The prostitute virgin

Chapter 78: Chapter 78

Syl eyes was fill with rage as he walks in. "Where is my uncle LOGAN."

" noise boy he's here." Logan said as he orders his guards to bring Luke from the other room with his hand."

When Luke was finally brought out with hands tie at his back. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Like asked

"I'm here for you."

"Alone how can you be so... damn Syl. Logan can't be trusted."

"Exactly so... I never knew THEE all great Sylvester Jackson will act so stupid and rash."

"I could say the same to you." Syl said calmly as his eyes scan the area.

"Says the man who is trap any last words?" Logan said while laughing sarcastically.

"I'm always prepare." Syl said as he took out a bottle and quickly knock it on the ground causing it to shatter releasing a mist that blinded the guards giving Syl the opportunity to win and by the time it has dry out only Logan, his uncle and of course him were standing. "Ha.. you fool thinking you can get out of here alive when you kill me."

"Don't worry you won't die at least not now."

"How did you get in here with a gun?"

"It was given to me while I was in here."

Logan eyes widen once again he has lost.

"Yes Logan you had a mole in your camp, my mole."

"But who all of my men are loyal."

"Take a guess."

Just than the two guards that brought Syl to Logan Walk in with smirk.

"Don't be too shock Logan." 

"We love to play games."

"Why?" Logan asked

"You rape and kill our mother and you expect us to serve you well you are such a fool."

"I hate you Syl."

"I know and secondly I must thank Leo and bod for killing all of your men and as I walk out that door with my uncle, you'll join them you should have known Logan never to cross my line because I always have the last laugh." Syl said as he took his uncle and as they were five feet away from the door, they hear four-gun shots sound and Syl smile with a satisfying smile after some time Leo and Bob came out.

"Hope we see you again sir."

"Thanks for today whenever you need me, I won't fail you."

"Then we won't hesitate to run to you in time of needs bye and take care." And just like what they got on their motorcycle and left.

"Well son you never fail to amaze me."

"I know I'm great Luke."

"Such a rascal." 

"I was raise well then." They laugh together.

"Let's go home."

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