The Protagonist Only Thinks About Falling In Love

Chapter 88 Junior High School Students

As the sun sets, the shadows of the three of them are elongated on the long street.

When He Yu and Li Fengran came out, they passed by the classroom and looked into the window, but they didn't see Liao Yuanyuan, knowing that he had left first, they were not too surprised to see Liao Yuanyuan here.

"It scared me to death." Liao Yuanyuan handed them the schoolbag, saying that he saw He Yu and Li Fengran being chased by the two fifth graders from the window, and was afraid that they would find them in the classroom, so he took the schoolbag and came out first.

Liao Yuanyuan was stupefied while eating potato chips, and asked them to take out the trash, where did the trash can go, and why they were staring at them. He Yu spoke concisely.

Back to Tongzilou, they went back to their respective homes.

At night, every household is filled with smoke and fire. On the long corridor of the tube building, clothes are drying, and some women are holding bowls downstairs to gather together to enjoy the cool and do their homework.

Li Fengran's mother hadn't come back tonight, so he came to He Yu to do his homework, stayed at He Yu's house for dinner, and was quite nervous, asking He Yu what he would do tomorrow.

He directly buckled the trash can on those two people, this matter will not just pass, He Yu was involved in this matter because of him, he feels guilty and uneasy.

"Xiaoyu, it's almost 09:30, go take a shower and go to bed." Mother He opened the door and called.

He Yu sat on the edge of the desk, turned sideways, and said "OK".

"Then...then I'll go back first." Li Fengran jumped off the stool, usually he would go back before 08:30, but today he accidentally stayed late.

"Is your mother coming back tonight?" He Yu asked.

Li Fengran: "I don't know..."

"If you are afraid, sleep here." He Yu said.

"I..." Li Fengran hesitated.

Mother He heard what they said at the door, and said, "That's right, it's not safe for you to be alone at home, just sleep here."

She thought that the "fear" He Yu said was the fear of being alone at home.

Li Fengran hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The weather was not cold at the beginning of autumn, and He Yu was still covered with the thin summer quilt. The bed in his room was 1.5 meters wide, and it was no problem to sleep two children.

The two of them took a shower and lay down under the covers. After a while, Li Fengran cautiously leaned against He Yu. He didn't know how to describe this feeling. Although he experienced something similar to the past today, it was completely different. different mood.

It is very reassuring, as if the feet can reach the bottom.

He felt that if he went back upstairs and slept alone, he wouldn't be as at ease as he is with someone now.

The two held hands, Li Fengran leaned on He Yu with half of his body, and fell asleep together.

This sleep was extraordinarily deep.

Mother He saw it the next day. He Yu hadn't gotten up yet, so he came in to take a look. As soon as Mother He entered the door, she saw the two children sleeping close together, like twins.

She smiled and didn't wake them up. Today, Saturday, she just let them sleep well.

This weekend, He Yu and the three of them didn't go out much until Monday——

On Monday morning, the homeroom teacher came to the classroom to take a look. Seeing that the trash can was missing, he called He Yu and Li Fengran, who were on duty last Friday, outside and asked them what was going on.

The two had already made an agreement on how to deal with it before that.

They are at a disadvantage, so they must know how to take advantage of this weakness.

Li Fengran lowered his head, hesitated and couldn't speak, his face was troubled, his cute little face was cute, his elbows and knees had marks left by the fall, they were flushed red, conspicuous on his fair skin , I can't bear to ask.

The head teacher asked He Yu again, and after a long time, He Yu said that the trash can was in the trash dump and he didn't bring it back.

After a while, he came out on the tray.

There are two fifth grade students in Dao. After school, they smoke at the garbage dump and threaten them not to tell the teacher, otherwise they will...

"Just..." He Yu didn't continue.

The class teacher's face became more and more serious, and asked them if they knew who it was, He Yu described their appearance, saying that he only recognized one of them, but not the other.

After the head teacher finished asking, he put them back. As soon as the bell rang for the end of the second class, He Yu and Li Fengran were called out by the head teacher. They arrived outside an office, and the corridor was full of students.

The class teacher asked them: "Is it the two inside?"

The two looked at each other from the window and nodded.

In the office, besides the two people, there were their respective mothers, a fat woman with curly hair, and another tall and thin woman.

Inside the teacher was talking, without any warning, the tall and thin woman slapped the boy on the back, scolding him for not living up to expectations, causing trouble every day.

There were a few elementary school students watching the excitement at the door.

"You guys go back first." After finishing the class teacher, he went forward to drive away those spectators.

As soon as they got back to the classroom, Liao Yuanyuan ran up and asked them what the teacher asked them to do. Before they could speak, there was a commotion outside.

The male classmate in the fifth grade had a strong self-esteem, and was scolded by his mother here, blushing, and finally couldn't hold back his outburst, and slammed the door, "I don't want to read it, okay! I said a long time ago that I don't want to read it!" read!!"

The corridor was a bit messy, boys and women were yelling at each other, the woman moved her hand, the boy resisted, and the people next to him fought.The class bell rang, and the windows still hadn't recovered their heads.

The teacher entered the classroom with the textbooks and knocked on the desk with a stick, causing the dust to scatter, and the students in the first row fanned them with their textbooks.

"Does it look good? Go back to your seats and sit down! What are you watching after class!"

This little farce was circulated among the students for a while. The little fat man's friends hadn't been to school since that day, and since the little fat man had no friends, he had been persuaded a lot. He usually hid when he saw He Yu.

The campus life returned to calm, Li Fengran's temperament was influenced by Liao Yuanyuan, and he became more cheerful. Most of the time they played around, He Yu liked to stay alone, and Liao Yuanyuan and Li Fengran would always come to play tricks on him.

On a street near the school, there was a rental video store. Sometimes they would borrow one and watch it at Liao Yuanyuan's house. Day by day, from autumn to winter.

During the mid-term exam, Li Fengran caught a cold and fell ill, and He Yu was infected. Both of them didn't go to school, and lay ill at home. Liao Yuanyuan came back to look at them, and said that he envied them to death.

Every exam is a disaster day for poor students.

Let yourself go before the exam, lose your soul after the exam, and prepare for the storm with great care. Only when the results come out, can you be regarded as a complete death sentence.

He Yu and Li Fengran didn't have any troubles in this regard, they were simply dragged down by illness.

Two or three days after the exam, He Yu and Li Fengran recovered from their illnesses.

After the midterm exams, the end of the term will come soon.

The weather in winter was cold, and the wind was biting cold, so the three of them wore rice dumplings to school.

After the final exam of this semester, Liao Yuanyuan had a bitter face and said that he did not pass the exam. He asked He Yu, and He Yu said that the exam was average. Then he asked Li Fengran, and Li Fengran comforted him, saying that he did not do well in the exam. .

As a result, the results came out, and one of the two was first and the other was second. Liao Yuanyuan took the report card home that day and ate a meal of "stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots", which was cooked by his mother herself.

On the day of the winter vacation after the exam, it snowed heavily.

Both He Yu and Li Fengran have become "other people's children" in his mother's mouth. This time, He Yu's grades in the exam have indeed improved a lot. Even his parents were a little surprised and took him to the mall specially, saying that they would give him toys as rewards. .

He Yu didn't want much at first, but saw a little brown bear pendant in the mall - Li Fengran often had a little brown bear pendant on his schoolbag, but a month ago, it was broken by a nail, and he was very unhappy looking at it , depressed for a few days.

After coming out of the mall, He Yu held the little brown bear in his hand.

He's mother and He's father looked at their son, felt a little distressed, and brought him here to buy a toy, but in order to save money for them, the son only chose such a little thing in the end.

They can't help but wonder if they have been too negligent to their son, and the son has grown up without knowing it.

The downstairs of Tongzilou was covered with a thin layer of snow, Liao Yuanyuan and Li Fengran were having a snowball fight, and there were a few friends beside him. When He Yu and his parents came back, they waved and pulled him into the group.

He Yu stuffed the bear pendant into his pocket with his gloved hand, and walked towards them.

"Don't catch a cold after playing for too long!" Mother He said.

He Yu didn't turn his head back: "I know."

He walked up to the two of them, unzipped his clothes, took out a box of strawberry-flavored biscuits from his arms and handed them to Liao Yuanyuan, and gave Li Fengran the bear pendant in his pocket.

He Yu: "My mother rewarded me and brought it to you."

Liao Yuanyuan was very pleasantly surprised: "Ah! My favorite biscuit!"

Li Fengran took the little bear pendant, looked at He Yu, then looked down at the little bear.

He Yu: "Don't you like it?"

Li Fengran rubbed the little bear on his face, the little bear still had the warmth brought by He Yu, he let out a breath, a pure smile appeared on his fair little face, his crisp voice was a little childlike and cute, "I like it!"

"Let's eat together!" Liao Yuanyuan unpacked the biscuits.

He Yu: "Wash your hands first."

"Know it……"

On New Year's Eve, Mother He led He Yu with two bowls of hot dumplings, stood under the dim light on the fifth floor, knocked on the door, and after a while, the woman inside came out to open the door, accepted the dumplings they brought up, and thanked her .

"Just going down to find you." The woman said, she went in a bit, took out a box, and handed it to Mother He, "I'll give this to you, I can use it pretty well."

It was a box of valuable face cream, how could He's mother take it away, the woman stuffed it into her hand in a daze, He Yu probed in and waved to Li Fengran, while the adults were chatting with each other, the two children had already gotten off Went to play upstairs.

The relationship between the two became more and more harmonious.

The combination of iron triangle among children is also indestructible. If Li Fengran and Liao Yuanyuan have any undecided ideas, they both like to ask He Yu.

From the beginning, He Yu drifted away from the crowd, and unknowingly blended in, and got used to it quite well.

He couldn't help thinking that if he left in the future, he would think of them too.

This should be a very special memory for him, a memory with warmth and emotion.

I can't tell what this feeling is... I just know it's a very special touch.

Not long after the new year, school will start. Under the diligent leadership of He Yu and Li Fengran, Liao Yuanyuan completed her homework earlier than every long vacation in the past.

When Li Fengran's mother didn't go home at night, she would often bring homework to He Yu's place. On He Yu's desk, there were both his books and Li Fengran's books, mixed together, and they were often indistinguishable.

"I'm going out!" He Yu carried his schoolbag casually.

"Wait a minute!" Mother He trotted out and stuffed the money into his coat pocket, "I'll buy something for myself when I'm hungry."

"Well, I see." He Yu walked up to the fifth floor familiarly, and knocked on the door.

The door opened, the woman put him in, He Yu politely said hello, and went straight to Li Fengran's room.

The quilt was arched into a small ball, and the people inside were fast asleep. He Yu pushed Li Fengran, "Get up, it's eight o'clock."

Li Fengran slept soundly.

He Yu lifted the quilt, Li Fengran moaned twice, "Leng..."

He groaned dissatisfiedly, pulled the quilt and turned over.

He Yu: "..."

Obviously, if he lifted the quilt in the past, he would sit up and get up obediently.

Sure enough, after people get acquainted with it, they will open their bellies and reveal their true nature like a small animal.

He Yu: "Get up quickly."

Li Fengran said in a muffled voice, "Sleep for another 5 minutes."

Getting Li Fengran to wake up every day is a big project. It was not too difficult when I was not so familiar with it before, but after I got familiar with it, it was even more difficult. When I woke up in the morning, I was very fond of acting like a baby.

Li Fengran got up from a drowsy sleep, was pushed by He Yu to the bathroom, brushed his teeth with his toothbrush squinted, and after brushing his teeth and washing his face, he woke up much more quickly.

When he took his schoolbag and was about to go out, he paused, went to the drawer and found the little bear that He Yu had given him before, pinched the little bear's soft body, and hung the little bear on the zipper of the schoolbag.

He still felt that this was not safe. When he closed the zipper, he stuffed the bear into the small opening of the schoolbag, and then put the schoolbag on his back with satisfaction.

It's been half a year since Li Fengran and his family moved here, the rumors outside are not as heated as they were initially discussed, and everyone is no longer staring at them all the time.

It seems that after the new things have passed, people are often attracted by other new things.

From spring to autumn, the children have been growing up in an orderly manner. The boys in elementary school did not grow fast, and He Yu was considered tall among his peers.

Liao Yuanyuan is a little chubby type, while Li Fengran is a little thin and small, which is not too obvious compared to other people. Standing with He Yu and the others, at first glance, it seems to be the type that needs protection.

Li Fengran likes to run behind He Yu, and because of his overly delicate looks, he was once ridiculed as a sissy.

Later, those people were repaired by He Yu, and they became more honest.

He Yu believes that if you can speak, you don't do it. If you can't solve the problem, you can do it.

Life in primary school has a little friction, but it can be regarded as smooth sailing. The daily schedule is very simple, studying in class, doing homework, and playing.

Li Fengran's popularity has become better and better with the passage of time, especially among girls, he is very popular, and Liao Yuanyuan is also very promising. In the third grade, when he liked a girl, he loved her face and made her happy with snacks. Mom found out and gave me a fat beating.

He Yu occasionally went to Li Fengran's place to read books, read all the books on his shelf, attended class and did homework every day, other than that, he just slept on the desk, not very interested in anything else.

His temper is so cold that he is not easy to get along with, and there are only Liao Yuanyuan and Li Fengran around him.

One year, two years, three years...

time flies.

The first misfortune among the three happened in the second semester of the sixth grade in Xiaoshengchu - Liao Yuanyuan was about to move.

Because of his father's job change, he got a better opportunity for development. His mother decided to accompany Liao Yuanyuan to finish elementary school here, and he might go to another place for junior high school.

This is the first time the three experienced "separation" and felt the meaning of these two words.

After graduation from the sixth grade, Liao Yuanyuan's family left behind their graduation photos. After the exam, Liao Yuanyuan's family prepared to pack up and leave. During this time, Liao Yuanyuan had to study hard to prepare for the exam in another place.

"He Yu and Li Fengran." Liao Yuanyuan's crying face wrinkled while hugging He Yu and Li Fengran, "If you miss me, send me a message when you have time!"

He left them a Penguin account number.

In the car loaded with furniture, Liao Yuanyuan poked her head out of the front window, with snot and tears on her face, and waved her little hand to say goodbye to her little friend.

"Goodbye, send me a message!"

"Understood!" Li Fengran waved his small hands.

He Yu: "Here is a place for you, see you later!"

He felt that they would meet again in the future, but inevitably, there was a sense of emptiness as something suddenly disappeared.

Mostly miss.

The setting sun elongated the shadows on the ground, from the shadows of three people to two people.

When I got used to Liao Yuanyuan's absence, I really got used to it for a while. During the summer vacation, He Yu brought Li Fengran into the Internet cafe for the first time.

Smoky, noisy, and dimly lit, He Yu and Li Fengran sat down on a machine in the corner and landed on the Penguin, but they didn't stay inside for long.

The smell of the smoke was too strong, Li Fengran was so smoked that he coughed, so they came out not long after.

"Save money." He Yu said, "Save money to buy a mobile phone."

"En." Li Fengran nodded, "I should have a lot of money in my piggy bank."

There is no summer homework in this year's summer vacation, and after the summer vacation, they also turned from primary school students to junior high school students.

On the day when junior high school started to register, their family took them through the formalities. This place is not far from Tongzilou. There is a bus, which takes about 45 minutes. frequency.

Li Fengran has grown up in the past two years, his facial features are exquisite and prettier than girls, his lips are red, his teeth are white, and his eyes are shining. After another year or two, his body will be youthful, and he should belong to a very popular white-faced niche.

It is very eye-catching among boys.

And He Yu is a completely different type from him. His eyes are narrow and long, with single eyelids. When the eyelids are drooping, he looks a little impatient. He has a strong sense of distance and a sense of coldness, making people feel difficult to approach and not easy to provoke.

There are eight people in a dormitory. The beds of He Yu and Li Fengran are made up. The beds of the two are connected, and they are on the bed. He Yu sleeps on the other side against the wall.

There are also two or three elementary school classmates of the two in the dormitory, but they are not very familiar with each other. After greeting each other, they each do their own things.

"It's all done, think about what else is left, it will be inconvenient when we leave later." Mother He said.

Li Fengran didn't have much time today, Father He and Mother He drove them over in a tricycle, bedding, luggage, daily necessities, and a few bits and pieces packed together would make a lot.

People walking back and forth in the corridor of the boys' dormitory are all the students who signed up today and their parents, both men and women.

"No more." He Yu said.

Li Fengran: "I don't have any either."

"Okay, then let's go first." After He's mother finished speaking, she was worried that it was the first time for the two of them to live in this kind of collective dormitory, and said those words that had been said many times.

It was Father He He Wenqing who heard her talk endlessly and felt that they could take the two children back after they finished speaking, so he interrupted her and said, "Okay, okay, you can't believe our son, it's reliable."

"Mom, don't worry." He Yu said, Mother He is fine with everything, but she is too worried. Every time she nags, He Yu feels a headache, but he can't bear to interrupt.

"Okay, okay, I know you think Mom is annoying." He Mu said, "Take good care of Ranran, and don't quarrel when you two are together, do you understand?"

He Yu lengthened the ending: "I know, I know, I won't quarrel with Dad when you quarrel with him."

Li Fengran nodded at the little chicken pecking rice.

"You kid..."

After He's mother and He's father left, He Yu and Li Fengran went for a stroll around the school and saw the cafeteria and playground. The school had a back hill, and there was a tall building where teachers lived. For middle school and high school.

The two found a place with few people and took out their mobile phones.

The school does not allow mobile phones, but there are still students who secretly carry them.

Li Fengran held a small white mobile phone in his hand. This mobile phone was the first mobile phone the two of them bought during the summer vacation, and they bought it behind their parents' backs.

Its main purpose is only to contact Liao Yuanyuan, the phone can also take pictures, and there is a 26-key keypad underneath, typing letters needs to be found one by one, Li Fengran is not fast at typing, so He Yulai usually sends messages.

"Yuanyuan said he went to a new school." He Yu said, "Photo."

On the small screen of the mobile phone, a picture of the landscape was taken, and there was also a picture of a little fat paw beckoning to the sky.

"Do you want to take a picture for him to see?" He Yu asked.

Li Fengran: "Let's shoot."

"I mean us." He Yu typed.

Li Fengran was at a loss and didn't turn around for a moment: "Huh?"

"Take a picture of us." He Yu said, "Do you want to take a picture? Take a photo together."

Li Fengran: "Okay, okay... how to shoot?"

He Yu turned on the camera function of the phone, held the phone at the right angle, and pulled Li Fengran to stand up. The two leaned shoulder to shoulder, and tilted their heads towards each other. There was a "click", and the picture was frozen.

In the photo, one person has a cool cool face, and the other has an unnatural smirk on his handsome features.


Class 156 in the first grade of junior high school, the experimental class, has officially become their new class. The distribution of men and women in the class is even. Boys and girls of this age have already understood the meaning of "good-looking" and "beautiful". , is at the moment of vague understanding.

At the beginning of school, we were still a little strange and shy to each other.

Boys and boys are piled up, girls and girls play together, and the boundaries are clearly defined.

When the class was selecting class cadres, the class teacher first selected a few people to serve as the class leader. He Yuran became the class leader, and Li Fengran became the deputy class leader.

The first two or three days were during the adaptation period. He Yu and Li Fengran were usually together. They went to the cafeteria to eat together, studied together, and went back to the dormitory to take a bath together. They were inseparable.

The boys' dormitory was rough, they lived together, and they soon became acquainted with each other. The head of the dormitory was a boy who liked to be the big brother, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, full of righteousness, and a loud voice.

In the evening, when the boys were talking and talking, they became discussing girls.

"I think my deskmate is still pretty. Her eyelashes are so long, and she looks especially good when she is taking a nap."

"Hey, you keep talking about being at the same table, do you like her?"

"No, okay! I just think she's pretty, so I think the one in the next class with long hair and bangs is also pretty!"

He Yu came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, went to bed in a T-shirt and got the book next to the pillow, sat on the upper bunk, leaning against the wall and reading, not very interested in their topics.

But suddenly someone called him, "Hey Yu, tell me, is Zhang Yuncai prettier or the one in the class next door?"

He Yu raised his head.

What color is it?which next door?who is it?

"You don't remember what they looked like, hahaha!" the man laughed.

This is just a joke, of course he doesn't think He Yu doesn't know who they are.

He Yu said perfunctorily, "Forgot."

"Fuck, do you know who we're talking about?"

He Yu: "Who is it?"



"You don't care too much about the people in the class, you're the class monitor after all! Zhang Yuncai is the one, the English class representative!"

When he said this, He Yu got a little impression.

"What's wrong with the English class representative?" Another voice interjected beside him.

Li Fengran took a shower, wearing a white short sleeve and a light yellow towel on his head. He just hung up his clean clothes and walked out, his hands were still stained with water.

He had just taken a bath, his fair face was reddened by the heat, and it became more and more beautiful, looking at the warm sunshine.

He Yu glanced at him.

Not as good-looking as him.

"Do you think the representative of the English class is pretty?" the man asked Li Fengran, "He Yu actually said that he couldn't remember what she looked like. I think she is the most beautiful in the class."

Li Fengran raised his head, glanced up, smiled, the corners of his lips were raised, and the corners of his eyes were slightly curved, he said to the man: "He has always been like this, he doesn't care much about these things."

"You used to be classmates in elementary school, right?"

Li Fengran: "Yes."

"No wonder." The man said, "You two stick together all day, don't you feel tired?"

Li Fengran tilted his head, "Why are you tired?"

"Girls are not as clingy as you are."

"Ah, this..." Li Fengran said, "We are from the same place, we grew up together, and we are used to it."

"Damn, true or false?"


"It's iron enough, it's the relationship."

"It's too far away—" Someone brought the topic back, "Li Fengran, you haven't said whether the English class representative is pretty!"

"This..." Li Fengran hesitated.

The dormitory fell silent, waiting for his answer.

Li Fengran smiled embarrassedly, "I don't seem to pay much attention."

Others: "..."

After waiting for a long time, just waiting for this sentence, someone said "cut" meaninglessly.

Those few people started arguing about who is beautiful again, Li Fengran heaved a sigh of relief, and turned his head to grab the side of He Yu's bed, "Going to eat? There are still more than 20 minutes for self-study at night."

"Okay." He Yu closed the book and got out of bed.

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