Chapter 14: Chapter 14 They Steal My Map
At 08:00 AM, they wake up but they don't find Umar and Fatima, that map and car has gone, they see a note was left on dining table.
"Me and Fatima will go to find that place by using car, i got the map and i know not only us that know that place so it's a danger task and i don't want to involve you. I hope you understand, so please back to your life and forget about this"
Jonah, Mel, Liz and Darren was shocked.
"So, what's we gonna do now?" Darren asked.
"I don't know, we have to leave and back to our capstone project" Mel said.
"We don't have a photo the half map in Umar but Liz still remember the clue" Jonah remember.
"Yes but we don't know their competitor and i know who's want to get the treasure is not only Umar and Fatima" Liz answered.
"If we want to follow them, our chance is only today because tomorrow is monday and Jan definitely will visit to check our site with Malik" Mel gives her opinion.
"Ok we will leave this house and back to dormitory"
"We better prepare now"
They walk to main road and call taxi to go home, when on the way, there is a single car overturned due to accident, they recognize that car, the street is a little bit traffic because ambulans just came.
"Oh my God, that's Umar's car"
"I know it, i remember that sticker on his car's door"
"Sir, can we pullover just for a minute"
"Ok please wait"
Taxi pullover in the side of street, Liz and Darren come out and approach to ambulans, but Mel and Jonah stay inside.
Medical staff of ambulans help Umar and Fatima out from that car, Fatima is fainted but Umar is injury on his leg because airbag safes his life bus he is awake, 4 medical staff open stretcher and take Fatima and Umar to ambulans.
"Darren, please focus on his car, find that map"
When they take Umar, Liz try to speak to him.
"Umar, what happend?" Liz said.
"They hit my car and try to kill us, they got my map" Umar said.
"We will visit you on hospital soon" Liz said.
"No, focus on your capstone project and when it finish, leave this country, i don't want to involve you, i don't want to put you in a danger"
"No, it's related to Malik and Jan, we can't let it happend, our capstone project won't finish as long as they involve" Liz answered.
"Shit, i don't want to force you, i suggest you to go to that place, don't let them get there before you. They won't chase me because they already got my map so they think i am not a menace" Umar said.
"Sorry we have to take him as soon as possible" The medical staff said.
Fatima and Umar has inside the ambulans. All staff prepare to get in to ambulans, Liz talk to one of them.
"Where is the hospital will you take them?"
"An nur Hospital"
"They are Umar and Fatima, Brother and Sister who live near here, i know their home"
"Are you their family?"
"No, we are their friend, we just became friends few days ago" Liz said.
"Can i got your contact?"
"Here is my bussiness card, keep it and contact me when you need some information" Liz said.
The medical staff of ambulans leave that place, then Darren comes.
"Liz, i found this hand phone in Umar's car but i don't see his map"
"Keep it, Umar said that someone hit the car and steal his map"
Liz and Darren comeback to taxi and leave that place, in a minute police and a tow truck come, flip it to the right position and take Umar"s car.
Taxi arrive in dormitory, they are talking in Liz room.
"Umar is awake, he said someone hit the car and steal the map" Liz said.
"What? so this man set this because he knows that Umar had the map?" Mel answered.
"This person try to kill Umar and Fatima because he wants to reach alone that place by using that map and don't want anyone to know"
"Darren, open that phone and check the inbox" Liz asked.
Darren opens that phone and no need password, he checks inbox in sms and found the last number that text Umar.
"It's private item, Umar doesn't know that we open his inbox"
"Just open it" Liz said.
Darren open the sms message and it's a threat from someone. The text is writen like this :
"Pullover your car and give me the map , or we will take it by our hand"
"Save that number on your phone" Liz asked to Darren.
"So, what we are gonna do now? report this to police?" Jonah asked.
"Not yet, we don't have enough evidence" Mel said.
"Umar won't let us to involve this but they steal his map and Umar can't prevent it. But we can because we know the clue" Liz said.
"So what are we waiting for?" Jonah said.
"We go now, before sunset we must get something from that place" Darren said.
"We still rent that motorcycle, we have 3" Mel said
"Just use 2, one for you Jonah as a driver and you take Mel, the other for me and i take Liz" Darren said.
"Agree" Jonah answered.
"Liz, you know the clue, which one the first?" Mel asked.