The Sharpest Blade (My Vampire System Fan-Fic)

Chapter 42: Celestial

Vorden's consciousness returned in waves, he had a momentary fear rip through him. Has it all been a dream? No. Panic griped his heart and his chest grew taught. He couldn't have dreamed it all. No, no, no. He had to get a grip. He took a slow breath. This body was too familiar, like it was his own. He wasn't in a new body. He needed to calm down and assess.

His body was sluggish and heavy, his head throbbed like he'd been thrown against a wall. A sharp, metallic scent filled his nostrils. The air was thin and sterile. It was all too familiar and yet... Completely alien.


He groaned, pushing himself upright. His hands met smooth, reinforced flooring—some kind of alloy. His vision adjusted, revealing dim silver walls stretching to a curved ceiling, faint blue lights pulsing along the seams. The entire room pulsed with an unnatural energy, vibrating at the edge of his senses. 

A holding cell. 

Beside him, Raten stirred with a groggy grunt. "Ugh. What the hell?" His fingers curled into fists as he forced himself upright, scanning the room with narrowed eyes. Then his expression twisted in irritation. "Aw, come on. Again? What the hell is with assholes feeling free to just whisk us away on a whim? It's getting old." 

Vorden exhaled sharply. "At least we're not dead." 


A heavy silence settled between them as they took in their surroundings. The cell had no visible doors, just solid walls. No visible locks either—only smooth, seamless metal. The kind of prison designed to make escape impossible. 

Raten rolled his shoulders, stretching out the stiffness in his limbs. "Any abilities?" 

Vorden flexed his fingers, focusing inward. He sensed the four flames burning brightly in his stomach. Power flickered beneath his skin—Cassidy's fire, Jade's light, lightening and the phasing ability they'd copied from Shiro before they were taken. Vorden gave a single nod to his brother. "Yeah, but the clock's ticking. We've only got twenty-four hours before they run out." He said, attempting to maintain a stoic expression.

Raten cracked his knuckles, smirking. "Plenty of time." 

Vorden gave him a look. "Not if we don't figure out where the hell we are." 

Raten stood and tested the wall with a firm press of his palm. The metal didn't budge, but the moment he made contact, a glowing sigil flared to life—deep blue, intricate, humming with foreign energy. It wasn't tech. It was something older. 

Vorden's stomach twisted. "Celestial work. Or something like it. I've only seen stuff like this from that Pure character, or that nutty Vampire lord. It's magic." 

Raten's smirk faded. "Shit." 

The realization settled like a weight in the air. Celestial beings weren't known for going through this much trouble on a whim. If they'd been taken, it wasn't random. They were after someone. Clearly, as the only two people abducted were he and Raten, Vorden had a few ideas.

Vorden pressed a hand to his temple, forcing himself to think. "Okay. First step, we figure out who took us. Second, we break out before our abilities burn out. Third—" 

"Third," Raten interrupted, cracking his neck, "we make whoever did this regret it." 

Vorden sighed. "Not everything needs to end in a bloodbath." 

Raten grinned. "You say that now." 

Before Vorden could retort, a deep mechanical hum resonated through the walls. A moment later, the smooth metal shimmered and warped—an opening appearing from nowhere. 

And through it stepped their captor. 

A figure draped in a dark green cloak. A body easily a foot taller than either of the brothers. Thin, uncomfortably thin, so much so that they appeared disproportionate. Yet oddly still very muscular, a fact only eventuated by the skin tight dark green jumpsuit of sorts that tightly cling to their frame. It seemed one solid piece only obscured every so many spaces by the gleaming gold toned plates of armor to add extra protection to vital areas, while leaving ample space for mobility.

They had a very opposing presence that made the air feel heavy and foreboding. A cold chill ran down Vorden's spine. Their face was obscured by a green mask, one resembling some kind of turquoise or even a stained fossilized wood with a clear coat. Somewhere between wood and stone, yet it had metallic golden accents that seemed to shift and swirl, never settling on one shape.

Power radiated from the being. The kind of power Vorden had only ever truly felt from a handful of others before, and at this level, only one. Quinn. A Celestial. He was sure of it. This being had to be a celestial.

They studied the brothers for a moment, then spoke—a voice that echoed with the weight of the cosmos. It was deep and gutteral, yet had layers that resonated at the same time. Almost as if it was more than one creature speaking. Some of the sound Vorden felt more than actually heard. It was nails on a chalk board. High pitched and screeching. In perfect unison with the demonic depth of its voice, along with what sounded like the voice of a child. It caused goosebumps to wash over Vorden's entire body. It was the stuff of nightmares.

"You are not the one I want." 

Vorden's pulse spiked. He thought about it for a moment and mustered his resolve. "Then let us go." 

The Celestial tilted its head, examining his stone faced expression. As Vorden prepared for some type of retaliation, it seemed simply unbothered. "No. You are the one I want, both of you. You wear his face, you have his DNA, you even... reek, of Godslayer. Though it is faint. You hold answers. And until I get them—" It's face turned from one Blade, to the other. Inspecting their expressions for even the faintest hint of emotion. Vorden was inwardly thanking the powers that be, for once in their lives Raten chose this moment to keep his cool and remain silent.

"—you are going nowhere." 

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