The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 102

Chapter 101 – Ice Cream

Xia Zhinian: “…??”

Xia Zhinian felt a little bad, his eyelashes trembled, his lips were stared at by the boy, and he pursed his lips uncomfortably.

He handed over the ice cream that had only eaten two bites, his almond eyes were round, “here, then you eat.”

Yan Ci raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the box of strawberry-flavored ice cream, the corners of his lips curled up, his smile was unusually pleasant, and suddenly he changed his tune, being gentle and considerate.

“Forget it, the gums are hot, and it’s normal to want to eat something cold. Be good, I’ll let you eat.”

Xia Zhinian: “…?!”

Xia Zhinian looked at him hesitantly, half-believing.


Yan Ci smiled lightly and nodded, “Just once today, let’s eat.”

The boy’s amber eyes looked over, clear and clean, carefully scanning his face, not sure if this was a new trap of black sesame glutinous rice balls.

But the boy was calm and calm, with a gentle face, and his teeth were burning like fire, scalding, burning pain.

The boy squeezed the handle of the spoon and stretched it into the ice cream box.

They stood in front of the snack cabinet, Yan Ci clasped the boy’s waist, lifted it loosely, and took him to the sofa to sit down.

Xia Zhinian had just scooped out a scoop of ice cream, and was being carried down.

Caught off guard, he sat on two long legs.



Xia Zhinian paused, blinked, and looked at the handsome boy who was very close to him.

With a crooked smile on his face, Yan Ci was indifferent and pleasant, holding the young man on his lap with a gentle tone.

“Eat it quickly, it will melt away in a while.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

The distance is too close, and the summer clothes are thin, and he can almost feel the heat from the boys nearby.

The distance between their chests is only two fists, and the temperature is kept in the middle of the narrow gap, which keeps heating up.

“Good boy.”

Seeing him not moving, Yan Ci reminded him with a good temper, gentle and gentle.

“The ice cream in your spoon is literally melting.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian felt inexplicably in danger, his eyes fell on his body, like a wild beast staring at its prey, extremely aggressive.

What do you want to do with black sesame glutinous rice balls?

…whether he eats or not.

He’s meowing, don’t worry about it, eat!

The young man’s fine white fingertips trembled, holding the handle of the small spoon, his body tensed, and he quickly sent the ice cream into his mouth with lightning speed.

The ice-cold sweetness touched the tip of his tongue, and the boy squinted his eyes. Before he could taste it for two seconds, his jaw was suddenly pinched.

With a heavy lip, the scorching heat suddenly covered the lips, and drove straight in.


The young man snorted, his eyes widened, his jaw suffered a little force, and he was forced to open his teeth.

In the next second, the sweet strawberry-flavored ice cream melted, and it was plundered along with the breath.

“Um… my, my… ice cream!”

Xia Zhinian was a little out of breath, there was no ice cream left in his mouth, only a little bit of sweetness, and the rising heat, his breathing was slightly short of breath.

Yan Qie opened his eyes a little, and looked over with dark eyes.

The boy’s eyes were clear and moist, and he opened his mouth slightly to breathe quickly, his lips were bright red and moist, with traces of the sweetness of ice cream.

The head of being kissed was dizzy, and he raised his eyes blankly, but there was a bit of soul-stirring beauty for no reason.

“…Good boy.”

Yan Ci’s breathing was heavy, the corners of his lips curled up, and with a little smile, he leaned closer and kissed his lips intimately.

“It’s very sweet.”

He smiled, his dark eyes fell, and he said softly, “Come on, let’s eat.”

Xia Zhinian: “You, you…!”

You **** meow, ah!

Xia Zhinian flattened her lips, pursed her lips tightly, and stared at it without any threat, “But I didn’t eat anything.”

Yan Ci laughed softly, “Good boy, how could it be, I ate it all, sweet.”

Xia Zhinian: “!!”

“Nonsense, I let you grab it all, of course you got it.”

Ahhhhhhhh, black sesame glutinous rice **** smell shameless.

Yan Ci smiled cheerfully, full of contentment, “Then do it again, boy, and continue to eat.”


Xia Zhinian’s ears burned, and the hand holding the ice cream trembled.

Yan Ciqian urged twice, “Hurry up, keep eating.”


The boy pursed his mouth, and stuffed the ice cream box into his arms.

“Don’t eat!”

“Don’t eat? Didn’t you say it was delicious just now?”

Yan Ci raised his brows slightly, and slowly took the ice cream box.


Xia Zhinian gritted his teeth, but the toothache was very painful, he couldn’t help but gasped, fiercely, holding the small spoon, quickly dug a spoonful, and stuffed it into Yan Ci’s mouth.

Then grabbed his shoulder and kissed him forcefully.

“…” Yo, so active.

Yan Ci was slightly surprised for a second, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

The young man kissed his lips hard, trying to grab the ice cream back like a gourd painting, but after kissing for a long time, he was turned away, leaving only a breathless kiss.

The ice cream is long gone.


Xia Zhinian flattened his mouth, bit the corner of his lips, and complained, “I want to eat ice cream, I want to eat ice cream.”

Yan Ci smiled and let him bite, “Hey, wait until the tooth is pulled out before eating.”


The boy glanced away.

Xia Zhinian didn’t want to have his teeth pulled out, firstly because he had to go to the hospital, secondly, eating and drinking would be restricted for a long time.

Fortunately, it can’t be pulled out when it’s inflamed, so he can delay it a little longer.

I took anti-inflammatory drugs at night and went to bed, but the toothache really hurt, like a blunt knife cutting flesh, very painful.

In the middle of his sleep, he dreamed that he swallowed a fireball, his teeth seemed to melt away, half of his face was painful and numb, and it was burning hot.

Woke up to the pain.

The night was quiet, the boy opened his eyes, looked around, and the boy next to him came into view.

The light of the night lamp was dim and soft, and the boy nearby was lying on his side, with his hands clasped around his waist, his eyelashes drooping, and his clear eyebrows were as gentle as jade, very harmless.

…The black sesame glutinous rice **** look really good.

Xia Zhinian covered the side of his face with one hand, the temperature in his palm was obviously scorching hot, his eyes traced around the boy’s face, trying to divert his attention.

But the temperature of the palm was too high, and the palm was warmed up quickly, and it was still very hot after another hand.

Xia Zhinian sighed silently, moved forward in a daze, brought the hot side of his face close to Yan Ci’s palm, rubbed it a few times, and pressed it lightly.

The slightly cool temperature enveloped the boy, and the young man breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes again.

But after a while, a little numb pain came over—

“Well, it hurts, don’t pinch.”

The young man was half asleep and half awake, and groaned.

Yan Ci’s palms were warm and limp, and he rubbed them subconsciously.

Hearing the voice, he opened his eyes.

The young man curled up, leaning against his arms, with his face next to his palm, unconsciously nudging twice, like a kitten cuddling close to him.


Yan Ci’s heart softened, and he tried the temperature of his palm.

“Every year?”

It’s so hot, the inflammation is a bit severe, and I have to take some medicine.

Yan Ci’s hand was pressed down, his fingertips lightly rubbed against his cheek, and he called him slowly, “Wake up first, I’ll get the medicine.”

The boy snorted.

He didn’t sleep very soundly, his almond eyes opened, the folds of his eyelids sunken deeply, making his eyes rounder, clutching Yan Ci’s clothes, he rubbed his head into his arms.

Yan Ci patted his head, his tone was low, “Are you awake just now?”

“Hmm…” Xia Zhinian responded indistinctly.

Yan Ci sat up, took out the medicine box from the small cabinet under the bedside table, found the anti-inflammatory medicine, took another glass of warm water, and handed it to the young man.

“When the inflammation is eliminated, it must be pulled out, and it cannot be delayed any longer.

. “

The young man pursed his mouth, took the medicine and ate it, but did not speak.

He was not feeling well, so he plunged his head into Yan Ci’s arms again, rubbing his hot sideways face against his neck, trying to find a cool place.

Yan Ci rubbed the boy’s hair, and simply hugged him with one hand, found an ice pack, cooled the palm of the other hand, and put it on the boy’s side face.

“Is this better?”


Xia Zhinian rubbed his face sideways, half-opened his amber eyes, and stretched out his hand after being sobered up by the coolness.

“Just give me the ice pack, I’ll put it on your face, don’t touch it.”

Yan Ci smiled, “Good boy, it’s too cool to post directly.”

“Then I’ll go find a towel and wrap the ice pack.”

In the middle of the night, Xia Zhinian was completely awake, stretching his arms, trying to get up from the boy’s arms.

Yan Ci smiled, reached out and clasped the young man into his arms, without changing his face, he said gently: “There are no towels at home.”

Xia Zhinian: “…??”


The boy was dumbfounded.

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up, and he pressed his cold palm against it, and said softly, “There is no towel, so stick it, stick it to me.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Good guy, you are a big living person, and you still want to compete with towels?

The boy directly made him laugh, and glanced over with his eyebrows bent, grabbing his wrist and sticking it up.

Xia Zhinian had an inflammation for two days, and finally the inflammation disappeared.

Yan Ci originally wanted to buy a set of equipment and put it in the villa, so that he could pull out his teeth directly in the villa without going to the hospital, but he learned that there are some professional machines, and the villa does not have the conditions for installation.

Fortunately, although Xia Zhinian didn’t like hospitals, since the time before the car accident, after receiving a large box of blessing letters from the hospital, he was not as resistant as before.

After dawdling, he was dragged away by Yan Ci.

After taking the film, I lay down on the operating bed, a long anesthetic needle was stuck in, and the teeth were pulled out with medical forceps.

Xia Zhinian didn’t know how to extract it, it didn’t hurt, but the extraction doctor was really strong.

The teeth were pulled, and there was a strong force, the entire upper body was lifted up a little, and the eyes widened in horror.


I giao I giao!

This is meow!

Yan Ci shook his hand on the side, and comforted him slowly, “Good boy, it will be fine in a while.”

The doctor is not young, he chuckled, “Little classmate, don’t be afraid, your tooth has a deep root, it will be fine after the extraction, otherwise it will become inflamed over and over again, and the top of the side tooth will be damaged. It doesn’t hurt now, does it?”

Xia Zhinian opened his mouth and murmured.

It doesn’t hurt, but it’s a little scary.

The doctor’s technique is very skillful. After pulling it out in ten minutes, he put a hemostatic cotton pad on the wound.

“Bite it tight and spit it out in forty minutes.”

He looked at Yan Ci beside him.

Originally, people were not allowed to accompany the tooth extraction, and this young man didn’t know how to do it, so the superior directly let him in.

It seems that he doesn’t care about tooth extraction.

The doctor smiled, “It may hurt after the anesthesia is over. You can take painkillers, but you can’t take more. You take him to get anti-inflammatory drugs, two injections a day for three days.”

Xia Zhinian: “?!”

three days? !

Yan Ci responded, “Okay.”

Xia Zhinian’s eyes were round, and Yan Ci scooped them up. Yan Ci looked at his round eyes and smiled, “Good boy, you can go home and play.”

“Hmm…” Why are you typing so much?

The boy was biting the tampon, unable to make a sound, weeping muffled.

An injection was required on the day after the tooth was pulled out. When I returned to the villa, the doctor was already waiting.

Xia Zhinian wants to cry but has no tears.

I spat out the hemostatic cotton, but the wound still occasionally bleeds, and the anesthetic wears off, and the whole half of the face starts to hurt.

He was lying on the bed with pain in his left cheek and a needle in his right hand. He was lying on his back pitifully, motionless.

Yan Ci glanced at him, patted his head, held an ice pack to cool his palms, and pressed it against the side of his face.


The young man hummed sadly and groaned pitifully, his heart softened and he smiled lightly.

“Hey, bear with it.”

“No no.”


Xia Zhinian’s wound hurts, she can’t speak, she’s miserable.

Yan Ci grabbed the ice pack again, propped himself on top of the boy, and leaned over to kiss him.


“No no.”

What are you kissing?

Xia Zhinian raised his eyes to look at the handsome face directly above him. The boy had clear eyebrows, slightly curved lips, and leaned over to kiss again.

The back and forth intimacy.


Xia Zhinian couldn’t make a sound, blinked and looked at him roundly.


Why are you kissing me?

The boy looks obedient and soft.

Yan Ci followed his tone and guessed the meaning, the corners of his lips curled up, “Why, boyfriends can’t kiss?”

Xia Zhinian: “Umm…”

I can kiss.

The young man’s almond eyes are round, the amber pupils are clean and clear, his mouth is closed, and he is lying peacefully, but his eyes are crossed, his eyes are looking randomly, and he is not so peaceful.

Very lively.

Yan Ci smiled lightly, leaned over and kissed him again, and couldn’t help thinking about the time when the rice cake dumpling just got into a car accident.

The same is true, lying on the bed with needles stuck in the back of the hand.

He went to kiss the lying rice cake dumpling, and talked to him, but got no response.

The room was palpitatingly quiet.

“No, no, no, no, no.”

Yan Ci, your palms are hot.

Xia Zhinian couldn’t feel the coolness on his cheeks, so he hummed.

Yan Ci chuckled, grasped the ice pack, and put it on the boy’s cheek again.

Not anymore.

Not in the future.

His rice cake dumplings are healthy, lively, and always bright and brilliant.

Seeing that he was silent, Xia Zhinian tilted his head and looked up at him.

…What do you think about black sesame glutinous rice balls?

Be ecstatic like this.

He blinked, exerted strength on his shoulders and neck, raised his head, and kissed him on the mouth with a “baji”.

“…elder brother?”

He barely opened his mouth and made a vague sound.

Yan Ci came back to his senses and touched the side of his face.


Xia Zhinian smiled slightly, his almond eyes were cool and sparkling, “Kiss me again…”

No matter what he thinks, he is here.

always there.

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