The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 67 Fort Vindomora 1

On the forums, threads were already starting to pop up.

[Breaking News: Imperatrix Demetra Issues Urgent Quests!]

[Troll Hunting Quest: Seeking Brave Adventurers]

[Noble Kidnapping: Bandit Lair Location Needed]

[Rewards for Information: Help Locate the Kidnappers]

[How to Maximize Your Gains from Demetra’s Quest]

While the Lorikan server continued to buzz due to the announcement, Adam remained focused on his objective.

'In the end, I was just a few hours ahead of the quest,' Adam thought. 'Still, it’s not so bad.'

From what he remembered, it took a few days for someone to pinpoint the location of the kidnappers' lair in the past. Large guilds would then offer substantial monetary rewards for actionable intel, while independent players would gamble by exploring various potential hideouts.

Adam knew exactly where the kidnappers were hiding; that was where he was heading now.

The only uncertainty was whether the nobles and their captors had already arrived at the hideout or if he would have the chance to survey the location before their arrival.


Vindomora is an abandoned fort with a small town originally meant for Lorikan Legionnaires stationed there and their families.

It was one among dozens of forts around Sanctus Lux Fortress that served as a forward base during earlier attempts to retake the Undead Region. However, due to the failure of previous attempts, many of these forts have been abandoned, leaving Sanctus Lux as the only Lorikan-occupied military stronghold.

During the past few months that players flocked towards Sanctus Lux, retaking abandoned forts is one of the primary objectives given to the players- all in preparation for retaking the Undead Regions with the intent to populate the vast territory with Lorikan populace.

Over the years, these abandoned forts have become infested with monsters, bandits, and beasts- among other threats. That is why re-occupying and securing them has proven difficult.

Many of the quests taken by players have been to clear an occupied fort, only for it to be retaken by other threats. Even with the help of players, there is not enough manpower coming from the Sanctus Lux, so not all forts have been successfully secured yet.

This is where the invited nobles come into play.

Demetra intended to secure the nobles' support and resources to widen their base of operations. By broadening their foothold in the region, Demetra hopes she will have enough ground to maneuver subjugation attempts at turning the Undead Region into a safe and habitable location for her subjects.

Or at least, that was her plan until the noble delegates were kidnapped.

The gravity of this incident cannot be overstated. If there is to be any hope of salvaging the situation, the safe retrieval of the nobles is a must.

And this is where the urgent quest came into play. Demetra's region-wide declaration gave players the critical task of finding and rescuing these delegates.

Sanctus Lux Fortress Urgent Quest: Rescue the Nobles

Description: An unknown party has kidnapped the nobles visiting the Fortress. Rescue the nobles by whatever means necessary.

While the rest of the Lorikan players are scrambling around to find clues of its whereabouts, Adam arrives at the location mere hours after the quest was issued.

The abandoned Fort was about two to three days away from the Sanctus Lux Fortress. But thanks to his undead mount, Karva, he managed to arrive after traveling for over 24 hours.

"Right here will do, Karva," said Adam to his mount. "Thanks for bringing me here."

He then unsummoned his mount.

Before heading to the Fort, he moved to a location that could oversee the entire place. Fortunately, the surrounding area is filled with overgrown trees.

First, he ensured no lookouts were also hiding in the trees.

Scroll: Search Presence (Rare)

Description: Detects the presence of living beings within a certain radius. Those who are detected will not be alerted to the effects of this scroll. However, individuals with stealth abilities might not be seen depending on their stealth level. The user's Intelligence and Perception determine the range and effectiveness of the scroll's effect.

Immediately, various beasts and other life forms were illuminated in Adam's eyes.

"Aside from the wildlife, nobody else is here yet. Perfect!"

Adam purchased Search Presence, a rare and expensive scroll, in preparation for this quest. He also prepared other items to ensure the quests he plans to take are handled as efficiently as possible.

Without wasting time, he summoned Karva again and entered the main building of Fort Vindomora. If there is any place where the bandits would place the nobles, there is no doubt that they would put them there.

And with that, Adam began to set up the stage to rescue the nobles with as minor collateral damage as possible.

He moved swiftly but precisely as he didn't know when the bandits would arrive. Fortunately, he set up everything he needed in less than three hours.

Afterward, he lurked on the building's rooftop and waited. He would wait for several more hours.


A few hours earlier, Dark Sun did what it did best: soliciting information from thirsty players.

The Dark Sun Guild's livestream buzzed with activity as Tyler Bevin, the guild leader and top-ranked Assassin, addressed his large audience. The stream was an urgent call for information about the recent noble kidnapping, a matter of significant importance given the time-sensitive nature of the quest.

Ongoing Livestream: We are offering a reward for information about the Noble Kidnapping!

@DarkSunOfficialChannel 2.11M Subscribers

"Hello, dear viewers! Ty-B right here," Tyler Bevin began with his trademark charismatic smile. "This will be a quick live stream regarding the recent quest issued."

Tyler, known for his exceptional skills and high leaderboard rank, had captured the attention of the Lorikan server’s player base. His alliance with the Magick Maidens only amplified his influence and reach.

"As you know, this quest is time-sensitive. The more time passes, the more dangerous it will be for the nobles."

He paused, letting the gravity of the situation sink in. The chat exploded with activity, and Tyler used this moment to emphasize the urgency of the matter.

"I, Tyler Bevin, the Guild Leader of Dark Sun, formally request aid from all you dedicated players. The Dark Sun Guild and our esteemed partner, the Magick Maidens, will generously reward any information that can lead to the successful rescue of the nobles!"

The announcement caused a flurry of comments and reactions. The recent alliance with the Magick Maidens had boosted Dark Sun’s profile significantly.

@pigsalaciapulsarfish: Are you gonna team up with the Maidens in this quest?

@tabletennishelmetcow has donated $100. I'm here because my favorite Maiden told me to watch your stream.

@spireofthecontinent69: I'm here to see if your reward for information is better than Hao Wei, Maxima, or Flora. But it looks like you're just a glorified pimping guild. No thanks.

@winterberrycroissant: @spireofthecontinent69 I've seen you donating at many streams of the Maidens. Stop talking like you're better than us.

Tyler quickly redirected the conversation, focusing on the quest despite the growing distraction from the chat.

"Hold up, guys, let's not get sidetracked," Tyler said with a playful tone. "This is about rescuing the nobles."

He then made a bold offer. "Any information leading to the success of this quest will earn you not one, not two, not even three, but five free subscriptions to the Maiden's ExclusiveFans account!"

@pigsalaciapulsarfish has donated $1000. That's what I'm talking about! Do we get to pick who we like?

"Thank you, @pigsalaciapulsarfish, for the donation!" Tyler exclaimed. "To answer your question, yes. You can choose whomever you like. Please reference the Maiden's official social media for the new members."

As donations continued to pour in, Tyler acknowledged only those who contributed at least $1000.

@iloveyourballs has donated $1000. My team and I found something near the kidnapping; I'm sending you a screenshot and recording of the place. Please verify ASAP.

"Thank you, @iloveyour—NOPE! Sorry, buddy, I'm not saying your name," Tyler responded with a chuckle. "But thank you for the donation! We will review it now and be in touch. Okay?"

The livestream continued for a few more minutes, during which Tyler fielded additional questions and acknowledged further donations. As the stream wrapped up, Tyler and the Dark Sun Guild began to sift through the information and evidence provided by the viewers.

It would soon become apparent that @iloveyourballs' intel has some potential. The screenshot and recording they sent pointed to a location likely to be linked to the kidnappers. Dark Sun, now armed with actionable information, prepared to act swiftly.

The Dark Sun Guild's next move was set as the live stream ended, and Tyler logged back into the game. They were ready to leverage their new lead to uncover the whereabouts of the kidnapped nobles and potentially secure their safe return.


Fort Vindomora- Main Building

Adam sat calmly at the front of the main building's gate, his preparations complete and his confidence high. He had transformed the once-abandoned fort into a strategic trap and was ready to test its effectiveness.

From where he sat, Adam observed the approaching convoy. Six stagecoaches, flanked by around 100 men on horseback, made their way toward the fort. Despite the encroaching darkness, the torches carried by the riders allowed him to make out their figures from a considerable distance.

With a few minutes to spare, Adam summoned his Grappling Crossbow and ascended to the roof of the main building once more. The vantage point allowed him a clear view of the bandits' movements.

Thud! Vrrrrrrrng!

Adam was on the roof in moments, perfectly positioned to scout and attack. Unaware of the trap that had been meticulously set, the bandits continued their operations.

As the stagecoaches arrived, the bandits began unloading their captives. The first two carriages contained blindfolded and bound servants. The third and fourth carriages revealed heavily restrained guards covered with black bags over their heads. Finally, the fifth and sixth carriages were opened to reveal the similarly bound and blindfolded nobles.

The bandits' conversation drifted to Adam’s ears, and he listened carefully as they discussed their operations.

"Boss, why did we need to bring the guards and servants? I can understand the servants, but why not just kill the guards and male servants?"

"You idiot! The more nobles we abducted, the better the pay we’ll get from our client. Nobles sometimes disguise themselves as servants or guards for extra protection. Any other stupid questions?"

The bandit boss’s intimidating response quelled further questions from his subordinates.

As the nobles and other captives were guided inside the building, their voices reached Adam’s ears, full of desperation and fear.

“Unhand me! You uncultured swine!”

“Let go of me, you peasant! Release me this instant!”

“Please let us go; we will pay you whatever you want!”

“I demand you let me go. My father will not tolerate this.”

“Wait! There’s no reason for this barbarism. Your lot wants gold, right? I can give you that. Plus, if you want my servants, you can have them too!”

Adam counted the hostages as they were being escorted. There were 12 servants, 10 guards, and 8 nobles, all held captive by over a hundred bandits.

He recalled the recent Dark Sun livestream, which mentioned only four rescued nobles, and that Dark Sun arrived three days after the kidnapping. This implied that the remaining captives were likely killed.

‘Four survivors, huh?’ Adam thought grimly. ‘I never knew they took other captives.’

The grim reality dawned on him: Dark Sun hadn’t rescued everyone. The servants and guards, considered expendable, were left out of the rescue effort.

Adam adjusted his strategy, realizing that time was of the essence. He activated another Search Presence scroll, ensuring that he had a clear understanding of the bandits' positions and the state of the building. His plan needed to be executed swiftly to maximize the number of hostages saved.

“There’s no time to waste,” Adam said to himself, setting his plan into motion. He would need to act with precision and urgency to prevent further loss of life.

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