The Rumored Second Son

Chapter 26

Chapter 25 – Reason

“Hey, Yang Yizhi, you have to figure out one thing. It’s not that I want to marry her, but she is forcing me to marry her.”

“It’s hard to violate the holy will, do you understand?” Guan Yunyu held his forehead, she was clearly right now, why did she act like a mistress.

It was fine if Guan Yunyu didn’t say it, but when he said it, Yang Yizhi became even more angry. The person in front of him obviously took advantage of it, and made himself so wronged by what he said.

“You, you are not allowed to humiliate her like this!” Yang Yizhi’s sword came straight up again, Guan Yunyu quickly dodged, this person ran away with pheromones, and had weapons, he was no match for this person at all.

“Yang Yizhi, don’t you understand human speech? Who has humiliated her.”

“I’m a Ming matchmaker and I’m getting married. When the time comes, I’ll do the three letters and six ceremonies in place, and let His Majesty drive to our Guan family in a good manner, so I won’t lose face, okay.”

“I took out all my little treasury.” Guan Yunyu raised his eyebrows and looked at Yang Yizhi, and said coldly.

“You, what are those? You have what the Guan family has. Could it be that our Yang family will be worse?” Yang Yizhi bit his lip and looked at Guan Yunyu. He remembered that Gao Yingmin once said that she would not set up a harem. The person who loves her will marry him, he has always remembered this, and has been silently saving the dowry for her. But in the end, the illusion is nothing but nothing.

“In terms of the ability to make money, our Guan family is really better than your Yang family.” Guan Yunyu looked at Yang Yizhi with a cold face. Before, she had secretly investigated Yang Yizhi. Although he held the military power, he was the prime minister. But his property is not as much as hers. She has a lot of land deeds in her hand, and half of the properties in Chang’an City have her shares.

“You mean? Your Majesty has taken a fancy to your money, right?” Yang Yizhi took two deep breaths, calmed down, and asked with a sneer.

“Hey, I didn’t say that. I just said that our Guan family is richer than your Yang family.”

“I, Guan Yunyu, it’s you, Yang Yizhi, who is rich. What’s the matter? If you don’t accept it, come to fight.” Guan Yunyu frowned and looked at Yang Yizhi, his eyes bursting with confidence.

“Okay. I don’t have any money like you.”

“So what?”

“Do you know Ying Min? Do you know what she needs?” Yang Yizhi looked at Guan Yunyu coldly and asked.

“Xiao Mian, you can’t compare to me in terms of money, have you changed your strategy?” Guan Yunyu sneered, squinting at him with phoenix eyes. Actually asked His Majesty to win Min, **** it, Guan Yunyu’s eyebrows are red when he is so angry! She never called that! Why is this guy called that! I’m so angry, so angry. Guan Yunyu felt his head racing again.

“I don’t know what Win Min needs.”

“But I know she doesn’t need anything!”

“She definitely doesn’t need you! Otherwise, she would have married you long ago, wouldn’t she?” Guan Yunyu snapped back at him! She is so angry, she has never lost to anyone! Win Min! How dare you call her that! It can’t be done, Guan Yunyu has a little understanding of Guan Herang’s feeling every time he talks to her, he is a little bit over the top, and urgently needs a heart-cleaning pill to stabilize his mind.

“You!” Yang Yizhi was almost spurted out by her old blood, and his eyes were fixed on her, as if he wanted to swallow her alive with his eyes.

“I’m telling you! Yang Yizhi! You can’t call Ying Min. You want to call her Your Majesty, do you understand, Your Majesty?”

“She! It’s my daughter-in-law who is going to marry soon!”

“You, if you dare to call her that again, believe it or not, I’ll cut you off right now!” Guan Yunyu couldn’t hold back any longer, and the anger surged up, she was so angry that she died! Oh shit! When she thought of Yang Yizhi calling her that in front of Gao Yingmin in private, she felt bad about herself.

“Come on.” Yang Yizhi rolled up his sleeves.

“If you are capable, throw away the sword, and we will compete in fists and kicks! Let’s see who is stronger.” Guan Yunyu raised his eyebrows and said fiercely.

“Okay.” Yang Yizhi dropped the sword with a snap, and the two rolled up their sleeves and were about to hit each other.

Two strong bursts of pheromones erupted, causing the back alley to jump around.

At this time, Suo Yiming, who was squatting on the wall, couldn’t stand it any longer. He nodded his swollen brows. It was all about nothing. Yang Yizhi had the upper hand at the beginning and was about to kill, but Guan Yunyu turned the situation around. Yes, and then the two started chatting nonsense, and then, the Prime Minister foolishly threw away the sword, and Guan Yunyu and Guan Yunyu pecked at each other.

“My lords, calm down a bit.” Suo Yiming descended from the sky, pulling away the two who were about to wrestle.

“Suo Yiming! I want to report him! He just called His Majesty by his name, arrested him, and put him in prison.” Seeing Suo Yiming, Guan Yunyu began to report seriously.

“Master Guan, I heard correctly just now, you also called, how about I put you all in the prison together, calm down?” Suo Yiming smiled, looked at Guan Yunyu, and said leisurely.

“Forget it! I don’t know as much as him, I’m going home! My parents are still waiting for me to go home for dinner!” Guan Yunyu rubbed his nose, turned around and slipped away with oil on the soles of his feet. Only Suo Yiming and Yang Yizhi were left. Yang Yizhi calmed down, thinking about what happened just now, his eyes sank.

“This guy has been playing tricks on me.” Yang Yizhi said coldly.

“Prime Minister, if you want me to say, you, hey.” Suo Yiming sighed softly, he really couldn’t compare to Guan Yunyu.


When Guan Yunyu returned to the Guan Mansion, he locked himself in a secret room, and after a long time of tumbling, he found out the treasures at the bottom of the box left by his grandfather. Looking at the golden soft armor, Guan Yunyu’s lips curled up into a smile. With this soft armor close by, no sharp weapon could hurt her. Guan Yunyu put it on, walked to the bronze mirror, and she took a picture of it. , This soft armor fits surprisingly well, it is almost tailor-made for her, with the soft armor, she has a little sense of security.

After experiencing the leader of the Qinglong Gang and Yang Yizhi, Guan Yunyu deeply realized the value of saving his life. In the past, no one in Beta would threaten the life of a Beta, but now it’s different, she is His Majesty’s Alpha, and she will fill up her hatred wherever she goes, causing some unnecessary fights.

Standing in front of the mirror, Guan Yunyu deeply felt the same mood as his grandfather back then, the helplessness of rushing ducks to the shelves. But, there is no way, just like what Guan Herang said, she has to shoulder some responsibilities.

Coming out of the secret room, Guan Yunyu was hungry, and walked to the dining room. In the past, the dining room was full of fragrance, but now it was deserted. After Gao Qingyao gave birth to Guan Yunyu, he devoted all his love to Guan Yunyu. The eldest princess who used to have power over the government and the public has become a good wife and mother who takes care of her husband and raises her children at home.

At this time in the past, Gao Qingyao had already cooked a table full of delicacies, waiting for her to come back for dinner, but what happened today, there was no one in the Guan family.

Guan Yunyu grabbed a servant and asked in puzzlement.

“Where’s my mother, my father, and my sister?”

“Second Miss, Madam, Eldest Miss, and the Master went to the palace together to discuss with His Majesty, and the auspicious day for the wedding has come.” The servant told the truth.

“??? Why didn’t I know?” Guan Yunyu’s face was full of question marks. It was clearly about her marriage, but the person involved didn’t know about it.

“It’s a sedan chair from the palace. At that time, Second Miss, you were not in the Guan residence.” The servant continued.

“??? Shouldn’t you wait for me?” Guan Yunyu’s face was full of question marks, always feeling that he had been abandoned and gradually fell out of favor.

“Second miss, the master’s original words are, Yun Yu, once you go out, you don’t know when you will be back, let’s go, we can’t keep His Majesty waiting for a long time.”

Guan Yunyu clutched her heart and sat heavily on the chair. She had gradually fallen out of favor in the Guan family. Recalling that day, Gao Yingmin told her that her father would also be Gao Yingmin’s father in the future.

This Gao Yingmin’s joke came true, or did she play a big game of chess from the very beginning, winning every step of the way and finally winning.


When he went to court the next day, Youran saw Guan Yunyu and smiled so much that he couldn’t close his eyes or mouth.

“Oh, Guan Shilang, congratulations.”

“You Gong, even you want to make fun of me.” Guan Yunyu blushed, and pulled You Ran, losing the old playful smile. You Ran was shocked by the information system on Guan Yunyu’s body. The frightening pheromone was like an invisible hand, strangling him by the throat, and he was stunned.

“Yu Gong, what’s the matter?”

“Guan Shilang’s pheromone is really…” You Ran shuddered, stepped back to the side, and distanced himself from Guan Yunyu. As Aplha, it was the first time he felt such a strong pheromone, it was too aggressive, and he instinctively avoided it.

Seeing You Ran distanced herself from her, Guan Yunyu’s eyes turned red. Sure enough, she guessed that as long as she emits pheromone, everyone will automatically stay away from her and fear her.

“Guan Shilang, don’t cry, maybe it’s me, I haven’t gotten used to it yet, it will be fine in a while.” Seeing Guan Yunyu turned his back and secretly wiping tears, You Ran comforted him.

“Okay. You have to get used to it as soon as possible.” Guan Yunyu bit her lip and looked at Youran seriously. She was full of grievances at the moment, and Youran was the only one left to complain. But now it’s good, even You Ran is afraid of her.

Along the way, people kept congratulating Guan Yunyu, but from their eyes, Guan Yunyu only saw dissatisfaction, fear, and disdain. In their eyes, Guan Yunyu seemed to be the lucky one who was hit by a pie that fell from the sky.

In the court, rumors spread everywhere, probably because of Yang Yizhi’s injustice.

When he went to court, Guan Yunyu frowned subconsciously when he smelled the cold fragrance of cold plum blossoms. That man, Yang Yizhi, was still standing at the place closest to His Majesty. From Gao Yingmin’s eyes, Guan Yunyu saw her satisfaction with Yang Yizhi.

Thinking of Yang Yizhi calling Gao Yingmin, Yingmin in front of her yesterday, Guan Yunyu’s anger surged up.

“Little ancestor, restrain your eyes.”

“It’s too fierce.” Standing beside Guan Yunyu, You Ran felt her anger, covered her face with her sleeves, and reminded softly.

“Okay.” Guan Yunyu settled down and forgot it. Anyway, in the end Gao Yingmin chose her, didn’t he?


When they got off the court, Yang Yizhi blocked Guan Yunyu’s way, saying that he had something important to tell her. You Ran was by the side, and seeing the unkindness in the eyes of the two, he pulled Guan Yunyu and persuaded her to leave.

Didn’t stop, the pheromone released by Guan Yunyu was too strong, coupled with Yang Yizhi’s, the battle between the two top Alphas, once it started, it would be difficult to stop, presumably it was in the palace, Yang Yizhi didn’t dare to mess around , Youran touched his nose, and left in a self-defeating way.

In the imperial garden, Yang Yizhi looked at her coldly, Guan Yunyu also looked back at Yang Yizhi with more fierce eyes, who wouldn’t.

“Guan Yunyu, do you know why His Majesty chose you?” Yang Yizhi asked coldly.

“Heh, isn’t it enough for me to have this peerless face that can overwhelm the country and the city?” Guan Yunyu raised his eyebrows, curled his lips, and looked at Yang Yizhi. Compared with his appearance, she was really not afraid. After all, she inherited Gao Qingyao’s excellent genes.

“In your eyes, His Majesty is such a superficial person?” Yang Yizhi suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.

“Hey, then tell me, what does Your Majesty like about me?” Guan Yunyu shrugged. After all, isn’t this person just trying to provoke her relationship with Gao Yingmin? Then follow his words and listen to what he has to say .

“It seems that you don’t know at all.” Yang Yizhi smiled faintly, with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

“If you have something to say, just make it clear, don’t be here, just show off.” Guan Yunyu looked at Yang Yizhi displeased. She especially hated Yang Yizhi’s look. She thought she knew Gao Yingmin’s appearance very well. She couldn’t help but feel that kind of showing off. Want to punch his dog’s head off.

At this time, Yang Yizhi put away his anger, looked at her contemptuously, and spoke leisurely with his thin lips slightly parted.


In the imperial study room, Gao Yingmin was correcting the memorial, when the door was knocked twice, the man stood at the door, and Gao Yingmin smelled a very strong fruity fragrance.

“Come in.” Gao Yingmin put down his pen, looked outside the door, and said leisurely. When did this person become so polite, he knew he had to knock on the door before entering, whereas in the past he always barged in directly.

Guan Yunyu opened the door and came in, with his head drooping and his eyes downcast, unwilling to glance at Gao Yingmin. After entering, he sat mournfully on the chair farthest from Gao Yingmin, with a flower on his head. dark clouds.

“Yunyu, what happened?” Gao Yingmin took the initiative to sit beside Guan Yunyu and asked softly. This guy was extremely arrogant on weekdays, but when he suddenly quieted down, something must have happened.

Guan Yunyu blinked her phoenix eyes, took a deep breath, looked deeply at Gao Yingmin, and asked leisurely.

“Your Majesty, why do you want me to marry you?”

The author has something to say: Guan Yunyu (grievance): Although you are going to marry me, I feel like I am still racing?

Gao Yingmin (calmly): Oh? Blame me?

Guan Yunyu (seriously): Blame me, blame me for not meeting you sooner.

Gao Yingmin (holding the forehead):…

Today’s Guan Yunyu is a love talk girl, hahaha, Guan Yunyu’s personality is rather childish, so he may not be able to accept the fact that he is going to get married for a while, but it will be really fragrant soon, hahaha, the spokesperson of the law of true fragrance, Guan Yunyu.

Everyone give me more flowers~ The third watch is over, this drama is funny + sweet, hehe~~ so everyone understands~~

Next episode preview:

“Your Majesty, I will help you apply the medicine.” Guan Yunyu took out Jinchuang ointment from his arms, looked at Gao Yingmin, and his eyes fell on the back of her neck. The mouth of the gland is full of rich fruity fragrance, and the deep mark probably makes all Alphas who want to get close to Gao Yingmin feel chills.

The fingertips stained with the ointment fell down gently, and the faint rosiness spread along Gao Yingmin’s neck and neck to the roots of her ears. She bit her lip slightly, restraining the mouth that was about to overflow, and there was a faint mist in her cold eyes , subconsciously grabbed Guan Yunyu’s clothes corner.

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