The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 12: Funeral

1 New chapter will be out on Friday. If you want to read up to ten chapters ahead Consider checking out My Patreon


The next day was spent trying to recover anything salvageable. After that people had to remove any damaged structures and walkways, everything damaged had to be replaced.

About thirty-seven percent of the village was burnt, the fires so intense from the fire storm almost everything burnt was at risk of collapsing if it hadn't already. Many spots have already done so, the spots that once supported housing are now holes with floating bits of char soaking in the waters below.

As the bath oil facility was where the fire had started, its close proximity to the island fruit trees meant the fires spread onto the orchard farm. It had fared worse because no one was fighting it. twenty-two percent of the farm had been burnt and the island was not a small one, measuring several kilometers in Diameter.

This island, being one of the largest, has two other villages, they didn't suffer any casualties but they are helping clear debris, both from the island and our village.

Fifteen people had died trying to fight the fires and save others, among them is Elder Opetu and Nyam's father, my uncle-in-law. He died with four others that had become surrounded by flames when the storm hit. It was my first day seeing a death spirit and death essence.

It would take at least a week for collective effort to clean everything up and even longer to rebuild, many people are left without homes. Our house managed to get lucky. Only one wall had been burnt before the Guardian summoned the rain. Well, it was more akin to a bucket being poured on the village.

I thought we'd have to use island trees for construction material but turns out the trees for that are grown on another island. It also kinda sucked that our island is only one of three responsible for bath oil production, ours being the largest producer. This meant a shortage for the entire archipelago.

But before all that happens the entire village is bringing the dead to temple island. Just the deceased's family and friends to attend the funeral. We are greeted by many priestesses

The priestesses gave out robes for everyone to wear. Instead of the usual skimpy ones, these are full robes that I can only imagine as black, although I can't see mundane color. The robes all had a full cowl that forced people to look down to see where they are going. From how many sniffles I'm hearing it might be to hide the tears of the grieving.

Even I had to put on a too large robe and shuffled along the stone path, holding Mom's hand. The bodies are being carried in wooden boxes, not unlike coffins. There are rows and rows of trees to one side of the path.

This was a time for grieving, of silence, and coming to terms with the death of loved ones. I thought back on my memories of my uncle. We weren't super close, mostly because Nyam still has nurtured her jealousy against me. But she always apologized for Nyam's behavior, always the one to make it up to me by giving me treats.

It could have gone differently, if me and Nyam had gotten along I could have had a better relationship with my uncle but that's been robbed from me forever. I let a tear slid down my cheek. This is what death is. A hole that has been ripped out of you. It wasn't that bad for me but for my aunt? I can't imagine what she's going through. Death is a love taken away from you. Death is a lost opportunity to make meaningful relationships with that person. Death is the sudden realization of regret, of all the things you should have done but put off because you thought you had time.

We all walked until we came upon fifteen funeral pyres arranged in a half-circle around a burning brazier. Fifteen temple priestesses held unlit candles. Here the rows of trees ended but there are fifteen holes big enough for a sapling to be planted, fifteen new trees to be added to the rows.

"Opetu" One of the Priestesses said. A corpse was placed on the first pyre.

"Himel" Another body is placed on the second pyre

"Klaman" the third pyre is filled.

The cries of grief grew louder as the realization of the finality of their loved ones dawn on them.

"Eztol" My aunt couldn't keep her grief in anymore and sank to her knees, sobbing.

Thank you for doing your best. may your next life be long and filled with happiness. I whispered in my heart.

More names are called and more pyers filled. Once all the names had been called the priests gave the candles to the family members. Except one. Who had no living family. That priest kept the candle and lit it with everyone else using the brazier. The candles are then tossed in the pyres to send off the dead.

We stayed until nothing but ash was left then the priestesses collected the ashes and we all walked over to the trees and the holes. Fifteen holes had been dug for the ashes. Once the ashes had their place a sapling is planted over them.

"May you find new life" The priestesses chanted in unison.

I thought more words would be said through the whole thing, maybe even stuff about Myrou, but I guess silence can say a lot more. It gives people time to sort their thoughts and feelings out

With the funeral done we slowly walked back to the docks. Today would be the day of grief for many and they don't have to help, for everyone else it's cleanup day.

We kept the robes on, to let everyone know we are on the 'day of grieving.

Once we returned to the village most of the robed people split up into groups. I joined my aunt with Mom and Dad. Nyam was still crying.

"We used to fight over the dumbest things." Chozu, My Aunt said. Once we can arrive at my house. Her house along with my grandparent's house was burnt in the fire, making our damaged house crowded.

"I remember you guys fought for days after little Aly's Kyholo" Dad said with a chuckle

"She'd just get some stupid idea in her head and just go with it without thinking it through. Literally, any other day would have been fine for something like that" Aunty chuckled a little bit.

Our group kept reminiscing for the rest of the day. Joining the others in the overcrowded baths now that a number of them had been burnt, and soon night came. We had cots and hammocks set up to provide bedding for our homeless family. The Lojyo held at the end of every night was somber, no music, no partying. I don't blame them, who could party of what had happened? Memories of the deceased were shared, however.

The next morning rose and after morning baths with rationed bathing oil the adults went to clean up. Me being a five year old isn't expected to work and was told to play with Nyam. Nyam held a solemn mood and didn't even make fun of me. Honestly, everything has been happening too fast for me to properly process.

First, the meeting with the guardian, the village burning, the funeral, the day of grief, and now back to work as if it all was just a road bump. It was just that the work now involved removing almost a fourth of the village.

The playground was burnt down so now all the kids too young to work are hanging out at the pier, out of the way. There aren't any toys that survived at the playground, but the children are playing tag and other games as if nothing had happened. They are probably too young and weren't in the thick of things to really comprehend the tragedy. Nyam sat down, dangling her legs over the waters, eyes cast down, and absentmindedly gripping her father's Kyhosa gift, An extravagantly decorated chodomr shell. It's lightning-based element sending illusory lightning through a web lightning silk. It had become a minor magic item during Nyam's Kyholo. Amulet of shocking displays.

I sat next to her. I don't like my cousin but I'm in no mood to play, nor would others really want to play with me. I'm known as the blind girl and most would either take advantage of that in the games or not want to play with a "disadvantaged" person on their team.

Some of Nyam's friends came up to her. "Wanna play something?"


"C'mon. We can prank the divers by hiding their tools, no one's around." A brown hair child said.

"I just want to be left alone," Nyam said. Still looking at the waters.

"Oh, c'mon! Being with us is funner than being with Eyeless there"

This kid is really starting to get on my nerves, it doesn't help that I don't like that nickname.

"You try having fun when your parent just died!" I stood up. "Look around you! A lot of people lost their homes! Fifteen people burned to death! And the only thing you can think of is to make more trouble for others?!"

Some of the older kids chipped in. "Must be nice to still have your clothes. Mine all burnt up" one kid sarcastically said.

"Mom's devotion project was destroyed, she worked on it for months now she has to start over"

"My Kyhosas are gone, must be lucky to still have yours"

If someone's Kyhosa is lost or destroyed it can be remade but it has to be remade by your parents. Mine can't easily be destroyed as it's a magical item but it's also impossible to replace or make another.

Nyam's friend slowly backed away from the angry mob of kids forming. "T-That's not what I meant" She ran away from the mob at top speed.

The mood of everyone had soured greatly. Apparently, everyone was trying to take their minds off the disaster and this had brought that to the forefront of their minds.

About half an hour had passed and Tana finally arrived. He had to help his parents make room in his house for others to move in.

I started helping him with his Bond.

"How many of those can you create?" Tana asked, after seeing me direct two beauty essence fairies to dance on the horizon. Tana had exhausted his mana and was waiting for it to recover. He's able to use his bond with less effort now but it still takes a lot of focus for him.

"Hmm, my Kyhosa boosts my power by a lot so I can summon a lot. Normally I'd be four but with it I can summon around ten" I focused my thoughts and began summoning them. Making them move around me like a tornado. It's easy to move them all in one direction but to move them all independently is impossible, the most I can do is my normal three.

What if I program them with simple commands? The thought just hit me out of nowhere.

"That's so pretty!" Tana commented at my display. Even Nyam is looking at me with wide eyes, Other kids too have stopped their playing.

I stopped my fairies and focused exclusively on resummoning one.

Move toward other fairies.

Avoid other fairies, people, and obstacles.

Follow other fairies

It worked, the fairy moved on its own. I then resummoned all other fairies and watched the chaotic movements of the swarm. Soon the movements of the swarm synchronized, moving in wavy patterns like swarms of birds, it was almost mesmerizing.

Ting! You have developed a new Bond skill! Impart Instructions!

Ting! Your bond has obtained level 52!

"Can you teach me how to use my bond like that?" A green hair kid suddenly asked. And like that the dam was broken.

"Me too, Me too!"

"I want to learn how to use my bond"

"Can an earth bond do that too?"

"Please teach me!"

It didn't matter if they were older or younger, after that display everyone wanted to master their bond.

The rest of the day was filled by me teaching the kids, Nyam too. By the time dusk had arrived only one kid had yet to successfully use her bond, she is so close too.

"Stop giving up, Guyovishy! You almost have it, just push it a little further!" She literally gives up right when she has it when the mana has built up in her hand, all she had to do was push it out.

"I can't! I just can't do it!" She complained frustratedly. I could sense her Nature essence recede as she stopped focusing. Elemental bonds are apparently the most common with essence bonds being rare. Mine is special as it's of beauty, one of Myrou's domains, but Guyo's is more useful as it can help plants grow, she has a bright future if she can help the island orchards grow and bear fruit.

In the end, she never managed to succeed.

When the first parents came to pick up their kids they were stunned by the scene before them. Dozens of young kids running around using their bonds. Some parents were proud, although troubled, others were angry. I mean, many of them have fire bonds and I taught them to literally play with fire. Given what just happened and how irresponsible young kids are I may have a stern talking to tomorrow. Your honor, I plead that I am just a five-year-old who doesn't know any better, which I kinda didn't. After all, I did use my powers responsibly. Why would I expect others not to, I even had permission to use it unsupervised after a few years, not like the lack of permission stopped me or anything.

Oh well, problems for tomorrow me.

"A. LY. SA. RA!"

Or right now, that could work. I put on my best innocent face and amped up my charm. I tilted my head at mom as if I didn't know what was going on, that always worked. I'm just an innocent five-year-old who didn't know any better after all.

"Yes, momara?"

"Don't 'yes' me! Why'd you teach the other children how to use their bonds?!" I could almost see the anger radiating off her, oh, wait, that's anger essence. Mom, please don't get too angry, anger essence will only make you angrier.

"They asked?" I put a finger on my cheek as if in thought. Then looked down, firing off my charm. "Did I do something bad?" I drooped my ears and tail, sounding ashamed, and noticed the anger essence stop radiating off mom. The residual essence floated down into the ground toward whatever attracted mana.

Ting! Charm has obtained level 15!

I see, so ear drooping in combination with tail drooping is more efficient. I don't have too many chances in using my second breakthrough to get out of trouble so I was using this chance to experiment, it paid off.

Mom gave a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Sometimes I forget you are just a child and you can't be expected to know this." Mom gave another sigh. "Aly, Bonds are dangerous. They can hurt others by accident, it can damage things if used carelessly. You probably don't remember but you once burnt the wall" I did remember but I also remember healing it a few months later when I got [Grace of Wholeness], Still, mom has a point.

"Normal children aren't taught their bonds until they are at least ten, most of the times later like thirteen or fifteen"

Oops, and I just taught most of the village's young kids how to use what's effectively weapons. Like giving out knives and telling them to run around with them. I really should have thought this through.

"I suppose this is my fault, I did say you could use your bond without adult supervision." I don't like where this is going. "You need to learn when to use your abilities, not just how to use them" uh oh.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again" I try to head off the punishment by cranking my charm up to the max, as much as it'll go, to the peak of its performance.

"I'm sure you are, Little Aly. But this is for your own good. From now on you aren't allowed to use your bond without adult supervision!" Dangit! Not even the ear and tail drooping worked! You have failed me, charm!


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