the experience of living in the Warcraft Forest for a few days, everyone at the scene did not put up a tent at all from the beginning, and now every movement is extremely fast. After everyone has settled the place to live, they all sit together and rest while taking a break. Talk about what happened in the past few days.

“I still wonder when you will come back. I have been worried about whether you will have an accident. Everyone is okay. It’s great!” After a short break, Lin Rui looked at everyone and smiled authentically.

“Lin Rui, why did you arrive at the camp so soon?” Huang Jie looked at Lin Rui suspiciously and asked.

Lin Rui immediately explained the reasons. It turned out that after the seventh-level forest elephants attacked everyone, due to the collapse of the trees, everyone fled in a panic and lost their way. Some people fled far away from the camp and closer to the second and third grade camp. The teacher took them back to the camp. Land, and people like Lin Rui and others, when they were discovered by the teacher, they were already close to the camp, and they simply brought them back to the camp outside of the Warcraft Forest, where they were allowed to live here and wait for the return of the large troops.

“My luck is relatively good. I didn’t suffer any injuries. I was found by the teacher on the third day and brought back immediately. In the past few days, several students have been brought back by the teacher. Although the school’s healer can suppress the weird injury, it requires long-term recuperation, so he was sent back to the school in advance.”

Lin Rui told everyone about the camp situation these past few days. Zhuang Yi saw a smile on his mouth and seemed to be in a good mood. He smiled and asked, “What good has happened, so happy.”

“Hehe.” Lin Rui squeezed his eyes at Zhuang Yi, “When I ran into the forest elephant that day, I was too anxious and didn’t know how to run. I ran into the forest to the east and entered the orange-yellow area, waiting for the forest elephant to disappear. Later, I found that many people ran in with me, and Jiang Xuan was also in it.”

“Jiang Xuan?” The atmosphere that was originally relaxed, because of the appearance of the name Jiang Xuan, suddenly became a little unpleasant. Jiang Xuan definitely had to pay the greatest responsibility for bringing the seventh-level forest elephant over that day. Although other than Zhuang Yi, others did not know exactly what Jiang Xuan did, but it made the seventh-level forest elephant furious regardless of his life. Rushing over, using your toes to know that it wouldn’t be a good thing.

As a result, after the appearance of the forest elephants, everyone fought to block the forest elephants on the front line. Jiang Xuan, the culprit, was the first to disappear. Even if this incident was not caused by Jiang Xuan, his style of fleeing before the battle also made all of them. People are not ashamed. As the auxiliary soul master of the Healing Department, Jiang Xuan has a good background and high talent. Although he is usually unpleasant, there are still many admirers among the students. Some people admire his beauty and admire Jiang Xuan very much, while others value him. After all, the importance of healing soul masters is self-evident. At the critical moment of the battle, he can turn the tide, but Jiang Xuan ran away like this, and all the victims were in a dangerous situation!

Everyone was busy escaping for their lives before, and even if they itched Jiang Xuan, they didn’t bother to mention him. After all, it’s important to save their lives. At this time, they returned to the camp outside the Warcraft Forest. When they heard Jiang Xuan’s news, everyone’s expressions became gloomy. .

BD Academy pays much attention to team spirit. It can be seen from the content of each quiz and the experience of entering the Warcraft Forest every year. Under the deliberate guidance of the school, the students also attach great importance to this aspect. Jiang Xuan dared to escape that day, and he angered everyone’s Ni Lin.

“Jiang Xuan is with you, so he is also in the camp now?” Wei Jin frowned and asked.

“No.” Lin Rui smirked, “I just said that some people have to be taken home early because of strange injuries.”

Seeing everyone watching him curiously, after Lin Rui had sold enough, he slowly said, “We fled to the east together that day. The east side was marked as an orange area because of the bees inside, right… we There were a total of five or six people. In order to run fast, they grabbed the helper in their hands and threw away their backpacks. Everyone had no food. After escaping, they were very hungry. I suggest you go nearby to pick fruits. And weeds, but Jiang Xuan opposed. Jiang Xuan’s strength is the highest among our group, and he comes from a family, he asks us to dig the honey of ordinary bees to eat.

It was okay at the beginning, and it did succeed for us. Although ordinary bees are annoying, there are soul masters among us who can resist them. After a few meals, they attracted the first-level bees in the orange area. Come out, the ordinary bees are managed by the first-level bees, and we probably dig out a lot of honey. This matter is known to the first-level bees. At first, the first-level bees couldn’t help us. As a result, the queen’s command Next, we started to attack us. Although our overall level is higher than the first-level bee, as long as we maintain our spirit power, we can resist it, but there are too many first-level bees, and we can’t use our soul all the time. Strong support, so soon the first level bee broke our defense and began to run after us.

During the period, we passed a small river. Bees were afraid of the water and would not chase into the water. I suggest that everyone jump into the water to avoid the limelight. But Jiang Xuan refused to jump because of the many disgusting-looking worms in the water. In fact, those Worms I remember taking Teacher Xia’s class before. Teacher Xia told us that although they look disgusting, they are rare non-toxic insects and do not eat raw meat. I stayed in the water for a few hours with the other two people. After we came out, we found that the bees were all chasing Jiang Xuan and the others. Soon after we came out, we ran into the teacher. The teacher took us and finally found Jiang Xuan in Honey’s lair.

Jiang Xuan was treated as a parasite and moved into the queen bee’s nest. The queen bee instructed the first-level bees to scratch his body and then lay eggs in the wound. Jiang Xuan is a healing spirit master who can heal himself continuously. In order to survive and prevent the entire body from becoming a breeding ground for bees, Jiang Xuan must use his soul power to repair his body, and invisibly input soul power to the young eggs. The queen bee uses this method to raise the level of the offspring… …”

Li Lan and other girls were getting goose bumps all over by Lin Rui. Jumping into the creek full of worms was disgusting enough. Jiang Xuan was caught in the queen bee nest and became a parasite. That process is just imagined. I feel terrifying…

Zhuang Yi listened to Lin Rui’s words and thought for a while: “Only Jiang Xuan was caught and parasitized? Didn’t the other two escape with him?”

“Yes, but those two people are better fortune. The queen bee didn’t care about their bodies and shut them out for dinner. The teacher came and rescued them. Jiang Xuan was also rescued, but He was rather unlucky. Some bee larvae had grown out of his body. They reproduced in the depths of the wound. It was very troublesome to remove them completely, so he was sent back to school for treatment.” Lin Ruidao, face Shang’s smile was a little gloating, “Do you know why he was taken by the queen bee? I heard the teacher say that besides because he is a healing spirit master and has a higher level than the other two, there are two main reasons. The first is that Jiang Xuan eats more honey than everyone else. The first-level bees have no wisdom, but the queen bee is different, knows how to get angry and revenge; the second is that Jiang Xuan was stung by honey not long ago, although the surface wounds are good However, there is still some bee venom in the body. This bee venom will invisibly pass through Jiang Xuan’s soul power to the larvae that reproduce in his body. It is a great tonic for the larvae, so… Do you think Jiang Xuan is looking for death? , I have been stung by a bee once, and I still have the courage to provoke it again. The result is all right…”

“Jiang Xuan usually doesn’t love beauty the most. Now he is covered with wounds, and the wounds are filled with worm eggs and newly born larvae… Oh my God…” Zhou Shao said, shaking his whole body several times, “It’s a pity that he Looks, I will never dare to look at him directly…”

“I think he was stung by a bee once, so the second time he wanted to eat the honey fiercely, to avenge those bees, he did not dare to provoke the bee bees, so he went to eat the honey of those ordinary bees, but he did not expect it instead. It aroused the interest of the queen bee…” Wei Jin laughed when he heard the words. He kept seeing Jiang Xuan not pleasing to his eyes. He was so happy to hear the bad news about Jiang Xuan.

Everyone laughed softly as they listened. Jiang Xuan provoked everyone’s anger this time. Hearing that he had a bad life, naturally no one would sympathize with him.

When everyone was smiling cheerfully, Zhuang Yi looked down at Lei Xiu. Seeing Lei Xiu casually licking his paws, as if he had never done anything, he couldn’t help but raise his hand and squeeze Lei. He repaired his ears, then turned his head with a smile, and continued to chat with everyone.

That night, one after another teachers came back with different classmates from the Forest of Warcraft, and then took a short break, then entered again, looking for the students who were lost in the Forest of Warcraft.

As for those who were brought back by the teacher, those who were slightly injured were treated by the assistant soul master of the Healing Department among the students, and those who were heavier were handed over to the teachers of the academy. Send back to school.

Two days later, the time to return to school has come. The students who have experienced this time, there are more than 120 classmates in the whole college. Now, there are a total of 103 students and 20 people who have returned safely. Lost in the Warcraft Forest, there are ten of them in the first grade. Because of their low level, their safety is also the most worrying.

Since they are not sure when those people will be found, the school teachers will continue to stay nearby and search, while Zhuang Yi and other students will set off to return to school.

The difficult ten-day journey came again, but compared with the time when I came, no one complained about the boring and tired journey. Compared with the difficult life in the Warcraft Forest, riding in a car, there is a teacher outside. It’s just a hurry. They can sleep peacefully in the car, with warm quilts and food. They don’t have to worry about being attacked by monsters at any time, and they don’t have to keep their spirits full of energy every moment. So this time, everyone slept extremely well. fragrant.

After returning to school, each grade returned to their own class.

When seeing the familiar buildings around, returning to the familiar classroom, and seeing the faces of the students who did not participate in the experience, Zhuang Yi and others almost felt like a world away. In just a few days in the Warcraft Forest, it was like a dream. generally.

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