The Phoenix Saga
Again, Hana did not let her finish. "I don't give a fuck if you have to pull the fire alarm! Clear it out, and don't let Izumi out of your sight until it's done!"
Mei slumped into the corner next to the walk-in cooler, shivering and not from the cold. The adrenaline of the encounter finally giving way, she began to sob quietly. Not only had she lost what she had been sure was a good thing in Mikado, but for him to have done this? And worst of all, Ranko had tried to warn her, and she had abused her for it.
Hana crouched at her side and tried to put her hand on Mei's shoulder, but she shrank back from the matriarch's touch. "Mei, baby, you're safe now, sweetheart. It's okay. I've got you." Hana had not seen what Mikado had done, but it was clear to her exactly what had happened.
The throbbing of the bass from the sound system up front faded, and Yui and Izumi shortly made their way to the back room. "They're gone. Now, what the hell happened?!"
Yui surveyed the room, and Hana looked up to her sadly. "Mei's date tried to force himself on her."
Izumi gasped. "My gods! Are you…"
Hana nodded. "She's going to be okay. Ranko… dealt with him."
Whether the battered perpetrator in the back alley would be okay, however, she did not know. In thirty years in the bar business, she had seen her share of fights, but nothing like that. It was like the girl was possessed. She wasn't sure that Ranko had even heard her screaming at her to stop. "Mei, I'm sorry to ask, but the last time you saw Ranko fight, was she… like that?"
Mei shook her head, sniffling her tears back. "Not at all. She basically embarrassed them until they ran. This was… Mama, it was like she didn't even know what she was doing."
Izumi looked around. "Where is she?" Hana shook her head, raising her palm in a "not now" gesture.
Yui stalked to the back door, bolting it closed, and then moved to turn off the oven which was beginning to smell of the pizza Hana had left burning within. She stroked her chin thoughtfully. "I don't get it. She didn't take her eyes off of him all night. It's like she knew he was going to try something."
Hana nodded. "And she warned Mei to stay away from him."
Mei cringed, remembering some of the things she'd said to Ranko. Mei had been so vicious to her, and Ranko really was only trying to protect her. She had just assumed Ranko was jealous. Wait, hadn't Mikado said something about jealousy? Something about wanting more? And what brought out that level of unfettered rage? There had to be an explanation. It couldn't have been because Ranko was protecting her, because she had been threatened the last time Mei had seen her fight, too. This was something primal. It wasn't just anger. It was hatred. It was almost as if it had been her that he…
She gasped. There was only one explanation. She looked up at the closed door at the top of the stairs, sniffling and sighing in sadness and regret. "I don't think I was the first girl Mikado did this to."
Chapter 37: The Other Shoe
The December chill followed Ranko into the kitchen. Her eyes were completely dead and unfeeling. Mei peeled herself out of Hana's arms and closed the distance between herself and her younger sister, reaching her arms around her to hug her.
"Ranko, thank you. Thank you. You tried to warn me, and you were right about everything. I am so sorry I didn't listen. I was cruel and stupid, and I said terrible, mean things, and…" The redhead did not acknowledge her presence. She did not turn to make eye contact, and walked right through her arms without breaking stride, heading directly up the stairs. Mei's eyes followed her.
"Would somebody please tell me what the fu…"
Hana cut her daughter off mid-sentence. "Not now, Yui! Shut it down. Right now!"
Again, Hana did not let her finish. "I don't give a fuck if you have to pull the fire alarm! Clear it out, and don't let Izumi out of your sight until it's done!"
Mei slumped into the corner next to the walk-in cooler, shivering and not from the cold. The adrenaline of the encounter finally giving way, she began to sob quietly. Not only had she lost what she had been sure was a good thing in Mikado, but for him to have done this? And worst of all, Ranko had tried to warn her, and she had abused her for it.
Hana crouched at her side and tried to put her hand on Mei's shoulder, but she shrank back from the matriarch's touch. "Mei, baby, you're safe now, sweetheart. It's okay. I've got you." Hana had not seen what Mikado had done, but it was clear to her exactly what had happened.
The throbbing of the bass from the sound system up front faded, and Yui and Izumi shortly made their way to the back room. "They're gone. Now, what the hell happened?!"
Yui surveyed the room, and Hana looked up to her sadly. "Mei's date tried to force himself on her."
Izumi gasped. "My gods! Are you…"
Hana nodded. "She's going to be okay. Ranko… dealt with him."
Whether the battered perpetrator in the back alley would be okay, however, she did not know. In thirty years in the bar business, she had seen her share of fights, but nothing like that. It was like the girl was possessed. She wasn't sure that Ranko had even heard her screaming at her to stop. "Mei, I'm sorry to ask, but the last time you saw Ranko fight, was she… like that?"
Mei shook her head, sniffling her tears back. "Not at all. She basically embarrassed them until they ran. This was… Mama, it was like she didn't even know what she was doing."
Izumi looked around. "Where is she?" Hana shook her head, raising her palm in a "not now" gesture.
Yui stalked to the back door, bolting it closed, and then moved to turn off the oven which was beginning to smell of the pizza Hana had left burning within. She stroked her chin thoughtfully. "I don't get it. She didn't take her eyes off of him all night. It's like she knew he was going to try something."
Hana nodded. "And she warned Mei to stay away from him."
Mei cringed, remembering some of the things she'd said to Ranko. Mei had been so vicious to her, and Ranko really was only trying to protect her. She had just assumed Ranko was jealous. Wait, hadn't Mikado said something about jealousy? Something about wanting more? And what brought out that level of unfettered rage? There had to be an explanation. It couldn't have been because Ranko was protecting her, because she had been threatened the last time Mei had seen her fight, too. This was something primal. It wasn't just anger. It was hatred. It was almost as if it had been her that he…
She gasped. There was only one explanation. She looked up at the closed door at the top of the stairs, sniffling and sighing in sadness and regret. "I don't think I was the first girl Mikado did this to."
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