The Salted Fish Life of a Superman

Chapter 320

Chapter 320
In the middle of the night, the rain fell like a waterfall, darkness and heavy rain swallowed everything, and even the distant lights could not be seen clearly.

In the intensive care unit, Luo Tianxiong was almost wrapped up like a mummy, lying motionless on the hospital bed, with more than a dozen drug infusion tubes inserted all over his body, and none of the monitoring equipment beside him was normal.

Outside the door, Rocky stared blankly at his father through the narrow window. There were dry tears all over his face, but there were still tears flowing down his cheeks to his chin, pattering down.

Luo Shangqian stood beside her, his eyes were bloodshot, and he said in a hoarse voice: "He was ambushed on the highway. The doctor said that the burn area reached 78%, and both wrists were open fractures. The first, fourth, fifth, Seven or eleven had broken ribs, their lungs were injured, and they were shot several times. The gun in his chest was very close to his heart. Although the bullet was taken out, he was injured too badly. The doctor said that the probability of survival was only 10%."

Rocky twitched, finally couldn't hold it back anymore, whimpered, and subconsciously wanted to rush in and hug Dad.

Luo Shangqian hurriedly grabbed Luo Qi: "You can't enter, he must rest now."

Next to her, Luo Lanshan was already crying into tears, but in front of her daughter, this weak woman forced herself to become strong. She wiped away the tears from her face with all her strength, came over and gently hugged Luo Qi into her arms, trembling. Asked: "Xiao Luo, can you find out who did it?"

Luo Shangqian clenched his fists: "We are investigating, but the other party is very professional. All surveillance has been destroyed in advance. We need time."

Luo Lanshan nodded lightly, and said softly, "Go and do your work first, I'll stay here with Rocky for a while."

Luo Shangqian wanted to say something, but hesitated to say anything, and sighed: "Well, I'm downstairs, call me if you need anything."

The whole hospital has been surrounded by Luo Shangqian's subordinates, especially the Luo Tianxiong floor, which has been completely emptied, and the patients have been transferred to wards on other floors. It is very safe for outsiders and mosquitos to fly in.

This is the first time that Rocky let Luo Lanshan hug him, weeping weakly in her arms: "My biggest wish before was to let him disappear quickly and never see him again. Now I just want him to wake up and talk to me."

Luo Lanshan had never seen Rocky like this before, her heart throbbed and her eyes were misty.But she knew that Rocky could cry now, but she couldn't cry anymore.

If she cries, Rocky will be more frightened and overwhelmed.

She held back her tears and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, Mom is here. Dad will be fine. He promised to take you on a trip, and he will never break his promise."

About half an hour later, Rocky almost cried all his tears dry, and sat blankly on the chair outside, his eyes were red, and he choked from time to time.

At this time, Luo Shangqian walked over from the other end of the corridor and stopped in front of Rocky, with a hesitant look on his face.

Luo Lanshan saw some clues: "Xiao Luo, what's wrong?"

Luo Shangqian scratched his head vigorously, looking very helpless: "My dad just convened the board of directors."

Luo Lanshan was startled: "Why is Tianxiong still awake at this time, how can we hold a board meeting?"

It can be seen that Luo Shangqian was also very irritable. He bit his lip hard and said in a deep voice, "My father means to let uncle's heir come forward to stabilize the morale of the army."

Luo Lanshan suddenly froze, Luo Tianxiong only had one daughter, and his heir was only...
Rocky heard the sound and lowered his head at a loss: "I don't want to go."

Luo Shangqian squatted down: "Luo Bao, listen to me. Now that something big happened to your father, all kinds of ghosts and snakes will jump up. We must help your father suppress them. If you can't suppress them, the power will be transferred to others hands, it will only make your father hurt further. Do you understand?"

Rocky bit his lower lip, his eyes still blank, but he nodded slightly.

Luo Shangqian took her hand gently: "Don't be afraid, my brother is here. If anything happens to the board of directors, my brother will stand by your side."

Luo Lanshan rubbed her eyes, choked with sobs and said, "Xiao Luo, you must protect her well, don't let her be bullied by those people."

Luo Shangqian said heavily: "Auntie, don't worry, in my heart, Luo Bao is more important than my own life, and I will protect her well."

The convoy penetrated the rain curtain and stopped at the headquarters building of the Rock Group.

The world must be divided for a long time, and it must be united for a long time. The same is true for families.

It is too difficult to develop to the size of the Luo family without time to settle down. From ancient times to the present, there are many families as glorious as the Luo family, but most of them have become the dust of history, and the only one standing still There is the Luo family.

Today, the family seems to have suffered a catastrophe.

Under the escort of security captain Assande, Luo Shangqian led Rocky to the meeting room on the top floor. Before entering the door, he reminded: "Luo Bao, raise your head, don't be afraid. Remember, you represent your father now, Think about what he usually looks like."

Luo Qi took a deep breath, recalled Luo Tianxiong's posture, held his head high, purposely put on a straight face, and walked in together with Luo Shangqian.

This is an extremely spacious room, with simple but dignified decorations adorning the entire room, and the air is filled with the lingering smoke of burnt sandalwood, making the room look a little hazy.

There are two rows of seats at both ends of the room, one row seats 6 people, the other row seats 5 people, and the other seat belongs to Luo Shangqian.

Everyone was dressed formally and looked at the two people entering the room with serious faces.

The owners of these twelve seats are the affairs officers under Luo Tianxiong who manage various affairs, symbolizing the highest power of the Luo Group, and every matter they handle is enough to influence the development trend of the Luo Family.

Luo Tianxiong was his father's third son. Both the eldest and second brothers fell in the family struggle. He took over the power stepping on blood and corpses and became the head of the family.

The twelve clerks under him were Luo Tianxiong's fourth, fifth, sixth, Luo Lianguo, seventh, eighth, nephew Luo Shangqian, plus 6 capable generals recruited from outside.

In terms of nominal status, it is natural to rank high and low according to the order mentioned above.

But in fact, Luo Tianxiong doesn't care much about seniority, but chooses talents and appoints talents. Luo Shangqian who is the most capable is the most important. Even Luo Shangqian's father, that is, Luo Tianxiong's fifth younger brother, is always behind him.

The atmosphere in the conference room was very heavy at this time, and everyone's eyes fell on the 16-year-old girl who entered the door, her eyes were as deep as the sea.

Rocky has experienced a lot of things before, and he also laughed and cursed in front of these people. One day he bullied this one, the next day he teased that one, one day he went to eat at this house, and the next day he went to another house to kick the door. Everyone treated her with a hippie smile. , never complain.

But now without the backing of her father, she suddenly realized that she was so small that she couldn't hold her head up in front of these people.

Luo Shangqian took her by the hand and asked her to sit in Luo Tianxiong's seat, and then sat down next to him: "It's all here, let's start."

(End of this chapter)

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