The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 244: Karma Was Always Familiar

* Long Chapter Alert


"You are crazy," Razia said, and Hawi smiled with relief on her face. Maye that was a yes for her, but then it wasn't an answer. If Razia was so confident, then she should have responded with a 'yes', right?

"Come on Razia… this is a yes or no question. So… did you kill my brother?" Hawi asked again.

"No. I didn't kill your brother," Razia said, only for her to be shocked by thousands of electric voltages at the same time.

"No way," Hawi whimpered in realization. This wasn't how things were supposed to turn out, but then at this point, Hawi herself wasn't sure of what was real or not. It was like the world had come together to make her a miserable person. But for what?

Hawi looked at Razia, words stuck in her throat as she tried to get a hold of herself. There were so many evils in the world and while she was unapologetically one of them, a part of her always knew that she had been the one to kill Dom.

Maybe she was even a little too hopeful when she came with Razia here. She had been expecting everything from the psychotic bitch, but an indirect admittance to the murder of her dear brother was certainly not it.

Hawi couldn't breathe.

This confession was fucking her over and it was working a little too faster than she had thought possible. It wasn't even dusk yet, and here she was, questioning everything she believed in over the years.

Awuor Hawi could feel her chest tightening and she knew that she didn't have to hold on for long before she realized that she was going into one of the lengthy panicky episodes.

"No… Look at me, Mistress. Look at me!!" Malika shouted as she rushed to Hawi, and tried to keep the alpha's focus on her and her alone. It was hard for the woman, because this wasn't supposed to happen.

The last time Hawi had had a panic attack was when she had been in the damned shelter at Clarkson. That was one of the most unfortunate times and Malika still blamed herself for not being there for Hawi.

But then again, here she was, with the woman and she was going into shock. What was this even to mean?

Honestly, it had been too long, and it had taken everything in Malika not to go after the ghosts of Sicario that were haunting her mistress. However, today, she wasn't so sure about them anymore.

What kind of toxic cycle was this for the young alpha?

"Oh please… she's such a weakling for the white wolf. Who the fuck will she be protecting when she can't even save herself. Look at her, a pathetic little shit in the fight for justice in a cruel world.

"Makes me wonder how long it wall take before she finally comes crashing down. Don't blame the universe on this one. Even the blind can see that this little shit is a weakling," Razia mocked.

Even then, Razia Greyson thought that it was easily the most dangerous thing she had ever tried. Messing with hair wasn't going to be easy. And given the endless years of pain that he had endured, there was a chance that this was not even real.

But what if it was? There had been some relation given how quick Malika was to come to Hawi's aid.

"Oh yeah? How about I show you weakness?" Hawi said as she used her magic to draw Razia to the edge of her little cage, forcing the woman's skin to be burnt by the acid coating the cage.

It was all so sudden that Malika got pushed to the side, clearly not expecting Hawi to regain her composure that fast, but when there were high chances that Hawi had known what she would have to fight against.

Awuor Hawi knew she was coming to a battle so personal to her, one in which her enemies would use all her weaknesses against her. She had been expecting that from the very beginning.

She would have to come to terms with most of her demons and they wouldn't be kind to her, not once.

And Razia Greyson hadn't disappointed her.

"Holy shit, Hawi, stop… you'll fry her face!!" Malika said, rushing to try and stop Hawi from turning the woman in the cage to ashes, but then Hawi was stronger. Of course, Hawi would always be stronger, but damn. This was wild.

"She deserves it," Hawi growled as her eyes slowly turned dark, but Malika wasn't letting her. She couldn't let Hawi give in to the darkness. As much as it was appealing to see Hawi be so ruthless, Malika knew that Hawi had to be in control.

There had been so many regrets over the years and she didn't need this to just end up venting another regret for the young alpha. That wouldn't be fair for her, but then again, they were way past justice and fairness, or weren't they?

"I know… But if you kill her, you won't get the answers you need. She is the only one who can help us out. Jer is just a puppet, and we won't be able to get to the shadow warlocks without her. Let her be, Mistress, please," Malika pleaded and it worked.

"How's that for weak, Razia Greyson?" Hawi growled as she slammed Razia one more time against the bars just to make sure that the woman understood what she meant. This was crazy, but then was there anything else that could be used to describe Awuor Hawi?

"You little shit. When I get out of here I will screw you over more than you would ever imagine," Razia growled out, even though half of her face was burnt to a crisp. She looked terrible, and worse than a ghost.

Razia looked like she had made an appointment with the butcher, but managed to lose her way before she got to her destination. This shit was fucked, and it was cruel. But then again, this was war, and Hawi was to get her vengeance.

"Oh yeah? You might consider shutting the fuck up before your damned brains fall to the ground," Malika warned and Razia giggled, making Malika facepalm. This woman was insane on so many levels.

Who the fuck even let out giggles when their lives were literally on the line? It wasn't like this was some party that she would be able to get out of alive, right? Well, perhaps Razia was finally losing it.

Perhaps she was way beyond salvation, and even if she wasn't, no one would be coming for her. No one, and the sooner Razia Greyson knew that, the sooner she would be able to get her affairs in order.

"Make me. You're a coward who can't even show your face yet you're here speaking shit. What kind of protector are you? Muting your voice and hiding your face? Wow, you must be the protector of the year!" Razia mocked.

Malika looked at Razia, before she realized that all this time Razia Greyson had been unable to see her face. Maybe that was why the woman was so confident. She had not been able to figure out who the other person was and for a moment, Malika felt bad for Razia Greyson.

"Are you sure you want me to remove the making, dear Razia? Hawi may be kind to you, but I doubt you would wish her to be the same once you see my face. This is about to get even more interesting," Malika exclaimed while Hawi sat up.

The white wolf was still fuming. She hated that she had just realized that there was more to the web of chaos that was Jeremiah Warner. She hated Razia Greyson with all of her might, even more than she hated the dumb fuck she had been mated to for years.

This wasn't how she had imagined spending the rest of her day but goddamn, Hawi was pissed.

Dom was a strong wolf.

Dom was powerful, way too powerful even for that lame warlock, Ajuoga.

Now it made more sense why her brother had been overpowered, and Hawi felt a pang in her heart. She wondered what her brother had been thinking on his last breath. She wondered if her brother had been hopeful that she would come for him.

All the times Dom got in trouble. Hawi was always there to save him. She was always on time and she always made sure that no one hurt her brother. The fact that her brother might have called to her and she hadn't heard him, broke her.

She had been sure she was done being hurt, but Razia Greyson sure seemed to know just how to press the goodman buttons in her life. This woman managed her pain like she was some addict and how here Hawi was.

Back to the same spot.

With a ruined heart.

"Of course. I have heard of protectors. I know you are going to kill me. Don't you think it's only fair for me to see whatever creature is under the blueberry mask? Unless you're way too ugly to interact with the wolves.

"I couldn't blame you for wanting to keep your identity hidden. If I was tasked with protecting the abomination of the century, trust me, I would have done the same. This kid will ruin everything, if she ascends to power," Razia said and Malika tsked angrily.

The woman before the theme had friends so many lives and yet even at her worst pain, she could still think of hurting Hawi. It made even Malika wonder why everyone hated the white wolf so much.

Surely even Razia had to have known that Hawi was the hope of the realm, right?

There were dark forces that had gotten power in the years that had passed and if they were let to interact with the goddess's creations then they would corrupt the creation and the goddess would have no other option but to burn down her creation.

That wouldn't be a good move, especially with innocents hidden among the rot in the society. However, it was not news that there was always a price to pay as there would always be collateral damage.

If the rot increased and got to a point when nothing made sense anymore, a cleaning was bound. That was why the white wolf was here. Razia, having been a Luna, had to understand that, right?

"I'll ask you one more time, Razia. Are you sure about this?" Malika asked, knowing so well what her identity could do to the woman. No, she wasn't pitying Razia Greyson, no. She just wanted to make the woman have the illusion of a choice.

"Of course. Get on with it," Razia said.

"Alright," Malika responded before she undid the spell and when she did so, Razia stopped back into her cage. Find your adventure at m-vl-em,py-r

"No way," Razia said in shock.

"Hello again, Razia Greyson."

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