The Puppet Emperor Regresses

12: Empress Camilla Lumina


Empress Camilla paced the length of her private chambers, her silk robes rustling with each agitated step. The room, usually a haven of tranquillity with its soft lighting and aromatic incense, now felt suffocating. 

The first rays of dawn were just beginning to creep through the ornate stained-glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colours across the polished marble floor.

"How?" she hissed, her voice barely above a whisper. "How did that little bastard survive?"

The question hung in the air, unanswered. Camilla's mind raced, replaying the events of the past few days. 

The Rite of Ascension should have been the end of it. Mikhail's unexpected success had been a setback, yes, but nothing she couldn't handle. The undead assassins were supposed to be the final stroke, a clean solution to her problem.

But now...

She paused by a gilded frame containing a portrait of her children. Lyanna, resplendent in her royal finery, Bartholomew, looking every inch the future general, and Aether, his eyes alight with intelligence.

Her precious angels. A soft smile graced her lips as she gazed upon them, a rare moment of genuine emotion.

Then her eyes hardened as her thoughts turned to Mikhail. That filthy bastard, a stain on their perfect family portrait. How dare he even breathe the same air as her pure-blooded children!

The shame of her husband's infidelity still burned, years later. 

The humiliation of having that common wench and her spawn brought into the Imperial Palace... Camilla's fists clenched at the memory. She'd dealt with the mistress easily enough, but the child... the child was proving far more resilient than she'd anticipated.

A soft knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. "Enter," she commanded, quickly composing herself into the picture of imperial dignity.

Vesper glided into the room, his dark robes seeming to absorb the light around him. His face, as always, was an inscrutable mask, but Camilla could sense the tension in his posture.

"Report," she said curtly.

Vesper bowed low. "Your Imperial Majesty, I regret to inform you that the... operation was unsuccessful. The boy lives."

Camilla's eyes flashed dangerously. "I am well aware of that fact. What I want to know is how a child managed to defeat three of your supposedly 'perfect' creations."

Vesper's expression tightened almost imperceptibly.

"The details are... unclear, Your Majesty. The enchantments I placed on the assassins should have rendered them undetectable, silent, and lethal. Yet somehow, the prince not only sensed their presence but managed to alert the guards."

"And the silencing spell?" Camilla pressed.

"Intact, as far as we can tell. No one else in the villa heard a thing until the guards engaged the assassins."

Camilla resumed her pacing, her mind whirling with implications. "Could the boy have some hidden talent we're unaware of? Some secret training?"

Vesper shook his head. "Unlikely, Your Majesty. While his performance in the Rite was... unexpected, our spies report that he's only just begun his magical education with Grand Mage Thorne. Although the assassins were significantly depowered in order to avoid detection, the boy shouldn't have the skill or knowledge to overcome my magic."

"Speaking of the Rite—" Camilla exclaimed, her voice tight with frustration. 

"I've had the clothes retrieved and examined.", Vesper quickly retorted, "Traces of corrupted mana were still apparent. It's impossible that he survived – the ritual should have shattered his mana heart as it was forming. This... this is beyond strange."

The Empress paused by the window, gazing out over the sprawling palace grounds. In the distance, she could see activity around Prince Mikhail's villa. No doubt the Emperor's lackeys, scrambling to uncover the truth.

"This complicates matters," she mused, more to herself than to Vesper. "Everything was perfect. I had it all planned out. Aether, the empire's greatest diplomat and celebrated magic researcher. Bartholomew, a peerless general. And Lyanna... Lyanna will be Empress someday. That bastard is the only blight on the Imperial family."

Her gaze hardened as she considered the wider implications. "And now, the other noble houses... House Draconis will no doubt try to use this to their advantage. They've been looking for any opportunity to challenge our supremacy. And House Silverthorn... they're always sniffing around for scraps of power. We can't let them use Mikhail's... accomplishments... to muddy my plans."

"Indeed, Your Majesty," Vesper agreed. "Perhaps it would be wise to distance ourselves from this incident. Allow the investigation to run its course, and—"

"No." Camilla's voice was sharp, brooking no argument. "We cannot afford to be passive now. This attack, failed though it was, has changed the game. We must adapt."

She turned to face Vesper, her eyes glinting with cold calculation. "Tell me, mage, what do you know of Grand Mage Thorne's relationship with the boy?"

Vesper's brow furrowed slightly. "Thorne has always been... soft-hearted. He's likely to take the prince under his wing, especially after such a traumatic event."

A slow, cruel smile spread across Camilla's face. "My dear Vesper, I believe we've been looking at this all wrong. Why eliminate a potential asset when we can shape it to our purposes?"

Understanding dawned in Vesper's eyes. "You mean to turn the boy?

"Not directly, no. That would be too obvious, too easily traced back to us. But if we can influence his education, guide his development from the shadows..." She trailed off, her mind already racing with possibilities.

"It's risky," Vesper cautioned. "If the Emperor suspects—"

"The Emperor sees what he wishes to see," Camilla snapped. "All that matters to him is strength. Mikhail has shown potential, but not enough for the Emperor to pay close attention. No, our true obstacle is Thorne. His moral compass is... inconvenient."

She began to pace again, her steps now measured and purposeful. "We'll need to be subtle. A whispered suggestion here, a conveniently placed book there. Soon enough, he'll ruin his own magic with techniques that'll corrupt his mana heart."

"And what of Thorne himself?" Vesper inquired. "His influence during this crucial developmental period could be... problematic."

Camilla's eyes gleamed with malicious inspiration. "The Dragon Scale Mountains," she said, a note of triumph in her voice. "Thorne will be working alongside the Planar Cartographer from now on, I'll make sure of it." 

"Yes, this is the correct course." Camilla continued. "Establishing a new dimensional route is vital for the empire's expansion and the Emperor's goals. With the right mix of honeyed words, I can convince Tiberius it's essential that Thorne oversee the project personally."

Vesper nodded slowly, a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. "A long game, then. But to what end, Your Majesty?"

Camilla's smile widened, taking on a predatory edge. "Why, to the only end that matters. Power. Absolute and uncontested. Mikhail may have survived, but in doing so, he's opened himself up to a far more insidious fate."

She turned back to the window, watching as the sun climbed higher in the sky. "Begin making preparations. We'll need to move carefully, but quickly. The investigation into the attack will provide ample distraction, but we must be ready to capitalise on it."

"As you command, Your Majesty," Vesper bowed deeply. "And what of our... other projects?"

Camilla waved a dismissive hand. "Continue as planned. This new development changes nothing in the grand scheme. It merely adds another piece to the board."

Camilla allowed herself a moment of quiet satisfaction. The failed assassination had been a setback, true, but setbacks often led to greater opportunities. And she had always been adept at turning setbacks to her advantage.

As Vesper bowed and turned to leave, the door suddenly opened, revealing Prince Aether. The young man strode in, his arms cradling a thick tome.

"Mother, I was hoping to—" Aether paused, noticing Vesper. "Oh, I apologise. I didn't mean to interrupt."

Camilla's demeanour transformed instantly, her cold, calculating expression melting into one of warmth and affection. "Nonsense, my dear. You could never interrupt." She turned to Vesper, her tone polite but dismissive. "That will be all for now, Mage Vesper. We'll continue our discussion later."

Vesper bowed deeply, his face betraying a flicker of surprise at the Empress's sudden change. "Of course, Your Majesty. Your Highness," he added, nodding to Aether before gliding out of the room.

As the door closed behind him, Camilla's full attention turned to her son. "Now, what brings you here so early, my little scholar?" Her voice was warm, and patient—a stark contrast to her earlier demeanour.

Aether approached, holding out the book. "I've been studying the Celestial Cultivation technique, and I think I'm close to forming my second circle. But there's a part I'm not quite sure about..."

"Oh, how wonderful!" Camilla beamed with pride, guiding Aether to a nearby chair. "Show me what's troubling you, darling. You know, when I was your age, I found this part tricky too."

As they sat together, heads bent over the ancient text, all traces of the cold, ruthless Empress vanished. In her place was a doting mother, patiently explaining complex magical theory to her beloved son.

The sunlight streaming through the stained-glass windows bathed them in a warm, golden glow, creating a picture of familial harmony.

It was as if the earlier scenes of plotting and malice had never occurred, the room now filled with the soft murmur of loving instruction and eager learning.

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