The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2688 The Advantages of Having a Seer on Board!

Chapter 2688  The Advantages of Having a Seer on Board!

Sailing two weeks away from Walkas' pirate island, Minos was commanding his crew while observing the surrounding sea and glimpses of the future.

Since absorbing the Nautilus' Compass, his visions of the future had become stronger, clearer, and more precise. Hence, he had realized it was time to leave the pirate island and a big problem was chasing them.

The Sea Serpent!

Just as they had expected, news of the Nautilus' Compass had spread through the depths of the Violent Sea and the still-living Sea Serpent had begun its pursuit of them.

The entire crew had been nervously traveling since the day they left the pirate island of Walkas' group, having escaped, in Minos' words, for a matter of just a few hours!

Now, two weeks since they left, they were still not doing well, even though they had overcome several challenges and reached a good distance from the island. The Sea Serpent was no simple matter and as a peak Supreme, such an existence could quickly change their current situation and catch up with them.

While Minos checked out the possibilities for his group, Diret commanded his men with seriousness. Tiolos kept alert and Abby was ready to move and use her powers on Wenni and Walkas. Ruth and Gloria were in their positions around the ship, monitoring their surroundings while providing some of their energy to keep the ship's formations active.

As they sailed through the fog, the disturbing silence of the sea filled a vast space, while the men responsible for observing the underwater area below them breathed slowly, keeping an eye out for possible approaches.

Suddenly opening his eyes and letting a glint escape from his golden irises, Minos stood up and ordered, "Turn 90 degrees to the left, immediately!"

Diret heard and did as the ship's leader commanded, in a few moments changing the ship's course.

Two minutes after Minos spoke, the space where their ship should be at this moment if the course change hadn't been made broke apart, revealing a spatial rift 10 meters high and 2 meters long.

Clexvog watched as strong winds and waves began to surge towards the spatial crack, pulling everything in contact with it towards its interior, a spatial distortion that would be the end of any living creature.

"Phew, it's great to have the boss in charge," said the giant, as he looked at his brother near to him.

"Isn't it? Seers are really special, haha." Wovar smiled as he held onto a mast while the ship shook vigorously with the powerful movements of the waves.

Fortunately, the direction Minos had recommended was the best and while much of the area became extremely rough and dangerous, Diret steered the ship out of the negative water flow and speed up towards a perfect path.

As he had commanded today, Minos had given similar orders at least 20 times over the years of traveling the Violent Sea, ever since he got the Nautilus' Compass. The entire crew was used to him and trusted him. When he ordered the group to change the ship's direction, the crew worked swiftly to carry out his orders.

Their ship continued traveling invisibly to the surroundings, heading for its third week of travel after seclusion on the pirate island.

"Continue in that direction. In a few minutes, things should calm down." Minos spoke again, as Diret nodded in understanding from the control cabin.


As Minos and his group moved on, the Sea Serpent was still on the pirate island of Walkas.

As Minos had predicted, this mighty Supreme had gone to that island, where he had discovered traces of a pirate group he had faced long ago.

The Sea Serpent couldn't say that Walkas and Wenni were traveling through this sea again, but it realized in this place that the enemies with the Nautilus' Compass had passed through.

For the last three days, it had been acting to disrupt the escape routes of its targets, having already sent groups subordinates to search for its targets while it acted from there.

Feeling another of its moves taking shape, it saw from a distance a special crack release a large amount of water, energy and non-living beings from an area far away.

'Nothing new.' The white serpent thought to itself as it saw nothing interesting from the place it had most recently attacked.

Failing for the third day in a row and still having no good news from its envoys, a worried look formed on the golden-eyed creature's head.

"Has this being successfully absorbed the Nautilus' Compass?" it asked itself, not having thought of this possibility until now.

Absorbing a part of a True Celestial's body was not something just anyone could do. Only beings with an affinity with the body part or with the True Celestial who gave rise to it could do it. But someone like that had the potential to become a Celestial, which was a concern for this creature. Someone like that would be its rival!

As it made a dark hiss, its glowing scales moved, making every living creature on the island tremble in fear.

Without another second thought, the enormous creature moved off, destroying everything in its path until it entered the sea and went in search of its target on its own.

'That aura wasn't strong, which means you're still weak. I'm going to hunt you down myself and devour your body along with the Nautilus' Compass!' It headed for the depths of the surrounding sea.

"I will be the next holder of the power of a True Celestial!"


While the Sea Serpent was moving, the level 120 shark that had first perceived the Nautilus' Compass activated by Minos was sailing close to the area where the spatial crack of its boss had just closed.

Following its high-level instincts, which had already guaranteed it many good results in the past, it went ahead 'sniffing' for signs of suspects.

'Someone passed this way.' It felt something subtle, almost imperceptible in the water above its current position. 'I'll check it out. I'd better make sure this is it before I call the Sea Serpent. That way, I'll have a good prize when I hand the enemy over to him!'

With a clever smile on its big mouth, this level 120 creature went ahead with its hunt.

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