The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 5: Finishing the Foundation

Zhong Yu thought long and hard for his next course of action, and the best possible way to execute it.

“System, bring up the quest log.” Zhong Yu recalled the system, which pointed out that he had finished the 1st stage of the main quest.

“Quest log opened. Please inspect it, host.” The blue screen popped right as the mechanical voice spoke.

[Main quest: Set Up Ground, Expand

1st stage: Establish Domain (Complete)

2nd stage: Domain Upgrade. Promote your domain by growing through the seven ranks of nobility: baron, viscount, count, marquis, duke, king, emperor. A reward accompanies each upgrade.]

“How is the nobility rank calculated? And what are the requirements?” Zhong Yu asked after carefully reading through the information.

“ Using the host's population and army in your domain. System calculates that Baron, for instance, controls a county spanning fifty kilometers. The next rank, Viscount, controls a region of 250 kilometers. Count, a prefecture of 1500 kilometers. Marquis, prefectures totaling 2500 kilometers. Duke, a state of 5000 kilometers. At the King rank, the nation is around a quarter of China. Lastly, the Emperor rank, at this stage the domain has no limit.” The system’s flat and cold tone came out slowly, answering Zhong Yu’s question. 

‘Population, that’s what I lack the most. But in this wasteland, there’s no sign of humans in fifty kilometers. Am I to raid those savages and take them for myself? Even if I assume that I can get all the tribes in line, it’s still not enough since it’s only in the thousands. Also, how am I supposed to control hundreds of kilometers worth of land with just them anyway?’ He panickingly thought. 

“Ding! In light of the host's inadequate strength, the system issued side quests. Side quest 1: Preliminary War. Host must win a 100-man battle. Reward: one-time bonus pack. Side quest 2: Thriving Domain. Each time the host expands the domain to a certain scale, a lottery ticket is awarded. Scale: five-six people make a home, ten homes make a block, ten blocks make a borough, several boroughs form a city and several cities form a county. This mission will end when the domain reaches the population of a county.”

Zhong Yu's eyes lit up at this and all the previous burden just came off as he cheered up at the system’s assistance. ‘Is host a heart parasite? The instant I need something, there it is.’

‘Excellent timing! Completing these quests will make expanding a cinch. My dream of being a lord and a sovereign is within reach.’

With the plan outlined, all that remained was strategy. ‘I have with me fifty soldiers with crude weapons and poor training. But they have one thing the savages don’t, discipline.’

‘Tribal people are not with the times in military matters as are the feudal civilizations. Even peasants can contest them. While they have stone tools, the farmers have weapons of iron.’ 

‘That makes the next step expansion! Yes, that’s it. I’ll start by destroying some small tribes, not too big, in the dozens or a couple dozen of people.’

‘After, I will bring them here and reach a hundred homes quickly. Also, getting my domain to the size of a borough will net me the bonus pack.’

A shame he couldn’t get the block reward too. The system told him he already got it from drawing those soldiers. This dampened Zhong Yu’s mood.

With the borough’s bonus pack, his power would soar. This meant wiping out all the tribes around him and making a city for the next reward ought to be a piece of cake.

The next reward would then propel his conquest to building a county. This was enough power to establish his nation. Then he would have to consider many other important matters.

Finally forming his plan and finding it foolproof, he called for the still-eating Wang Daniu.

“Lord, what would you ask of me?” Wang Daniu respectfully asked as he came with a grin plastered on his face. 

‘Just like I thought. To the poor, even if they held a rank, they wouldn’t care. Thanks to their common lifestyle, filling their stomachs is enough to earn their loyalty. To keep them in line, all I have to do is keep them fed.’

Zhong Yu thought happily as a faint smile played on his lips and spoke, “Daniu, I found a dozen tribes around our domain. They are a danger to our security. We have to eliminate them before they raid us and suffer catastrophic losses. Send some of your fastest men to scout the surrounding tribes. With this knowledge, we will carve our way through them one at a time, from the weakest to strongest and expand our lands.”

Wang Daniu had no objection whatsoever. ‘They’re just some savages, what’s the worst that can happen? Is there a need for my lord to be so cautious? My men are no elites, but with our short training and better weapons, we’ll be victorious.

The Han Dynasty’s people had an ingrained distaste and hatred for all other races, treating them as barbarians. A farmer like Wang Daniu was no exception. In those times, a common saying was one Han made up five Huns. It was just one more proof of how much malcontent they had for savages.

Zhong Yu glossed over Wang Daniu’s contempt for savages, but not without giving him some warnings.

“Although weaker, it always pays to be safer rather than sorry, even against savages. You’ll also have fewer casualties and won’t end up a laughingstock by losing all your men.”Zhong Yu replied as if he was teaching him.

Wang Daniu didn’t take the words to heart, though his face grew solemn, “I obey my Lord’s orders. I won’t look down on the savages and be extra careful.”

Wang Daniu’s vow earned a smile from Zhong Yu, “As long as you understand. All I meant to say is losing more men than necessary over a minor battle would be disappointing.”

Wang Daniu was touched by Zhong Yu’s explanation. In times of old, ranks were clearly defined, the system perfected. A soldier’s life and future were at the whim of his superior. Nothing about it was good, as the people were treated like bugs and squashed with impunity.

The warnings and care the lord had for their puny lives made this farmer vow with his heart and soul to stay true to his lord, to fulfill all tasks and return his lord’s kindness.

After coming back from his thoughts, He spoke with utmost respect, “I shall never forget lord’s teachings.”

“You may go. Also, have someone send me a meal. Talking for so long has made me peckish.” Zhong Yu rubbed his belly with a smile.

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