The rescue of the pirates

Chapter 1018 The Beginning of Infighting (Happy New Year!)

Chapter 1018 The Beginning of Infighting (Happy New Year!)

"In three days' time, the United Nations will hold a meeting in Vienna to approve the "Agreement". Let's have a good talk!"

Ross avoided talking about Rhode's problem. There must be no emergency plan. The Avengers must also be in the hands of the government, and everything else is responsible for it.

"What if you don't like our decision?"

Natasha asked before Ross left.

"Then you all retire!"

Ross replied forcefully.

They seized this opportunity to control the Avengers, how could these politicians give the Avengers any chance to resist?
What's more, this is the decision of the United Nations. Although everyone knows that the United Nations is almost a puppet of the United States, there is no way, the reality is like this.


Hearing Rose's words, everyone in the Avengers reacted differently. Among them, Tony had the most abnormal reaction. It stands to reason that Tony is the Avenger who is the least willing to be controlled by the government. He should be the first to stand up against the "Agreement" , But this time Tony didn't say a word from beginning to end.

"Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor, one more than you, so he is entitled to do this!"

After Ross left, there were differences among the Avengers. As an active military officer, Rhodes agreed to sign the "Sokovia Agreement", but Steve's most loyal younger brother, Falcon, strongly opposed it. He's a soldier, but he's not on the side of the government.

"So assuming we agree to sign, how soon will the government track us like common criminals?"

Falcon countered.

"117 countries want to sign this agreement, 117, Sam, you don't take it seriously?"

Rhodes asked.

"How long are you going to be double-dealing?"

Falcon was very upset that Rhodes was on the side of the government. The two joined the Avengers at the same time, so it was inevitable that there would be no comparisons.

"I have an equation where in the eight years since Mr. Stark announced he was Iron Man, the number of empowered people has grown exponentially, and over the same period, the number of events that could trigger the end of the world has also grown."

Vision interrupted the quarrel between the two.

"You mean, it's our fault?"

Steve asked.

"I mean, there could be causality, our superpowers beget challenges, challenges beget conflict, and conflict beget disaster!"

"Regulation, regulation is what we should consider!"

Vision said.

"Tony, you are surprisingly quiet!"

Natasha looked at Tony who had been silent and said.

"Because he has already decided!"

When Steve proposed the "Sokovia Agreement" by Ross, he had already seen that Tony was ready to agree to sign the "Agreement", otherwise Tony would never have kept silent throughout the process.

"God, you really understand me!"

Tony got up from the couch, knowing he had to make a decision, but first he showed the others a photo.

"This is Charles Spencer, a good boy, majoring in computer engineering, with a GPA of 3.6, and plans to go to work at Intel in the fall, but he wants to gain experience and see the world before he sits in the office, To volunteer, Charlie doesn't want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, that's where I'd go."

"I didn't go to Paris or Amsterdam either. It's so interesting. He wants to use his summer vacation to build ecological houses for the poor. Guess where! Sokovia!"

"He might be trying to make some changes, but we don't know because we threw a building on him when we were having fun!"

"We have no decision-making process at all, we need to be regulated, in any form, I accept it! If we don't accept restrictions, we will be lawless and no better than bad people!"

The reason why Tony behaved like this was because he met Charles' mother earlier. Charles' mother found him while Tony was giving a lecture at the university, pointed at his nose and scolded Tony. Feel the grief of a mother who has lost a child.

This made Tony start to reflect on the performance of the Avengers during the recent period. When he really looked back, Tony discovered that there were indeed many mistakes that should not have occurred in the recent actions of the Avengers. With the appearance of Ultron, Soko Via's destruction was caused by his unscrupulousness, and Tony felt that it shouldn't go on like this.

At this time, Rose appeared and gave Tony a solution. Tony considered accepting the signing of the "Sokovia Agreement" when he was emotionally unstable.

"Tony, someone died right under your nose, you can't just give up!"

Steve said.

"Who said I had to give up?"

Tony asked back.

"If you are not responsible for your actions, you are giving up! These documents are just passing the buck!"

Steve said.

"I'm sorry, Steve, the characters are dangerous! This is the United Nations! It's not the World Security Council, it's not SHIELD, and it's not Hydra!"

Rhodes interrupted Steve.

"Yes, but managers are still human beings. Humans have goals, but the goals will change. When the purpose of managers changes, the nature of the Avengers alliance will change!"

Steve sees through the purpose of Ross and those politicians. They just want to hold the Avengers firmly in their hands and become their tools. This is the last thing Steve wants to see.

"That's a good thing, that's why I'm here, and when I realized how terrible the consequences of my weapons falling into the wrong hands, I stopped production!"

Tony was taken away by guilt at this time, and he simply carried Charles' death on his shoulders, wanting to avoid such disasters from happening again in the future, but he ignored that once the Avengers were in the hands of politicians, when the time came The Avengers are under the control of others, and cannot be dispatched in time when a disaster occurs, which will cause even greater disasters and casualties.

"Tony, that's your choice! If we sign up, we lose our choice! What if the team sends us where we shouldn't be? Or don't let us go where we should? We may not be perfect , but still the most reliable person!"

Steve tried desperately to convince Tony.

"If we don't sign it now, they will force us to sign it in the future! That's the truth, and it will be very ugly then!"

Tony said.

"You mean they're going to get me?"

Wanda asked.

"We will protect you!"

Vision said.

"Maybe Tony is right. If we make a little compromise, there is still room for maneuver, but if we break up completely, then we will have no chance and will completely oppose the government!"

Natasha also began to lean towards signing the "Agreement".


At this moment, Steve's cell phone received a message. Steve took it out and looked at it, and his face immediately changed. His favorite woman, Carter, passed away in her sleep.

"I gotta go!"

Now Steve is not in the mood to discuss with other people whether to sign the agreement or not. Carter is the most important woman in his life. For him at this moment, nothing is as important as sending Carter for the last time.

"For a long time, we must reunite! For a long time, we must divide! A turning point has appeared, and it cannot be avoided after all!"

Logan, who was paying attention to the Avengers, sighed and said that the civil war among the Avengers is about to start, and this is also the beginning of the transformation of the Marvel Universe.

(End of this chapter)

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