The Protagonist System

02 Kuoh Academy (High School DxD)

The start of the first arc, High School DXD, at just over 3,000 words.

I opened my eyes and saw a room I didn't recognize. There was a poster on the wall with a scantily and yet classy dressed woman wearing a cross between transformed jet fighter armor pieces and lingerie. It was honestly quite lewd and tastefully done at the same time. I think the term it could be called was 'artsy'. She didn't really reveal anything and yet also left nothing to the imagination.

As soon as I tried to sit up, it felt like a heavy weight had slammed into my forehead. I fell backwards onto the bed with a groan as sixteen years of memories, that weren't my memories, flooded into my head.

Surprisingly, they filtered through my brain to give me the information they contained and then kind of slunk off into the corner of my mind and settled there. It still hurt like a son-of-a-bitch, though. I wasn't sure how I could mentally count off the three minutes that the pain lasted, then it was over.

That was weird. I thought and laid there as I looked at the new information I had in my head. It was an eye-opener to see the life that Issei lived. He was an unrepentant pervert, loved boobs, and it was his life-long ambition to gather a harem of girls that would let him play with their boobs whenever he wanted.

I had all these facts and figures in my head about boob sizes, elasticity of skin, and relative weights compared to the shapes. It was frightening how much information Issei had packed into his head about his favorite subject. It made me shake my head at how much time he wasted on it.

“Issei! It's time to get ready for school!” A woman's voice hollered from downstairs.

No, not a woman. Issei's mother... no, my mother, Miki Hyoudou. “I'll be down after a shower!”

“I'll have the eggs ready by then!” Miki responded.

I hopped out of bed and with deft movements I never had before, made the bed in only a few seconds. I wasn't surprised by this, mainly because I was sure it was part of the information I had been gifted. I grabbed a pair of underwear out of a drawer and ran across the hallway to the big bathroom.

I didn't have a lot of time, according to the invisible clock in my head, and I scrubbed and rinsed in only ten minutes. I hopped out, dried off, and slipped on my boxer shorts. I quickly brushed my teeth and stared at the very handsome young man reflected in the mirror. I spit and gargled for my breath and hoped that my mother wouldn't comment on the complete change I had undergone.

I ran back into my room and dressed in the Kuoh Academy uniform in barely a minute. I still wasn't surprised by this, because of the information in my head. My body did the motions automatically and I wasn't hindered by actually thinking about it. It was a little freeing, actually. I didn't have to worry about making a mistake.

I ran a hand through my shoulder length brownish-red hair and grabbed my school bag as I left my room. The stairs were fairly short to get downstairs and I hung my bag on the back of my chair as I sat down at the kitchen table.

“Here you go, Issei.” Miki said and put a plate full of great smelling food in front of me.

“Thank you very much, mom.” I said with as much gratitude as I could as I looked up into her eyes.

Miki looked a little startled and then she blushed. “Y-you're w-welcome.”

I beamed a smile at her and dug into the food. I had just over half an hour to get to school and it was only a twenty minute walk. That meant if I jogged, it would only take ten minutes.

Miki softly chuckled. “Issei, slow down. You don't have to rush after being so quick in the shower.”

“Can't talk. Eating delicious food.” I said and kept shovelling it in.

Miki kept the blush on her face as she laughed, touched my shoulder briefly, then she went to the sink to start washing the dishes. I finished up quickly, feeling a little full, and I stood to drain my glass of orange juice. I brought the plate, silverware, and empty glass to the sink.

Instead of placing them on the counter, I had the urge to stand behind her and put the plate around her right side and the glass around her left, essentially hugging her as I dipped both things into the soapy water. She was about four inches shorter than me, so she fit perfectly into my three-quarters hug.

“Issei, you... you didn't have to... do that.” Miki whispered as I cuddled into her back and placed my chin on her shoulder.

“It's only fair that I help clean up the dishes I dirtied.” I whispered into her ear and washed the plate and then the glass. I wasn't surprised when she leaned back against me to give my hands more room.

“Issei.” Miki said, her face still red with a blush.

“Mom, you are a beautiful and desirable woman.” I said, knowing she liked hearing genuine compliments and not platitudes. I finished the dishes for her and dried my hands on her apron while not so inadvertently caressing her upper thighs. My erection grew between us and pressed against her backside.

Miki's hands grabbed mine before I could move them or take them back. “You are quite the pervert to practice your girlfriend moves on your own mother.”

She wasn't actually refusing me and I had the sudden urge to kiss her neck. I didn't fight it and lightly pressed my lips to her soft skin once, twice, and then nuzzled it.

Miki let out a little sound of pleasure and pulled my hands up to cup her breasts with my hands. “Here, you greedy boy. Your precious breasts.”

I made a growling sound and dug my fingers info the soft flesh as I gently massaged her breasts through her t-shirt. I nibbled at her neck and Miki moaned and almost melted into me as she held onto my arms. I played with her for several minutes and kissed my way up her neck.

Miki turned her face towards me and the conflicted look on her face told me everything I needed to know about the truth of the information in my head.

“I love you, mom.” I whispered and kissed her.

“MMMM!” Miki moaned and turned around to wrap her arms around my neck. Her mouth opened and her tongue invited me in. I obliged and kissed her deeply as my hands went down to her skirt-covered ass to grip both of her firm cheeks.

After a few minutes of making out with me, Miki let out a shuddering breath and broke the kiss. The blush on her face was epic in both redness and scale. I let her ass go and moved my hands up her back and over her neck to caress her face with one hand and combed her hair with the other.

“That... that was... a bit too far... for girlfriend practice.” Miki admitted, breathlessly.

I smiled at her being so flustered. “I can honestly say after a lesson like that, there's not a girl in the whole city that's going to be disappointed if they kiss me.”

Miki looked a little faint and her eyes fluttered.

“Thank you for your help, mom.” I said and slowly let her go as I stepped back. “I need to get to school.”

Miki blinked her eyes at me several times and glanced at the clock. “You are going to be late.”

“Can the school be upset that I'm getting private tutoring in such an important subject?” I asked her with a crooked smile.

Miki's blush didn't fade as she softly chuckled. “Get going and don't you dare stop at that shop on the way.”

I didn't even have to think about what she meant. “Mom, do you think they would buy things back?”

Miki seemed to freeze for a moment. “Issei? Are you feeling okay?”

I stepped close to look down at her. “I think real ones are much better than pictures or videos.”

Miki opened and closed her mouth several times. “Issei... we... I...”

I gave her a peck on the cheek. “I think a few things are going to change for me from now on.” I said and walked back to the table, picked up my school bag and slung it over my shoulder. “I'll see you after school unless I have a club or something.”

Miki nodded and then waved as I left the house at a jog.

As I jogged at a fast pace and went over in my head what just happened, I noticed that I wasn't sweating and I wasn't getting tired. I was also easily dodging people, cars, dogs, and guys on bicycles like an expert. I stopped at a shop, and not the one my mother talked about, and I hung the wrapped bundle onto my backpack.

I ran the rest of the way to school and still had about five minutes left as I approached the gate to Kuoh Academy. I slowed to a walk around the other students gathering to enter the school at the last minute and I wasn't surprised when the School Council President and her Vice-President was there.

When I stepped out of line and took off my backpack, the only ones to notice were the two council reps. I tore part of the bundle open and took out two of the things I bought and closed it again. The end of the line approached and I stepped back in with my backpack back over my shoulder and followed the other students to the gate.

I stopped in front of Sona Sitri and gave her a deep bow. “Honorable President, I would like to sincerely apologize for my previous behavior. I have acted both disgracefully and shamelessly. I also know there is nothing I can do to make up for what I've done, except to promise to be better in the future.” I held out a red rose to her and to the girl beside her. “Please accept this token of my pledge of honor.”

Both girls looked shocked as they accepted the flowers.

“Thank you very much, President and Vice-President.” I said and gave them another deep bow. “I will be giving out roses to every girl I have wronged and I will be making the same apology to them.”

Sona's face was still showing shock as she nodded and waved me inside.

“President, Vice-President.” I said and nodded to them as I jogged inside.


“Did that just happen?” Tsubasa asked as she unconsciously smelled the flower in her hands.

“Apparently.” Sona responded and hit the button to close the gate.

“Imagine that.” Tsubasa said and took another sniff. “One of the Perverted Trio giving up his ways.”

Sona nodded and led the way back into the school. She had smelled the rose as well and it was surprisingly pleasant. Her thoughts went to the massive amount of respect Issei had paid to her, even though he was one of Rias' Peerage members.

On a whim, she intentionally detoured to walk in front of Class 2A and paused to look inside. As she suspected, two members of the Perverted Trio were in the corner crying their eyes out and Issei was in a waist-deep bow in front of the two leaders of the Kendo Club. Both girls clutched the roses in their hands and were also severely blushing.

“Send word to Rias and let her know what's going on.” Sona ordered and Tsubasa rushed off as Sona continued on to the Student Council Office. She had a few things to investigate about what happened to Issei to cause such a drastic change in him after being reincarnated as a devil.


Class was both boring and new for me. The perspective from an entirely different culture from where I used to live, gave me quite a bit more enlightenment than I thought it would. I spent the morning pretty much going over what Issei knew and what I knew, only to see that I had a hell of a lot more knowledge about everything than he did, despite his studying hard to get into Kuoh Academy.

When the lunch bell rang, the class almost immediately broke up into the groups it usually did when the bell rang. Thankfully, the two perverts I had set straight that morning hadn't tried to approach me or muttered comments about me betraying them. Just as I started to stand, several girls let out gasps and surprised sounds. I turned to look at the classroom door and saw Yuuto Kiba there.

“Issei Hyoudou?” Kiba asked and walked over to me. “The head of the Occult Research Club sent me to get you.”

I gave the guy a blank look and faked ignorance. “Who runs that ridiculously named club?”

Kiba looked surprised at my question for a moment. “Her name is Rias Gremory and...”

I held up a hand to stop him from continuing. “I'm sorry, I have a previous engagement for lunch.” I said and walked over to the head of the Kendo Club and her best friend. “Murayama? Katase? Can you lead me to the Kendo Club gym? I need to formally apologize to all of the members like I promised this morning.”

Both girls gave me joyous looks, because I had dismissed the invitation from one of the two top beauties of the academy. Both of them hopped up out of their seats, grabbed their lunches, and pretty much hauled me out of the classroom like a flag waving in the wind. I had to fight hard to suppress my laughter at the shocked looks on everyone's faces.

I spent the majority of lunch lightly eating a small bit of every Kendo club member's lunch as I apologized and gave each of them a red rose. My debasement and my sincerity made each and every member blush and accept my apology and they all smelled the roses as if they had never had a flower given to them before.

It wasn't until the bell rang for lunch ending that I realized my errant thought had become true. All of the girls were extremely flattered that I had given them a sincere apology and a flower that symbolized love. I really had meant it from my heart that I was sorry for my previous behavior and they all knew it.

When I tried to leave, both Murayama and Katase grabbed my arms and kissed the cheeks of my face. I didn't have to fake the blush that caused, which in turn made the entire Kendo Club make 'aww' sounds. I was then swarmed with hugs and peppered with kisses on my face by the other girls.

“You... you girls. You are entirely too forgiving.” I said, completely bashful. “I don't deserve it.”

“And that proves you do.” Murayama said, proudly.

“I... I...” I stopped and looked at all of their happy faces. “If this wasn't an all girls club, I would join in an instant.”

“AWWW!” They all said as one and I was swarmed again to be covered in both kisses and hugs. I happily accepted the responsibility for the girls being late to their first afternoon class and the hall monitor was more than happy to give me the detention notice for causing such a disruption.


Rias sat in the old school building and stared at the viewing globe that her familiar was linked to. She had sent the thing to keep an eye on her newest pawn after Sona's warning and she felt nothing but shock at the change in his behavior.

Kiba's return to the club had been met with disbelief, because Issei had refused her order. It didn't occur to her that she hadn't ordered him to come to her. She had simply asked her Knight to retrieve her Pawn. That the Pawn had no idea who she was or why she would want him, hadn't occurred to her.

That was the moment that Rias realized she had majorly screwed up. She had reincarnated someone after a traumatic event and then left him at home without any knowledge about her or about what had happened. As far as Issei was concerned, she was nobody of importance and her request meant less than nothing to him.

“Akeno.” Rias said and turned to look at her Queen. “Please go to Issei's homeroom at the end of the school day and order him to report to me.”

Akeno opened her mouth to ask something, then closed it. She gave a pointed look to her King, sighed quite exaggeratedly when Rias didn't change what she said, and left the room.

“Big mistake.” Koneko said as she ate a dango.

“What do you mean?” Rias asked her.

“Didn't explain. Left hanging in the wind.” Koneko said and finished off the sweet rice treat and picked up another one. She bit into the top ball and hummed in appreciation.

Rias opened her mouth to refute that, then she sighed. She had thought leaving Issei alone for a few days to let him recover and adjust to being a devil was for the best. She hadn't thought about what the changes would do to him and she was only just starting to see how her making him a member of her Peerage had altered his personality so fundamentally.

“I'm sure Akeno can bring him here without incident.” Rias said, confident in her Queen's abilities.

Koneko gave her a blank stare for several minutes as she ate her dango without tasting it.

Rias sighed again. “Koneko, you better go help her.”

“Idiot.” Koneko said and tossed the empty wood skewer into the trash as she walked out of the room.

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