The Salted Fish Life of a Superman

Chapter 85 Cthulhu

Chapter 85 Cthulhu

When the future was obtained, Lu Yan was already terrified on the 6th floor.

It was a dark night, quiet and gloomy, the wind outside was howling coldly, and the rustling of leaves could be heard from time to time.Suddenly, a black shadow brushed past the window, I don't know if it was a bird or a cat, or something else.

It was eerily dead outside, as if the darkness was about to swallow everything.

"Tick, tick, tick." In the deep darkness, the sound of dripping liquid came.

Lu Yan's nerves were tense and he held his breath. With trembling hands, he took out his mobile phone and took a picture deep in the corridor.

The light of the mobile phone is too weak, it can only illuminate a few meters away, the corridor seems to extend infinitely in the dark, endless, like an abyss leading to hell, eating all the light, leaving only darkness and panic...

"Tick tock. Tick tock" the sound of liquid dripping was still coming. Although it was very slight, it was amplified infinitely in the darkness, stimulating Lu Yan's tense nerves again and again.

Soon, Lu Yan recalled what Rocky had said, she said that the political and educational building was haunted, and the sound of blood dripping would be heard in the middle of the night.
No way.
Is it really haunted?
In the middle of the night, the toilet, the strange sound of dripping water... Isn't this the standard feature of urban horror stories?
"I'm a Noah-level humanoid weapon. I'm not a pitiful creature fighting against danger and madness." Lu Yan trembled with fright. Although he was usually timid, his brain circuits were not normal. , He actually leaned towards the direction of the sound tremblingly, wanting to find out, as if he was a demon hunter who slays demons and slays demons. .”

After a while, Lu Yan's mobile phone illuminated the sign of the toilet, which was full of rust. He looked at the strange sign with an indistinguishable age in disbelief. Coercion, the most primitive fear deep in the genes is released.In a trance, the scene in front of him was like a nightmare.

Now, Lu Yan really panicked, his consciousness was sinking into the deepest part of the darkness.Dark currents surged around, and the dark green light of the safety indicator intertwined into an indescribable outline in front of him.

Lu Yan was still consoling herself, maybe someone did not turn off the tap tightly, but soon, something weird happened!
He heard the muffled breathing
"Hoo" is deep and deep, making people lose their minds and go crazy, just like the whispers of ancient gods.

At this moment, Lu Yan had hallucinations. The strong and strange smell invaded the entire space from a place he could not see and could not distinguish its position, corroding his nasal cavity, as if a pool of indescribable scarlet liquid gushed out from the crack, filling he devours.

"Huh" In the toilet, the security uncle shook and sighed, "Hey, I can't stop urinating again, I really need to find a hospital for treatment."

Uncle Security put on his pants and just walked out of the toilet when he suddenly noticed a glimmer of light in front of him, and a human face appeared in the darkness.



Lu Yan and Uncle Security were frightened by each other at the same time, and let out heart-piercing screams.

Lu Yan was so frightened that his butt peed and ran away.

Uncle Security was even worse, he fainted from fright.

As soon as Lu Yan fled to the stairs, he ran into Future and the others.

As soon as he heard the ghost screaming, Future immediately became anxious: "What are you screaming for?!"

Lu Yan was so frightened that he could not speak coherently: "Ancient God Cthulhu! There is Cthulhu in the toilet!!"

Future is at a loss: "What the hell?"

Jiang Yunhu was a bold man, so he ran over to take a look, and said anxiously when he came back: "This idiot, he ran into a security guard! The security guard seems to be scared fainted by him!"

"What?!" The future is a little panicked, if the security guard wakes up and reports the matter, then it's okay?
"Damn! Things that are not enough to succeed but more to fail!" Jiang Yunhu was furious, beat Lu Yan violently, and took his anger on him.

"Okay, okay, stop hitting! Let me think of a way." After thinking for a moment, Future suddenly walked to the stairs and said to Rocky, "Quick, give me a kick."

Rocky was stunned: "What?"

Future pouted his ass, and said anxiously: "Kick my ass, hurry up!"

Although Rocky didn't understand, he still did it and kicked Future's ass.

"Ouch!" Future rolled down the stairs like a rubber ball, fell badly, his clothes were torn, he fell to the ground and moaned, "Help me to the boys' dormitory quickly."

On the other hand, Xing Kang did not go home directly after get off work, but patrolled in the first year of high school.

When inspecting shift 14, Xing Kang suddenly discovered that Future was not on shift.

Xing Kang poked his head in from the door and asked suspiciously, "Where's your head teacher?"

According to the previous plan, judging from the time, the future should have come back by now. I don't know what was delayed, and there was no plan in advance. The students didn't know how to answer, and they all remained silent.

The place where the passer-by was sitting was closest to the door, his eyes were a little erratic, and he muttered: "Maybe he's in the office."

Xing Kang frowned, and said sharply: "The office? I just came over from the office! I didn't see anyone! Where did he go? How can the head teacher leave his post without authorization during evening self-study?!"

Xing Kang had just finished scolding the future, and found that there were still three empty seats in the classroom. He took a closer look, and his tone became more severe: "What about the three classmates?"

Classmates, look at me and I look at you. I don’t know what to say, and I dare not say it. If you say something wrong and leak the secret, you will become a sinner for the entire class. No one dares to take this risk.

Seeing that no one answered, Xing Kang was furious. This Class 14 is really not upright, and the head teacher and the students are skipping class together.
At this time, another patrolling teacher on duty ran over and said nervously, "Director Xing, there is a security guard in the political education building who has fainted."

Xing Kang was stunned on the spot, and hurriedly asked: "Why did you faint suddenly? Are you all right? Where are you now?"

"I'm hanging glucose in the infirmary. I'm already awake. There's nothing serious about it. I just keep saying that the political and educational building is haunted."

"Haunted?" Although Xing Kang is old-fashioned, he is not superstitious and never believes in such ghosts and monsters. Although he has heard of ghosts and ghosts in the school, he goes in and out of the political and teaching building every day. Even if there is a ghost, he has already encountered it.

Haunting is out of the question, the security must be haunted by something. No!Was scared by someone!
Soon, Xing Kang recalled the loss of keys in the afternoon, plus the sudden disappearance of people from class 14, the "haunted" place was the political and educational building where the test papers were kept, and tomorrow was the monthly exam.
Could it be that? ? ! !

Xing Kang was shocked, grabbed the teacher on duty and ran outside, hissing, "No! Find Future and those three students, they are stealing monthly exam papers!!"

(End of this chapter)

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