The Roller Coaster Needs To Sign A Life And Death Certificate? Reba Was Scared To Cry At The Beginning

Chapter 24

Chapter 024: Someone Comes To Find Faults? Increase The Difficulty Silently!

Anal is Reba’s debut work.

Through the reborn Jiang Lin, I know what kind of magnanimous stardom Reba will have after filming this movie.

But he didn’t intend to change anything. Everyone has their own pursuits, and he has no intention of interfering.

Taking a deep look at Reba who was lying on her back in sleep, Jiang Lin sighed softly, shook his head and was about to leave.

As a result, just as he turned around again this time, he was embraced by Reba who bounced off the bed.

Turning her head again, Reba was still the same as before, sleeping unconscious on his back.

He had no choice but to settle Reba down again.

Reba, who was lying down this time, even grabbed the hem of his clothes tightly, no matter what he did, she would not let go.

He was afraid of hurting Reba, so he didn’t dare to use too much force, so he could only stay quietly by the bed, and passed the night.

Early the next morning, Reba, who was snorting and stretching, suddenly felt something fluffy beside the bed, which scared her and hurriedly opened her eyes.

After staring at her for a long time, she realized that it was Jiang Lin lying beside her bed.

At this time, Jiang Lin also woke up from his sleep because of her movement.

“Heh~~” Jiang Lin let out a long breath, “Wake up, are you thirsty? There is water at the bedside.”

“What did you do to me?” Reba asked nervously.

“What can I do? Last night you grabbed my clothes and refused to let me go. You insisted on leaning against the bed for the whole night, which made my whole body hurt like hell.”

“Get lost!” The blushing Reba slammed the bedside doll at Jiang Lin…

When Jiang Lin arrived at the playground, the park was already open for business.

The person who opened the door was Aunt Zhao. Through her contact, three old employees returned today.

Queuing early in the morning at Qingshan Amusement Park has become the norm, and every morning there will be a line of hundreds of meters long at the gate of the park.

Those vendors around who came here temporarily to support the stalls have now become permanent residents. When the playground is too busy, these vendors will take the initiative to help maintain order on the scene.

Uncle Wang, who was eating breakfast at the door, saw Jiang Lin coming, and greeted him, “Xiao Jiang, have you eaten yet? This tofu nao tastes very good. Would you like a bowl?”

“Okay, I just happened to be a little hungry.”

While eating breakfast, the two chatted casually.

“I really didn’t expect that our playground would have a second spring in your hands. I thought I would never have the chance to see this scene again.”

“Uncle Wang, this is not due to me alone, it is all the result of everyone’s joint efforts.” Jiang Lin laughed.

“You’re just too modest.” Uncle Wang smiled and shook his head, “You know, what I like to do most every day is to come to the gate of our park early and watch the crowded scene.”

“This scene always gives me a feeling that I have returned to my youth, and I am full of energy…”

While talking, Uncle Wang suddenly frowned, “What are they doing here?”

“Who is it?” Jiang Lin followed Uncle Wang’s gaze and turned his head to look.

Uncle Wang looked at a group of young people.

But there is a big difference between these young people and Common tourists.

When Common tourists line up, most of the chats are about how they played here yesterday, or their impressions after watching the video, and the expressions on their faces are also mixed with excitement and longing.

But these young people, their eyes full of scrutiny, whispered to each other when they talked, and took out a pen and paper to record something from time to time.

“Who are those people?”

“The staff at Jiang Cheng Amusement Park, the tall guy who takes the lead is their technical supervisor. I left us before and applied for a job at their amusement park. I know that guy.” Uncle Wang said softly, “You wait here, I will Go meet them and see what these guys want to do!”

“No!” Jiang Lin raised his hand to stop him, “I’ll just go there, you wait to inform others, be careful not to let these guys cause any damage in our park.”


After Jiang Lin got up, he didn’t go directly to meet those people, but turned to the ticket booth to say hello to Aunt Zhao.

Aunt Zhao also recognized this group of people. After all, Jiangzhou City is such a big city, and they are all engaged in amusement parks. She may not know the Common employees, but it is absolutely impossible for the middle and high-level employees not to recognize them.

“Xiao Jiang, please be careful, I suspect that these guys are coming with bad intentions.”

“It’s okay, I also want to see what they want to do.”

Not long after, those people bought tickets and entered the arena and came to the side of the roller coaster that hangs by a thread.

“What am I talking about? This is an internet celebrity product. Look at their tattered roller coaster. To put it bluntly, it’s a theme feature. To put it bluntly, it’s a gimmick made to save costs.”

The tall leader pointed at the roller coaster and said nonsense.

“This kind of thing relies on marketing to fool Hiroto, and it can’t stand up to scrutiny. Although there are a lot of tourists now, they are all fooled by the video. When everyone knows that this game should be a monkey, you see Will anyone come by then?”

At the same time as belittling, he led the people to the front of the line carelessly, wanting to jump in line to play.

The tourists queuing up didn’t know the origin of these yelling people, and they didn’t dare to stop them.

But Jiang Lin wouldn’t give them face, and directly frowned, “Whoever allowed you to jump in line, go to the back line.”

“Do you know who I am, you actually asked me to line up, I can spend money to play your project, I have given you enough face.” The tall man said dissatisfied.

This is also his confidence as the technical director of Jiangzhou No. 1 Playground.

Usually when he goes to other playgrounds in Jiangzhou, they have to pay him to go and guide him to see if he has any shortcomings.

Although he came here to find trouble this time, he also believed that Jiang Lin should support him.

“I don’t care who you are, I’m not your father, why should I spoil you, don’t play if you don’t line up!”

When the tall man heard this, his eyes widened and he was about to squirt.

But before he could open his mouth, he first caused shouts and curses from the tourists behind him.

“There’s no end to it, it’s reasonable not to line up, right? What kind of idiots are playing, get out of the back and line up…”

“Looks like a decent guy, but he just wants to take advantage of it and jump in the queue, what…”

“Did you hear that? Are you deaf? Can you line up? Don’t let us invite you…”

Under the public outrage, the tall man had no choice but to lead the people to the end of the line, but before leaving, he gave Jiang Lin a hard look, “Good job, just wait for me.”

Jiang Lin didn’t bother to talk to him at all, and arranged for tourists to play step by step.

It’s just that when it was the turn of those people, they silently adjusted the difficulty level to the fourth gear…

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