The Pregnancy Energy Is Contrary To Heaven, And My Children Are All Over The World

Chapter 9: Sisters Exchange And Compete To Marry A Daughter (Please Give Me Your Monthly Flower Vote

Lin Zijun glanced at his panel.

[Host: Lin Zijun]

[Bone age: 27]

[Qualification: Spirit Root of the Four Elements of Metal, Wood, Water, and Fire]

[Cultivation: Qi Refining seventh level (120/10000)]

[Kung Fu: Changchun Jue (Proficient, the skill level is too low and cannot be improved)]

[Life span: 360]

Over the years, most of the Spirit Stones he had saved were used to convert them into cultivation, and only part of them were used to convert life essence and upgrade the skills again.

After upgrading the technique, Lin Zijun clearly felt that his physical fitness had doubled.

In his opinion, cultivation is only the foundation. If you want to gain real strength, you have to look at the techniques.

The better the technique and the higher the proficiency, the stronger he will be in the same realm.

The reason why some people are able to leapfrog and kill enemies is because the skills these people practice are better than their opponents.

The level of Changchun Jue is too low and cannot be improved upon reaching mastery. Lin Zijun has to find a way to create another good technique.


Lin Yushu hummed softly, with a look of longing in her hazy eyes.

It was important to do business, so Lin Zijun chose to spend ten years of his life to enter his soul.

The next day, Lin Yushu, who had experienced the first battle, had some difficulty getting up. His legs were trembling. After breakfast, he was ready to rest for a while.

At this time, Lin Yuting suddenly came to the door.

She was very unwilling. In the past few years since she gave birth to Lin Yunpeng, her belly had not moved at all.

Human nature is greedy. If you have the first one, you want the second one.

Lin Yuting found her sister and cried for a while, scolding Tang Feng for not being a man and blaming her for not having a child.

"Sister, didn't you have Yunpeng? Why can't you give birth to a child?"

Lin Yushu was very confused.

Lin Yuting wiped away her tears, bit her lip tightly, and told what happened between herself and Lin Zijun.

The two sisters have had a very good relationship since childhood. She believed that Lin Yushu would not tell anyone and would definitely help her.

Lin Yushu covered her mouth with her hands, looking shocked and disbelieving.

My sister’s child is actually her husband’s?


"Sister, you...that brother-in-law..."

"I don't know, Tang. You really think you can give birth to a child with a single Spirit Root just by that piece of trash."

Lin Yushu immediately thought of what her father said yesterday and asked her if she wanted to have a single Spirit Root child like her sister.

She didn't understand it at the time, but now she suddenly understood.

"Sister, what do you mean..."

"You probably don't know yet, Zijun is very special. Children born to him will definitely have Spirit Root."

"How is this possible?" Lin Yushu was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Lin Yuting glanced at her sister's trembling legs, with a smirk on her lips.

"You must have been crazy last night~"

Lin Yushu's face instantly turned red to her ears, she lowered her head and remained shy and silent.

"Don't be shy, sister is here. If nothing else happens, you should already be pregnant. You will know after you give birth to the child."

Lin Yuting changed her tone and began to talk about her bitterness and envy of her sister.

The two grew up together since childhood and have a deep love for each other as sisters.

Lin Yushu had a soft temper, and after listening to it for a while, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"Sister, how about I go help you and beg your father to let her remarry you?"

"This matter is related to his face. Dad will definitely not agree to it. Sister, can you do me a favor?"

Lin Yuting shook her head and whispered in her sister's ear.

After a while, Lin Yushu's face turned into one of embarrassment and embarrassment.

"This...this is not good."

"It's okay, I'll explain it when the time comes."

That night, Lin Yushu went to Lin Zijun to have dinner with him. After eating, she shyly leaned into Lin Zijun's arms and said she wanted to go back to his room to play games with him.

Lin Zijun glanced at her in surprise.

This little girl obviously couldn't stand it last night, so she wants to come today?

But after all, he was newly married and had requests. As a husband, he couldn't ignore them.

That night, after Lin Zijun took a shower, he came to Lin Yushu's room.

The room was dimly lit by red candles, the red curtain was hanging down, and a graceful body lay on its side inside the tent, posing in a seductive pose.

He walked forward slowly and opened the red curtain.

I saw a charming beauty with a white veil on her face and a lavender gauze dress. Her appearance was hazy and could not be seen clearly.

The gauze curtain drooped and the red candle went out.

The night is too late...

[It is detected that your partner is a four-series Spirit Root, you can choose: ]

[1. Spend one year of life to strengthen the seeds and breed heirs with double Spirit Roots]

[2. Spend ten years of life to strengthen the seeds and breed heirs with single Spirit Root]

Lin Zijun, who was focused on communication, suddenly heard the system prompt and was stunned.

I already contributed ten years of life yesterday, why do I still need it today?

There wasn't much time left for him to choose.

The system automatically chose to consume ten years of life for him.

By the time Lin Zijun reacted, it was too late.

He stretched out his hand to push aside the curtains, flicked his fingers, and all the candles in the room were immediately lit.

Under the dim light, the thin veil has long since fallen off.

Lin Zijun looked at the familiar face in shock. It was very similar to Lin Yushu, but his temperament was completely different.

"Lin Yuting, how could it be you?"

Lin Yuting smiled charmingly and told her story about the raccoon cat-for-prince plot she and her sister had devised.

After hearing this, Lin Zijun was very angry.

Ten years of life were spent, and he simply did nothing and punished her severely all night long.

Brother Tang, don’t blame me for being a thief. If you want to blame me, blame yourself for not being able to control your wife.

More than 20 days later, both Lin Yuting and Lin Yushu had their Ximai pulse detected.

Tang Feng was very happy and held a big banquet again for all his sons-in-law.

Lin Zijun also received an invitation, but he had no intention of going.

At the same time, the top management of the Lin family attaches great importance to it.

After some discussion, Tang Feng was rewarded with some Spirit Stones.

Lin Zijun was given two thousand Low Grade Spirit Stones and a bunch of life-prolonging medicines.

Lin Zijun frowned, very dissatisfied.

After all, Lin Yunpeng had previously detected a single Spirit Root, and the Lin family leader directly rewarded Tang Feng with a thousand Spirit Stones.

His child detected double Spirit Root, and Lin Changwu also promised to reward an additional five hundred Spirit Stones.

So many of his children are double Spirit Roots.

Even if you don't count it as five hundred Spirit Stones, if you fold it in half, it's still more than two thousand Spirit Stones.

Lin Zijun's face darkened, he had nothing to be afraid of, and immediately told Lin Changfu what he thought.

He is currently short of Spirit Stone to practice, so he can accept a few hundred yuan less, but the reward has shrunk so much, he cannot accept it.

"Zijun, you don't know something. The head of the family made such a decision after careful consideration.

Think about it, given your qualifications, what's the use of having so many Spirit Stones? You might as well get these supplements instead.

My Lin family spent a lot of money to buy these things from outside, and they are worth more than 10,000 Spirit Stones. "

After Lin Changfu explained, Lin Zijun's expression softened slightly.

That's it. He didn't expect those drugs to be so valuable.

However, he does not need to take tonics at all, as long as he has the Spirit Stone, he can live forever.

"I wrongly blamed the family master. Uncle Fu, please tell the family master that I have a special constitution and supplements and medicines are of no use to me. I will reward you with Spirit Stone in the future.

I don’t want much, just ten Spirit Stones for a mortal woman to get pregnant, and a hundred Spirit Stones for a woman with four Spirit Roots to get pregnant. "

Lin Changfu thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

In his opinion, it is more convenient to only give Spirit Stone. The Lin family does not lack these Spirit Stones. On the contrary, it is not easy to obtain those medicines that prolong life.

After Lin Changfu left, Lin Zijun opened the bottles and took a look.

The fragrance of Dan is strong, and just one whiff makes people feel refreshed.

It seems that it is indeed a very cherished elixir.

Unfortunately, his system was not interested in the elixir, and when he held it in his hand, his system did not react at all.

After thinking about it, Lin Zijun called Lin Yuyao and Lin Simeng, his wives and concubines who had been with him the longest and had the deepest affection, and gave them the elixir.

These wives and concubines of his are all mortals.

Although he is still very young now, he cannot resist the erosion of time.

Lin Yuyao and Lin Simeng had given birth to four or five children for him. Now that these life-prolonging drugs were no longer needed, Lin Zijun naturally thought of them immediately.

Time flies, ten months have passed.

Lin Yushu finally ushered in the day of giving birth.

Lin Changwu, Lin Changyong and others came to Lin Zijun's house and stood outside the delivery room with great expectations.

Judging from their looks, they were even more excited than Lin Zijun, the father.

With a baby crying, the midwife smiled happily and pushed the door open.

"Congratulations to Uncle Lin, on the birth of another daughter."

After the baby was cleaned up, Lin Zijun carried the baby to a side room and screened away all the people waiting.

Lin Changwu felt anxious, so he took out a jade bead the size of a longan and placed it between the baby's eyebrows.

This is a spirit-testing bead that the Lin family spent a lot of money to buy from outside. It can immediately test the qualifications of a newborn baby.

Otherwise, we have to wait for the children to grow up, which will take too long.

They can't wait.

After a moment, the colorless and transparent longan jade bead flashed with a blue light. The entire bead was completely blue without any variegation.

The breathing of the clan elders stagnated, and their hanging hearts gradually fell to the ground, with cheerful smiles on their faces.

"Single Water Spirit Root is just as the owner expected. Women with better Spirit Root will give birth to children with better qualifications."

Lin Changwu handed the baby back to Lin Zijun, walked out of the house, threw his head back and laughed.

A woman with four Spirit Roots can give birth to a single Spirit Root. If a woman with three Spirit Roots, what qualifications can she give birth to?

What about double Spirit Root women?

Thinking of this, Lin Changwu couldn't help but blush, and his breathing became rapid.

Unfortunately, the Lin family does not have a double Spirit Root, but there is a woman with three Spirit Roots.

Returning to the meeting hall of the main house of the Lin family, as soon as everyone sat down, someone stood up and spoke.

"Master, my daughter also has four Spirit Roots. She is now at the age of getting married, why not..."

"Lao Qi, your Yuyao has given birth to five children. It is our daughter's turn to marry."

"Lao Liu, I remember that your daughters are all married, so don't get involved."

"They are all married, but the youngest of my family, her man just died last year. She happens to have Spirit Root, so marrying Lin Zijun can be considered a contribution to the family."

"Lao Liu, what nonsense are you talking about? The widow forced her into someone else's house and let others see it. They thought that our Lin family didn't have any young girls."

After witnessing Lin Zijun's unparalleled ability to sow seeds, all clan elders, regardless of their appearance, rushed to marry their daughters to Lin Zijun.

A dozen old guys with half-white hair were so excited that they almost rolled up their sleeves and started working.

Only the old god Lin Changyong was there, sitting and drinking tea by himself.

Of his two daughters with Spirit Root qualifications, one was married to Tang Feng and had an illegitimate child with Lin Zijun, and the other was directly married to Lin Zijun and just gave birth to a daughter.

With these two grandsons here, the Lin family will surely become more prosperous in the future.

Lin Changwu's head was buzzing from the noise, and he couldn't stand it anymore. He slapped the table, and Foundation Building Stage's cultivation was inadvertently emitted, causing the entire sandalwood table to shatter into foam.

"Stop arguing. I'm so old. It's not appropriate to make noises."

Everyone immediately fell silent.

Lin Changwu was silent for a moment and continued.

"No matter how good your daughter's qualifications are, she is only a fourth-level Spirit Root. My Yulan is only a third-level Spirit Root. She happens to be of age to get married. I will tell her to marry Yulan."

The expressions of the elders of all clans changed one after another.

The head of the family was actually willing to give his precious daughter to Lin Zijun.

You know, Lin Yulan is the most qualified person among the younger generation of the Lin family. At only twenty-three years old, she has already completed Qi Refining. With a few more years of polishing, Foundation Building will not be a problem.

By then, Lin Yulan will definitely succeed Lin Changwu and become the new head of the Lin family.

No one expected that Lin Changwu would make this decision.

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