Chapter 38: A Quiet Routine Broken
Adrian glanced upwards over the cover of the book he was reading. He'd quickly fallen into something of a routine. It was a relaxed Wednesday afternoon. Having just finished his Charms class that morning, he was lounging comfortably in the Hogwarts Library until dinner.
His makeshift schedule allowed him plenty of time to work on the Herbology essay he had been assigned painfully early that morning. Despite the post waking daze that accompanied the greenhouses, it was purely coincidental his inherent knack for magical creatures somehow related to his understanding of magical flora. Adrian was almost certain the marks of many of his classmates rested in his gloved hands.
He had taken the only book in the library relating to the pertinent topic of his essay: the use of Arnica outside of poison brewing. His book listed, in rather impressive detail, that Arnica was still used as a herbal treatment for bruises and sprains on humans.
"Er, hello."
Adrian jolted, nearly knocking his inkwell from the armrest of the chair. The book slid from his lap, snapping shut as it landed on the floor amidst the flurry of his papers. Reflexively, he scrambled to catch the book, already aware that it was futile.
Adrian had assumed that he would be the first person in the library with the intent of finishing the homework. The chances that he would encounter anyone with the same mindset was low, especially considering it was assigned just that morning.
The girl who had startled him so terrible stepped out from around a bookshelf. Her eyes were wide with guilt, Adrian was embarrassed - had he become so relaxed at Hogwarts he could be caught off guard by a girl?
"I was wondering if you were-"
"Are you planning on working on the Herbology essay?" Adrian abruptly offered, trying to smooth the situation the best he could. He leant down from his chair, hoisting the tome off the floor.
"I'm sorry," the girl apologized, looking frazzled. She looked ready to bolt, yet something about her was familiar.
She had unruly hair and a hideously bright red scarf which only served to make her skin colour seem that much more untasteful.
"Oh, we've met! One the train!" She enthusiastically blurted, blushing once she realized her outburst. She scowled, looking disgruntled, a thought occurring to her perhaps. "It's a shame we aren't in the same house, Hadrianus."
Adrian felt disgruntled at her unintentional jab at Slytherin. "I could say the same. Gryffindor, is… unfortunate."
She didn't deny it, which likely meant that the other girls had realized how snobby she was.
"Sit down, I'll share the book with you," Adrian offered, pointing to the seat next to him, currently being used by Adrian's bag. She blushed once again before shuffling over and dropping her own heavy bag on the floor next to him. She sat heavily onto the chair once it was cleared, and wasted no time pulling out her plethora of books and parchment. Adrian raised one eyebrow when he noticed she had already been writing the essay, even without the book she wanted.
"I like to get my assignments done in advance," she struggled to explain, seeming nervous in his company.
"As do I," Adrian soothed, showing how nearly complete his assignment was already. She gaped in surprise and gave a genuine smile before hiding her face in her hair.
They continued, eventually finishing their essays once able to bounce information back and forth. Hermione (her name had finally come to him while writing) was rather intelligent; it was a shame she felt the urge to flaunt it so obviously.
"Could you help me with essays again sometime?" She asked, eyes wide and watery with how hopeful she was.
Adrian was suddenly struck with the situation and just how perfect it was.
"Of course," he nearly purred, trying to keep the grin threatening to split his face absent. "But I make deals."
Hermione paused, suddenly rather timid. "Deals?"
Adrian briefly wondered if he was acting as slimy as Calum. He nodded politely, "Exactly. In the Slytherin house, it's common to have some sort of...assurance. Some classmates like to take advantage of you."
Hermione nodded eagerly, clearly sympathizing with him. Adrian took it as a sign to continue.
"Deals are essentially promises. I'll help you, and you'll help me in the future. Of course, I would always accept galleons if you're purchasing something I own." He smiled slowly, trying to persuade her gently. He could tell that the girl was relaxing. "But in this case, it's so I'll help you again sometime."
Hermione was still wary but it looked like she was considering the offer, now that he had explained it. She worried her lower lip with her prominent front teeth. When she spoke, her words were careful and considered. "Well, that would be nice."
Adrian smiled and pulled out his wand. He motioned for her to touch the opposite end of his wand, forming a link between them.
In a clear calm voice, Adrian incanted, "Peddlemus."
His wand warmed under his hand. Hermione twitched slightly, clearly feeling the warmth on her end. It lingered, before slowly fading.
"There," Adrian said, smiling. He pulled his wand back and slid it into his holster.
Hermione smiled and she looked much happier. Adrian assumed it was because now he was forced to spend time in her presence.
He almost felt bad for her.
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