Chapter 36: CHAPTER 35
ON TIME, CARL ARRIVED at his door, in a hurry, but he didn't seem nervous, which was a good sign, since Tom used to worry about trouble.
— Come on, kid. I want to see if you're really good or if it's just Benedetti's story.
As soon as Tom got into Tony's incredible BMW, his driver hurriedly drove away.
— Good evening — Tom said to Tony, who politely replied:
— Hello, Leo! — Carl replied.
— Your first day started earlier than expected, didn't it? — Tony joked, with his gangster smile.
— I admit it took me by surprise, but I'm usually prepared... Did something happen?
— I have some hot news, an informant told me that the Irish are closing a deal with a group from China that is of interest to us. It seems they want to compete with us in New York...
— Compete with us? — Tony asked, paying attention to the conversation, even though he was driving so cautiously. — Don't they work with drugs?
— It seems that now they want to change things a little... According to the informant, it's good weapons, quality stuff. I need to talk to him in person, his house is just a few blocks from here.
— It's strange that he's scheduling an appointment at his own house. — Leo suggested thoughtfully.
He wanted to show that he was aware of the facts.
— Is he trustworthy?
— So far he hasn't wavered, all the information was reliable. It was through him that we found out about yesterday's party. I don't intend to stay long, we'll just listen to the information and leave, I told him that I don't make visits, but he said that the deal was too "big" to talk about on the phone. He calls himself Kid.
Leone didn't inspire confidence in the supposed informant.
How the hell could someone who calls himself Kid have credibility as an agent?
It also seemed strange that something so big would come up so soon after the lethal blow that he and Benedetti had dealt to the biggest criminal groups in the city. Their main leaders were dead, they must still be recovering from such losses, not making such bold moves.
— Don't you think it's too early for them to make these negotiations? — Leo asked, as he checked the magazines of his pistols.
— In this business, the days go by fast, kid — Tony replied, resolutely.
— I mean, they should still be burying their dead...
— My father always said: don't get involved with drugs, never use drugs, don't sell them... — Tony muttered, indignant at the strange change in the rival group. — they come and want to mess with me! Leone! — he shouted, loudly. — Let's put an end to this!
UPON ARRIVAL AT THE LOCATION, the boss, the rookie and Carl Benedetti. It was past midnight and the dawn brought with it a fine, freezing drizzle and a cutting winter wind. The place was horrible, a conglomeration of old buildings, in need of renovation and surrounded by lifeless trees, the worst example of a dirty and abandoned ghetto. Only impoverished American families, immigrants and thieves would live there.
The Kid lived in the basement of the building, which was even more terrible. The trio would have to enter the premises through a modest hall, followed by a small corridor that led to a staircase to the upper floors or to a corridor that allowed them to turn left or right and go down to the underground apartments, or basements.
Tony continued the subject:
— My dear — he said to Carl Benedetti — I'll have a quick meeting with the boy. I think it's a good opportunity to see how our young man behaves."
Tony was referring to Leo, looking at him with a humorous tone.
— You can wait at the entrance while the boy and I go down, make sure nothing happens out here. Leave the car running.
— What level is this guy? I mean, is he dangerous? — Leo asked, perhaps a little confused.
— It's nothing, a mercenary project, it's never posed any danger to anyone, but incredibly, it has a lot of contacts. — Tony replied.
— And he must have debts with all of them too... — Benedetti joked.
— Of course... — Tony said. — And he's the type who'll do anything for money.
— Do you work? — Benedetti asked.
— I don't think so.
— Then don't say you do everything for money.
— Stop joking! Let's go in! — Tony replied, laughing at his old partner's infamous joke.