The Sea Monsters Alliance

Chapter 154

Deep white marks.

He looked up and found that many people were seriously bloodthirsty crazy, no one ignored his orders, and the attackers who were frustrated did not retreat, even grabbing the seaweed and continue to climb up.

This is obviously something that normal people can’t do. In addition to the thin and flexible indigenous people, others climbed a few steps, then fell down, and even persevered to get up again. The crazy faces clearly showed that they were already in a frenzy of irrationality.

Char was sober now.

He only saw religious suicides in the Middle East war a few years ago.

“Damn, sail! Pull the sail!”

Char screamed exhaustedly, because the ship was attacked as soon as it sailed out of the bay, and there was no time to pull the sails up completely, and no one listened to Char ’s words, including the abilities, aiming with all means of attack The attacker under the ship looked at the blood and screamed indiscriminately.

Confusion was over, and Char was holding his head paralyzed by alcohol, and he was shocked to find that he seemed to be an outsider himself. No one paid attention to him, and no one heard his voice. The wind blade swayed out. The fracture was very neat, but the attention of the soldiers was all under the ship.

An earth with a knife in his mouth climbed up. He rolled into a ball with a soldier, and all his fighting skills were used. The knife made a deep wound on the two people, and he continued to bite with his teeth.

crazy! Everyone is crazy! !!

Chale stumbled to the side of the boat, trying to grab a person and shaking it, but he suddenly froze.

On the sea far from the **** battlefield, in the dazzling sunlight, there was a figure-this ship is relatively large and very strong, and Charles could clearly distinguish the figure, and the upper body floated on the sea. The long silver hair was wet and scattered on the naked white shoulders, and he turned his head slightly, and could see the two reflections in the hair, which were the stretched ear fins.

That mermaid!

The mermaid who killed Nalin! !!

Char also finally heard the low voice of people crying and screaming frantically. It was a singing voice, repeating a tone lightly and slowly, listening carefully, and unconsciously the whole person was boiling with anger, as if he wanted to tear Everything in front of you! Every cell in the body clamored to rush up and fight–

The dark person in the heart will be entangled with death, and the angry person who wants to kill will be dominated by madness. The mermaid can sing more than one song, they wander in the ocean, appear in front of the ship that is about to overturn, and will be the most terrifying avenger. As long as they stare at a certain person and pray to the **** you believe in, believe that death is the best way to salvation and liberation.


Char hit the lower mast hard, his face sober with blood, waking up with a dreadful gaze, and the mermaid was gone. But he knew that the mermaid must be laughing, cold and terrifying, staring at this side as if staring at the blind and howling Nalin.


Char’s scream was mixed in a tumultuous roar and did not attract anyone’s attention.

[Siren, what are you looking at? 】

Xia Yi didn’t understand the staring gaze of the turbulent chaos in the distant sea. From the bottom of the boat, and the bodies that continued to fall into the sea, he could guess what happened. But he did not care about these, even if he was not at sea, there were many people fighting each other for various reasons every day, except that before the end of the world, the fighting was rendered invisible, and now he was directly on the knife, there was no intrigue and framing, see who Stabbed if not pleasing.

Siren blinked and dived into the sea.

Xia Yi looked at him suspiciously, and a group of sea monsters beside him poke each other to sign.

The long silver hair spread out in the water, and Siren pressed his finger on Xia Yi’s lips, his eyes focused on the cold smile:

[Human wars are very interesting. 】

156 Doom-2

Shocked by infrasound, the old man, supported by several people, suddenly opened his eyes.

He raised his hand in some surprise, and his eyes were full of lush purple algae, just like a fierce devil, wantonly wrapped up a lot of boats, many people thumped in the sea, climbing vines and climbing again , Issued a beast-like roar, irrespective of the whole body of blood and continued to rush to fight.

But there are also people who have fallen into the sea by luck, and their hands and feet are caught in seaweed, struggling helplessly. But even if someone passed by them, they didn’t notice their danger at all, and even someone stepped on their body, so these unlucky people soon became corpses floating in the sea water.

What’s going on here?

The old man couldn’t help trembling, and the wrinkles on his face were all twisted up. He clearly remembered all the things that had happened. Everyone was brave to prepare to fight those butchers, but why was it out of control? Looking at the blood-red eyes and crazy expression, the weapon was severely cut off, as if flying without flesh and blood, and continued to rush forward blindly.

Even the army has never trained on the use of cold weapons. When it comes to killing people, even the fastest knife will be stuck by the human bones. Not to mention pulling it out, it is difficult to simply kill the other party.

The sea water had been reddened with blood, and the screams were screaming. More than half of the people tried hard to use a knife to try to kill the other party, but there was no way to do it. Finally, they rolled into a pile and started to bite with their teeth.

The old man was shocked. Even the bravest man of his tribe would not be able to persevere in such a fierce fight. The slightly sensible person would be afraid and start to wince, but the situation in front of him is that those who see the mouse will only scream The skin woman, who also stepped on the body and bite an American, tried to pinch the other person’s neck with both hands, but because of insufficient strength, her wrist was fractured and dislocated, but she grinned like a painless woman and bit her throat. The meat is desperately pulled.

The woman came to flee. It is said that neither her daughter nor her sister ran out, and they fell into the hands of these Americans on an island … The tide floated the incomplete corpses of the dead three days later. Some hatreds may be buried deeply because of their low abilities. When they burst out with crazy bloodthirsty emotions, anyone has the ability to become a devil.

As an old man who has seen many things, although he hates those butchers and fighters fighting for the island, he has not reached the point of madness that corrupts his mind. And he himself is a very powerful and powerful ability, and his resolution of infrasound is far more than others.

The moment when Siren and Xia Yi spoke distractedly was enough for him to wake up.

“Get on board!”

The old man looked grim, and he heard the faint singing. If I listened with curiosity, I felt my heart beating faster and restless. Not to mention those who are driven by hatred and fearful of their unknown destiny.

——Mermaid’s singing is one of the most terrible catalysts, which can amplify certain emotions indefinitely.

As long as there is no thought of killing, it will soon be calm.

The old man felt that his previous actions were too reckless. He was even influenced to jump into the deep water regardless of his age, so that the seaweed formed such a gritty net. Although this will not use his power, he must support the plant … this age Diving is no small challenge. I almost didn’t straighten my waist, didn’t climb on the boat for a long time, and all the tribes around me were as unheard of as possible.

Char on the big ship also leaned against the mast.

All the breath is the smell of the sea breeze, and there is a thick **** smell.

Charle finally believes in Mermaid, no, what a terrible monster Kraken is, even if it has the ability to make a place keep raining, and it can also lure people with singing. It is estimated that when the people here are all dead, the Kraken with a beautiful appearance will swim in the blood-soaked sea, reach out and take his other eye!


In front of Char, Nalin screamed and tried to struggle.

He knew that Na Lin must have died, but he didn’t know how he died in the end, bleeding up? still is…

Charles didn’t dare to think anymore.

Westerners generally advocate that kind of strong character, or a soldier with a strong attitude, Charles has always been so, but he shows not strong but bossy, not decisive but vicious. In times of crisis, let alone slaughter civilians, even if you abandon your compatriots!

Char savagely swept through the open space with his wind blade, then stood on the boat and jumped into the sea.

He is going to swim to the shore! He is convinced that only land is the safest now! Because he has been targeted by the devil!

His plan was very good, but the sea water near the boat was full of algae. He stumbled and stumbled almost to death, not to mention escape. Charles was struggling and suddenly saw an old man lying on the edge of the boat. Stared at him.

How dazzling in such a mad place.

Charles glanced at the old man’s tanned skin covered with grease. The large skeleton was not a shrivelled old man. The middle of his eyebrows was painted with strange paint because the water had become chaotic. However, a necklace of large animal bones and whale shark teeth still hangs on the neck. Such old people in tribes often have a particularly noble identity.

He rushed over, grabbed the old man by the neck, and growled:

“Stop them!”

“… what you can’t do, neither can I.”

The word Stop is simple, and the tribal elders can understand it, but the New Caledonia common French with strange grammar and grammatical errors … Charr can’t understand it at all, he pinches it hard, and the old man starts to struggle, one hand Also squeezed Char’s arm.

Initially, this action did not cause Char to be alert.

He even felt his body lighten up, and the headache of the hangover suddenly disappeared. It seemed that Mei Mei had slept comfortably and almost stretched, but soon he saw his nails start to grow rapidly, his eyes were flowering, and his heart was beating. Violently, there was nowhere to go, but there was a pain in the wrong place, buzzing in the ears.

Even if his strength was pumped away, Charr suddenly fell into the water.

He wanted to float, his limbs began to twitch, and he reached out and grabbed a lot of hair, and these hairs were so long, like the deformed and bent nails, they grew quickly and broke off. Char yelled in horror. At that moment, he thought that it must be Nalin ’s ghost who came back to take revenge, and resented that he did n’t save her!

“No! You are so stupid! You stimulated the sea monster with power!”

Char’s incoherent waved his arms, and the whole person lay prostrate in a pile of seaweed, and because of his weight, he slowly sank. All the limbs started to cramp and there was no way to float. He just watched the sea water gradually over his chest, neck, mouth and nose. He also tried to hold his breath. Desperately, the bright light disappeared from his eyes and changed to dim and full Bloody sea water.

The sea water is full of floating corpses, as well as thick seaweed rhizomes.

There will be no closer distance than this, and the water level has just reached Chale ’s forehead, but he ca n’t float upwards, and can only wait for the waves to take him pitifully out, with a breath, but this luck did not last. How long did he sink deeper and lower, and soon even if the waves stirred, he only had his hair out of the sea.

At that time, I didn’t know that the man who killed the red eye, tossing it around indiscriminately, even stepped on his head.

Char was almost screaming, but it was all seawater, and he sank completely into the sea, no, like tuna hanging on a fishing net, he died in a drooping posture in the end


Not far away, the sea monsters stared blankly at the lush seaweed.

Kraken swallowed two large mouths of sea water, with blood in it. It didn’t care about it, but there was no plankton in the sea water! !! Except in the middle of the barren South Pacific, where there is a thermocline interval, other places are unimaginable, only rich and unpalatable, there is no point!

What’s more, this is near the island.


No matter how Uribia poked it, Kraken still cried in sorrow!

Not eaten! I didn’t eat anything! !!

Gu Tuo is struggling to turn his head

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