The Rise of Turok

Turok 11


Chapter 11

By BigToFu


Sitting around the dinner table, I smiled at the beautiful steak before me as my knife sliced through it as if hot knife in butter. While I ate with nice and slow deliberate movements, I tried not to say anything to my parents as they plowed through the meal as if they were shonen protags at an all-you-can-eat feast.

This only lasted a bit before I had to stop my dad from trying to chew the damn steak bone. The man would have gnawed the damn bone apart along with his fingers if I didn't reach over and take the damn thing from him. Luckily, my mother wasn't such a savage and I didn't have to worry about any of that on her side of things.

Shaking my head with a smile, I turned to cast my gaze over the rest of the crew. In the distance, I could see Alita glaring down two Quarians who might have been fighting over the last slice of apple pie.

My father's second in command reached for mashed potatoes but it was clear that he wasn't up to speed because someone snatched them clear out from underneath his hand. Instead of interceding and saying anything, I just shook my head and ignored it. I wasn't going to let my people turn into barbarians, but I also wasn't going to check them over their sudden aggression towards food. It would pass in time, and if it doesn't, then I could just knock their heads around until they found their senses once more.

The clatter of forks being placed down turned my attention back to my own table when I found my father giving me one of his signature little looks. His head was tilted towards me and I could see the small smile at the corner of his lips even though his eyes were hard. "So, tell me about your journey and why the new name."

Yaeso, my Mom though, she rolled her eyes, "Ohh, leave the poor boy alone, we should be asking about that Rit'suka and our grandbaby."

With a chuckle and shake of my head, I dropped a Puck on the table then smiled as the top came to life with multiple holographic displays. For the next hour and a half, I shared with my parents the little adventure I took before I arrived back at the fleet. My mom wasn't happy at all hearing about my dalliances with Sheppard at all.

Too bad for her because I would do Sheppard again and again, so I had to switch that topic quickly and in a hurry. With a wave over the hologram interface, I brought up Yorktown and how I wanted it to replace the Citadel.

My father was excited about that even as he ran his hands all over the design, twisting it one way and the other.

He smiled at me, "I love the designs but it's going to take at least a decade or two before this gets built." he then traced his hand across a mark on the galactic map. "It's not even on any of the main trade lanes."

Keeping the smile on my face, I activated the subspace protocols and gave him a live feed of Yorktown. "It will be done in five months, give or take a few days."

That was such a shock he went silent, then he was up and his chair was knocked onto the floor. "Forget the trade routes, do you know what this means?!" The excitement was clear in his voice.

Tilting my head back a bit, I placed a hand on his chest and pushed him out of my personal space. "I know exactly what it means for us, but even if it's for our people, it's not for them to live on."

"five months…." my dad whispered to himself until the rest of my statement caught up to him. "What do you mean it's not for our people to live on. Have we not suffered enough, have we not drifted amongst the stars for decades already." his hands flashed out to grab me by the collar but I easily smacked them away. "Why can't we bring the fleet there and finally settle down…. WHY!?"

I sigh while rolling my eyes, now I see where I got my dramatics from. The levity in the mess was completely shot and I could feel eyes on me from other tables as all the Quarians around turned to see why the captain was in all of a tizzy.

Ignoring it all, I poured myself some bloodwine, I then took a nice long pull while my father stood and tried to loom over me. His hands were balled into fists and I could see the ball of rage trapped underneath all of that control.

With a satisfied smack of the lips, I leaned back in my chair, raised a hand, then snapped my fingers. The Puck on the table zoomed out of Yorktown, then zoomed in onto another section of the known galactic map. When the zoom stopped on the planet, I leaned back forward in my chair, the two legs coming down with a bang.

My dad scowled at me, up until he turned and noticed the name of the planet showing. He stood stock still and blinked at it nice and slowly. With a huff, I stood up and walked around the table and took his side. Throwing one arm over his shoulder, I then waved at the map with my other hand.

My dad was given a little squeeze against my body as I decided to speak up and project my voice. "Why give our kids the cold steel of a station when we can give them blue sky's, green grass and as much oxygen as they could ever want?"

The hologram then shifted to show the main city on the surface. It was a nice little location I had built off the coast of the western mountains. There was no need to build a mega city, not with teleport technology at my fingertips, or with flying sky cars being widely available.

I smiled at my dad and pushed him forward a little to examine the hologram. It started with one chair scraping the ground, then another and another before my father's crew was standing in front of the hologram.

"This… This, this is live?" someone questioned as they watched people roam the streets of the city.

Shooting him a smirk, I did a pinch and zoom on the hologram to one of the people walking below. It didn't pull up a profile but there was an Omni tool contact number available. Standing back, I made a motion towards the green phone button.

Standing behind the group, I leaned against a table with Alita by my side. My mom didn't even hesitate to hit the call function. It did a few rings before the video feed activated and the person on the other end had to pull their Omni tool back from their face.

"Hmm, hello, who is this?" The person on the other end questioned.

"This is ship Medical Officer Cano Vas _" my mom stated with authority in her voice.

The Quarian on the other end thought about it for a second before going wide eyed as he recognized the name of a Fleet ship. I watched the sheer excitement ripple through the crew as they spoke to another Quarian located on a promised planet.

A promised planet not given to us by the citadel or any of its races. I felt good about it all, no that was a lie. I felt damn great about everything I've accomplished since I put my nose to the grindstone and cheated my ass off to give my people a leg up before a solid year had passed. From start to finish it had been just over six months give or take and I wouldn't do it over for nothing.

Hell, I didn't even raise a fuss when my Omni tool reported a couple calls going out along with information being sent across bug programs. I knew that word was going to get out sooner than later, it's why I didn't bother to insert myself.

Even now, I was watching and waiting to see why a ship docked at the airlock a few decks below. I wouldn't say no if the Admiralty board wanted to send fodder my way. I just hoped that the admiralty realized I wasn't going to play by their foolish rules and customs. It was time for a new Quarian to lead these people.

The poke from my side drew my attention downwards to Alita, who was giving me a pout. With a sigh, I shook my head at her, "No, we aren't going to kill them." I stated and watched even as the secret police team met up with the ship's security force. I didn't bother to listen in as they gave my dad's security some bogus excuse to come up here and arrest us. Okay, I didn't listen in but it was far too easy to recognize that biohazard symbol.

Hmm, only one Admiral had the power to pull some shit like that off. She was fucked now because she decided to put herself on my radar. Dropping my hand the omnitool deactivated even as I gave Alita the signal for her to vanish into stealth. Since one of the admirals was making their moves, they can't really expect me to not make my own.

As Alita went invisible, I kept an eye on my focus as the security forces took the lift to this deck level. Leaned up against the wall, I sipped my little beverage as they forced their way over to my father's location. Chilling against the wall and drinking my bloodwine, I watched as the security force took my father aside rather forcefully. Now that was the straw that broke the Earth Camel's back, because my father's reaction was more than explosive.

"You will do no such thing," My father snarled at the interloping security force. "If you don't take your head out of your ass and look around, I will throw you in the brig myself. No one here is sick, there are no pathogens being spread and if you dare make such claims without even speaking with my medical officer, I will end you."

The body language of the security force shifted, then one of them stepped forward with his omnitool open and showing a command signed and sealed by Admiral Daro'Xen Vas Morah."

While the leader was relaying his orders, one of the security force was looking around and noticed me leaning against the wall. Acting like I didn't notice him giving his friend a nudge, I said nothing as they walked over, their hands nice and loose next to their weapons.

Chilling in my spot holding up the hull of the mess hall, I sipped my bloodwine as if I never noticed the goobers rolling up on me.

"You are under arrest by order of Admiral Daro'Xen Vas Morah for the proliferation and distribution of mutagenic material and bringing a biological hazard to the Quarian people." The goober in the front stated as he took a step forward. The red paint on their chest reminds me of the red shirt from Star Trek if I was being honest.

Bringing my mug to my face, I took a nice long pull, released a satisfied sound before lowering my arm and giving them a flat look. "No." I stated, then hid my smile as I gave my mug a little swirl.

"NO!?" They asked, the shock being displayed by their body language.

"That order is not up to negotiations," One of the security force stated as he stepped closer, the baton taser from his side coming out and sparking a few times.

Looking at him, a single eyebrow raised slowly, "Neither was my reply, the newer is no."

Both of them were caught completely unawares, and the stunned expression that I could see through their visors spoke more than enough. Then that surprise turned to anger as their face twisted with emotions. There was no bother as they reached for the stun buttons and flashed it before me, the electricity crackling with power.

The one in the rear crossed behind his friend's back to give himself time to move into a blind attack. That would have worked if I was a normal Quarian, but I was more than that. I was touched by the light and augmented with things that made me the pinnacle of what a warrior was in this universe.

I took one step forward meeting him halfway as my cup came up. Then I trusted my hand forward which caused the effect of me bashing it into the face of twiddle dee. Tweedle dumb never expected his buddy to get lifted off his feet and fly backwards towards him as I smashed them together.

Walking by with disdain on my face, I spat at the fool's visor as blue lights of eezo trailed down the side of my arms. That same cool eezo blue wrapped around their bodies as I picked them up and then threw them into the other intruding security forces. Another step forward had the mess hall shake as my gravity emitters shook the place. Then I grabbed the entire invading security force with biotics and threw them back out of the mess hall.

"Turok, STOP!" My father called, a hand coming down hard onto my shoulder pulling my attention. One of my hands was still raised as I kept the morons pinned down in a biotic field, the other hand was charging up a light-powered void grenade.

With a grunt, I waved my hand to the side dismissing the called void energies. Turning around to look at my pops, I made a motion towards the security forces. "Alright, so what do you want to do with them?" I questioned even as I was already sending orders to my own people through my implant.

My father looked from me, then towards the security force that was sent to detain him and the rest of us who had taken my cure. He shook his head as if he couldn't believe what was going on. "Throw them in the brig." He stated with a shake of his head. "Let me make a few calls and see if I can't get to the bottom of this."

Instead of saying anything, I looked at him with a raised brow. I was not happy with that at all, but this was his ship. "Alright," I replied, making a few subtle hand motions to get these fools out of here.

Then, I thought better of it and stopped them from leaving. Walking over to the detained security forces, I reached over and stripped the leader of his omni-tool.

"What… no!" The fool retorted as I took his omni-tool. For his problems, one of my guys punched him in the mouth.

Ignoring his cry of pain, I placed his omni-tool next to my own and had my slicer programs tear through the thing. Everything that was once his was now on my own as a copy, along with his orders and security clearances of the fleet. That was everything that I would need to crack this wide the hell open.

Before the security could take them away, I made a hand motion, "Before you throw them in the brig, make sure they get the immunity cure."

"Sir!" The Security force of my father stated with pride as they snapped a salute before turning around and pushing the interlopers out.

With an idle hand, I scrolled through the information gathered on my omnitool even as I noticed my mother coming closer to my side.

"Why?" She questioned me even as I checked the time stamps on the Orders given to the security forces sent to detain me.

Stopping for a motion, I looked up at my mother, "Why what, Mom?"

"The cure, why would you give it to them if they are going to the brig?" She asked with narrowed eyes at me.

I took a moment to think about it then shrugged my shoulders, "At the end of the day, they are our people. I won't allow any Quarian to suffer in their suits as long as I can do something about it. Enemy or not, I refuse to leave them to such a fate."

Two canes came down upon my shoulders, and I could hear the pride within my father's voice. He came from my blind spot, but there was no mistaking the crinkles around his eyes from the smile that he was trying not to show. "The boy's correct, Yaeso, regardless of what they have done, our people come first."

With a huff and a roll of her eyes, my mother sent a glare toward the prisoners as they were being frog-marched out of the mess hall. Leaving her to do what all monsters do, I went back to reading the information pulled from the squad leader's omni-tool.

The orders gave me time and location but it was missing the real plan, but that was alright. Not like I could count on someone easily tossed away to know the high plans of a schemer. Glaring at the clear lack of anything substantial, I gave my wrist a flick. This activated the send feature as Alita was updated with a copy of what I had. The only string free to be tugged was the receiving team on Admiral Yoleran's ship.

It was clear that the mad bitch had plans for me and my cured people and I honestly didn't want to see what it would be from the receiving end. With my own set of orders given, I checked the progress of the SuperGate at the edge of the system. I found that it was 80% of the way completed, so I then checked on the Migrant Fleet's mining procedures and found that they were falling behind schedule by 20%.

With the way things stood, I might as well go on the offensive. The Admirals were split over their own goals at the moment with one trying to make a play for me and mine. The best move would be to sweep the legs and put Yoleran down on her ass. Hell, that old space witch just might survive being spaced, who knew what she did in those Biolabs of hers? The rumors surrounding deck 15 on that ship were wild and varied.

And we all know why myths were a thing because there had to be a kernel of truth deep in there somewhere. While everything was playing out around me, Cayde decided to make his presence known as he leaned against the wall nearby where I was standing.

When I looked up, I found he was just giving the room a nice slow-even look. Cayde's hackles were raised and it was clear that wasn't enjoying the atmosphere anymore, but I can't blame him. That shit was shattered when the bumbling morons of the Admiral's security force came in here like a bull in a human china shop and destroyed the peace.

His gaze shifted over and our eyes met, I gave him a nod of the head. "You ready for what's about to happen next?" I ask while putting away the omni-tool. I had gotten more than what was available in that data anyway.

Like a sly alley cat, Cayde smirked at me as his right hand went down and patted his side holster, "The big iron is always on my hips, boss."

I gave a light snort, "Alright, let's go spring this trap, it's almost time for me to present myself to the Admiralty board anyway."

Cayde pushed himself off the wall and made a hand motion towards the doors leading out of the mess hall, "Well, alright then boss-man, lead the way."

With a shake of the head, I turned to lead us out of the mess hall, but was interrupted by my mother standing in the way. Already, I could see the worry in her eyes, and there was so much that she wanted to say to me, but time was of the essence. So instead of speaking, I just walked up to her and placed my forehead against hers. The soft feel of her skin was like a balm to my heart, but that little slice of peace was all I would allow myself.

The things that I had to do next were not those of a peaceful man.

3 Hours Later …

For some reason as I relaxed outside of the Admiralty Chambers, I felt like a caged animal. For the little time that I was able to see and enjoy the company of my parents. I had forgotten how bleak it was to live in the Migrant Fleet. The stale air that I breathed in brought back memories of failing carbon filters along with recycler units being down.

When I walked along the hallways of the massive ship, I noticed the grime and various other fluids that might have been shed over the years. The ship was top-of-the-line greatest tech around maybe three hundred years ago. Now, all I could see was a heap of junk my people clung to as we floated through the endless void.

It all made me so angry, hence the caged animal feeling.

None of this was helped by the Admirals who were playing fuck, fuck games of powers. Too bad for them because I wasn't about that life and was more than ready to flip the script. My thoughts shifted gears as the double doors to the Admiralty Chambers opened up.

Bringing my prowl to a stop, I straightened my back and gave my suit jacket a good tug. The attendant that was sent to get me gulped at my actions and then made way so I could get into the room. Instead of taking the invitation, I went into the chamber rooms like a boss.

My hands shot out, and I stiff-armed the fuck out of the massive double doors, not even a flinch when they banged against the walls. I locked eyes with those sitting on their raised dias and stalked forward. My shoulders and jaw were set, my back ramrod straight along with my head being held high. I didn't come here to play their little game, I would play mine and then they would discover how out of their league they were.

Walking up to the lone chair in the room, I ignored the mutterings of the Quarians around the chamber even as I glared at the thing before me. Already, they struck three times with fuck fuck games and I said nothing about it.

The chair sat by its lonesome in the middle of the room and it was a clear statement for all in the room. It wasn't as garish as the Harry Potter chair in the Wizard Mot with the chains and magic, but it was damn close. The chair had hand and leg cuffs that were clearly set in the open position.

Taking half a step back with a dismissive snort, I swiped my hand before me. The long chair that was bolted to the floor vanished into my hammerspace while I replaced it with a throne. This wasn't just any throne, this was a Frieze type throne that could project its own eezo fields to allow its occupant to walk around, along with the fact that it was on eye level with the Admirals. Even though I didn't take my eyes off the Admirals, I still took in the massive chambers from the peripherals.

From what I could see from when I entered, there was easily somewhere about fifteen to twenty thousand Quarians. They all gasped as I sat upon the throne and raised myself to the same levels as the Admirals. Then I did one more as I gave my seat another foot of height, just to have them raise their eyes slightly to meet me.

The Chamber was more like a stadium and I was here for judgment from the way the atmosphere felt, but I didn't care one bit as I lazily strolled up the stairs to my throne. Then I took my time to get seated as the chamber buzzed around me from my clear and deliberate actions.

Arrayed in their own judge chair were three of the main high Admirals. On the far left was Admiral Zall'Koris Vas Qwib-Qwib who was outspoken about his sympathetic views on the Geth. The man also had ideas on reclaiming our lost homeworld. The man might be soft spoken, but he had years as a politician and he didn't last this long with being a High Admiral without some type of backbone.

Very involved with the civilian population of the Migrant Fleet also which meant he had a long reach.

In the middle was the person who alot of the Quarians might consider the true military might. That was Admiral Shala'Raan Vas Tonbay, she gave a motherly vibe to all that spoke with her but everyone knew that she was a bonafide badass. Tali's family was also part of her faction along with my own parents. Admiral Shala would be the one to coordinate our ships and lead any actions that we might need battlewise or military alliances.

On the far right had side was the fucking devil of the Quarian people even though must of them was very unaware of what she did. Admiral Daro'Xen Vas Morah sat with a purple shawl over her head. I didn't even have to look hard to see the text scrolling across her tablet at a rapid pace. Admiral Daro ran the scientist portion of my people's fleet and they were also tasked with keeping all the ships floating along with food production and so many other things.

There were also many stories revolving around Daro and people vanishing, hell Admiral Yoleran was also part of her shitty faction. Daro and her people were nothing but trouble and from some of the data Alita sent back. Daro and her's would need to be removed a lot sooner than later.

Sitting in his own little dias to the side was Admiral Rael'Zorah, Talia's father. The man was sitting in the neutral seat but he was anything but neutral, to be honest. He was one of those that wanted to take back our homeworld along with being militarily minded so he was already sitting in two of the three camps.

The crowd got even louder as I finally sat upon my throne, I leaned back a little, then did the classic Gendo pose.

The light even reflected just perfectly for me as I said nothing and watched the Admirals before me. I sat upon my throne as the Admirals stared at me non-to pleased. Again, I said nothing and just let the buzz of the crowd do the work for me.

An alert popped up in the corner of my vision and I had to keep myself from smiling as Cayde confirmed that everything was set. The Admiral's spoke amongst each other for a bit, well, that was until my own little surprise bomb was dropped into their laps.

It was one thing to be the only Quarian in the room without a helm on, it was a whole different thing when my father and his crew took theirs off. Seated in Shala'Raan's section, my father, mother and the entire crew of his ship took their helms off with a signal from Cayde.

Three hundred years of being space Migrants with at least two hundred of that being stuck in the suits as we bred our immune systems away. Honestly, they should have known about the immunity issue long before we even were forced off our homeworld of Rannoch. That issue should have shown itself when we joined the Galactic Community, but our leaders at the time never invested in solving that issue. This means that all those problems now fell on the shoulders of the younger generation rather than the old.

Yet, here were two hundred people who clearly no longer had to be forced to wear their suits. It was the ultimate slap in the face because everyone here knew that it was my doing. I was the cause of the immune system cure. I was the one that brought this to my people.

So I sat there and watched the bomb I had set off play out before my very eyes.



The Admirals didn't disappoint as they finally got off their ass and tried to handle the effects of that little display. Unfortunately for them, I was a showman and had no problems slapping my big meat on their foreheads and dragging my sweaty sack across their faces.

A dismissive thought activated the voice amplification of my omni-tool which also connected me to the chamber's internal communications.

With a tsk, I stood up with some flare from the throne, and stalked forward. "What you see before you today is not only the thing that Admiral Daro'Xen tried to hide from you but also her greatest betrayal of our people!" The room went hush at my accusations, but I didn't stop. A flick of the wrist sent out commands to activate holo-projectors all around the chamber.

On those same holo-projectors were the orders given but not only the orders of the security force and its moronic captain but also the chain of commands leading back to her office terminal. I didn't know if she was lazy or just incompetent because who sends kidnap orders from personal terminals that can be picked up by anyone? Or she could just be that comfortable in her position and what she did.

"Admiral Daro'Xen and her little sycophants wanted to take this great chance from you. Steal the future of your children and their children. Yet, here I stand, and there stands my family…. CURED!"

I let the room soak it all up.

"I BRING YOU SALVATION….. WHY….. Because WE! ARE! QUARIANS! We are not suit rats to bow our heads; we were not born to scurry underfoot and accept scraps cast off from the Citadel and the rest of the galactic community. I have brought a chance for my people, and Admiral Daro'Xen dares to think that she could stand in the way of such a thing." I was now stalking around the throne, my hackles raised while my very healthy body flexed for all to see. I then stopped in-front of Admiral Daro'Xen. "I say NO! I will not agree with whatever your machinations are. I will lead my people; you can do nothing about it."

The look on her face through the visor was pure disdain and if she could have spat in my face. I was certain that she damn sure would.

Authors Notes :

ANYWAY! Chapter 12 is already in process, I have about 500 words written out so far. I hope I'll be able to drop it soon. Things are getting heated and the Admirals got their feet to the flames.

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