The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 43

Chapter 41:

That night, all the students participated in a short group meeting. The meeting was jointly organized by the third and fourth graders and announced the itinerary of this Warcraft Forest experience.

The school gave them a full 37 days (spent the first seven days of the first grade at school), of which 20 days are used for round trips, seven days must stay in the Warcraft Forest, and the remaining three days are time for rest. The fourth grade decided to take a day off tomorrow, set off the day after tomorrow, and then come back seven days later, take another day off, and finally return to school.

In addition to the schedule, they also announced the rules that should be followed in the base and the responsibilities of each grade.

Although the college has arranged for some teachers to hide nearby, the teachers will not live with the students, so they need to take turns to watch the night.

Due to the problem of strength, although the first and second grades have the largest number of people, the night vigil is not reassuring. Therefore, they decided that the third and fourth grades will be responsible for the vigil at the base, while the first and second grades are responsible for daytime tasks, such as carrying water and chopping firewood. and many more.

Although many people in the first and second grades were dissatisfied with this arrangement, they all obeyed them honestly. At the end of the meeting, the fourth grade distributed a map to all the teams, as well as some essential items for the Warcraft Forest. Such as water, dry food, insect repellent powder, etc., and announced tomorrow that the fourth and first grades, as well as the third and second grades will have separate meetings, communicate and act before entering the forest.

Zhuang Yi and the others rushed for ten days. After arriving here, they started to set up a tent for a meeting. They didn’t even eat dinner. Fortunately, everyone brought some food in their bags, and Zhuang Yi hidden something in the space that was not perishable. Bad stuff. After the meeting, everyone got together and ate a hurried meal. Everyone was exhausted. They flicked and rinsed with their eyelids, before returning to the tent to sleep.

Everyone has an independent tent, the space is very small, only enough to sleep alone, Zhuang Yi came with Lei Xiu this time, fortunately Lei Xiu is not big, and he huddled up next to Zhuang Yi’s pillow. Enough.

The summer is hot and noisy in the wild. The base of the tent is only padded with a thin layer of cotton. Underneath is a thin layer of weeds. Although the surrounding air is fresh, it is mixed with the smell of raw soil and plants, and there are constant bugs nearby. The sound, occasionally a gust of wind, can be felt in the tent.

Fortunately, the first life of Zhuang Yi had already experienced this kind of hard life of marching outside, and soon adjusted his state and fell asleep with Lei Xiu in his arms.

The next day, under the instructions of the fourth grade, Zhuang Yi and other first graders walked to a nearby open space together, met with the fourth graders, and had a meeting before leaving.

The fourth-grade speaker standing at the front of the team was unexpectedly a long and very beautiful woman.

The fourth-grade girl is nineteen years old, and her body has gone through puberty development, and her body is uneven. In addition, this woman wears a tight leather armor and outlines a hot body. She is very fragrant. Her features are delicate and beautiful, but her expression is very beautiful. Icy.

In fact, she appeared in the group meeting last night, but everyone was exhausted last night, and the lights were so dark, she didn’t even look at the speakers on the stage carefully. As a result, today, in the early morning sunlight, many first-year boys were seen. All drooling.

“Hello everyone, my name is Lu Yinwei, a fourth-level war spirit master, and a fourth-level leader.” Lu Yinwei saw many people staring at her face and figure, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes, and she raised her chin. , With a cold expression, “There may be many first-year students present who have not heard my name, but it does not matter. You only need to know that all the actions in the Warcraft Forest will be directed by me, and everyone must unconditionally obey my transfer. can.

Last night we have distributed the map of Warcraft Forest to each team. The green area on the map is the place we are going to explore this time. The yellow curve is the way forward. For our safety, the school marked dangerous areas and The sub-dangerous areas are expressed in different colors, from orange to black and red. The darker the color, the more dangerous the area. We should try to avoid entering this kind of place.

The mission the school arranged for our experience this time is to enter the Warcraft Forest, find a five-level beast called the Sky-Swallowing Giant Eagle, and bring their eggs back to the teacher of the academy to study new topics. In addition, it also I hope we can improve our strength as soon as possible through this experience.

The sixty first-year students present should know that only by becoming a third-level spirit master can they be promoted to second-year, otherwise they will be forced to repeat and re-study for one year in the next first-year class. Boda Academy has not appeared for nearly a hundred years. First-year repeaters, I hope everyone will not break this record.

And if you are obedient enough on this trip, I can guarantee that each of you will benefit a lot. I know that many spirit masters are from nobles, but here, put down your noble figure, behind us, is a dangerous Warcraft Forest. If anyone does not obey orders during this period, if there is any problem, he will be at his own risk. ”

Although Lu Yinwei was beautiful, the attitude of “because I am strong, so I want to control everything” and the innuendo toward the soul master nobles suddenly made many of the first-year minds more subtle.

After all, this is the first time we get along in two years. Even Jiang Xuan, who has been trained by Zhuang Yi this year, knows the current affairs. When facing Lu Yinwei, although the expression on his face Slightly disdainful, but still kept silent, giving her plenty of face.

Seeing that no one refuted her, Lu Yinwei was slightly satisfied with the expression on her face, and continued to explain the plan she had drawn up. In fact, most of what she said, Zhuang Yi and others had already been told by the teacher when she was in school. , But Lu Yinwei emphasized it again, and everyone listened again with pressure and patience.

During this period, Lu Yinwei kept threatening everyone with the fact that she would repeat the grade if she couldn’t improve her strength. By the time she explained everything, it was almost noon.

“Okay, that’s all I have to say. In a word, after entering the Warcraft Forest, everything obeys the orders of the seniors. If you are disobedient, you will die. No one will be responsible for your life. Go back in the afternoon and be ready to pick it up by yourself. The things we need to carry in the next few days, especially the shadow crystal, can only prove that we have gone through those roads and provide more quizzes for future students. Now I announce that the meeting is adjourned.”

That afternoon, I had dinner with Lei Xiu. While Zhuang Yi was packing his luggage, Wei Jin and Shang Qingyun appeared outside his tent together.

Zhuang Yi opened the tent, and when he saw the expressions of the two standing in front of him, he immediately understood what they wanted to say.

Although in this action, the first grade will basically become an affiliate of the fourth grade due to strength, but there are so many people in the first grade. As the leader of the first grade, Shang Qingyun can’t really do nothing at all, let everyone listen to the fourth grade completely. The command transfer.

Today, although Lu Yinwei only spent the morning with everyone, her strong attitude has already made Shang Qingyun feel threatened. Therefore, in the afternoon, she immediately found Wei Jin, the most prestigious in the Yuhun family, and Zhuang, the most popular in the auxiliary soul family. easy.

With Lei Xiu standing on his shoulders, Zhuang Yi followed Shang Qingyun and Wei Jin to a place with few people nearby, and talked slowly.

Actually speaking, most of them are Shang Qingyun talking: “Lu Yinwei’s request is very simple. Everyone must obey her orders. Although her strength is indeed stronger than that of an ordinary fourth-level spirit master, she is truly We are not clear about command capability and combat capability.”

Shang Qingyun said indifferently, Zhuang Yi looked at his face and almost saw the ambition that swelled under his calm face.

“Zhuang Yi, Wei Jin, do you know why Lu Yinwei has been targeting noble spirit masters between the lines? Because she is a commoner, she disdains the natural resources of our nobles, so this trip may not be as we imagined. That went well.”

“She is a commoner?” Wei Jin raised her eyebrows in surprise, “No wonder it was hard to see her in school before…”

Wei Jin said, her voice getting lower and lower, and then she stopped talking.

Shang Qingyun smiled clearly: “I also planned to see her before I came, but she was turned away. In short, although I believe in the eyes of the academy teacher, I am not sure whether Lu Yinwei’s true strength can afford it. I can afford the lives of so many people who follow her. I won’t say too much. After entering the Warcraft Forest, everyone must be careful and take care of the students in their respective classes. If there is any loss of control, the first grade must get closer… …”

Shang Qingyun started with the safety of the first grade and began to talk in detail. Zhuang Yi listened to him walking around and understood his ultimate goal. He just wanted them to lead the first grade to support him at a critical moment.

It seems that he is not only worried about Lu Yinwei, but also wants to take this opportunity to subdue the entire first grade to his guidance.

Saying goodbye to Shang Qingyun, who left contentedly, Zhuang Yi returned to his tent. In addition to packing up the baggage on the surface, before he came here, the things in the bracelet space were also sorted out, and he was in with Lei Xiu. After checking carefully in the tent, Zhuang Yi fell asleep at ease.

He didn’t believe that Zhuang Yi’s ultimate goal in entering the Warcraft Forest this time was only to improve his strength on the premise of keeping himself.

In the early morning of the next day, the people in the base were all called up before the sky was full. Everyone was carrying an extremely durable large bag issued by the Boda Academy, with their seven-day luggage, set off, and entered this mysterious and unpredictable place for most people-the Warcraft Forest!

A total of eleven people in the fourth grade came to experience this time. A total of four people, including Lu Yinwei, were in the front line. Among the remaining few people, three of them were placed in the middle to deal with special situations at any time, and the other four, It was arranged at the end of the team.

“Everyone will give me careful attention. Pay attention to the teammates and partners around you. If there is any unexpected situation, immediately notify the nearby seniors. You must not act rashly by yourself.” Lu Yinwei in front of me moved forward and said loudly.” There are so many invisible crises in the Warcraft Forest, which can attack from all directions at any time to increase your concentration and vigilance! Be ready to explode your spirit power at any time!”

In the wild in the early morning, there was still a thin morning mist. Zhuang Yi and others stood in the middle of the team and walked closely in the form of a small team. Lei Xiu jumped behind Zhuang Yi for the convenience of sleeping. Inside the bag. I saw it sitting in Zhuang Yi’s clothes with the lower body exposed, the upper body exposed, the forelegs resting on Zhuang Yi’s shoulders, and his eyes were squinted every once in a while.

As the king of the jungle, the tiger has an absolute advantage in the same monsters. It has just entered the woods. Even if there are monsters nearby, they are all low-level. As a medium-sized monster thunder tiger, Lei Xiu does not take the danger around him to his heart. It makes sense.

Because we were walking in the jungle, we all changed the elegant and luxurious robes or coats we usually wore today, and collectively put on smart clothes that are easy to move. As they got farther and farther away from the base, the weeds at their feet grew denser. The black boots stepped on the half-person-high grass. The weeds swept across the trouser legs and the brushing of the shoes. It sounded neat and dull. .

Slowly, the surrounding trees increased unconsciously, the sunlight shone through the leaves, and then was covered by the white mist, and the surrounding light became darker and darker.

Unknowingly, Zhuang Yi and others walked for nearly an hour. The surrounding trees have changed from ordinary small trees to big trees that can be hugged by five or six talents. They are about eight or nine meters high, and the trunks are covered with various trees. All kinds of vines form strange patterns of nature. The leaves cover the sky and the sun. Sometimes the wind blows from high in the sky. The sound of the collision of leaves sounds clear and distant.

Zhuang Yi noticed that the sounds of birds and insects in the vicinity became more and more, and the soil under his feet became moist, and some mushrooms and moss grew in many places, which was caused by the lack of sunlight for a long time.

This is the first time he has come to the Warcraft Forest since his rebirth, and the second time in his memory.

In the previous life, Zhuang Yi had been stationed in the Warcraft Forest for a short time during the march. Combined with the content of the previous quiz, he clearly understood how dangerous the Warcraft Forest was.

At this moment, the fourth grade forward stopped.

“There is no way ahead.” Lu Yinwei’s voice came from the front. She didn’t deliberately lower her voice, so the people behind her heard clearly, “There was obviously there when we came here last time, why is it gone now… ”

“No one stepped in for a year, enough for these plants to cover the road.” Another fourth grade said, “It doesn’t matter, there are instructions on the map, we follow the above, and remember to avoid those dangerous areas. ——”

Before the fourth-grade voice fell, suddenly at the end of the team, a first-grade female soul master screamed: “There is a worm!”

Everyone was listening attentively to Lu Yinwei’s conversation with the fourth-grade spirit master, and suddenly there was such a voice behind her. It was the first time that they stepped into the Warcraft Forest, and the first-graders who were a little nervous by the endless dense trees around. Immediately reflexively looked back.

I saw the two female soul masters standing in the lower right corner of the team staggering back, pale and trembling, pointing to the front. And in the direction they were pointing, there were small and thin female soul masters standing in place strangely.

Zhuang Yi took a closer look. It turned out that there were many small-finger-sized translucent bugs densely crawling on the female soul master. The bugs crawled over the female soul master’s body while leaving behind translucent mucus. The skin on which the mucus had touched all seemed to be fixed, so at this time the female soul master still had an expression of horror on her face, like a rigid person.

In less than a moment, the slime of hundreds of worms covered most of the female soul master’s body. They apparently crawled down from the top of the head until now they reached the legs, and the female soul master walked. I didn’t move, and the people around me discovered the anomaly.

At this moment, one of the fourth-level spirit masters walking behind the team saw this and immediately rushed forward, and the spirit beast was released instantly. His spirit beast was a sparrow with fire attributes, and only the petite spirit beast was seen. He quickly flew around the body of this female soul master with flames, and in less than three minutes, she swallowed all hundreds of small bugs into her abdomen, and then she hiccuped and was taken by the fourth-level soul master. go back.

However, the worm was eaten, but the mucus was still there.

Zhuang Yi looked at the female soul master’s increasingly iron face, and suddenly realized that the mucus was probably carrying chronic toxins. Seeing that the people around were still lingering and looked at him not daring to move, Zhuang Yi thought for a while and quickly gave it to himself. Putting on the gloves, she immediately stepped forward to remove the slime from her body for the female soul master.

This slime is like sticky sugar water. Once it gets into it, it pulls out a long thread. Fortunately, it is translucent and doesn’t look too disgusting.

Seeing that Zhuang Yi started to do it, the first graders around him immediately did the same, and then helped to poke the slime away. Finally, Zhuang Yi went to pick the dew nearby and poured it on the female soul master, removing the slime on her body. Cleaned up.

When the female soul master was completely rescued from the slime, her body softened and her consciousness had fallen into a coma. It is also fortunate that this soul master from the Soul Guarding System has a very good defense power. When he was attacked by a bug, his conditioned reflex used his soul power to open a mouth for himself to breathe, otherwise he would have suffocated and died.

At this moment, Lu Yinwei also walked to the back of the team. When she saw the unconscious female soul master, her face was completely blue. Before entering the Forest of Warcraft, one person was in a coma. This would cause great trouble to the team. Lu Yinwei immediately glared at the friends of the two female soul masters: “What’s the matter? You are the second-level soul masters, and WoW ran to your companions. You don’t even know about his body? And what’s more ridiculous is that after discovering it, you actually point to your partner’s body and retreat in fear. Are you still a spirit master? Seeing your friend is in danger, you reflexively retreat and avoid it. Your quality?”

Not long after the two female soul masters recovered from the fright of their companions, they finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that their companions were okay, but when Lu Yinwei scolded them so severely, her eyes immediately turned red, and she lowered her head and tried to stop crying. .

When Wei Jin saw this, he stopped doing it. As the first person in the Soul Guardian system, he naturally refused to let Lu Yinwei scold him like this. He immediately stepped forward and said: “Suddenly, they entered the Warcraft Forest for the first time. , It’s a girl again. When I see so many bugs, I will naturally be frightened. Although I didn’t perform well at the beginning, I immediately went up to rescue my companions after reacting. Senior sister, I still think about how to wake up the unconscious person. come on.”

Lu Yinwei was upright, and seeing Wei Jin dared to refute him, her face suddenly became gloomy: “Wow, whether you are a man or a woman, everyone is the same when you enter this place. If they think they are aristocratic ladies from Jiao Didi. , You shouldn’t sign up to suffer here in the first place! If you can’t endure this suffering, don’t come over and hurt others!”

Wei Jin’s expression suddenly changed when he heard the words. He was actually a very standard nobleman. Although he was impulsive and innocent as a young man, his demeanor as a family of soul masters has always performed well, but today Lu Yinwei’s words succeeded Wei Jin. Wei Jin was about to disagree, and at this moment, Shang Qingyun walked up, even if he was stopped between the two: “Okay, stop quarreling, now is not the time to quarrel, there are a lot of people lurking around. The Warcraft stared at us eagerly.”

“What are you?” Lu Yinwei looked at Shang Qingyun, squinting her eyes in disdain.

The expression on Shang Qingyun’s face was stiff, but he returned to normal very quickly: “Senior Sister, I am the first-grade leader Shang Qingyun, the third-level war spirit master.”

After hearing Shang Qingyun’s level, Lu Yinwei suddenly showed a look of surprise on her face. After all, it is very rare for a spirit master to reach the third level in the first grade. Although the third-level spirit master still can’t compare with her, At least in Lu Yinwei’s heart, she was barely qualified to talk to him.

Shang Qingyun looked at Lu Yinwei’s beautiful face and put the subtle expression on her face into his eyes, knowing that her strength was recognized by Lu Yinwei, Shang Qingyun smiled lightly, and was about to speak gracefully and stay with the girl. Zhuang Yi beside the soul master stood up: “Okay, she woke up.”

Zhuang Yi’s voice immediately attracted everyone’s attention. Shang Qingyun and Lu Yinwei, who were at the center of the quarrel, remembered the female soul master who was still in a coma. Lu Yinwei’s expression was seen when she woke up with Zhuang Yi’s support. She immediately improved, but her tone was still not very good. She said to the female soul master: “I really don’t know how you were recruited. There are so many first-level beasts crawling around on you. You are a soul master. , There is no perception at all…”

Zhuang Yi couldn’t bear the meanness of Lu Yinwei. Seeing that the female soul master beside him was reprimanded by Lu Yinwei, she lowered her head and did not dare to speak. He interrupted Lu Yinwei’s words: “Senior sister, let’s move on quickly.”

Lu Yinwei immediately glanced at Zhuang Yi, perhaps because Zhuang Yi just made a contribution, she did not rebuke Zhuang Yi again, turned and walked to the front of the team, after discussing with several seniors in front of him, she chose one. Direction: “Go!”

The team continued to move forward at the same pace as before, but after this incident, the mood of everyone in the team was slightly different from before.

Maybe more nervous, maybe more vigilant, maybe more afraid…

Wei Jin stood beside Zhuang Yi and said in a low voice of dissatisfaction: “Is it really okay for this kind of woman to be our leader?”

Zhuang Yi thought that she had just rushed to reprimand everyone, but completely ignored the people who needed to care most, and agreed with Wei Jin’s thoughts in her heart. Resolute, arrogant and arrogant, and very mean and vicious towards the soul master nobles, Zhuang Yi even wondered if she had been promoted to Level 4 for too long, and completely forgot what her strength was when she was at Level 2, so he faced them. Only the second-level spirit master possesses that unparalleled sense of superiority.

“Even though the incident just now was our carelessness, we must know that there are fourth-level spirit masters watching at the back of the team, and they are not reacting very slowly…” Wei Jin was still muttering.

Zhuang Yi added another article to Lu Yinwei’s evaluation in his heart: protecting shortcomings.

“By the way, how did you rescue that female soul master just now?” Wei Jin suddenly asked curiously.

“My second-level spirit beast has the effect of detoxification. I don’t know if it’s useful. I just tried it out at that time.” Zhuang Yi said.

Wei Jin suddenly realized, and said with a smile: “Your plant soul beast has no effect, but when it gets into your hands, it turns into a healing, defense, and auxiliary unit.”

Zhuang Yi smiled upon hearing this. At this moment, he suddenly saw Shang Qingyun standing aside, with a happy smile on his face, looking at Lu Yinwei’s back in front of him, his expression was very gentle-as if he was looking at his own prey.

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