The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 505: Surprise The Southern King and the Northern Emperor Split

Chapter 505

The huge performance hall was bustling with noise and excitement. In a corner near the entrance, Gu Beihuai sat alone on the steps.

Above his head were the stars in the night sky after dusk.

In the early autumn night, it felt a little cool, but Gu Beihuai couldn't feel the temperature at all. He clutched at his chest, gasping for air.

He felt extremely uncomfortable being suffocated, and his head felt like it was about to explode from the pain!

It seemed as if something was trying to force its way into his brain, cramming itself in, stirring things up, and then reorganizing.

Gu Beihuai was very clear that there was nothing wrong with his body. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been scouted for the special forces at such a young age after he retired from being injured. After that, he had undergone physical examinations every year. Apart from issues with his eyes, his other organs were still in peak condition from his time in the war.

Moreover, he exercised diligently every day without fail.

So he didn't understand why just one song could make his emotions become so intense and exceptionally awful.

Just as Gu Beihuai was sinking deep into the whirlpool, a phone call suddenly came in. His mobile phone vibrated nonstop in his pocket.

The sudden interruption and reality pulled his thoughts back.

By the time he realized what was happening, his whole body was drenched in sweat!

Gu Beihuai answered the call, but before he could speak, Ye Feimei’s angry curses were already exploding through the phone.

Ye Feimei: “You little bastard, where did you run off to! You're my featured performer tonight, aren't you! Where the hell did you go! Are you looking to die! You...”

Gu Beihuai didn't hear the rest because he had already quickly hung up the phone and rushed back.


His physical reactions had been so intense that he had completely forgotten about this matter!

But by the time he returned to the studio, where was Nan Xiangwan's figure?

On stage, the host Guan Liangzhe was drawing the next guest to come up!

In the front middle seat of the audience, Jie Chou was smiling happily and contentedly.

Gu Beihuai knew that he had completely missed his chance. He could only resignedly return to his seat and undo two buttons on his collar.

Jie Chou had originally wanted to share the joy of singing a duet with his idol, but when he turned his head, he saw Gu Beihuai drenched in sweat, with his collar and even his hair completely soaked.

Jie Chou was shocked: “Damn, what happened to you?”

His face pale, Gu Beihuai waved his hand dismissively: “It’s nothing. Who was the featured performer just now?”

Jie Chou: “Me! My idol reached out to me and I got so excited I just rushed onto the stage! I've achieved all my dreams, and I sang so well! There will definitely be videos online later. Let’s watch them together?”

Gu Beihuai: “......”

He had specially customized a pair of couple microphones, one black and one white, and he hadn’t even used them himself yet. But Jie Chou had gotten to use them instead?

Gu Beihuai truly wanted to hit someone. He had already been feeling physically uncomfortable, and now he felt even more irritated.

At the same time, on the Internet, in addition to Nan Xiangwan's full open mic performance once again rushing to the top of the hot search as usual, there was another tag that suddenly shot up to the top.

【Shock! The King of the South and the Emperor of the North Split Up!】

Comments -

: What’s going on? What happened? I just became a new CP fan, did I miss something?

: Heh, looks like someone stood people up at the last minute!

: Although I’m very angry that the featured performer for the finals didn’t show up, as his number one fan I’m actually really happy! Hehe!

: Elder brother created this mess himself, so he should take responsibility for it himself. Scold away! Let’s celebrate first! A great day for number one fans!

: Heavens! I nearly cried to death as a CP fan! The one chance for an open and aboveboard collaboration stage, I had prepared to take high definition screenshots the whole time, but they didn’t even appear in the same frame!

: Wuwuwu, stop talking, I’m seriously so upset!

: With Gu dashing off without explanation right before such an important performance, these two must have split up! And it’ll be the kind where they don’t ever interact with each other ever again!

: Let me ask a question, now that even the main CP has split, what should us fans on both sides do?

: Haha, I’ve disliked Gu’s fans for a long time already!

: Yo! Anyone know the way to the super topic? Us Gu fans are here with the ‘Moon Hypothesis Magnetic Poles’ to fight!

: You wanna fight? We brick bats have researched issues like black holes, fermion bubbles, and the Milky Way!


The two groups of number one fans had already elevated from basic academia to advanced propositions. At this point, they even started discussing the profound intricacies of astronomy. Many people who wanted to chime in didn’t know where to start, so they could only watch silently as the two sides battled it out in the sea of academia.


On the other hand, Nan Xiangwan didn’t take Gu’s absence to heart at all. As soon as she returned to the waiting room, Jing Da Shuai and Monica pulled her aside to whisper.

Xiao Dong silently stood guard by the door of the waiting room, looking very nervous. The finals tonight had two songs for each performer, interspersed with costume changes and the like, so it was a full two and a half hours before it finally ended completely.

When it was almost time for the encore, Xiao Dong knocked and entered ahead of time to remind Nan Xiangwan: “Boss Nan, there are ten more minutes until the encore.”

Nan Xiangwan nodded her head excitedly, rubbing her hands together energetically.

Beside her, Jing Da Shuai busied himself, saying: “Don’t get overexcited first. Hurry up and change out of your costume, it cost a lot!”

Only bespoke national wind garments made, one of a kind globally.

Monica urged: “Hurry up and change first. After you've changed, put the costume in the box and have Xiao Dong bring it out. We’ll hurry to the venue first to set things up perfectly. To ensure the perfect crime...I mean, the perfect perfo...”

Jing Da Shuai rolled his eyes, interjecting: “Stop explaining already. Let’s just call it a crime, alright!”

After the two left, Nan Xiangwan hurriedly changed out of her performance attire and into her own clothes.

Nowadays, none of her outfits were shabby. They were either specially picked out by Xiao Dong or gifted by various major labels. At any rate, even her casual wear could be featured in a variety of programs if leaked out.

It was just that the jacket pocket of this outfit was bulging, stuffed full by the secret contraband borrowed from Jing Da Shuai.

After she finished changing, Xiao Dong knocked again: “Boss Nan, are you done?”

“Coming!” Nan Xiangwan exclaimed loudly in response. She flung the door open excitedly and rushed out right away.

The hallway was crammed full of people and very lively. All the singers and the featured performers they had invited were there. Many of those featured guests were Nan Xiangwan’s seniors whom she had seen at the recent Golden Melody Awards.

Since everyone was having dinner together tonight, they were chatting away, preparing for the encore performance together.

Upon seeing Nan Xiangwan, her seniors were even more enthusiastic, winking and making meaningful gestures at her.

Like a female lead, Nan Xiangwan went around ostentatiously greeting everyone. Her gaze was extremely smug.

It was just that as she walked and talked, her jacket pocket got squeezed by the crowd.

Thus, as she walked forward, things kept falling out.

Behind Nan Xiangwan, Xiao Dong watched helplessly as those items fell out of his boss’s pocket, scattering all over the floor.

The lively atmosphere in the hallway gradually turned odd.

Nan Xiangwan was already at the very front and had walked quite a distance before realizing something was off.

Huh? Why did everyone stop chatting?

When she turned back, she saw those singers all looking at her strangely!

Nan Xiangwan: “???”

Zhong Lingfei was nearly driven mad, grabbing her own hair as if she wanted to rip out her entire scalp.

Nan Xiangwan asked blankly, “Why are you all staring at me like that?”

Yang Rongjun took the avantgarde route, waving expansively, “Aiya, our Nan Xiangwan is all grown up now. What’s with you all making a big fuss over nothing?”

Wei Sha quickly helped Xiao Dong pick everything up off the floor, then provided cover, “What’s going on? Turns out they were just disposable gloves. Aren’t you all thinking too much?”

Zhong Lingfei: “Huh? Oh, right! But the dinner tonight is at a hotpot restaurant, isn’t it? Why is she carrying so many disposable gloves in her pocket?”

Wei Sha: “......”

Xiao Dong hurried to follow up: “I prepared roasted crawfish for everyone too!”

Only then did Nan Xiangwan see the stuff on the ground. Of course by now Xiao Dong and Wei Sha had already picked everything up and thrown it all into a bag.

As she stroked her chin, just when Nan Xiangwan was about to speak...

Whoosh! Xiao Dong deftly pulled her away.

Keep your mouth shut!

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