The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 I Can’T Be Friends

“Damn~ what kind of medicine are you taking? If you don’t see it for a summer vacation, you will turn around and fly into the sky!”

In the evening, as the bell rang for the end of the get out of class, many students who were already hungry began to sprint towards the cafeteria at a speed of 100 meters.

High school is an important period for growing up. Every one of them eats a lot, and they are very able to eat. Often, they are already hungry before the end of get out of class. This time, they rushed directly to the cafeteria after class. It was late. If so, your favorite dishes may be gone.

The same is true of Liu Yuan and Hu Huirong. As they walked, Hu Huirong couldn’t help but look at Liu Yuan carefully from beginning to end, as if he knew Liu Yuan for the first time.

“People have grown taller, they have become more handsome, and they are still too handsome. This result has improved by leaps and bounds. Hemp ~ people are more popular than people, and we will not be able to be happy friends in the future.”

Hu Huirong was genuinely envious and jealous. Originally, the two of them had similar grades, heights, and lengths.

But now, Liu Yuan has not only improved by leaps and bounds, he has become the first in the class all of a sudden, the key is that this person has also become taller and more handsome, with fair skin as jade, sword eyebrows and star eyes, handsome and extraordinary, even if he wears very ordinary clothes The stall goods, when walking among the crowd, still seemed to stand out from the crowd, and it was obvious that there were many girls looking at Liu Yuan, unable to move for a long time.

From time to time, I could hear some girls whispering, marveling at Liu Yuan’s handsomeness, and asking which class he belonged to.

“Haha, are you jealous?”

Hearing his friend’s words, Liu Yuan immediately laughed.


Hu Huirong raised his head unshakably, and after walking a few steps, he said honestly, “I’m really envious, why can’t my grades improve by leaps and bounds, why can’t I be as handsome and compelling as you~”

“God, how unfair you are to me, why did you let such a thing happen to me, gave me a peerless friend, but made me so mediocre.”


“It’s no use envy, jealousy, and hate, don’t worry, I will definitely cover you in the future.”

Liu Yuan smiled, patted the other person’s shoulder and said.

“Go~ Go, I’m very sad now, I’m very sad, blue thin mushroom~”

Hu Huirong pretended to be very sad, and his heart was really mixed. His friend became handsome and his grades improved, so he should be happy, but after a comparison, he seemed to hope that the other party would be the same as before, people. , is really complicated!

“Liu Yuan~ Liu Yuan~”

The two were walking, walking, and there were a few voices behind them. When they turned around, they saw that they were a few female classmates in the class, Lin Yao, Qian Xia, and Qiu Tingting.

“Are you going to the cafeteria?”

Lin Yao, the leader, looked at Liu Yuan, her face flushed, and she looked very embarrassed.


“That’s right, we’re going to the cafeteria too, why don’t we go together?”

When Qian Xia, Qiu Tingting, and Lin Yao heard it, they immediately proposed happily.

After speaking, he also walked to Liu Yuan’s side, regardless of whether Liu Yuan agreed or not.

“Liu Yuan, your grades have improved by leaps and bounds, is there any trick?”

As he walked, he asked.

“Yeah, yeah, the math test paper this time is very difficult. It’s amazing that you can get a perfect score.”

“And I listened to your lecture. It was really good, detailed and comprehensive.”

“Wait if you can talk to us about math problems, I still don’t know a few problems.”

The three followed Liu Yuan’s side, chattering and asking questions, and when they looked at Liu Yuan, they were full of admiration, and there was a hint of fiery in them.

Hu Huirong, who was on the side, saw this scene clearly, but there was still him in the eyes of the three female classmates at this moment, completely ignoring his existence, which made him suffer.

“This friend really can’t do it!”

Hu Huirong lowered his head, and he couldn’t keep up with the pace of his walk without realizing it. Fortunately, Liu Yuan reminded him in time, so he followed.

In the cafeteria, Liu Yuan was holding a plate. The plate was full of rice and shredded potatoes. Hu Huirong beside him was also full of rice, but he had more dishes, including vegetables, meat, and more. Soup, three dishes and one soup, this meal is okay.


After walking a few steps, I saw Lin Yao, Qian Xia, and Qiu Tingting have already taken their places and waved their hands constantly.

As soon as Liu Yuan sat down, the three immediately surrounded Liu Yuan, leaving Hu Huirong alone and silently eating dog food.

“Liu Yuan, I can’t finish this steamed pork by myself, please help me eat some.”

Lin Yao saw that there were only shredded potatoes in Liu Yuan’s plate, so he picked up his chopsticks and kept moving the meat from his plate to Liu Yuan’s plate.

They also knew a little about Liu Yuan’s situation. Knowing that Liu Yuan’s family was poor, he was not willing to even eat.

“No, no~”

Liu Yuan hurriedly stopped, and then felt the enthusiasm of the female classmates around him, and the whole person was very embarrassed.

“I can’t finish the ribs here. Help me eat it. I’m losing weight recently.”

Qian Xia also kept putting the spareribs from her plate into Liu Yuan’s plate, and looked at Liu Yuan eagerly, as if if she didn’t eat the spareribs, her classmates would definitely not be able to make them in the future.

“I just accidentally made an extra pork belly soup, Liu Yuan, please help me drink it.”

Qiu Tingting moved a bowl of stewed soup to Liu Yuan’s side. She didn’t eat herself, she just kept staring at Liu Yuan stupidly, as if she was fascinated. “No, no need~”

Liu Yuan was dumbfounded. He looked at the dishes on his plate, and then looked at Lin Yao, Qian Xia, and Qiu Tingting. All three of them looked at him eagerly.

Looking at Hu Huirong next to him, he could clearly feel the envy, jealousy and hatred on his face at this moment, while watching Liu Yuan’s side, he was eating with big mouthfuls.

After eating dinner for half an hour, Liu Yuan was forced to die. The three female classmates ate a plate full of dishes by themselves, and almost all of them went into Liu Yuan’s stomach.

After dinner, he was invited by Lin Yao, Qian Xia, and Qiu Tingting to stroll around the campus, and soon it was time for evening self-study.

“Come on~ I can’t see you and forget your friends!”

As soon as Liu Yuan sat down, Hu Huirong, who was beside him, complained.

“This friend is really unable to continue doing this.”

“Where do I have it? I told you to go for a walk together, but you won’t go by yourself.”

Liu Yuan made an innocent defense.

“It’s a fool to go. It’s full of dog food. I’m full when I eat.”

“Mass, how does it feel to be surrounded by three beauties?”

“Cough, we are just classmates, and we are discussing things about learning, don’t talk about it.”


While chatting with Hu Huirong, Liu Yuan also opened his drawer, ready to continue reading and studying.

However, as soon as the drawer was opened, he immediately saw several envelopes lying inside.

“I wipe ~love letter~”

Hu Huirong, who was beside him, had sharp eyes, and immediately reached out and wanted to take a look.

“Be quiet~”

Liu Yuan hurriedly asked the other party to be quiet, and at the same time stopped him.

Of course, this thing cannot be seen casually, even if it is a good friend.


“It seems that there are four letters. After only one meal, there are four letters all at once.”

“This friend really can’t do it, there’s no way to play.”

Hu Huirong suddenly seemed to have suffered 100,000 points of damage, and sighed again and again.

“Even if this guy is handsome, he still has good grades. Isn’t this an instant hit? I’m going to find a teacher to change seats and continue sitting next to you. I feel like I might strangle you to death. I’m envious and jealous!”

“Shh, be quiet, be quiet~”

It was the first time Liu Yuan received this kind of envelope, and he couldn’t help but feel a little excited, but this kind of thing, naturally, the less people know about it, the better.

“OK, OK~”

“Hurry up and show it to me, I don’t know who wrote it to you.”

Hu Huirong soon turned into a curious cat again, and whispered to Liu Yuan to take it out and take a look.

“What’s there to watch? I’m not watching it now. I’ll watch it when I go back to the dormitory next night after my self-study.”

“It will take a few minutes to read the letter. I promise not to say it.”

“Guarantee is useless. If you say you can watch it after class, you can watch it after class.”

“Look now, I’ll see who wrote it first, the damage you caused me today is too great, and my friends can’t continue to do it, but if you show me, I will continue to recognize you this friend.”

“Go away, go away, I didn’t even look, where is your turn.”

Liu Yuan and Hu Huirong whispered, but soon, Li Dan came over.

“Here again~”

Seeing Li Dan walking towards him, Hu Huirong shrugged helplessly.

“Hu Huirong, can we change positions in this class?”

“I have some math problems that I would like to ask Liu Yuan.”

Li Dan came to the two of them, holding the math test paper in his hand.

“No problem~”

Li Dan has always been the goddess in Hu Huirong’s heart. He is beautiful and can read, but he didn’t even have the courage to confess to Li Dan. Now Li Dan came over and took the initiative to talk to him, let alone changing positions. Even if he changed his life, he agreed.

But when he packed up his books and exam papers and got up, he saw Li Dan sitting next to Liu Yuan, looking very close, and his heart was broken.

“This friend really can’t do it!”

PS: Has anyone experienced a heartbreak moment?

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