The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Life And The Universe

In Class 4 (4) of Ningcheng No. 1 Middle School, Lu Xiao, the head of the podium and math teacher, was talking about math problems, and his eyes habitually swept to Liu Yuan, who was sitting in the far corner.

At this moment, Liu Yuan was supporting his head with one hand, as if he was lost in thought, and he didn’t listen to his lecture at all.

However, he didn’t care about it, and he didn’t mean to be angry at all.

Liu Yuan’s mathematics has already reached the ceiling, and any subject has no difficulty for him, and learning other subjects in mathematics class has become the norm.

That is, in a small place like Ningcheng, if it is in a big city or some well-known high schools in the country, Liu Yuan can completely participate in the Mathematical Olympiad competition, and he can directly pass the Mathematical Olympiad award and be recommended to the top famous school, but this is only a small County high school.

There are few ways for children to go out. There is only the college entrance examination. If it is a big city, there are various competitions, and various exchange competitions. There are many ways to study abroad, art, sports, etc.

Lu Xiao knew that for a scholar like Liu Yuan, he didn’t need the teacher’s urging at all. He knew how to plan his own study. It didn’t matter whether he listened to his class or not, as long as his grades didn’t slip. .

“Seeds, why are genes so magical, it can be said that all the factors of life are determined by genes.”

In his mind, Liu Yuan is learning about biomedicine on Earth.

Liu Yuan’s learning ability is extremely terrifying. In a very short period of time, he has basically completed all the biomedical knowledge that can be found on the earth, and now he is also beginning to learn the relevant knowledge in the inheritance seeds.

“I don’t know either. I can only answer you with the words of a great biologist in the civilization of God. The mystery of life is as deep and vast as the mystery of the universe. If one day the mystery of life can be truly unraveled, perhaps It will also reveal the mysteries of the universe.”

A text came to mind.

“Life and the universe?”

When Liu Yuan heard this, he was immediately confused. What does this life have to do with the universe?

“I don’t know what life has to do with the universe, but this great biologist, he is the scientist who studies life the most in the entire universe, and his words must have some truth in it.”

When the seeds were asked, they didn’t know, and the dumping was very thorough.

“Life and the Universe~”

Liu Yuan wrote down this sentence silently, and then said, “I am now studying this cancer cell, and I have enough theoretical knowledge, but there is no way to spare time for experimental research.”

“According to what you have learned here, any organism is determined by genes, so everything related to life can also be intervened by genetic means, including the treatment of various diseases.”

“It’s a cure for cancer, it seems like it’s pretty simple.”

“This cancer has the characteristics of wireless proliferation, loss of contact inhibition, weakened intercellular adhesion, and easy agglutination by lectins, which can perfectly treat cancer according to one of these characteristics.”

“For example, by interfering with the genes of cancer cells to make them lose their ability to proliferate indefinitely, in theory, with their terrifying reproductive ability, they will basically age and die in a very short period of time, which is equivalent to being cured. AIDS.”

Liu Yuan discussed with the seeds in his mind. In fact, what Liu Yuan hopes now is to have time to use the advanced laboratory in the seeds to conduct various experiments.

Although he is just starting to learn some of the advanced technologies in the seeds, Liu Yuan has already benefited a lot from it and gained a lot of inspiration. He can’t wait to conduct some experiments now to confirm some of his conjectures.

“Your idea is very correct. The reason why cancer cells are terrible is largely because of their ability to proliferate indefinitely. If you use genetic technology to interfere with the genes of cancer cells to make them lose the ability to proliferate indefinitely, it is indeed possible to cure cancer.”

In his mind, the seeds affirmed Liu Yuan’s idea.

“Right, I’ll say it~”

“This gene determines everything. Cancer cells reproduce extremely fast, and have the characteristics of infinite proliferation and uncontrolled division. Using genetic technology to intervene in their genes can easily cure cancer.”

Having been affirmed, Liu Yuan was also happy.

“But how do you intervene in cancer cells multiplying, replicating genes?”


Hearing this, Liu Yuan fell into deep thought again.

Intervention of genes, also known as gene intervention, is to suppress the expression of a gene in a specific way, or to achieve some goals by destroying the gene machinery and causing it to lose a certain part of its function.

For example, in agriculture, it is very common to intervene in the reproductive genes of the seeds of crops, without the ability to reproduce, so farmers have no way to keep their own seeds, but can only continue to buy high-priced seeds from seed companies. This is a kind of genetic intervention technology, the purpose is to continuously sell seeds to obtain a steady stream of high profits, or to control the ownership of a certain crop.

The method adopted is to use antisense nucleic acid, ribozyme or interfering RNA and other technologies to inhibit gene expression.

“Scientists on your earth also want to use this method to treat cancer and tumors. Although they have achieved certain results, the technology is still in its infancy, which is a very superficial stage.”

“In the field of genetic technology, the technology on your earth has just started, and the mystery of life is as deep as the mystery of the universe.”

“In fact, this cancer cell has the property of infinite proliferation, which is very magical, which means that in theory, it has the possibility of immortality.”

“If you can study cancer cells to a certain level, you Earthlings may be able to start making primary genetic optimization fluids to improve your Earthlings’ lifespans.”

“It seems to be really possible~”

Liu Yuan constantly communicated with the seeds in his mind, discussing cancer cells and discussing life.

“The most important factor in determining lifespan is genes. Normal cells have a certain number of divisions. Human cells can only divide 50-60 times in a lifetime, which means that lifespan is limited.”

“The average life expectancy of you people on Earth is not even a hundred years, which is an extremely short time. Of course, in the universe, for a civilization that is still in the stage of the civilization of the parent star, the life expectancy of your people on Earth is still acceptable. of.”

“There are some civilizations in the universe. If the average lifespan is converted into your earth time, it may not even be ten years. However, this type of civilization usually has extremely powerful learning ability and creative ability. In a very short period of time, technology There could be a big explosion.”

“But because the lifespan is too short, when the technology develops to a certain level, in the face of increasingly large and vast knowledge, it is obviously impossible to not have enough lifespan.”

“Any powerful cosmic civilization has a very high average lifespan of citizens.”

“How tall? Can you live for a thousand years, or ten thousand years?”

When Liu Yuan heard it, he also asked curiously.

“A thousand years, ten thousand years may be an extremely long time for you people on Earth, but for the universe, it is just a short moment, and you will understand later.”

Seeds pretend to be high.

“Don’t say pull it down~”

“Can you find a way to help me get some experimental materials back?”

“With my knowledge of optical theory, I can’t do it without hands-on experiments.”

Liu Yuan thought about it and asked, he was locked in the school every day, he couldn’t go anywhere, and he couldn’t even disappear from everyone’s sight.

If you want to do experiments, you can only do experiments in the seed space at night, when everyone is asleep.

“It’s okay, it’s a little thing~”

“You need those experimental materials, although I can easily get you everything on the earth.”

Seed said very domineeringly, not paying any attention to the powerful technology of various countries on earth.

“Bring back some kinds of bacteria, viruses, etc. As for other things, you have them in your space.”

Liu Yuan thought for a while and ordered.

“No problem, I’ll do it all for you tonight.”


“By the way, can this cancer cell really live forever?”

“In theory, it does have the characteristics of immortality. It can divide and proliferate indefinitely. In the words of someone on your earth, cancer cells are actually here to immortalize you, but you can’t provide enough for it. energy, and die because of it.”


PS: Ask for collections, clicks, and recommendation tickets~~ All kinds of requests, big guys~

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