The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: A Game That Doesn’T Hurt Much And Isn’T Too Insulting

Although the little eagle flying knife is a fool’s word, this knife is indeed quite sharp as a “treasure of the town shop”.

In order to let the pirate leader witness the power of this knife, Wei Wei combined her “chain” skills with the skills in “weapon throwing”. thrown out.

A white light flashed, at a distance of 30 meters, a tree the thickness of the mouth of the bowl was cut down by the middle.

This move was fast and ruthless, Wei Wei flipped her wrist, the pull ring on her tail finger drove the transparent silk thread, the flying knife drew a beautiful arc, and she was pulled back again.

This move is a martial art that Weiwei’s predecessor was good at. It was called “Peacock Chain Saw”.

After gaining a lot of combat attributes, her strength has been further improved. Compared with the three generals and the four emperors, it is completely incomparable, but this trick is used, and in the eyes of a group of pirates who belong to miscellaneous soldiers Somewhat mysterious.

The head of the pirate “Baby” was startled and pulled out his long knife reflexively. The rest of the pirates also became nervous, and a few pirates looked erratic and seemed to be looking for a route to escape.

“Oh hehe-! Don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous, I’m just trying the knife for you, how about it? Are you interested in buying this little eagle flying knife?” Weiwei said, and motioned the pirates to look at the far away There is a sign called “Prince Magical Items and Special Items Store”, which means that this is a serious place, so don’t think about it.

The effect of her demonstration was good, and the quality of the flying knife was also excellent. In the end, the pirate leader bought the flying knife for 1.8 million Baileys.

As the boss paid for it, the remaining pirates also became active.

A sturdy pirate with a size of 300 pounds, who looked like 300 pounds, pointed to a cable on the shelf and asked, “What is that? A tattered rope?”

Weiwei’s face was heavy: “That’s the cable left by the golden lion after the battle at Aite Wall. There are only three cables left in the world. Listen, there’s still the clamor from the battle at the sea.”

Have it? The pirates frowned and listened carefully, but didn’t notice that the girl in front of them stepped on the ground rhythmically and forcefully. The dull sound and the noise of the whole town made the preconceived pirate’s ear a bit of a sea battle. mean.

Weiwei lowered her voice: “Some people say that when the Golden Lion was defeated by Roger One Piece, he wrote the location of his treasure on a cable beside him.”

No matter how valuable historical relics are, they are garbage to pirates, but if there is treasure in them, the value will be completely different. Several pirates’ eyes are shining, and they seem to be thinking about how to avoid the eyes and ears of the people around them. , to find this great treasure alone.

Another pirate pointed to an umbrella placed on a high place. The umbrella surface was all over the place and there were several large holes: “Is that also left over from the Golden Lion Sea Battle?”

Wei Wei gave a “you made a lot of money” expression: “That’s the weapon used by Red Earl Baroric Redfield to defeat Admiral Cyborg Kong, you know? That’s the only weapon in the history of pirates. A legendary pirate who defeated the Admiral head-on! After the Red Earl was arrested, his weapon also fell into the sea. This is the weapon he used when he defeated the Admiral! It is said that it also hides the secret of his invincibility. .”

The last thin and dry pirate pointed to a gray ball of hair the size of an ordinary human fist and asked what it was.

There was a mysterious aura in Weiwei’s tone: “That’s the lucky rabbit’s foot. It used to belong to the redhead of the Four Emperors. Soon after the redhead was lost, his arm was bitten off by the sea kings. Think about the meaning of this, What an amazing fate…”

Weiwei is not at all worried about those famous people coming to trouble her, what is she afraid of? The boss of our baroque studio is Wangxia Qiwuhai, what does it have to do with you hitting me, a little ms. Wednesday? If you have any questions, go to Sand Crocodile! Are you gang fights or singles? It doesn’t matter if you kill the sand crocodile!

The rich pirates started shopping, and Vivi bragged about all the goods. In her mouth, those junk were either “famous knives” or “great captain’s trophies”.

Including the pirate ship, all the spoils belonged to the Baroque studio, but according to the unspoken rules in the industry, what you earned before you started belonged to you. A Bailey hollowed out, it doesn’t matter how many things are sold, anyway, these things change hands, and they will return to the warehouse in Whiskey Hill tonight…

The rope suspected to contain hidden treasure clues and the broken umbrella with the legendary pirate secret inside were sold for high prices. The two accounted for 900,000 Baileys and 1.2 million Baileys for Weiwei respectively. The rest of the pirates are basically interested in that. On the lucky rabbit feet worn by red hair. UU Reading

What a golden lion, what a red earl, those are the pirates of the older generation, and the young pirates have never heard of them at all. The red-haired, who just joined the Four Emperors last year, they know that the pirates themselves are superstitious. Most of the time, I would rather trust it than not trust it, and the rabbit feet are really not expensive, at least cheaper than broken ropes and broken umbrellas.

“One price, 300,000 Baileys!” Weiwei’s expression was tangled, as if she had made a big decision.

The rest of the items that were really unclear about their purpose were also sold under the bundled sales that Weiwei’s VIP shopping card continued to offer discounts. The so-called Prince’s value-for-money adventure spree, which included fruit knives, bandages, and broken treasure maps, was 10,000. 19 were sold in one go.

“Oh hehehe-” The girl flickered with a smile, and Kalu, the pet duck, squatted on the ground and counted the money.

Rich pirates have rich ways to play, and pirates without money are also customers and cannot be turned away.

“Don’t be afraid of sea warriors who don’t have enough money for a while, we provide a variety of games, and the core meaning is just one, just to make money for you!”

Weiwei motioned for her subordinates to take out two suitcases, which were full of brand new Baileys with a denomination of 10,000. The stacks of coins were placed together, which looked quite tempting.

“Come on, this money-sending game is called playing paper, each person has a paper bag, as long as your paper bag is knocked down and our paper bag is knocked over, I will give you 10,000 baileys. If you lose, you can choose Pay, or just let me slap me in the mouth. It’s not too hard, it’s just a light slap in the nature of the game, it doesn’t hurt much, and it’s not too insulting… Do you understand? It’s simple, right? What are you waiting for? The time has come for the sea boy to change his fate, come and play!”

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