The Rise of Turok

Turok 6


Chapter 6

By BigToFu


Spinning around behind the cover, I let out a low chuckle before both of my hands shined with purple radiance as my own inner light leaped to do my bidding and I colored them with void fire. Then with a twisting pivot, my left wrist snapped out and a void shield fired off as if I was Captain America. Then I repeated the same with my right hand before letting the void envelope the rest of my body as I jumped upwards creating another shield construct out of my void-colored light.

My little leap shot me ten feet into the air, allowing me to land on the partitioning divider of the battlefield. Down on the other side, I located three other guardians hemmed in from my bouncing shield as its speeds kept increasing with each bounce. It was clear they didn't have a lot of battle experience because they were like fish in a barrel rite in my killing field. Pulling my void shield off my arm, I reared back as it was overcharged with void light, then stopped myself from letting it go as a titan came blasting around the far corner on its hover jets.

Fuck me sideways, they were bait.

My world exploded into pain as the void shield I pulled in front of me exploded into light shards from the center mass rail gun round that almost tore me in half. More pain erupted from my back as I went through one wall then a second before finding myself lodged into a third. Okay, void was good but obviously a no-go, so how about a little solar.

Releasing my hold on the void, I fanned the flames in my heart. The metal around me melted into molten steel as I was lowered back down to the ground. I knew that this was a test for sure, but the only opportunity for a win was for them to force me to call my Titan. No one said I couldn't throw around powers. After that thought, I had to vacate my location as two titans came slide boosting around both ends of the divider hunting me down.

Pulling the staff from my back, I gave it a twist as I infused it with solar light birthing a massive flaming hammer. It was time to bring the hammer down. I snorted mentally at the pun even as I dodged left and right on my path for the blue, a green colored scheme titan. With my approach angle, I kept them from shooting since they didn't want to hit each other and I used this to my advantage as I jumped ten feet in the air, acting like a shooting star, as I came down hard with my power move.



I never got my sweet crunch explosion of the titan foot as my world exploded into pain.


Then the kill cam activated in my holo-tank and showed me the sight of that bitch punting me like a football. With a snort, I turned and headed for the door leading out of the holo-room dismissing the training program and powering down the room to sleep mode. Walking down the hall and into the locker room I found the six all in celebration as I stood at the door with a small smile on my face, they had earned this.

A shadow intersected with my own and I turned to the side to look at Mara Sov, one of the few Quarians that decided to follow me into cybernetics. She had replaced both arms and legs with reinforced hyper-alloyed limbs just like my own.

Her long fluttering lashes batted at me before her piercing stare was set upon me. "You didn't have to give us that win."

My answer was to shrug, "It's not a no-win scenario." I replied coolly.

"I see," Mara returned with a low murmur while allowing the silence to stretch before breaking it again. "When will we become guardians?"

Pushing off the wall with a chuckle, I gave her a half glance and smirk, "After a shower, some food, and a good night's sleep."

-Scene Break-

Standing before the assembled six along with the other fifty-plus Quarians, I couldn't help hide the pride that I felt in my chest at all that they were able to accomplish. Standing on the podium before the gathered Quarians, I cleared my throat and held up a hand.

"Please raise your right hand and repeat after me." I stated as I looked them over, "I, _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Quarian Republic against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the Quarian Vanguard and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

I stood with pride as they all said their oaths, the tiles beneath their feet illuminating with light as each word was spoken. Then as they competed their oaths after my own, swirling motes of light shot upwards through the illuminated grooves. Each of the six was lifted in the air along with the light as it swirled around and through them. As the light flowed through each quarian, we all watched as it not only took on a different color, but also as a symbol formed over their locations. My smile was on my face as the Hunter symbol sprang to life, then Titan, and even that was followed up by the Warlock in the end.

Honestly wasn't expecting Sheena to be a Hunter with temperament and thrust for knowledge. Same as I wasn't expecting Mara to be a Warlock, but life and its mysteries. I could still definitely live with this outcome, I just hope so could they.

Saying nothing, I waited until they all floated back to the ground and summoned their Ghost.

"So much Light in one place, amazing." Ent whispered within my mind.

With a chuckle and reply of I know, I waved a simple gesture and allowed him to flow outwards to interact with the other Ghosts. Now I could do so much more: my people now had two whole fire teams at the ready along with myself being a one-man army. It was easy to tell that I was the only one capable of selecting my light powers from any of the three classes. And with my modifications to my people, we would never be beholden to eezo ever again.


Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I raised my hands with palms facing upwards, the mics activating to project my voice outwards and across the planet. "People of New Rannoch, I give you, your Guardians!"

The little crowd of fifty went wild and I allowed them this time of celebrations, because within a few more days. We would be once more amongst the stars hunting and gathering the Quarians on pilgrimage. Instead of brooding, I went down and joined the others. With a smile on my face, I mingled with the others and kept myself away from any of the dark corners so I wouldn't turn into a brooding git. Sheena was with her brother and I heard the tail end of a conversation about promising to get their parents. Turning away from that hot mess, I talked with a few people before I got trapped by the big tittied 'ara' doctor.

Long slender fingers wrapped around my bicep, then soft flesh wrapped around my arm as I was pulled into her embrace. Turning to see who it was filled more than half of my vision with the deep expanse of supple purple flesh with light dots of darker purple freckles. Smiling at her, I allowed myself to be pulled over to one of the side tables and pushed into a seat. Not fighting back, I accepted the seat from Rit'suko, she even gave me a blue drink that went down ice cold.


"I have so many questions for you," Rit'suko hummed at me with her hands clasped before her with fluttering lashes. Smiling at her, I held my glass out to the side as one of the helper EVE bots came by and gave me a quick refill.

"So, how can I help you, doctor?" I asked with a smile that reached my eyes.

She smiled with a squint my way, not a care in the world about her appearance. "Ohh don't be like that," Rit'suko pouted at me with her arms pushing together and doing great things for her breasts. If I was of a lesser mind, that little tactic of hers would have gotten to me.

Hell, it got a few of the male Quarians and a female to blush at her trying to distract me with those sweater puppies.

Then she brought up a hand, her omnitool activated with a series of overlapping holograms for a person to look at. "So I noticed in one of the older files that you gave my medical department you were trying to reverse engineer the symbiotic food culture we lacked within our diet to bolster our immune system, but then the philosophy behind everything changed." She gushed as she brought up very important research material that shouldn't be anywhere out in public.

The look I gave her was flat and very much not impressed. "Doctor, I do believe that is lab-only research."

"Yes," She nodded her head at me, "But you've been busy with the kick, kick, punch, punch stuff and I have only just been able to pin you down."

With a sigh, I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Have you… I don't know. Tried to put a request in so it could be on rotation so that I come around and talk with you."

Now it was her turn to cringe lightly, "Well I kinda sorta have been chasing down the trillions of data points to the cure you gave us." Then she quickly waved her hand in front of her like an anime character from the look on my face. "Don't get me wrong, the end result is an achievement all on its own, but the process, 'ohh keelah' the process must be recorded for history." She fanned her face like a fan girl with stars in her eyes. "I don't get how you don't see that as important, if the computers hadn't recorded it all I wouldn't ever believe it. And it would all be lost to the annals of history."

I grimaced at that, "doc the safety of our race is paramount, I don't have to remind you that as of right now, nothing can be released into the greater galactic scientific community right?

"But the science?!" Rit'suko gasped.

My shoulders went up and down in a shrug. "Tell that to the Salarian and their genophage." Shit maybe I shouldn't have said that because the few voices around us went deathly silent and I could now tell who was listening but also pretending not to. "I'm trying to dig us out of a deep dark hole doctor and as much as the science might be good and important for the future. I'm not worried about being recorded in history, I'm worried about Quarians being able to live their lives without some mad frog taking our advancements and bombing us back to the stone ages with a gene virus."

Rit'suko pouted at me with puffed cheeks.

I shook my head, "Have you been adding the genetics to the sequencing batches to run tests for genetic errors?"

"Yes, yes!" Rit'suko cheered with bubbly energy.

"And?" I asked with a go-ahead motion with my off hand.

"Ohh yes," She squealed with a clap of her hands. The more data points the better and it allows me to catch any genetic traits that might not only stand out but also be good for all, even the negative ones aren't compatible with the cure."

In return, I gave a headshake no, "That's all fine and dandy but don't go too crazy with the eugenics. We want Quarians born without birth defects and any other complication, not some crazy science project trying to make us pure again."

She shook her head at me, "No one in my research facility will ever be looking into that nonsense, our biodiversity is already stretched so thin."

Letting out a sigh, I looked around and noticed all the faces. Well, damn, guess the party mood was shot for those within the vicinity of our location. With a shake of my head, I gave some smiles and laughed before offering the good doctor an arm. She took my arm with a good-natured laugh and we proceeded to enjoy the party for a little bit before going back to her lab.

Next Day….

Sitting up in bed, I stretched as my back popped in all the right places. Standing up, I sent a smile to the doctor laying on my bed in her birthday suit before heading to the bathroom to complete my morning rituals. Rit'suko joined me halfway through and we then proceeded to have a very nice breakfast before I had to find myself out of my quarters and into the main Vanguard building.

Since I was walking in with my street clothes which weren't much more than regular clothes, I had to go to the armory and pick up my new set of armor. Walking through the security checkpoint in my standard jump kit, I took the elevator down to the locker room that also doubles as the armory. I had a ten-by-ten section all to myself and I smiled as Ent came forward and authenticated my credentials as the leader of the Vanguard. Everyone had their place and that was backed by spatial expansion technology. The doors of my locker folded open for me in a beautiful display of free-floating antigravity as parts hovered above the ground showing my armor of choice.


When I made my armor, I checked the human archives to make sure that they didn't have Star Wars in this reality and I came up with a winning hand. Since nothing was stopping me, I overhauled our entire system and went with a mando theme, even making myself dual dark sabers to make sure I had a matching set. For the fabric, I went for a combination mixture of nano-weave fibers using synthetic vibranium weave that had an absorption rate of ninety-seven percent. Everything from the helm to the chest piece down to my boots was filled with the most advanced armor tech I could build. The mando help was great, but it was missing everything from targeting to communications and all of that would need to be fixed. Hell, I was even able to build us a proper synaptic interface that looked like an ordinary bluetooth device you just stuck behind your ear.

Even with my miniaturization the suit still came in a little bulky and weighed over fifty pounds distributed across the wearer's body. The enviro controls from the old Quarian suits got an overhaul and upgrade because if it's been able to work for over three hundred years then some damn good design philosophy was behind it and I wasn't going to throw any of that away. Yes, I was trying, and I was disposing and rebuilding a lot of our society from the ground up, but there were still a lot of great parts to it that made us Quarians, us. And I wasn't about to mess with any of that, the suits though had to go. It was a thing of our past that had to stay there and fucking die.

When I looked around the armory slash locker room, I could see my Guardians wearing their suits with pride. When I looked over, I noticed Sheena do a little hop and hover in place as her jump kit that I acquired with charges into TitanFall flared to life. She hovered for a few minutes and I could tell within my mind's eye what her HUD was saying.

Hover Nominal

Power Nominal

Shields Nominal

Environmental Seals Nominal

The armor's systems would go through a list of checks and balances and it was all going to come back as green across the board because my tech wasn't shit. Even the shields were more than just the best on the market. They were full Forerunner shields taken to the extreme capabilities of energy and kinetic absorption and redistribution. Turning back to my own locker, I finished my prep, then placed my hand on the circle. There were two beeps of the machine before two tongs came out and connected, swapping out the dimensional protocols on my suit. My omni-tool beeped in my ear and I smiled at the notification that I now had a portable space suit.

Standing back, I looked myself over in the mirror, and can I just say… Damn, I look good.


With a mental command, my helm receded into the collar of my armor, with a nod at the rest. I walked out of the locker room and into the elevator allowing it to take me to the main command hall. When I walked into the command complex, I found Mara sitting in one of the window alcoves flipping a very sharp blade. Ignoring her, I met Sheena in the middle next to the massive holo-table and ran my hand over its surface. When I did that, the current solar system appeared over the head of the entire command room. Taking a step back, I made a flicking motion from my omni-tool sending the mission packets I had built a few days ago to mix with the massive hologram.

Up above us were five refueling space stations, ten normal space stations, three planets, a couple colonies and of course the Citadel because they had a very large population of Quarians there. Granted, I couldn't get why my people would gather there but it was pack mentality and a lot of other things about wanting to be with your own kind. Then there was the fact it was the largest collection of people in the galaxy besides planets. I would need to fix that sooner than later because I would not let something like that stay around. I just didn't have it in me, not with the looming threat of the Reapers. There was a fourth and fifth planet but they were both highlighted with bright red and had a lot of warnings. One was a Turian colony inside Turian space. While the other was the Batarian's homeworld.

The Batarians, I didn't have any answer for them as of yet since I didn't have either the population to draft or the military might to do anything about it. Well, unless I just wanted to crack the planet and keep it moving, but I wasn't heartless enough to conscript so many innocents to death. Plenty of slaves on that world need some good old-fashioned liberation. The Turian colony on the other hand was going to be a harder nut to crack.

See the Turians figured out that my people were very skilled engineers and decided to hire them. It was borderline slavery but when has Stockholm syndrome ever been a good thing. Ignoring those two though, I clapped my hand to get the attention of my gathered Guardians and waved at the map.

"Here are the current locations of a few Quarians I'm aware of in space." I said as I took a stroll around the holo-table. "does anyone notice something wrong?"

It took them a few seconds but I heard a few grunts of displeasure all around me. So I turned on a dime and pointed to a big Quarian. The cure did him good by activating a second puberty to fix the malnutrition issues he suffered from. "Tell me what's wrong."

Dra'ken grunted and raised a chin at the hologram, "that doesn't amount for even a percent of the Quarians out on pilgrimage, that's what four thousand bodies maybe give or take a few hundred."

I snapped my finger at him since the count didn't include the Turian planet or the Batarians homeworld. "Bingo." With a sigh, I took the floating chair that came over to receive me.

Mara pinched her chin and waved her brother off from what he wanted to say, "So that begs the question, where did they go?"

The place went silent and I let it stretch for a time before I shrugged my shoulders, "For now, I'm not sure, but keep in mind the numbers just don't add up, so keep your eyes and ears open."

A Quarian, a head shorter than me, fingered his hand cannon still in his holster and gave me a nod, "So what's the plan?"

With a chuckle, I waved my hand at my gathered Guardians, "The buddy system for now, anyone leaving the system for a mission no matter how minor travels with a partner." I could already tell from the looks in their eyes who wanted to go out and explore and who wanted to stay. "We have a month before the migrant fleet is in an optimal position for us to go and gather the rest of our people. So we need to make it count."

It was easy to see all their backs straightened as the hologram over the entire room shifted once more. Now it showed the location of the migrant fleet wedged in between the Asari and Turian space. Trailing behind the migrant fleet was an Stg ship, but that was out of my hands for now. That didn't stop my unmanned drone from tagging him as it kept track of my people. Know thyself and know thy enemy and you shall never lose a battle.

Looking down from the hologram, a few faces carried frowns as they glared at the Salarian ship, but now was not the time to vent the anger of my species. I would wait and bide my time, and when the reapers show up at the citadel, I would have all three of them by the balls.

I clapped my hand to gain their attention once more, "remember the location of New Rannoch is highly top secret on the pain of death."

"Boss man, I don't want to be that guy, but why?" Cayde asked and I could see that the others shared the same sentiment.

With a chuckle I looked at them, then looked back up at the hologram of the migrant fleet. "Let me answer your question with my own question. When was the last time someone visited both the Asari and Salarian homeworlds? Humanity was bullied into revealing the location of theirs and plenty of xeno-species visited. Turians view their home planet as a strategic military location and like to show off their big guns, but no one visits the Asari home planet or the Salarian. It's not outright stated to be banned, but interesting to know not even diplomatic envoys have visited. If there is to be a meeting, those are done on the citadel." I then looked at them and smiled my smile as they thought it over. "And the less said about the Krogan homeworld the better."

A few shared winces but went back to join me in watching the migrant fleet stop at an asteroid. After I felt a good amount of time had passed, I made a flicking motion again from my omni-tool. The map above our heads shifted back to the locations of currently known Quarians but this time things were different. Next to each of the locations now had threat ratings along with difficulty levels. Then, as a side note, I had the recommended suggestion to wear Human or Asari facial holograms to blend in.

Either way, I was alright with them catching a little heat by not wearing a disguise, but I was also alright with whatever choice they made. They were super-Quarians now so they didn't have to take shit from anyone, even if I still wanted them to follow at least basic laws. Any level of theft was stupid when we had material synthesizers along with replicators, but if someone was making false accusations. I had absolutely no problems with my people slapping them in the mouth for that bullshit.

"Pick a battle buddy and then select a mission," I called with a hand motion towards the massive hologram that hung over the command room. There was a little bit of staring contest that started up, but I ignored it all as I stayed, leaned back in my hover seat, and watched the hologram floating overhead. They were all adults and didn't need me to hold their hands. There was a tap at my shoulder and I looked over with a raised brow to find Cayde standing there with a sheepish look on his face.

"Heya boss, wanna go on an adventure with me?" Cayde asked with a little picture card, the image and location to one of the refueling space stations on the front.

With a raised brow, I looked around the room and found excited pairs looking over locations and already planning their approach. Turning back to Cayde, I shrugged at him, "Sure, what's the worst that could happen."

Then I stopped in my tracks because, fuck me sideways, if that wasn't a jinx I don't know what would be. With a sigh, I stood and went to give Sheena her orders. It was clear that she wasn't going to leave New Rannoch and I was alright with that. The orders I left behind were all simple things, keep everyone focused on getting up to level. Then I had someone run Overwatch with the help of a Virtual intelligence. Since we didn't have the forces to run the larger military ships, I had them working on limited AI control along with Vanguard control from the main stations.

Trying hard not to think about it, Cayde and I took the Milano out to a little space station out of the way. The Fire Horn space station was a mining station and from my snooping around, housed a little over a hundred Quarians, but something about the whole thing was off. I couldn't find their workers' contract anywhere in the systems nor could I find any housing agreements. The only reason why I knew they were there was because of the messaging boards my people had made to share information. The long and short of that bullshit was that I couldn't, but I had to, trust the damn messaging board.

I couldn't stop the grimace at the thought of whoever it was that owned the damn servers. It had to be the fucking frogs because it's always the damn frogs.

A weight settled onto the shoulder of my seat.

"What's got you down and brooding boss man?" Cayde asked me while he idly gave his hand cannon a check.

I looked at them and hummed, "Hmm, bad indicators all around, nothing about this fills me with confidence."

He smacked me on the shoulder, "Bahh, that's just your paranoia acting up." He then swaggered by while holstering his weapon. He threw himself into the navigation seat and threw a leg over an arm. "I'll even buy you the first drink at the bar."

Rolling my eyes, I spoke into the air, "What do you think Alita, am I being too paranoid?"

Her suit replied as she appeared in the navigation seat. "I want to use the rocket hammer this time."

Cayde slumped in his seat with a sigh, "Ye of little faith the both of you."

I threw my hands up, "Alright, fine, if we can get in and get out without our people I'll make you a custom weapon, but if we don't." I said and let it hang in the air ominously.

He gulped and looked back at me, "And if we don't?" He asked with a little trepidation.

"You get the fun job of onboarding all the new Quarians." I answered smoothly as I took us up to hyper-slip space at the edge of the system. I tried not to be smug about it, but the look of horror on his face was just too good.

He looked like he really had to think things over for a minute before replying with a deal, and that was all I needed to hear.

Two Hours Later & Some Change…

Walking with Cayde at my side as we left the shipping port, I was able to ignore the looks of everyone around us as we proceeded towards the nearest information broker, the bar. Anyone could just buy the information out of a broker, but only the bartenders knew what was going on before the brokers did. Plus, a lot of the time, they also work for the damn information brokers.

Alita walked in front of us a little as the few people who were able to look at us had no idea what to think. It's been so long since Quarians were seen outside of their suits, we looked like an entirely new species. Then again, it could also be our gear looked nothing like anything you could find on the market. We didn't need large over the top bulky combat space suits because we were not only already super, but could pack the tech into smaller spaces.

Ignoring the Asari that was making a pass at me, I took the stool next to Alita's while Cayde decided to stand at the bar. He made a head motion towards one of the bottles, "Let me get a little some of that Belgolian for me and my friends here." Cayde called out to the bartender.

The bartender looked at me, but I only shrugged and accepted the drink as I listened in with my advanced senses to the patrons around the bar. Since this was the terminus, there was a lot to worry about while there also being a lot less. Mining stations like these worked on a rule of thumb. Don't mess with the meal ticket and you will be alright. Even the Turian owners of the mining station tried not to go crazy with their own rules but everyone was of a state of agree to disagree. Not like you can take someone's weapons anyway, not with all the damn pirates.

Accepting my cup of whatever Cayde had picked, I took a whiff of it, thought about it for a second, then took a sip. It had a rich taste with a little sour undertones to my tastebuds. Cayde stopped at the sip and made a face and it was easy to tell that he wasn't into sour things. I was alright with the sour from my time as a human, I looked to the side and almost did a double take. Alita drained her cup in one go and raised it for another. With a chuckle, I watched as Cayde swapped out his for Alita as she downed her second glass. With a shake of the head at the bartender, I got a human beer ignoring that Asari shit he was trying to peddle on me.

Cayde, though, got himself a human beer and from the appearance of his face, he liked the beer a lot. We settled in for a few more drinks as I thought about how I could get into the main data terminal of the mining station when things took a turn for the worse.

"AYE! I thought I told you to fix this hunk of junk." The bartender barked towards the back section where it's obviously only for workers. There were some shuffling sounds that came from the back of the bar, then a thump as something fell over before a Quarian came running out from the back area.

Just from the brief glimpse that I was able to see, I could tell that there were at least five of them back there working. My vision nearly turned red from what I suspected was going on and from my off-hand came screeching noises as I bent a part of the bar top.

Cayde placed a hand on my forearm, "Easy there bossman, no need to get your jimmies in a rustle, it'll sort out real soon."

With a chug, I downed the rest of my drink and just watched the situation, but I could already feel where this was going. The kid, no, the young man, a little in his twenties by the looks of him, was bowing and scraping while doing whatever the bartender was telling him to do. The Baratian five seats over laughed along with his Turian mate as they jeered at the Quarian who fixed the holo-emitters. The bartender shoved the kid out of the way as he rushed to get the machine activated, but I ignored that to call the kid over.

With a raised hand, I made a come here motion, his reaction made me want to cringe inside. It was so bowed and beaten, I don't even know how he could do it. Be the stepping stool and beat the stick of another.

He walked over and I motioned for him to get close, might as well try a softer touch. The kid looked at me, and I could see his eyes widen through his visor as his chest started to pump rapidly.

"Calm down," I stated with a hand on his shoulder. "I'm looking for a techie for my crew, the pay is decent enough, but we are looking for someone quick on their feet."

His eyes flicked over to Cayde as he started to bounce on his feet.

"Hey, kid, we didn't get your name," Cayde asked with his own nonchalant attitude.

A large meaty claw slapped down on the kid's shoulder as mandibles pushed themselves into my face, "His name is unimportant."

Holding steady eye contact with the bartender, I rolled the ice around in my cup as I peered at him, trying to keep the glare off my face.

Cayde slid in between myself and the Turian bartender. "How about we all just take it easy, we just want to know if the kid's up for a little adventure is all."

The cup with ice was still in my hand, the ice sliding around smoothly within the cup as I let Cayde spin whatever yarn of a tale he wanted to.

"Yeah well, the kid still owes me a hundred thousand in credits and he ain't going nowhere." The Turian clicked his mandibles. I took the chance to look at the Turian, really look at him. It wasn't the gold or the other expensive metals that pissed me off.

No, that was the wooden clip he had on his chest like a badge of honor. The thing was, you could get just about anything anywhere in space if you had the money for it. Yet, wood, actual wood, was one of those things that were astronomically pricey. The fact that he was able to get wood no matter the amount all the way out here in the ass end of the Terminus systems set off so many red flags I couldn't even count them all. Following that, it wasn't hard to figure out the Quarian didn't owe him a hundred thousand credits.

So if the kid got scammed, what did it mean happened to the other four in the back or the other Quarians on this space station but not in the system?

All it took was one step and I was there again at the bar, the cup in my hand swinging forward with speed to crash into the side of the Turians head. His right mandible broke and flew off somewhere. With a hand on the counter, I hopped over and followed the bartender down to the ground.

"Hundred thousand my ass," I snarled a fist flying down to punch him square in the jaw.

Alita jumped on top of the bar, "BAR FIGHT!" Then jumped off like a flying squirrel at a Krogan.

Cayde sighed, reached over, and took a beer while the rest of the patrons exploded into a fight.

Author Notes: Turok's back on the menu boys!

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