The Roller Coaster Needs To Sign A Life And Death Certificate? Reba Was Scared To Cry At The Beginning

Chapter 48

Chapter 047: No One Can Get Off The Roller Coaster Of Qingshan With A Smile! Chapter 048: Hu Guangsheng Goes Off In Person, Can Scare

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin asked Aunt Zhao to organize a staff meeting.

At the meeting, he succinctly conveyed the decision to raise wages and pay five social insurances and one housing fund to all employees.

These old employees were all stunned when they heard the exaggerated rate of increase.

Especially for management positions like Aunt Zhao, even the basic salary has been raised to 9,000.

As for Uncle Wang’s technical positions, the salary is similar to that of Aunt Zhao.

Quite a few of them couldn’t help crying on the spot.

Many of them did not live well after leaving the playground due to the pressure of life.

Just like Uncle Wang before he returned to the playground, many of them are old employees who have worked in the playground for more than ten or twenty years, and they know nothing but the playground.

But Jiangzhou is so big, there is no extra playground to digest them.

When going to work in other places, people either recruit extremely demanding technical positions, or they only want young people. With their work experience in unknown playgrounds, they cannot impress employers at all.

In order to make a living, I can only find some odd jobs within my ability.

Now Jiang Lin’s perseverance has given rise to the idea in many people’s hearts that the king treats me like a gentleman of the country, and I will repay him with the soldiers of the country.

“I hope everyone can continue to work hard, don’t slack off, and strive to make our playground climb to new heights. I, Jiang Lin, hereby solemnly promise that I will never treat everyone badly.”

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, the staff below responded immediately.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Jiang, you can treat us like this. If we don’t work hard, are we still human!”

“That’s right, don’t worry, we will definitely let every visitor who comes to our playground have a good time.”

“Mr. Jiang, just take the helm and leave the rest to us. We will never lose the chain…”

This news has significantly increased the morale and enthusiasm of all employees.

Due to the staff meeting, the playground opened a little later than usual this morning.

Outside the gate, it is already crowded with tourists waiting to enter the park.

The scene of crowds of people rubbing shoulders one after another made people who didn’t know it look like they were holding some sort of rally.

“What’s going on? Didn’t I read on the Internet that this amusement park will open at eight o’clock in the morning? It’s already ten past eight o’clock now, why didn’t even a single employee see it?”

“Could it be that the park is closed for rest today? I didn’t see any notice.”

“I called their customer service and no one answered. What’s the matter? I worked so hard to come here from other places, but I was turned away. This playground is too unreliable.”

Sister Hammer, who was also crowded in the crowd waiting to enter the park, heard the complaints from the tourists around her, and helped to explain: “Maybe it’s a meeting. I just met the employees of the playground on the way here. I didn’t hear that they are on holiday today or something.” .”

“Then why haven’t you opened the door yet? Even if something happens, you should let me know.”

“Let me ask and see what’s going on.” Sister Hammer took out her mobile phone and sent Jiang Lin a message while speaking.

When Jiang Lin received the information, he realized that it was already past the opening time of the park, and hurriedly asked all the staff to take their positions to welcome tourists into the park.

The few new tourists who were talking to Sister Hammer before saw her message was sent, and the door opened, and they couldn’t help but praise: “Amazing, I didn’t expect that the door would open as soon as you sent the message, why don’t you?” It must be an employee here.”

“I’m not, I just come here often and know their employees.” Sister Iron Hammer shook her head.

“That’s a good relationship. Can you introduce us to us, what is the most interesting thing here?”

“If you want to say it’s fun, it’s actually quite fun, but the rides here are very different from other places. It’s your first time playing. I suggest you start with the lowest difficulty.”

“It doesn’t exist!” The boy who spoke said, patting his chest, “I practice sports, and I’m very courageous. These things can’t scare me at all!”

These boys came to play with their girls.

In front of her sister paper, how could she lose her prestige, not to mention that Sister Hammer’s appearance and figure are quite wow.

When young boys face beautiful women, they will always unconsciously show their fearless side.

Following his words, the male companion who came with him immediately echoed.

“That is, since we dare to challenge, we must come for the highest difficulty, and directly fill it up, otherwise it will be exciting.”

“That’s right, if you want to challenge, you have to challenge the most difficult one, otherwise you will always feel a little less interesting.”

“Miss, do you want to come with us later?”

Hearing this, Sister Iron Hammer immediately shook her head and said, “I won’t do it. I’m relatively timid and can’t play too exciting. But I think you must be fine. Come on, just pull it up and let me experience the highest difficulty. What’s it like?”

“No problem, just wait and see.”


There was an imperceptible smirk on Sister Hammer’s face, she felt that she was gradually becoming Jiang Lin now.

With the encouragement of Sister Hammer, these buddies with sister papers boarded the roller coaster.

After getting on the roller coaster, they directly asked the staff to adjust the difficulty to the highest level.

“Sorry, in order to ensure the safety of tourists, our park stipulates that it must be unlocked through challenges one by one, so as to prevent tourists from being overly frightened and any unexpected situations.”

“Why is it so troublesome? It still needs to be unlocked level by level.” The sports students were dissatisfied, “Is there a way to unlock to the highest difficulty level at once?”

“There is no such way, but as long as you have no reaction after the game is over, you can unlock it by skipping levels.”

“It’s okay, then come here, it’s nothing more than playing twice!”

Sister Tie Hammer, who was standing outside the guardrail, was laughing like crazy in her heart, and kept cheering those buddies on her lips.

And then the buddies, along with their girlfriends, learned again the truth about the saying that pretty women can’t be trusted.

When they got off the roller coaster, they all looked like they were tearing up and down, which made Sunshine Plaza have a few more idiots basking in the sun.

As for continuing to strike up a conversation with Sister Hammer, even if they still have that thick skin, their short-circuited brains won’t allow it…

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