The Right Way to Rise Uchiha

Chapter 13

Chapter 11: Ninja School Opens

Ten days have passed.

After finding the direction to solve the problem of lifespan, Uchiha Qing is also a lot easier. This is the end of the ten days, an hour of research in the small courtyard every day.

Uchiha Kiyoshi’s research on the seal was not too hidden, but he kept making seals in the yard openly and honestly, and then recorded. Anyway, there is no big action, the small courtyard of Uchiha’s house is enough for him to move.

This didn’t cause any suspicion or the like. After all, many ninjas also took notes when they practiced the seal, but it was not as frequent as Uchiha Kiyoshi.

Then Uchiha Kiyo will go to the training ground where he was in the original special training to practice Kunai throwing for one to two hours.

This training ground was originally prepared for the juniors of the special training. Although the special training has ended, there are still no other ninjas except the members of this special training. Before the special training starts next year, Uchiha and the others will also train here. Compared with the formal training ground, the area here is much smaller, but with all kinds of equipment, it is enough for Uchiha to train.

After practicing the kunai throw, Uchiha Kiyoshi will continue to practice taijutsu at the training ground.

The afternoon time is to go to the data room to find information.

Of course, after finding the direction, Uchiha returned to normal, and he continued to search for medical ninjutsu information for half of the time, and spent the rest of the time studying the foundation of sealing.

Unfortunately, after ten days, Uchiha still has not found a way to control his body’s energy, and his heart is a little more urgent.

Today is the opening day of Ninja School.

The ninja school was established by the second generation of Naruto, aiming to give civilians a way to become ninjas. In addition, the major ninja tribes will send their descendants to study.

Since the ninja school is completely managed by Naruto, during the teaching period, under various brainwashing, whether it is a civilian ninja or a family ninja, they will advocate the will of fire and become the power of the Naruto family.

This is also a means for Naruto to control the ninja family.

It’s just theory, after all, it’s just theory. Family ninjas grew up in the family since childhood. Although they were influenced by the ninja school, except for a few, most family ninjas have a strong sense of identity with the village, but in the general direction, they are still based on family interests. for heavy.

After all, many advantages of family ninjas are given by the family, and the ninja school does not give them any convenience in terms of resources.

Thinking of brainwashing, Uchiha Qing thought of a certain two or five boys again. How could such a smart person not understand? Do you have to be a knife?

“Oh! Maybe, I don’t understand the world of genius.

Moreover, Uchiha Shisui is actually towards the family, but he is too naive. How could he teach such an anti-family guy? ”

Uchiha rubbed his brows and sighed.

“No wonder in the past life, the basic impression of the Uchiha family is a group of lunatics…

This is not the case with the Uchiha family. Uchiha, who has experienced it personally, knows that many people in the family are normal and have their own emotions.

Only those ‘geniuses’ who have made rapid progress since childhood, who may have been influenced by Sharonyan too early, appear to be like lunatics. ”

Therefore, Uchiha Kiyoshi’s views on the reality of Sharinyan are also somewhat contradictory.

The opening and upgrading of Sharinyan requires a strong mental change, which already has an impact on the spirit of the ninja. Abnormal.

Those mature ninjas who have been polished for a long time can barely bear it, but those geniuses are different.

No matter how smart you are, you can’t avoid mental immaturity. You have less experience. Even if you are precocious, you will be affected unknowingly.

Therefore, this forms a paradox. The earlier the writing wheel is opened, the faster the upgrade will be, the more genius it will be. However, opening the wheel too early will also cause them to have mental problems.

Therefore, no matter how talented he is in Sharinyan, Uchiha Qing will not open it too early. I don’t know how the influence of Sharinyan came about, and Uchiha Qing will not take risks. In this way, Uchiha Qing will only consider turning on it if he can fully control it.

In Uchiha’s heart, the most perfect eye-opening process is Madara Uchiha.

Madara Uchiha is very talented, and his strength increases very quickly. In addition, he didn’t open his eyes very early, but he was about eight years old. At that time, Madara’s strength actually already had the strength of Chunin, and the strength brought by Sharonyan did not exceed his control.

Moreover, Uchiha Madara himself did not rely too much on the writing wheel, and his own physical skills and ninjutsu are very good. Growing up all the way, the power of Sharinyan has always been under the control of Madara Uchiha.

This is also the reason why Madara Uchiha’s generation has reached a new peak in the strength of the entire ninja world.

Hei Jue chose Uchiha Madara, and did not choose other Indra reincarnations. He also took a fancy to this point. An Indra reincarnation who truly controls his own strength has the greatest hope of opening the eye of reincarnation.

It can be said that Madara Uchiha’s development is typical. He doesn’t live in hatred since he was a child like Sasuke, his mind is immature, and he is extremely arrogant at every turn.

When comparing Madara Uchiha and Sasuke, Kiyo Uchiha still recognizes Madara in his heart. Whether it is talent or talent, he is far superior to Sasuke.

Returning to the topic, Uchiha got up early in the morning, exercised, finished breakfast, and set off for the ninja school with his lunch lunch.

The opening of the ninja school today is a relatively important matter for the entire Konoha.

Along the way, Uchiha Qing also occasionally saw parents taking their children to the ninja school.

Arriving at the gate of the ninja school, Uchiha Kiyoshi was also stunned by the sight in front of him. It was only a few hours before the school gate was as lively as a vegetable market.

Fortunately, there were not many students at the ninja school, and more parents were present.

After queuing for ten minutes, it was Uchiha’s turn.

The middle-aged ninja in charge of the registration glanced at the family crest on Uchiha Kiyo’s body, gave him a meaningful look, and then said.

“Your enrollment certificate.”

Uchiha Qing was not in a hurry, he took out a certificate and handed it over.

“Hello, this is my enrollment certificate.”

The middle-aged ninja seemed to be surprised by Uchiha’s courtesy, and looked at Uchiha again.

However, nothing was wrong, and the middle-aged ninja continued his work.


Uchiha Kiyo was also muttering in his heart, isn’t it written on the certificate? However, he replied respectfully.

“Uchiha Kiyo.”

The middle-aged ninja stamped a seal on Uchiha’s proof and raised his head to say to Uchiha.

“Okay, you can go in. Your class is Grade 1, Class 1. After entering the door, turn right and go straight. That building is Grade 1, and Class 1 is on the first floor.”

It seemed that he was very satisfied with Uchiha’s courtesy, and the middle-aged ninja showed him the way.

Uchiha Qing thanked him and entered the school with the certificate.

With the way indicated by the registration teacher, Uchiha Kiyo no longer needed to find it by himself. After entering the door, he turned right and went straight to the first grade building.

There are only two classes on the entire first floor, and Uchiha Qing easily found his class.

Confirming that he did not find the wrong class, Uchiha Chiang Mai walked into the classroom.

Uchiha came relatively early. There were only five or six people in the entire class. The one sitting in the middle was a young man in white clothes with a cloth strip on his forehead. He lowered his head and read the book seriously. I don’t even know what I’m looking at.

Although he couldn’t see each other’s eyes, Uchiha Kiyo judged from the unique cloth strip on the other’s forehead and the clan emblem on his clothes that this was a ninja from the Hinata clan.

His eyes swept over again, and in the middle of the door, a young man with a greasy face and a fierce appearance was holding a puppy and teasing the puppy. It should be from the Inuzuka clan. In the back is a fat man who is lying on the table and sleeping soundly, and next to him is a bag of snacks that he just finished eating, which should belong to the Qiu Dao clan.

The remaining two, with no obvious characteristics, should be civilian ninjas.

Uchiha Kiyo made a rough judgment, walked to the back of the classroom, and sat down in the last row by the window.

I took out a copy of “The First Solution of Medical Ninjutsu” and looked at it. It was taken from the reference room of the clan by Uchiha Kiyo. Originally, the materials in the reference room were not allowed to be taken out, uh… Uchiha Kiyo thought so. of. UU reading

It wasn’t until Kiyo Uchiha took this book and told the janitor that he wanted to borrow this book to read when he was at school, that he knew that as long as he paid, he could take out all these materials. No wonder it took so long to see how many people in the entire data room.

“It turns out that you can still play like this. Sure enough, we don’t understand the world of rich people.”

This was Uchiha’s first feeling at that time.

For a long time, Uchiha Kiyo, who had no money in his pocket, didn’t think about this, thinking that so many materials in the reference room should be more valuable, so he could only watch it here.

Reluctantly, he took out a thousand taels, and Uchiha took away the “First Solution of Medical Ninjutsu” with tears.

Unlike other materials, this book is full of dry goods, and Uchiha Qing takes a long time to read, and it is relatively cost-effective to borrow it.

Uchiha Xiong also finally knew why this little guy always stayed here to read books. He originally thought that this boy was stingy and had been prostituting in it for free. There are also a lot of subsidies given by the clan. There is always money for reading, right? Is it so stingy?

“It turns out that I didn’t know about borrowing books. I am, our Uchiha family, how can we be so rude?”

Uchiha Kiyo didn’t know anything about Uchiha’s heart.

To be honest, a book is only 1,000 taels a month, which is enough for the family, but Uchiha Qing still feels distressed.

No way, a child who has no source of income and lives solely on subsidies is naturally very precious for things like money.

And the money saved is for Uchiha Kiyo to buy ninja tools in the future. No, a book kills his own kunai, so it’s strange that Uchiha Kiyo doesn’t feel distressed.

A kunai is enough to train myself for a week…

Ask for collection! !

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