The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 36

The baptism ceremony concluded, and the bishops dispatched from the Holy Kingdom finished their preparations to leave.

If they were nobles who enjoyed lavish hospitality, they would have taken this business trip as an opportunity for luxurious sightseeing. However, as devout clergymen, the bishops maintained a strict and devoted demeanor.

Well, we’ve crossed the hurdle.

Having safely completed the baptism witnessed by numerous clergy.

“Have you thought about the proposal offered by the bishops?”

As I turned my head to leave, a girl with silver hair suddenly appeared and stopped my steps.

Though I didn’t show it, I was quite surprised.

The First Saintess silently approached and stepped on my shadow.

“Next time, at least try to make some noise.”

“I wanted to see Prince Edanant’s surprised face… but it seems you aren’t shocked at all. How boring.”

Zebeline giggled as she spoke.

I gave a wry smile in response.

“Thank you for the offer from the Holy Kingdom, but I have no intention of leaving the Valtarian Empire. Specifically, I have no plans to leave the Marquisate of Hohenberg. My elder brother has run away, so someone has to stay with Father.”

Using my father and family as an excuse, I politely declined the Holy Kingdom’s offer.

The bishops sighed in disappointment but accepted my response. Perhaps they hadn’t anticipated successfully bringing me into their fold from the beginning.

“That’s a wonderful mindset. While devout faith is important, filial piety cannot be overlooked.”

“Thank you for saying so.”

Zebeline winked as she began to move.

I guessed it meant she wanted to change locations.

Shrugging, I followed the silver-haired girl.

The place we arrived at was a vintage reception room filled with a warm scent. It was located inside the luxurious palace provided by the Valtarian Imperial Family.

A harsh glare was directed at the idle noble who attempted to enter a confined space with the pure Saintess. Truly, they were the otaku holy knights who revered Zebeline like an idol.

Could they really think that I would have a secret meeting with Zebeline?

What a horrific misconception that would make millions of the Earth Mother’s believers turn upside down.

“Saintess, may I ask one thing?”

“Of course.”

I stole a glance at the firmly closed door.

No presence was felt.

The pious holy knights wouldn’t be secretly spying, though they might be gritting their teeth over some improbable fantasy right about now.

After activating my intuition and carefully confirming, I looked at Zebeline and opened my mouth.

“I want to know why you helped me during the baptism.”


“Originally, the bishops dispatched from the Holy Kingdom were supposed to preside over the baptism, but you suddenly took their place. At that time, I thought it was just a whim… but seeing the hesitation you showed during the baptism made me certain.”

“You’re quite perceptive as always.”

If it were a minor mistake, I wouldn’t have bothered to address it.

However, this was a matter that had to be tackled head-on.

The Saintess of the Holy Kingdom concealed the identity of a Meiros.

If the truth were to emerge, Zebeline would face disgrace and be excommunicated. No matter how much of a Saintess she was, concealing a Meiros was considered a grave sin.

It was true that we had built a strong bond since our first meeting.

However, our relationship was never one that would justify helping someone while committing such a heinous sin.


Why would you help to that extent?

It should only be a bond that lasted less than a month.

I looked at the Saintess as I sought an answer to my question.

“Is it because I like Prince Edanant?”

“I was asking seriously.”

Zebeline showed an awkward smile and pretended to be indifferent. It clearly meant that answering honestly was difficult for her.

My brows furrowed at her nonchalant response.

“Hmph, isn’t it wrong for the one who forgot first?”


As I glared fiercely, Zebeline turned her head away while grumbling under her breath.

I kept my mouth shut at that sight.

Prodding further wouldn’t yield the answer I wanted.

You conceal my true identity simply out of goodwill; it was a difficult answer to believe, but the outcome of the baptism proved it, so for now, I had no choice but to believe it. It wasn’t like I could physically confront the First Saintess.

“I won’t reveal it myself. Prince Edanant should find out for himself. And since you’ve concealed my identity… please grant me just one request.”


Zebeline slammed both hands on the table and jumped up.

Her shimmering blue eyes sparkled playfully.

That was a particular habit she displayed every time she pulled one of her mischievous pranks.

“Can I call you Edan from now on?”


That nickname was only allowed for family.

Even though it was a self-serving fairy calling me without my permission.

If she called me by that nickname, was she going to use it as a pretext to tease me?

Zebeline’s lively voice instantly turned the serious atmosphere into something frivolous. It seemed like it would be difficult to ask any more questions.

“I’m a Meiros who worships the Forgotten God. Are you really okay with that?”

“Of course. Do you think I lack that kind of resolve?”

She confessed, as if making a declaration of conscience.

Then Zebeline nodded as if she had known that for a long time.

“You’ll regret it later.”

“Pfft, I won’t.”

They say women’s hearts are unpredictable, but the First Saintess’s true feelings especially boasted a high degree of difficulty.

I had no clue.

I could not understand at all.

A deep anxiety emerged, deeper than a quagmire.

Perhaps that’s why Zebeline, who showed no sign of movement, felt like a mischievous challenge. If she had at least shown some fear and caution toward me, I might have understood.

I sent a pointed warning to instill some caution into Zebeline, filled with feelings of friendship. Yet despite the sharp warning, Zebeline did not waver in her affection.


Ludmilla hoped that the title of “Duke” would be conferred upon the Hohenberg family, but that plan fell through due to the ministers’ objections during the merit evaluation process.

It was acknowledged that Edanant defeated the Meiros and rescued Princess Elizaveta, but appointing the Hohenberg family to the Duke title was a matter that required careful consideration.

It could be perceived as favoritism that the Valtarian Imperial Family particularly favored the Hohenberg family. There was also a concern about strong backlash from the ten dukes who had remained loyal to the Imperial Family and Empire for a long time.

Through persistent persuasion from the ministers managing the internal affairs of the Empire, the stubbornness of the unmarried woman was broken. Instead, as a show of utmost sincerity, parts of Hillidar County and Imperial direct territories were incorporated into the Hohenberg family. It was decided to grant the title that came next in line, which was the Marquis title.

“Sister, isn’t this too obvious?”

“We can’t show stinginess towards the hero who rescued the princess. It’s all for you. Right now the engagement is temporarily on hold, but Edanant will one day be your partner.”

Elizaveta asked with a grin.

In response, Ludmilla replied in an unflappable voice.

She seemed completely oblivious. Or was she intentionally feigning ignorance?

“Hey! You’re just trying to curry favor with the in-laws already, aren’t you? That’s what you’re doing, sister.”

“W-Who…! That’s not it! Absolutely not!”


It refers to the husband’s family.

The family Elizaveta mentioned was clearly the Hohenberg family.

Upon hearing those words, Ludmilla’s face turned beet red as she became flustered.

“Ahem! I still think Edanant is the right person for you. There’s no other reason.”

“Liar! You like Edanant, don’t you?”

Despite her attempts to deny it, her words were completely unconvincing.

It was known among all nobles that Princess Ludmilla had a special affection for Edanant. The blatant interference in the merit evaluation process testified to that.

At twenty-seven years old this year.

It was only natural for her to be anxious.

Elizaveta showed an understanding expression as she comforted her sister.

Even the villainous princess found her sister, who was approaching thirty and still unmarried, pitiable. Sympathy filled Elizaveta’s eyes.

“But you also seem to have feelings for Edanant…! Ever since that day, your gaze towards Edanant has clearly changed. Just like when you used to boast about Maximilian’s exploits late at night in my bedroom.”

“W-What! That’s not it…! Edanant is Maximilian’s younger brother! What on earth are you talking about, you old maid!”

This time, Ludmilla had touched a nerve within Elizaveta.

Elizaveta gasped in surprise and hurriedly tried to explain herself.

Both were equally guilty.

Their attitude of absolutely refusing to admit it spoke volumes.

The sisters found themselves in a love triangle over the same man.

Caught in a complicated situation, Ludmilla and Elizaveta touched on sensitive topics, as their voices grew louder, their beautiful faces heated up like a boiling kettle.

“I may be free, but sister, you’re way overdue! If you miss Edanant, you’ll live your whole life as a single woman! You might end up marrying a divorced man with children!”


Damn it.

I had nothing to counter that with.

I wanted to retort with something unsavory…

But in the face of Elizaveta’s desperate plea, Ludmilla could only open her mouth, speechless. Cowardly, only confirming the truth with hesitant words.

“Why not take this opportunity to visit the Marquisate of Hohenberg… no, Marquisate of Hohenberg? Edanant is supposedly returning there for a while. You could act like a married couple and score points with your father-in-law.”

“Bring yourself along too! No, I’ll definitely take you with me!”

Ludmilla truly admired Edanant.

But at the same time, she wanted Edanant to become Elizaveta’s partner. Nothing was more important to Ludmilla than her sister’s happiness. If her sister could find happiness, Ludmilla was willing to set aside her feelings for Edanant.

And Elizaveta, knowing her sister’s selfless heart, also consistently declined.

Her sister had endured immense pain and hardships to protect the Valtarian Empire. Until now, she had always been a benefactor receiving help, so this time, she wanted to step back for her sister’s happiness.

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