The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 480: All it takes Is One Night to go South.

Chapter 480

Backstage restroom, Xiao Dong was busy driving and organizing things today, planning to settle Nan XiangWan first before going out to buy dinner later.

But who would have thought as soon as the two entered, they were shocked to find the coffee table was already full of food and fruits, all kinds of rich varieties.

There was even a congratulatory banner hanging on the wall, with a few big words on it saying 'Warm Congratulations to Nan XiangWan on Being Admitted to National Defense University', with balloons floating around the ceiling, colorful.

Sincere blessings from the other seven singers!

Even Xiao Dong was shocked, putting down the customized mic stand she was holding along with the guitar case and amp. Originally Nan XiangWan wanted to carry these things herself, but Xiao Dong didn't allow it.

She didn't allow Nan XiangWan's precious shoulders, which should be adorned with military insignia, to carry these mundane objects!

Regarding this, Nan XiangWan deeply felt that Xiao Dong was overdoing the fan worship, going overboard.

How did the customized mic and ReachoutAsiaStart guitar become mundane objects? They're expensive okay!

Even she herself rarely carried them, let her carry them!

The stage ahead had already opened, and the first one to go on stage had already been drawn by lot.

The other singers didn't come to disturb Nan XiangWan, everyone knew she was very busy today, let her enjoy a full meal first before anything else.

The doors to the other waiting rooms were closed, shut tight.

But everyone had their ears pressed against the doors, listening for movements. Had she come? Had Nan XiangWan arrived?

Especially Yang Rongjun, who practically had his face plastered to the door eavesdropping, with his butt sticking high up in the air.

Making the assistants next to him unable to bear looking!

Nan XiangWan was also really hungry, she hadn't eaten anything since leaving the courtyard house in the morning, and went straight to school to freshen up.

Then it was a continuous stream of busyness without rest, she didn't even have lunch!

She ate with great relish, while Xiao Dong at the side heart-achingly passed her water and wiped her mouth.

Without needing to think, it was certain that Nan Zong had been busy at school these past few days she disappeared!

National Defense University was no ordinary school, it was a military academy!

Military academies, whether cultural institutions or not, required all students to undergo daily military drills, very arduous ones.

In order to test into the military academy, Nan Zong must have put in an effort others could hardly imagine!

And in turn, that was how she attained her current achievements.

Thinking of this, even Xiao Dong's eyes reddened, the more she looked at Nan Zong, the more heartbroken she felt!

Nan XiangWan was eating deliciously, when she glanced up and saw Xiao Dong's expression, instantly getting a huge shock.

Nan XiangWan: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Dong: "Wahhh!"

Nan XiangWan: "Damn! Go away, don't wipe my clothes!"

Xiao Dong: "Wahhhh!"

After finishing the meal, the show's recording was also more than halfway done.

On the front stage, Guan Liangzhe excitedly announced the next guest to appear: "Nan XiangWan! She's here!"


The entire venue erupted in thunderous applause, Jie Chou even jumped up cheering.


: She's here!

: Charge, Nan XiangWan!!!

: I say, Nan Wang, sound off!

: Nan Wang!

: Sound off!

: Nan Wang!

: Sound off!


The danmu had already gone crazy, the entire crowd was boiling, the brick-throwers were also now sticking out their chests and no longer turtling.

Go all out charging!

This was Nan XiangWan's first entertainment circle appearance after being exposed that she was admitted to National Defense University, her worth unlike past days, everyone highly anticipated it.

On the big screen at the side, the song title lit up:

"Glorious Days" - Beyond

This was a very famous Cantonese song, popular for decades.

The lights sprayed out a hint of nostalgia, Nan XiangWan's fingers covered the guitar and she started playing.

As soon as the guitar melody rang out, it instantly evoked memories of those bygone days.

Paying tribute to the classics!

Nan XiangWan's voice came out through the white mic, amplified:

[The bell tolls, a signal to return home]

[In his life]

[Seeming to carry some sadness]

The audience immediately sang along when they heard the music, gradually turning into a mass singalong.

Countless people were also watching on the livestream screens.

Some older folks were surprised, many people had only known of Nan XiangWan's existence in the past few days, unlike the youth who kept up with information at all times. Those around forty and up no longer paid attention to the entertainment circle.

But now, they were all shocked, even more glued to the screens, unable to look away. The simple tank top and wide camo pants, standing and singing with a guitar on her back, everything was so familiar.

The familiar melody, the familiar bandana!

Nan XiangWan's enunciation and pronunciation were clearly meticulously practiced, the moment this song came out, it was no longer a competition.

It was a music festival!

The musicians on site were moved to tears, singing along at the top of their voices, countless people had stood up, waving their hands, swaying along with the rhythm.

Nan XiangWan's singing started the rhythm, stirring emotions, the guitar strings she plucked, quivering together with her eyelashes that could be painted white, continuously assaulted everyone's vision.

The singing continued, but the mass singalong on site drowned out the speakers.

Nan XiangWan smiled towards the crowd, then forcefully slanted her guitar, her fingers nimbly plucking away.

The lights flashed along, the colors retro yet harmonious.

Illuminating the red bandana on her chest, swaying along with the rhythm, seeming to mesmerize everyone's sight and memories.

Allowing the large number of elders watching the livestream to recall the past, that unrestrained superstar on stage back then!

He was just like this as well, brimming with talent, extremely avant-garde!

[Today only the lifeless shell remains]

[Greet the glorious days]

[Embracing freedom in the wind and rain]

[A lifetime of struggling wanderings]

[Self-confidence can change the future]

The four minute long song ended with Nan XiangWan casually wiping her face with the bandana on her chest.

The sounds below the stage were still ongoing, the cheers and applause echoing through the entire studio.

Jie Chou had already cried into a tearful mess, he wasn't someone from that era either, but his parents were always listening to this song.

And now Nan XiangWan was even more like she had taken a huge step forward.

Singing and playing guitar, she had no competition nervousness at all, she was enjoying this stage!

Gu Beihuai put down his phone he was using to take photos, and started applauding.

Look, what an outstanding girl!

Only Jing Da Shuai's face at the side was black, damn Nan XiangWan, you're such a dog, you actually used the expensive custom handkerchief he specially got someone to make to wipe sweat?

He gave it to you to wear as a bandana, it wasn't really meant to be used as a bandana you know!

Jing Da Shuai was so angry he could die, it only took one Nan XiangWan.

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