The Queen'sDiary

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Silver is My Town

Lizbeth is going home alone, while waiting a bus, she calls someone on the phone.

"Hello Bradley, how are you today?"

"Everything is fine, and you? how is your class?" answered him.

"The lecturer asks us to choose place for capstone project, he gives three places, Colorado, Egypt and Italy" said Lizbeth.

"I know the place you had chosen" Bradley answers with a laugh.

"Of course i choose Colorado, your house just 4 miles from there" she said.

"So, when will you come here?" asked him.

"Wait, my bus is coming, i call you later" answered Lizbeth.

Bus is coming, Lizbeth get into the bus and seat, then she calls another man.

"Hello Shawn, are you still at office?"

"No, i am at home, thanks God you call" answered Shawn.

"What happend to Alo and Maji?"

"They fine, the company bribe some guards and they find the springs on the southern area" said him.

"What springs?"

"Do you remember when we were child, we played behind the hills, your shoes got wet" asked Shawn.

"I remember, that's only puddle"

"No, it's a springs, now it's getting bigger become small pond" he said.

"So who are they? and is it related to the springs?

"They are company who wants to overtaken the village, and rules the springs, they want to build a drinking water factory" he said.

"Bottled water? won't the natives against them?"

"Yes, water in plastic bottle, that company bribe many public figure and now they will expell out of those residents" answered him.

"Can you make sure Alo and Maji still safe until i come there?"

"I am not sure, don't be too long. Wait, the natives assemble to demonstrate, i see they go to the springs, i call you later" Shawn shut the phone.

I know you curious who are those guys, right?

ok first Bradley Winshire, he and Lizbeth has complicated relationship, they are fall in love each other but without status, is that friend with benefit? i don't know, who's care. Bradley doesn't talk about his family, something was hidden, so mysterious man.

Next, Shawn Lambert, he is friend in the childhood of Lizbeth. Lizbeth is an orphan, when she was baby, someone or maybe her parents put her body in grocery basket and left in parking area then old couples of natives american find her and Lizbeth was adopted by them, they live in small village in Colorado, called Silverton. Alo and Maji are adoptive parents of Lizbeth.

That couple take cares her full of love and give her good education, finding her a scholarship and worthy life. Lizbeth lived there until she graduated of senior high school, after that she moved to Texas to take a bachelor's degree, but Shawn still live there and until now they still keep contact as an ordinary friend.

Shawn works for green environment foundation near the village of Silverton, some movement community that concern for environment including protection for the natives and wisdom cultures. That's why he always visit Silverton to observe the natives and the growth of cultural preservation, Shawn must to concern and note that.

In Texas, Lizbeth rent a small house, the bus stop at bus stop and she comes out from the bus then she walk to home, after she is in her room, she calls back Shawn but no answer, then she calls Bradley, he answers the phone.

"My Lizzie, are you at home?"

"Yes, this is a hard day for me, so tired" answered Lizbeth.

"Tell me what happend? hey you didn't answer me, when will you come here?"

"Maybe this week, i tell you when we meet there ok" she said.

"Next month is my birthday, i just want you to know"

"Don't worry, red velvet cake will be your birth day cake, i'll come to you for giving a cake"

"Liz are you serious?"

"I promise, i can keep my promise"

"Ok give me a call when you arrive here, someday i will invite you to lunch with me and my parents"

"Are you serious? Brad, what if your parents don't like me, you never tell me before about your parents" said Lizbeth.

"Don't worry Lizzie, everything will gonna be allright, take a rest, save your energy against fucking bored routine activity at tomorrow, i hope everyday is monday because you hate monday"

"Stop it, have a nice sleep, oh don't forget turn off the light or the boogeyman is waiting under your bed" answered Lizbeth with a laugh.

"Do you know what is more terrible than boogeyman? abducted by alien, because there is no toilet at all in their spaceship"

"Why you're think about it? just open the window and finish your pee" answered Lizbeth with a laugh again.

"How do you know there is a window? maybe they don't have it because that's business class. I am sleepy, bye Lizzie, see you" Bradley shut the phone.

Tomorrow morning, Lizbeth wake up, and the phone ringing, that's Shawn.

"Liz, see the news, on tv" Shawn asked.

Lizbeth take remote control and turn on tv, she saw a news, that reporter report natives in silverton village, start demonstration against the company that want to dominate the springs in their land area and seize their home.

"Shawn, how about Alo and Maji" Lizbeth very worried. Alo and Maji's home in Silverton is near from Shawn office, Shawn has a house in a village next to Silverton.

"They are safe, i visit twice every week"

"They are getting old and don't have a phone, it's hard for us to communicate" she said.

"When will you come here?"

"I will go there this weekend, i have a plan to doing my capstone project there too" said Lisbeth.

"Great, i have to go work, i'll call you later" said Shawn and he shut the phone.

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