The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 10

Chapter 9:

Four days later, Zhuang Yi came to the animal farm.

Today, the enrollment of BDCOM has come to an end. The new students will be gathered together, and the final test will be carried out. This shows that BDCOM’s strict selection of candidates, all of which are heavy screening, avoids any possibility of cheating. .

Because it is a test for all freshmen, the college attaches great importance to it. Even the director and others go to the scene. Zhuang Yi is already a formal student, so he avoids this process. Same as he avoids, Shang Qingyun and others have People with special identities.

Therefore, Zhuang Yi decided to take this opportunity to go to the animal farm.

The animal feeding garden was quiet and there was no one, but the monsters looked at Zhuang Yi vigilantly when they saw someone coming.

To be able to become a beast, they all possess some wisdom. According to different levels, wisdom is also divided into high and low. But the instinct of Warcraft made them wary of outsiders like Zhuang Yi, but they didn’t rush to make a sound.

Zhuang Yi was very satisfied when he saw it. He knew that these monsters would definitely not come out, and they could only come to him unless the space was broken by his summons.

Zhuang Yi found a place at random and placed a simple cover-up formation around him. This is a small method he learned from the battlefield in his previous life. The small method used to cover up his breath, body, and voice is rough, but very practical.

Zhuang Yi took out the Linglong box, and according to the teachings in the inheritance memory, he slowly released his spiritual power to condense in the Linglong box. With the help of the Linglong box, he spread the spiritual power that he had just awakened and covered the entire animal garden. .

The animal husbandry garden covers an extremely large area. Although Zhuang Yi is extremely talented in mental power, he is still a rookie after all. The first time he used his mental power, he did such a thing. stand up.

Zhuang Yi urged his mental energy to search for a beast that could match him in the animal feeding garden, but as time passed bit by bit, thin and dense sweat gradually appeared on his forehead, and even his lips began to turn white. Nor did any monster be able to give him a strange feeling of mutual induction.

Doesn’t the huge animal garden have any beasts that meet his requirements? You must know that with the position of Boda Academy on the mainland, I dare not say that there are the most monsters in the animal feeding garden, but it is definitely more complete than any other place. If you can’t find it here, Zhuang Yi doesn’t know where else he can go. found.

At this moment, with a “pop”, the opened Linglong box immediately closed itself.

Zhuang Yimeng opened his eyes, taking a breath like a person who lacked oxygen, and it took him a long time to relax.

The Linglong box closed automatically because his mental power was consumed too quickly, and it closed in order to protect him.

Zhuang Yi pursed his lips and stared at Linglong Box, and he reached out and touched it somewhat discouragedly. After a few seconds, he regained his energy. He closed his eyes and slowly took a rest.

A few hours later, Zhuang Yi regained some energy. Fortunately, Zhuang Yi is not yet a soul master, and his current mental strength is equivalent to physical strength.

Zhuang Yi opened the Linglong box again and tried again.

Ten minutes later, Linglong Box closed again.

Zhuang Yi paled and opened his eyes-he failed again.

He stared at Linglong Box, suddenly, he thought of something.

In the inheritance of memory, most summoners can find natal beasts from places like the animal feeding garden. However, there are also a small number of summoners who still cannot find a beast that fits them. At this time, they can consider another way. The extreme way—find it from the turbulence of space.

The undead monsters that can enter the space turbulence are often the top powerhouses, but due to the turbulence of the space turbulence, the power of nature is terrible. The strongest life stays in it for a long time, at most it can only remain immortal. That’s it.

Although the monsters summoned in this way are powerful, some of their physical damage is too great, and they may never be repaired. Moreover, the monsters that have reached this stage have extremely extreme personalities and are not easy to tame. But what is the solution? Every summoner must have a natal beast, no matter how weak the opponent is, no matter how wild and untamable, as long as it fits, it is destined.

Zhuang Yi decided to try this method.

He looked at the sky, and there was still some time before the freshman test was finished, but when summoned from the turbulent flow of space, he would make a big movement. In order not to be noticed, Zhuang Yi decided to walk inside the animal husbandry garden.

The reason why the animal feed garden is not taken care of is because there are a lot of monsters in it. The more you go in, the higher the level of the monsters. They have territorial awareness. Even if they are locked in a fixed area, they are never allowed to be next to them. A strange creature approached.

Zhuang Yi walked a distance inside, until he couldn’t stand the pressure, and finally stopped, watching the monsters who were staring at him around him, Zhuang Yi also felt very stressed.

He slowly took out the Linglong box, and then used the magic of the Linglong box to mobilize the blood of his whole body, condense the blood on the center of his eyebrows, and gradually sensed whether there were any space cracks around him.

Fortunately, this is the animal feeding garden. In order to facilitate the detention of the beasts, many spatial cracks were cut through when it was built. Although it has been repaired now, it is relatively easy to find it again.

Zhuang Yi quickly found one. With the help of the Linglong box, he tore a few millimeters in the space, and then quickly wrapped his mental power into the space turbulence under the gleam of the Linglong box.

As soon as his mental power entered, Zhuang Yi felt a sense of oppression that was squeezed into him from all directions. This power was too strong, and even made Zhuang Yi fear!

Zhuang Yi can clearly feel that Linglong Box has endured a lot of pressure for him. Zhuang Yi can hardly imagine what it would be like if only his mental power rushed in. It’s even harder to imagine, what would survive in such a terrible place.

Zhuang Yi carefully and slowly spread the mental power, every time he was struggling to death, even with him, the whole person became collapsed, sweating profusely, after all, for the current Zhuang Yi, he can enter the space. The turbulence is already a miracle, and it is necessary to look for the zombies in it. It sounds like a fantasy to ordinary people.

Seeing more than ten minutes passed, Zhuang Yi hadn’t moved one meter in the spatial turbulence. The entire spatial turbulence was under the terrible pressure, and he couldn’t see any living body at all.

Zhuang Yi’s lips gradually went from whitish to purple, which was a dangerous sign of excessive mental energy consumption. In fact, if it weren’t for the Linglong box to escort, Zhuang Yi might have just opened the space turbulence, his whole mental power would be disturbed, and people would become fools.

Soon, Zhuang Yi realized that this could not go on any longer, he was unwilling to slowly gather his mental power, and planned to withdraw.

Just as Zhuang Yi was preparing to exit the turbulent flow of space, suddenly, a feeling of speechlessness came from a distance.

It seemed that a life had penetrated through the space, joined with Zhuang Yi’s mental power, and quickly merged. Zhuang Yi’s mental power was still extremely fatigued. Due to the call of this life, it seemed to be alive!

Zhuang Yi was startled, his mental power suddenly came out. In Zhuang Yi’s senses, he seemed to see a black life form not far away. As soon as he ‘sees” it, Zhuang Yi immediately produces a kind of “that is It feels like!

That’s right, that’s it, the natal beast that is innately compatible with Zhuang Yi, is there!

After searching for so long and finally finding it, Zhuang Yi’s excited hands were trembling, and he quickly dripped a drop of blood from his eyebrows and flew towards the black living body.

The black lifeform also seemed to understand what Zhuang Yi was doing, and quickly moved closer to Zhuang Yi, and was about to get in front of Zhuang Yi and merge with Zhuang Yi’s essence and blood—as long as the essence and blood fusion succeeded, the preliminary contract was signed. , Zhuang Yi can immediately lead him through the space and come directly to Zhuang Yi’s side!

But at this very moment, there was a riot in the space turbulence. Zhuang Yi felt his mental power was strangled in a mess. Fortunately, Zhuang Yi was very close to the exit. Linglong box responded immediately, and the box closed quickly. Yi’s mental power immediately returned, and in the blink of an eye, the space gap disappeared in front of Zhuang Yi, and all the scenes in the space turbulence were also gone.

Zhuang Yi opened his eyes swiftly, and saw that his face turned red, and the next second, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood suddenly poured up. Zhuang Yi gritted his teeth and endured it. The blood did not flow out, but his mouth was full of blood.

His complexion was extremely bad, but he ignored his situation and stared at the gap in the space opened by him.

A few seconds later, realizing that he was staring like this was only in vain, Zhuang Yi closed his eyes and continued to regain his mental strength.

It’s a pity that he has consumed too much mental energy today, and his body has even been damaged to a certain extent. At this time, he wanted to recover again, but it was not as easy as the first time. An hour later, Zhuang Yi barely recovered half of his mental power. He could not wait to open the Linglong box and cut the gap in the space again in the same place, but even though he entered the space turbulence, the chaotic spaces within the space turbulence were intertwined, and another hour had passed since the last riot. , Don’t say that the living body is still here, I’m afraid I don’t even know if it is still alive.

Zhuang Yi reluctantly searched for a few minutes, until he couldn’t hold it again, and then he reluctantly retreated and sat sullenly on the spot.

Finally found a natal beast that fits with him! Zhuang Yi hit the ground with a fist, his face pale.

After sitting there for a long time, until his mood gradually calmed down, Zhuang Yi got up, dragged his exhausted body, and slowly walked out of the animal farm holding the Linglong box.

He has gone through two lives before finally becoming a summoner, possessing an excellent talent, and Zhuang Yi will never let himself give up so quickly.

He will come again!

There is a distance in the student dormitory in the animal feeding garden, and he needs to pass through the library and other places. Zhuang Yi is already very tired at this time, and his face is extremely bad. Due to excessive mental energy consumption, even his eyes are a little dull, and he has no expression on his face. Walking, because of a bad mood, he looked colder than usual.

Shang Qingyun saw Zhuang Yi from a distance, thinking of the news he had just heard today, and couldn’t help stepping forward: “Zhuang Yi.”

Zhuang Yi turned his head and saw that it was Shang Qingyun. His already extremely bad mood became even worse. He glanced at Shang Qingyun, ignored him, and continued his pace.

Shang Qingyun’s good impression of Zhuang Yi just a few days ago was immediately destroyed. Seeing Zhuang Yi’s indifferent appearance, the smile on Shang Qingyun’s face became more cordial. He walked beside Zhuang Yi. Whispered: “I wonder if you heard a message.”

Zhuang Yi didn’t answer him, didn’t even look at him.

Shang Qingyun was annoyed, but when he thought that Zhuang Yi would never have his backer, he felt a little happy: “The Battle Soul Palace just released a message, confirming that Lei Xiu who had been in retreat has been missing for many days…Of course, this is an external statement, according to my opinion. Know, I heard that Lei Xiu’s mark on the Battle Soul Palace has turned gray. Do you know what this means?”

As he said, he looked at Zhuang Yi with sympathy, as if he felt the same sadness as Zhuang Yi.

The mark turns gray… Either it means that the person has lost consciousness, or the person is dead.

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