Chapter 17: Chapter 17 Training Dragons
Wednesday, December 27, 2034.
Devil's Planet, Dragon's Ocean, Dragon Island, 9:00 a.m.
In queen's bedroom where queen slept like beauty, she raised eyelids and opened eyes gently, as sunshine shone through thin gauze fog in dawn, as thin gauze fog faded away from lawn.
She leaned against window elegantly, looking upon pink clouds floating lightly, as sunshine shone through street in snow-capped town, as snowflake fluttered like feather of fawn.
Snowflake whitened here and there overnight, and pine adorned with snow, stood in daylight, as snowflake fell on pine from daylight dome, as if pine was pear tree filled with blossom.
She looked upon pink clouds and drifting snow, smiling at plum blossom outside window.
Morgana smiled at plum blossom and opened a portal behind, stepping back and descending at Dragon Island. She thought. 'I smile at plum blossom, because plum blossom in red gown blooms alone. I smile at plum blossom, because plum blossom ignores chilled wind and cold snow. I smile at plum blossom, because I see the pride and stubborn spirits in plum blossom.'
At brink of shore where wave tide caressed sand, royal guards were camping in the island, as mermaid's song echoed with waving tide, as waving tide waved on and off seaside.
Some royal guards listened to mermaid's band, some royal guards beheld wave tide on land, some laid on beach, napping by gray rock's side, some dived in sea, following white whale's guide.
Some royal guards circled around coastline, riding atop white whales in hot sunshine, as sunshine shone on green coconut tree, as mermaid's songs echoed over sea.
They were drinking and laughing together, as waving tide echoed with their laughter.
Morgana descended at Dragon Island, flying in the midair and smiling at royal guards. She thought. 'I smile at royal guards, because their spirits are lifted, when they enjoy sunshine and beach. I smile at royal guards, because I feel their delight, when they have fun. I smile at royal guards, because I understand how precious their laughter is.'
"Long live, your majesty! Long live, your majesty! Long live, your majesty..." Royal guards saw Morgana, yelling at the sky. They honored Morgana, but sometimes they thought with lewdness. 'I wish I could listen to my queen singing. My queen's song must be more soothing than mermaid's song.'
"Good morning, my soldiers! I have talked with the king of dragons yesterday. He has committed that you can set a military camp in Dragon Island and find your dragon companions. I wish you could find your dragon companions and become dragon knights. Dragons will be your future companions. I wish you could cherish them and protect them with your power." Morgana made a speech, looking upon royal guards. She thought. 'Royal guards and dragons shall be friends. Royal guards can conquer the sky. Dragons can conquer the ocean. Royal guards and dragons together can conquer the whole world.'
"Yes, your majesty!" Royal guards nodded, honoring Morgana's command. They thought. 'I don't like here. I want to follow queen. But how could I let my queen's expectations down?'
Morgana opened a portal, descending at Dragon Palace. There were numerous caves. each cave was filled with treasures, as if each cave was a palace. In each palace there dwelled different kind of dragons.
In dragon's cave where dragon slept inside, he slept like pig, napping by treasures side, he was always like this, doing sweet dream, napping on treasures bed with golden beam.
Some dragons practiced flight in the outside, some dragons chased sea breeze and waving tide, some laid on beach, napping in hot sunbeam, some roared like thunder that haunted daydream.
In dragon's cave where dragon was slumber, he woke up from sweet dream on the treasure, unfurling dragon's wings, going to fly, and suddenly he flew over blue sky.
He fluttered dragon's wings, floating in air, looking upon distant guest over there.
"Good morning, Gael!" Morgana greeted, looking upon Gael's massive dragon body. She thought. 'Does dragon have a habit of hibernation?'
"Good morning, your majesty! May I know what brings you here?" Gael greeted, asking what brought Morgana here. He thought. 'I have discussed dragon clan's future with Morgana. Dragon clan honors Morgana as queen. But dragon clan is autonomous and independent. I have tried my best to uphold dragon clan's rights and preserve dragon's spirits.'
"I was gonna check dragons' training, but I saw most of dragons sleeping in the caves. Does dragon have a habit of hibernation?" Morgana questioned, looking upon Gael who just woke up from sweet dream. She thought. 'Most of animals would go into hibernation in winter. Would dragon also go into hibernation in winter?'
"Your majesty! We don't have a habit of hibernation. But we would embrace our sacred tiredness and have a sweet dream." Gael replied, denying that dragons had a habit of hibernation. He thought. 'We already have everything. What we desire is what we can't have. We can't have what we desire in reality. But we can have what we desire in sweet dream.'
"Doing daydream keeps you living in your illusion. Only training can make you stronger. I'm gonna train dragons to improve their flight and breathing skills. Can you wake them up for me?" Morgana whispered, looking upon the numerous caves. She thought. 'The way to be the stronger is learning, training and researching. They have learned their flight and dragon's breathing skills. They just need training to improve their flight and dragon's breathing skills.'
"Yes, your majesty!" Gael replied, honoring Morgana's command. He honored Morgana command, but he thought in another way. 'Nobody knows dragons better than me. We don't need training, because we have a long time to improve our flight and dragon's breathing skills. We shall embrace our sacred tiredness and have a sweet dream.'
Gael fluttered his dragon's wings, circling over Dragon Palace and stirring the sea of clouds. Air current created by dragon's wings, gathered white clouds. White clouds were turning gray and getting thicker and thicker.
Therefore, there were lightnings and thunders. Lightnings appeared in the swirling gray clouds. Thunders came with lightnings, echoing over numerous caves. Gael fluttered in swirling gray clouds, roaring with thunders.
Anybody heard roaring and thunders, they woke up from sweet dream, looking upon the swirling gray clouds, where a massive dragon head stretched out gray clouds, roaring with thunders. They fluttered their dragon's wings, flying out their caves.
"Your majesty!" Dragons gathered, flying under the swirling gray clouds. They thought. 'King is calling us again. What the hell happens?'
"Good morning, everyone! I'm here to announce that queen Morgana is gonna train you to improve your flight and dragon's breathing skills. Dragon clan once was the strongest clan. It's time to restore dragon clan's glory and make dragons great again! Don't let queen Morgana's expectations down!" Gael made a speech, looking upon dragons. He thought. 'They were born in the best age but also in the worse age. They got many opportunities to become Gods, but the competitions are too fierce.'
"Yes, your majesty!" Dragons replied, honoring their king's command. They honored Gael, but they didn't like Morgana. 'Morgana isn't a dragon. How could she possibly train us to improve our flight and dragon's breathing skills?'
Morgana fluttered her wings, looking unto dragons under the swirling gray clouds. She thought. 'Dragons always honor the stronger. If I haven't established my authority. How could they possibly trust me?'
"I'm your queen, Morgana, the Goddess of Darkness. I offer you an opportunity to conquer your queen. If you could conquer your queen, you would be blessed with the God of Dragon's power. I promise you! Now chase me! If anybody caught up my speed, he will be blessed by me!" Morgana promised, raising their interests and ambitions. She thought. 'It's time to train their flight skills.'
"Disperse and try to block her way!" Amelia commanded, leading dragons and chasing after Morgana. She thought. 'My speed is the fastest in dragon clan. It's considerd as the speed of wind.'
Morgana fluttered her wings, flying over the clouds. Her wings slipped through skyline, breaking the clouds. She thought. 'If I opened a portal, I will descend on another piece of universe. How could anybody possibly catch up my speed? I'll fly and try to slow my speed. In case dragons don't see me and quit their flight lessons.'
Dragons were chasing after Morgana, as if they were Morgana's shadows. Each time they were almost catching up Morgana's speed, but Morgana could always fly a little bit faster. Dragons were chasing, and Morgana was fleeing. They were so near, but there was always a distance between them.
"I, Amelia, in the name of the Dragon of Wind, shall be traveling wind!" Amelia yelled, blessing herself with the speed of wind. She thought. 'I'm the fastest dragon in dragon clan. How could I possibly fail to catch up her speed?'
"I, Luna, in the name of the Angel of Light, shall be traveling light!" Morgana whispered, blessing herself with the speed of light. She thought. 'It's time to show them how fast their queen can fly. In case they haven's seen the speed of light.
Amelia fluttered her dragon's wings, flying much faster than before. She was almost catching up Morgana, but Morgana showed her the speed of light. She was shocked. 'I can't believe she can be a traveling light! I failed, but one day I will catch up her!'
Morgana fluttered her angel's wings, flying back Dragon Palace. She saw dragons flying back here. She thought. 'I have established my authority, and they have learned their flight lessons. It's time to teach them dragon's breathing skills.'
"Your majesty! We have different kind of dragon's breathing. How could we improve our dragon's breathing skills?" Amelia asked with respect. She thought. 'Dragons have different kind of dragon's breathing. There were fire-breathing, ice-breathing, sand-breathing and so on.'
"After exercise you can breathe the stronger dragon's breathing. You shall try to breathe your dragon's breathing and see the effects.' Morgana whispered, giving their suggestion. She thought. 'After exercise devils can breathe the stronger fire-breathing. Dragons might also be able to use this way to improve their dragon's breathing skills.'
Dragons raised their heads, going to breathe dragon's breathing at the sky. They took a deep breath, and breathed out different kind of dragon's breathing. They were surprised that their dragon's breathing was little stronger than before.