The Strongest God [Online Gaming]

v2 Chapter 365

Biquge, the latest chapter of the fastest and strongest male **** (online game)!

Chapter 365: Dragon Yin vs Bronze Sparrow (6)

The game soon started. In this round, it was the team’s turn to select the map. Sure enough, Liu Chuan did not hesitate to choose an eight-star difficult labyrinth map-Mi Xiandu as soon as he opened the command channel.

In the map gallery of the league, Mi Xiandu is a rare maze map of “water and land inclusions”. There are many interconnected forks in the water between the three roads, and they often fall on the road just after a turn. In the water. Once the map of Mixiandu has been slowed down, the deceleration effect is as high as 80%. The action in the water is as slow as a snail. The huge fog zone of the war requires players to always be careful when moving forward. The terrain changes at the foot and there may be corners. Ambush also filled this maze with crises everywhere.

For pure melee teams like Tongque, Long Yin’s map of obstacles was also expected. However, Liu Chuan directly chose the hardest one in the maze map, which made the audience very excited.

Twelve players from both sides load the map at the same time, and the countdown to the start of the game appears on the big screen.

The birth point of the Longyin team is at the bottom left of the map. Liu Chuan quickly instructed while counting down: “Ze Wener wants to follow me in the middle, others will go on the road!”

In this game, Long Yin is best to win 3 flags, otherwise dragging the tiebreaker will be very detrimental to Long Yin, so Liu Chuan decisively chooses the tactics of splitting and advancing, and wants to follow Zewen and Li to rely on the terrain advantage to drag The big team of bronze birds took the red and blue flags at the same time.

However, Tongque also knew this very well, and Shao Zehang’s instructions were very decisive: “Have a mission!”

Bronze fins rarely split when fighting in team fights, especially when encountering such obstacle maps, they will only be broken by the opponent one by one. If Lu Xiang this guy lets himself act, he might get lost on the map. Minutes, when he finds his way, the game is over.

It is also the most sensible way for Shao Zehang to choose a team. As long as he wins a command flag in this game, the score of Tongque and Longyin can be tied, and then dragged to the final game of the fifth game. The system random map of the tiebreaker has a very high probability of appearing Taiji Square and Luoxia Slope. This open terrain is very beneficial to Tongque. Now 7: 5 lead, if you have better luck and can win two flags in this game, then the copper bird will win.

In the fourth game, the Dragon Yin team will be under great pressure due to the backwardness of the score. The bronze bird’s score will be easier to play. Even if it is Lu Xiang, he is not very nervous when he sees this map. He is afraid that the maze is easy to get lost when he is singled out on the platform. It is okay for everyone to act together in a team fight. .

However, the facts are not as simple as Lu Xiang thought …

When the Bronze Six arrived on the road, Luo Jie and Guo Yi’an in the front row went to the surrounding area to look around, and they still could not find any trace of the Dragon Yin team players.

Lu Xiang also made a quick turn around, saying, “This time, there must be an ambush? My master can’t let go of a flag for nothing!”

“Well, be careful.” Shao Zehang began to remind, “Luo Jie is guarding at this intersection to prevent them from lurking from the middle. Fawn, come and stand with me, so that Wu Zewen will not use the maze to stun you.”

“Oh!” Thinking of the game where Xue Ba was stunned in the maze, Lu Xiang suddenly chilled his spine, and immediately obediently came back to stand next to the captain.

Shao Zehang said: “I suspect they will come around from the side and beware of Liu Chuan’s invisibility.”

In fact, Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen and Li Xiang were hiding at a fork in the middle road leading to the lower road at this time, about 25 meters from the refreshing point of the flag. Kong Ming lanterns can only illuminate the surrounding 5 meters. The field of vision, the three of them are too far away, and the people of Tongque can’t see them at all.

The reason for this is that after the four blues led the team to the road, Xu Ce drove in stealth and accelerated around the entire lap. No one of the bronze bird team was found. Four blue played a signal that no one was on the road. The staff members are all down, so they dare to ambush here.

As for why they didn’t do it? Naturally, Liu Chuan was waiting for an opportunity.

“Remember the three of us brushing mobs in the bandit village at that time?” Liu Chuan asked suddenly.

“Remember,” Wu Zewen said.

“Well, what’s wrong?” Li wanted to ask.

At that time, Li Xiang and Wu Zewen were both little cabbage birds. In the online game, they met a Tangmen master named “Liu Fang Best”. Three people brushed mobs in the thief’s cottage, and the master Li Xiang dragged a group of mobs. , Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen stood on the tree, and when the mobs arrived, they lost the group attack skills and started playing.

Liu Chuan said: “Imitate the practice of brushing mobs at the time, Zewen looked for a place, etc. Later, Li wanted to come with me to bring the copper bird.”

If these words are heard by the copper bird, it is estimated that they will vomit and vomit blood—Do you take us as a mob? !!

Li Xiang was also very puzzled: “Are they going to be fooled?”

Liu Chuan smiled and said, “Gamble.”

Although hailed as one of the strongest commanders in professional leagues, Liu Chuan can’t count every step as accurately as a fortune teller. The game situation is changeable and many times need to bet. If the copper bird was fooled, that would be the best result. Otherwise, Liu Chuan and Li wanted to hang up together. It would be a good thing to delay time.

“Get the flag directly on the road.” Liu Chuan said, “Si Lan has time to report the amount of flag blood on the team channel.”

“Understand.” Lan Weiran was also fully awake at this time, his eyes staring at the computer screen intently, not sleepwalking like he did not wake up.

Time passed minute by minute. Seeing that the flag was about to refresh, Lu Xiang gradually became agitated: “Why hasn’t the ambush yet appeared?” His fingers couldn’t rest, leaving him quietly beside the Shao team After a while, he could n’t help it. He could n’t help but press the keyboard quickly, holding a stick around Team Shao, and turning while saying, “Captain, the flag will refresh in 10 seconds. Should we fight? ? “

“…” Shao Zehang frowned.

The most annoying thing about Liu Chuan is this. Even if he doesn’t show up in front of you at all, you have to prevent his ambush and sneak attack. As long as Liu Chuan conducts the game, few opponents dare to let go and get the flag. When he was the captain of Huaxia before, this funny situation often appeared in the regular season-Liu Chuan’s six people collectively played a flag on the lower road, but the opponents on the road were hesitant to act, waiting for the defense of Liu Chuan. The sneak attack, but waited for three minutes, the flag on the lower road was almost finished, and Liu Chuan was not seen. The audience laughed badly. Even if people were not in front of their opponents, the spirit attack of the unrelenting spirit could always surround them.

At this point, the copper bird was caught in this dilemma.

hit? Still not playing?

This is a very serious problem, serious enough to affect the competition for the third flag and even the result of the entire game.

In the event that Liu Chuan hits halfway, suddenly, under the influence of the negative state of the flag, Liu Chuan’s seven-killing battle bursts out, and it will be very easy for the Longyin team to find it cheap. Can’t you fight? In case Liu Chuan really didn’t ambush, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?

Shao Zehang thought about it, and soon made a decision: “Keep your troops on.”

This is Shao Zehang’s experience and intuition, and of course, it is also due to his full understanding of Liu Chuan.

In the situation where the score is behind 5: 7, it is impossible for Liu Chuan to drop the red flag into the tiebreaker, so he must be ambush nearby, perhaps a long distance, or a dead end. They cannot see Liu Chuan’s location for the time being. But Shao Zehang believes that Liu Chuan will appear soon!

What surprised Shao Zehang, however, was that when the banner was refreshed, the person who appeared was not Liu Chuan, but the master of the Longyin team.

The moment the id of “Ideal Master” flashed in front of him, Shao Zehang and Lu Xiang moved at the same time!

For many years of partnership and cooperation, the tacit understanding of the two people in action does not need words at all.

Shao Zehang started with a move of “disarming” and wanted to directly abolish Li Xiang’s move. However, Li Xiang just hit this move in the third round of the team battle. This time he had already taken precautions and immediately started ” “Buddhism body protection”, this is one of Shaolin’s life-saving skills, 2 seconds of free control plus defense power increased by 2 times, very easy to use, the disadvantage is that you can only use it for a short time, you must grasp the timing of skill release OK, otherwise it is waste.

Li thought that this skill was put out in a timely manner, and the Shao team’s control was exactly offset. Even Qin Ye, who was watching from the stage, couldn’t help but smile: Erxiang’s adaptability became stronger, and he would not It has fallen twice in a row, which is also a necessary quality for an outstanding professional player.

Shao Zehang did not succeed in controlling Li Xiang. Lu Xiang immediately stopped attacking when he saw that Li wanted to open the “protection of the Buddha’s light.” The moment the golden light effect on the master disappeared, 2 seconds later, Lu Xiang’s hand The green long stick suddenly shot-sweeping thousands of troops!

At this moment, Li Xiang jumped up with another “flying crane soaring into the sky” and once again escaped the control of Lu Xiang!

Lu Xiang let go of one move, followed by light work, and took a move in the air. “Bad hitting two dogs” wanted to stun Li Xiang. However, at this time Li Xiang opened the Buddha Shaolin’s golden bell cover-Jin When the bell cover is released to teammates, it will forcibly absorb the damage suffered by the teammates. When released, it is equivalent to a layer of defense cover, which will greatly improve its own defense power and have a chance to offset the negative. status.

Li thinks he has good luck today. As soon as this skill is opened, Lu Xiang’s stroke damage is reduced, and the dizzy effect is also offset.

Obviously, he was ready for a long time. After rushing to the Bronze Sparrow lineup, he did not make any attacks. Instead, he opened up one by one defensive moves to let the Bronze Sparrow Shaolu combination control skills empty, which is enough for everyone. See the strongest defense of Buddha Shaolin.

What is even more surprising is that Li Xiang actually rushed to the side of the Lingqi all the way, and then opened the Buddha Shaolin big move “Wan Buddha Dynasty!”

The virtual image of a big Buddha descended from the sky, and the range skills of “Mundane Buddha Dynasty” directly reflected all the surrounding area into dazzling golden color!

At this time, the Ling banner has been refreshed. The people of the Bronze Sparrow team were inevitably affected by the negative state imposed by the Ling banner. Therefore, they kept a certain safe distance from the Ling banner. The group pulling skills of Wanzong Chaozong all pulled the people of the Tongque team to their side!

As a result, the people of Tongque were all affected by the negative state of the flag. Li thought that this “death and death” approach was simply speechless.

“Too cheap!” The audience watching the broadcast couldn’t help typing.

“Someone in the Seventh District of Telecom broke the news, is it true that this master is a disciple of Chuan Shen?”

“Is he actually an apprentice of Chuan Shen? This completely inherits Master’s style! I will also pull you as a back seat for death, and suicide will not give you a head, it is almost impossible to refute …”

“It’s true that he is an apprentice of Chuan God!” Said a man named Mimosa. “I also brushed the mobs together at that time! The rookie is a little white and can’t even pull the mobs!”

As a result, today, even the rookie master who can’t even pull the mobs, actually pulls all six professional players of the Tongque team under the banner!

Below the flag, his master, Haina Baichuan, has already been settled–the Seven Killings!

In fact, the audience from the perspective of God can find that at that moment, Li Xiang and Liu Chuan were killed at the same time one after the other. Liu Chuan was invisible, and the copper bird did not find his existence. Li Xiang Came over with a wave of swing, everyone’s attention was attracted by this arrogant master, so that Liu Chuan took the opportunity to hide from Li Xiang’s side and found a fork in the road to hide. At the time when Li wanted to be besieged by the Shao Lu group, Liu Chuan easily hid in the corner to arrange his team.

The cooperation between the master and the disciple was absolutely brilliant. Li wanted to open a big move to pull the whole copper bird next to the flag. The copper bird was collectively affected by the bleeding state, and was blasted by Liu Chuan’s Seven Kills. Blood interception volume, the six copper birds are now collectively residual blood.

To make matters worse, Tongque’s auxiliary drunk boxer can’t relieve this bleeding state, and it is necessary to solve one by one for treating Qin’ermei. To solve the bleeding problem of six people, it is necessary to consider skill cd. This is a waste of time, and Liu Chuan It’s impossible to let the treatment go unnoticed. The moment he broke the Seven Kills, he passed the treatment weekly salary to the water and threw it into the water.

The complexity of the Mi Xiandu map gave Liu Chuan the greatest convenience. After Zhou Xuan Chuan was thrown into the water, his movement speed decreased by 80%. Liu Chuan placed him in the water with a limping foot, allowing the treatment to be separated from the team. The weekly fax was to cry without tears, and Chuan Shen dragged him away. He was too far away to add blood. He could only watch his teammates lose blood.

The bleeding effect is superimposing. If this goes on, the people of Tongque will bleed to death with Li Xiang.

At first Shao Zehang thought that Li Xiang rushed over to control the Tongque to cooperate with Liu Chuan to kill. As a result, Li Xiang was determined to drag all the members of the Tongque under the command flag, which made Shao Zehang somewhat surprised. However, the Shao team quickly came up with a countermeasure: “Set fire to kill Liu Chuan!”

Lu Xiang also had the same idea. Li Xiang ’s golden bell cover just gave himself no longer to protect Liu Chuan. Liu Chuan ’s seven kills were also used. Therefore, it is the best way to kill Liu Chuan by setting fire. The distance of Liuchuan Station was not affected by the order flag, and the people of Tongque had to stay away from the order flag, otherwise the bleeding effect would be superimposed.

However, Li Xiang’s Wanfo dynasty was forced to pull people. They were pulled away by Li Xiang for a while.

After Chang Sheng heard the instructions from the Shao team to gather fire Liu Chuan, he immediately lost his life to Li Xiang and drove Li Xiang to silence.

Several other people changed their direction tacitly. Lu Xiang drove Long Tenghuyue, Shao Zehang drove the magical steps, and killed Liu Chuan at the same time.

Liu Chuan summoned him to control Lu Xiang with full footing. Lu Xiang slipped away side by side with cleverness. He lifted the stick and smashed into the top of Haina Baichuan. Shao Zehang’s double-knife also cut across Liu Chuan. Luo Jie and Guo Yi’an Also came to cooperate with the Shao team deer to gather fire Liu Chuan-Shaolin’s magic demon fist method, the dragon beast of the beggar nine days, the beggar’s stick to fight double dogs, Mingjiao’s snow and sand, light effects of various skills With the entire screen lit, Liu Chuan’s body was greeted by the four players’ attacking moves, and Liu Chuan was beaten to death by an instant.

“Tragedy …” The audience watching the game couldn’t help typing, “Chuan Shen was so miserable that he was hung up.”

“It’s definitely impossible to die, but Chuan Shen is Xiaoqiang who can’t beat him :)” It was actually a senior fan of Chuan Shen.

Liu Chuan wasn’t dead. He was besieged by the four of the Copper Sparrows. Only a trace of blood was left. Liu Chuan finally summoned a cricket, and “flicked” and turned to escape!

Seeing Chuan Shen with a trace of blood on his back, who would want to let it go? I believe that at this moment, any player in the league will definitely want to kill Chuanshen and then quickly!

The copper bird’s person caught up without hesitation!


Long Yin’s team’s chat channel, Four Blues typed: “50%”

On the big screen, the situation of the team battle on the lower lane is being broadcasted. The scene of the three people playing the flag of Long Yin on the road is only played in a small window, because only Xu Ce outputs it alone, the four blues are assisted by the addition method, and the flag output speed It’s not fast, only half of the time.

This message popped up on Long Yin’s team channel, and many viewers only felt inexplicable, but Ye Chenxi understood the tactical arrangement of Long Yin at a glance.

However, at that time, the situation of the team battle in the lower lane was very tense, and he did not have time to explain this. Zhang Shuping was quickly explaining the battle situation in the lower lane: “Chuan Shen escaped very quickly, and his blood was only 100 points. The attack will take him away-the shadowy! He opened the Tang Men lightly, and actually used two teleport skills in order to escape his life! The people of the Bronze were also chasing after him, and the little deer drove the dragon to chase him out of the water. Only two meters away to catch up! “

“Chuan Shen turned, yes, we saw him turn into a body of water!”

“… Wu Zewen is there!”

“It seems that their tactic is actually drawing snakes out of a hole! Chuan … It’s a great acting!”

Yes, Liu Chuan’s acting skills are too realistic.

If it were n’t for the audience ’s clear God ’s perspective to clearly see Wu Zewen ’s position and change to a player on the field, it would be hard for everyone to think that he was attracting the king.

He and Li Xiang formed a group to hit the copper bird, but he was almost hung up by the set fire, and then Liu Chuan failed to turn around and ran away. This is a very common failure of the four-two push. Who can predict that it is not far away? There is another Wu Zewen waiting in an ambush in the waters?

The moment Liu Chuan led the crowd to the corner, Wu Zewen tacitly launched the five poisonous “Mingdie Sacrifice”! The overwhelming purple poisonous butterfly rushed forward, and the Tongque team was chasing Liu Chuan. The screen was black and suddenly lost sight!

-Thrilling rescue! Chuanshin has only 100 HP left!

He dragged everyone from the bottom to quickly move to the waters around the corner, and Wu Zewen waiting there immediately opened the team to make the people of the Bronze team collectively blind, fully cooperate, and even be selected into the top ten playoffs. moment!

This scene made many people’s hearts very shocked, especially the professional players on the VIP stand-Liu Chuan was willing to give his back to Wu Zewen, and he was willing to let Wu Zewen shoulder such an important tactical responsibility. Wu Zewen’s trust. Apparently, there is a tacit understanding between him and Wu Zewen.

This is really a good partner.

You will never let you down when you give your back to him.

The league has a lot of such good partners, but until now everyone realized that Kawami and Zewen, the newly emerged partner combination this season, are more powerful than the old combination of other teams.

“Not good!” Shao Zehang realized that Liu Chuan’s trick was caught when he saw the purple poisonous butterfly, but it was too late! Wu Zewen has been waiting here for a long time. All the outbreak skills in his hand are kept. He summoned the butterfly to make the other party blind, and then put the snake to bite Luxiang. Go clapping to help Guo Yi’an.

Why not attack someone? The audience was very puzzled. Zhang Shuping explained: “Zewen has a reason to do this. The copper sparrow is now collectively blind, and the blood of several people is running low. Wu Zewen quickly stacked several layers of bleeding on the Shao team and Deer God. You can use the maze to kill them at the same time! “

Zhang Shuping’s explanation is exactly what Wu Zewen thought at this time. He didn’t want to kill one of them quickly, but he wanted to put everyone in the copper sparrow into a poisoned state, collectively lower their bloodline, and cooperate with Liu Chuan slowly. Drag them to the ground.

Wu Zewen exploded three layers of poisoning to the three people of Tongque, and the blinding effect was about to end. Lan Weiran typed on the team channel: “40%”

Liu Chuan said: “Ze Wen goes!”

The two turned and walked, one came to the left of the maze, and the other was on the right. The effect of the blindness of the Copper Sparrow team had just ended, and Lu Xiang had not released his skills in a hurry, and saw a transparent spider silk wrapped around himself. !!

Pulling silk! Alphabet Flying Claws!

Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen shot at the same time, Liu Chuan took Shao Zehang with an iron chain, Wu Zewen pulled away Lu Xiang with a spider silk, left and right, forcibly opened the Shao Lu combination!

The most powerful part of the Shao Lu combination is that when they are fighting side by side, the power of the disassembled combination will be greatly reduced. Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen use the maze to pull the two into a fork, forming a 1v1 heads-up situation. At this time, the blood volume was very small, although Shao Zehang had more blood than him, although he had residual blood, he dragged Shao away just to facilitate Ze Wen’s killing Fawn.

Lu Xiang, who was still blood, met Xue Ba in the maze, and within a few strokes, Wu Zewen died of the kite with the negative effects of poisoning.

—— [Misty Marsh] killed [Flying Deer Hero], the first kill!

—— [Misty Swamp] killed [Guan Siwei], double kill!

Wu Zewen killed the deer **** in one breath, and Guo Yi’an, the beggar with the deer god.

Although Liu Chuan and the Shao team were in 1v1, Liu Chuan still had a puppet as a helper. In the narrow fork, he summoned a puppet to block Shao Zehang, and then it disappeared.

Shao Zehang was helpless. Since the discovery of the tactic, he has a bad feeling. The so-called “poor invaders chase”. In fact, if you are more rational, you should not chase Liu Chuan. However, Chuan Shen’s acting skills are too good, and only 100 points of blood are left. There aren’t many entire leagues that can hold back.

Chuan Shen’s hatred is too great. Everyone who sees the Chuan Shen with blood in it wants to kill, not to mention the deer. When he sees the Master’s residual blood, he is so excited that he wants to take Master’s head.

As a result, Liu Chuan step by step into the trap.

With 100 points of blood, Liu Chuan used his crickets to walk around in the maze to save his life, and Wu Zewen, who was in a state full of blood and blue, was very convenient to use the advantages of the maze terrain and the residual blood of the Tongque to complete the harvest of the human head.

Wu Zewen killed the two Liu Chuan in succession and ran away in stealth. Shao Zehang calmed down and immediately ordered: “Withdraw!”

Unfortunately, they are too late to withdraw.

Li Xiang, who had just been located near the flag, also got rid of control and joined the battle at this time. The dragon claw hand pulled the master who wanted to retreat!

Liu Chuan circled around the maze and returned to Wu Zewen. Although he had enough blood, he had enough blue. He summoned and blew up. He hit Shaolin on the opposite side to a few bloodskins in a few consecutive moves. Wu Zewen was very acquainted. One trick Wandu swallowed his heart and successfully took over the opponent’s head!

—— [Misty Swamp] killed [Eighteen Arhats], three kills!

Shao Zehang immediately found a corner to return directly. Now he has residual blood, and he is also given away. There is no need to fatten Wu Zewen.

Zhou Chuan, who was dragged into the water by Liu Chuan, also very cleverly pressed the return button directly.

However, the auxiliary player Chang Sheng did not run away. His previous task was to control Li Xiang. After Li wanted to get out of control, he followed, but he entered the circle surrounded by Sichuan, Wen and Xiang. Liu Chuan was still just like before. In that way, a few crickets were blasted, and Chang Sheng was maimed, and then the remaining blood was given to Wu Zewen.

—— [Misty Swamp] killed [Thousand Cups Do Not Fall], four kills!

Team Channel, Lan Weiran typing: “20%”

Obviously, Xu Ce was desperately outputting, and Liu Chuan probably calculated the time and said, “Ze Wen went to the next road to play the flag, and he wanted to protect it!”

Because Liu Chuan has only 100 blood left, he cannot approach the Lingqi, otherwise he will die in a bleeding state. But Li Xiang ’s masters have thick skin and blood, and Zewen is now almost full of blood. They can go to fight the flag with the bleeding state of the flag first.

“Is it too risky to do this?” Zhang Shuping said. “Before the copper sparrow came back to life, it was impossible for Yiwen to take the output alone.”

Ye Chenxi smiled, “You have ignored the role of my master.”

Zhang Shuping suddenly realized: “Yes, I almost forgot. Today, Long Yin is assisted by four blues!”

In fact, Zhang Shuping didn’t ignore it, but he was bored and indifferent to find a word, and by the way created some surprises for the audience.

As the two said, many viewers have discovered this key-yes, Long Yin today is assisted by four blues, and Xiaoyao has a teleportation team!

Lan Weiran was actually very comfortable. Liu Chuan arranged for him to assist Xu Ce. He has been leisurely helping Xu Ce to solve the negative situation. By the way, he lost the matrix to increase Xu Ce’s attack power. Quite easy, while Si Lan was on the sidelines, she still had time to type the flag on the team channel.


The small blue letter from Lan Weiran appeared again on the team channel.

At this time, Wu Zewen also began to hit the flag on the lower side. Wu Zewen’s all-attribute attacks with four heads in hand increased by 20%, and the flag was stacked with several layers of poisoning. The flag’s blood loss was rapid, and Li Xiang’s golden bell cap cooled Time is getting better, protecting Wu Zewen with a golden mask, absorbing all the damage to his body.


Lan Weiran finished typing this line and immediately started reading.

-Tianxiang array!

The soft green light slowly rises at the foot. Under Xu Ce’s set of combos, the health of the flag on the road finally drops to 0%. At the same time that the blue flag of the road is successfully won, the four blue teleportation arrays also just open. Without wasting a second of time, Lan Weiran, Xiaoyu and Xu Ce on the road were instantly transmitted to the lower road where Wu Zewen and Li Xiang were. Liu Chuan, who was 100 points away from the flag, was also teleported.

-Yuehua Liuzhao!

Yu Xiangyang directly opened up, Qin Emei’s big move filled the whole team of the Dragon Yin team!

The audience was stunned by this amazing cooperation.

From the initial division, Chuan Shen dragged the whole team of Tongque to Zewen’s ambush, and then Zewen used the blind time to destroy the opposite group collectively, and then opened the Shaolu group, one by one. …

The flags on the road and the road are not missed, which is a perfect tactical arrangement!

The resurrected people of the Bronze Sparrow team are actually too late to rush down the road. The six-player Longyin team is very fierce in output, Liu Chuan and Xu Ce are madly outbreaking, and Wu Zewen kills four in hand, the output will also be large. The promotion, coupled with Lan Weiran’s formation assistance, the flag on the lower lane dropped blood like blood collapsed, and was immediately taken down by the team of Dragon Yin.

“9: 7, the score went over!” Zhang Shuping said excitedly, “Longyin team won the red and blue flags in the fourth inning. The score is very favorable for Longyin. If the third black flag can be won, Long Yin won, if not, then he will enter a 9: 9 tiebreaker overtime! “

Shao Zehang also knew this, so after the resurrection, he simply let everyone go directly to the middle and fight for this crucial black flag.

After returning, the Long Yin team, which had recovered its vitality, relied on Lan Weiran’s acceleration array to reach the middle of the road at a very fast speed.

Just as the square map is good for the Tongque team, the maze map is also very good for the long-distance Longyin team. At this time, Lan Weiran finally released the key formation method to reverse the situation-Yangchun back to the snow formation!

As soon as this chaotic array was let go, Tongque’s front row almost collapsed.

This is the place where the copper bird of the maze is the most grammatical, because the road of the maze is small, and the copper bird’s melee is not easy to jump into the water. It can only stand together and be alert, but in this way, Lan Weiran’s array method is just right. Covering the entire group, although the Fawn and Shao teams were first-rate and evaded in time, the other three front-line players of the Tongque were hit by chaos.

Shao Zehang and Lu Xiang joined hands to make a sudden attempt to kill Xu Ce, but Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen re-applied their skills at this time, ambushing left and right at the forks on both sides. Spider silk and iron chains shot at the same time. Wu Zewen dragged the deer. Liu Chuanla left Shao Zehang and opened the Shao Lu group again.

Shao Lu made their debut for so many years, and it is rare to encounter a situation that is continuously dismantled like today. What is more annoying is that Wu Zewen skillfully pulled Fallow Deer into the water, and then held him down with a maggot … !!

Master Xiandudu’s labyrinth map, Master’s choice is too unethical, he has no chance to demolish the wall. Because this is a water maze, the road above the water is criss-crossed, there is no wall to remove at all …

Lu Xiang was so depressed in the water that he was tortured to death by poisoning Xueba with a 20% attack bonus and won five kills!

Shao Zehang, who was pulled away by Liu Chuan, also encountered a joint attack by Liu Chuan and Xu Ce, and died in Liu Chuan’s hands.

The key to this wave of teamfights is Lan Weiran’s array. Tongque didn’t go to Taiji Wudang today and couldn’t prevent the chaotic array of freedom. This is why Liu Chuan assisted Si Lan to play. In the last game, four blues were sleepwalking, let alone a chaotic array. He was controlled by Shao Zehang before he could open anything. In this game, four blues finally woke up and recovered their spirits. The four blues that were up were definitely auxiliary. The top masters of the genre, the right formation method directly abolished the three people of Tongque.

Compared to the thrill of the first wave of team battles Liu Chuan escape and Wu Zewen rescue, the second wave of team battles looks much smoother!

The Shao team hung with Fawn, and the Tongque had almost no fight back.

Another wave of large-scale blasting by Liu Chuan collectively lowered the opposite bloodline and deliberately left the head to Wu Zewen. Wu Zewen knew Liu Chuan’s thoughts, and he politely released poisonous snakes to bite the people who died of blood.

—— [Misty Marsh] Killed [Thousand Cups Do Not Fall], Six Kills!

—— [Misty Swamp] is already super god!

Seeing this news flashed on the big screen, many Xueba fans were so excited that they burst into tears.

This is the newcomer Wu Zewen this season, always calm, stable, and will never fall off the chain!

In fact, although today ’s tactics were arranged by Liu Chuan, if Wu Zewen ’s actions were slightly slower by half a second, the plan to seduce the enemy in the first wave of group battles would not be successful.

His trick was released early, the copper bird will notice, and late, Liu Chuan will sacrifice, but Wu Zewen was just right to save Liu Chuan at the critical moment, and affected the whole copper bird with blindness, let Long Yin The team’s tactical plan was perfectly implemented.

Who is Wu Zewen? Everyone knows that he is a newcomer this season.

But he is a newcomer who is willing to give his back to him and put the key tasks of the entire tactical plan on his shoulders.

It was not until this moment that everyone realized that the sentence Xiao Sijing said in the previous game was not polite-the best newcomer of the season, Wu Zewen definitely deserved it!

Wu Zewen, who killed six super gods, increased his attack power by 30%, and set a few poisoning states for the flag, which will cause the blood loss of the flag to double.

Zhang Shuping was also very gratified to watch this scene. He is the master of Wu Zewen. He saw Ze Wen earnestly and truly grew from a little white to this day. Seeing that Ze Wen has performed so well, he always has a kind of ” My family has a sense of pride. “

The Longyin team also cooperated with everyone’s tacit understanding, and decisively won the black flag in the middle!

——11: 7!

When the score jumped out on the big screen, the scene finally heard deafening applause!

A wonderful reversal from 5: 7 to 11: 7!

After experiencing a brief trough in the third game, the entire team immediately adjusted to face the fourth game with a new look. No matter it is Xu Ce who was temporarily replaced, the four blues that were in sleepwalking, Li Xiang, Zewen, Xiaoyu, and the most important Sichuan god, everyone has performed very well. Such an ability to adjust is almost intimidating. .

Zhang Shuping said excitedly: “Congratulations to the Dragon Yin team for successfully reversing the score to win this game! The victory of this game also means that following the Qixingcao, the Dragon Yin team will advance from Group B with a complete victory record Enter the semifinals! “

Looking at the score on the big screen, Liu Chuan couldn’t help getting his eyes hot.

They won, they made it to the semifinals!

In fact, after the defeat in the third game, he really just fought hard in this game. If he couldn’t win the 3 flags in this game and dragged it to the final game, the random map won’t be easy to say, so he made a bold bet once. He bet that Li wanted to be able to withstand the injury and drag the copper bird under the flag. He bet that Zewen could cooperate with him to delay the copper bird. He bet the four blues could be adjusted in time. He also hoped that Xu Ce could play temporarily when he changed into the field stable.

As a result, he won.

No teammate let him down. As captain, what could be more comforting than that?

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