The Salted Fish Life of a Superman

Chapter 343 Growing Alone

Chapter 343 Growing Alone
Meow was stunned for a moment, rubbed the back of her head awkwardly and smiled: "Don't, don't, I played so poorly in the first two rounds. If I lose the life-and-death round again, I won't be scolded to death? You should go ahead, I'll cheer you on in the background!"

Without any warning, the always gentle elder brother suddenly broke out. He grabbed Meow by the collar and pushed her towards the chair: "How long are you going to retreat?!"

In Miao’s impression, the eldest brother has always been gentle to her, and has always taken care of her like a big brother in the training base. Even if he makes a mistake, he never speaks loudly to her. When has he ever seen this appearance.

Meow looked at his elder brother in fear, not daring to say a word, tears flowed out uncontrollably, and fell down patter.

This time, the eldest brother seemed to be really cruel, and his tone was extremely severe, and he said in a cold voice: "Crying? Is crying useful? If crying is useful, last year's S game, I will cry for the championship! Those two betting dogs who bet on spinach , I will cry them directly into prison! Are you crying here now? Why didn’t you cry when you chose this path?”

"I know, you are only 14 years old this year, and you have only been in DK for two months. It is really difficult for you to be the leader. Because when I first debuted, I played in DK for a full year before I could complete the running-in with the team. .So before, even if you made a mistake in the game, I never scolded you. I also told you that in all BO1s, you win the first game and play whatever you ranked. It doesn’t matter if you lose. I will help you cover everything in the first game, so that you can play the third game."

"But when I think about it now, I'm really stupid. This approach is too wrong. I want to protect you and let you grow steadily, but the e-sports industry is sailing against the current, and there is no such thing as stability at all. You can either advance bravely, Or be unknown. Every time I come out to cover your case and block the gun for you, it's not helping you, it's hurting you."

"I will tell you directly now. After the summer split, today, at 12 o'clock in the evening, I will announce my retirement on Weibo. After today, there will be no more ID DK. Vetenan, and only DK's top laner will be You, and only you, will be left behind. From now on, no one will protect you, and no one will help you with the truth. Whether you win or lose is all your own business!"

"You chose this path yourself. You said that you want to take DK to win the S championship. You said this yourself! I have waited for you for 2 years, 2 full years! But what I waited for was the one who is not afraid of anything, Can dominate the road, just show the ID and make the opponent think 'the game is over'! Not the waste meow who shrinks behind me now, because he is afraid of being scolded, and dare not even fight life and death!"

"TNG's top laner is very good, I know. But let me tell you, KR's top laner, heart demon, he is 10 times stronger than TNG's top laner! Lane with him, you will feel unparalleled pressure, so that you can't breathe Don't be angry, if you relax for half a second, he will give you a fatal blow! I searched the entire national server and saw so many masters. I think only you can defeat him in terms of momentum! To defeat him, you must first Only by defeating TNG and getting the tickets to the S game, can we challenge him!"

With tears in her eyes, Meow said in a trembling voice: "If you lose this game, you will lose this year."

"Heh, you want to lose before you fight, you really look good on me." The elder brother smiled sadly, turned around and left, leaving a cruel sentence, "If you lose this round, don't keep DK, and don't fight in the future career, just retire."

Meow sat blankly in the conference room, the cruel words echoed in her ears, as if they were about to turn into a wall and crush her.

Five minutes later, coach Feng Feng Huohuo found his eldest brother, pulled him into the cubicle, and said anxiously: "Did you make a mistake? Did you let Feimao play in the life-and-death game? You are going to play DK to death!"

The eldest brother said lightly: "I have already decided, the two rounds just now are my curtain call, my career is over here, that's it."

The coach grabbed the eldest brother and said heavily: "Think carefully! This game of life and death, if you win, even if you lose, everyone will remember your appearance of fighting to the death and give you the greatest respect and encouragement. If you win, That is to let the second chase the third! Let the second chase the third in the summer finals! Do you know what this concept is? You will be recorded in the history of LPL! Someone will remember your name in 10 years!"

"But if this round is replaced by Fei Miao, and she wins, the credit is all hers. Everyone will forget the first 4 rounds, only remember this fifth round, and only remember the last victorious Fei Miao, and will not remember you! If she loses, then DK will be discredited, not only will she be scolded, but you will also be scolded! What do you think you are trying to do?!"

"Picture a hope." The big brother's eyes are as deep as the sea, "I have confidence in myself, and I will never misjudge people. The waste cat has potential, and I still believe this! But I killed her, I put her Too much protection. According to the current state, DK can't go far, even if it stumbles and goes to the S game, it will be 3:0 by KR. Therefore, DK needs hope."

The coach shook his head helplessly, and lit a cigarette for the elder brother: "When you scolded meow next door, I eavesdropped outside. I think, are you scolding too much? Someone should wake her up." , but no matter what she said, she was just a 14-year-old child."

Big brother: "Do you think I'm swearing for my own comfort? I feel uncomfortable when I scold her. When she cries, my heart bleeds. But I did nothing wrong with scolding. It should be like this. Now, she It needs a game full of pressure, and it is not ordinary pressure, it must be the kind of pressure that can push her to a corner. Only under heavy pressure can people transform and grow."

Coach: "But stress can also destroy a person, leaving her with a permanent loss of confidence."

"I believe she can withstand it, she will definitely be able to withstand it!" The eldest brother paused, and said in a deep voice, "If, I said that if she is really destroyed by me, I will kneel down and apologize to all the team members and her relatives .”

In the arena, even when she was sitting still, Meow was in a trance, and she didn't even know how she got up. By the time she realized it, she was already facing the final situation of life and death.

Meow playing professionally is not for anything else, only for a dream.

But at this time, the broken dream is on the line.

Either win or miss the dream forever.

The huge pressure made her breathless. When adjusting the mouse, her hands were shaking. She tensed her wrist desperately, trying to stop the shaking, but she couldn't control it anyway.

The audience's shouts were supposed to be full of enthusiasm, but at this time they turned into huge waves, beating Meow's young heart again and again, as if to wash her down.

She wanted to cry, but she didn't dare to cry. She knew that she was in the spotlight now, with more than a dozen cameras facing her. Once she shed tears, she would be captured immediately, be seen by all the audience, and also be seen by the big brother backstage .

She couldn't imagine how disappointed her elder brother would be if he saw her cry before the match started.

So, she held back.

Even though she held back her tears, the cringe in her heart still spread everywhere, making her hands and feet cold.

With all the attention and the enemy at hand, the 14-year-old is facing the most difficult test on the stage of the highest league of legends competition in China.

(End of this chapter)

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