The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 8: Slice of Life, part one (65)

Chapter 8: Slice of Life

          “Ainz,” Aeskell said.

“Yes?” Ainz asked back.

“I’m pregnant with twins,” she stated.

          Ainz looked at her, standing in front of his desk. He then looked at the papers in front of him, detailing the mandatory vacation that all the male residents of The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick had to abide by.

          Why did they want to work all the actual time? That’s what he often asked himself in times like these. He also wondered how things like pregnancy worked when he was undead, and his sperm should have been undead. However, he also had learned that magic was often the answer to deal with these kinds of problems.

          He took in the biggest sigh he had ever had, and let it all out as a grown. He stuffed his face in his hands and laid his back into the chair he was seated in. His emotional suppression skill activated about a dozen times before he finally looked up from his hands and to Aeskell.

          “I was also thinking about what to do about our plans for the tomb and the guild’s movements moving forward,” she stated, looking somehow even more serious.

          Now, he himself thought about it, she was really gorgeous, and her chest was perfect. He let his mind wander as Aeskell started speaking words and mumbo jumbo he didn’t dare understand. Not that he could even understand it in the first place.

          Now that he was being honest with himself in his own mind about her, he did notice that he loved her. He didn’t cling to those feelings like Albedo did, but he did think about them a lot more now.

          “Ainz, are you listening to me?” Aeskell asked with a rather serious pout on her stunning face.

          “Yes,” he mumbled back.

          “Then what did I just say?” she asked in return, her eyes bearing into his sockets, and he gulped internally.

          Ainz looked at everyone that had taken part in the plan they had just organized in Re-Estize. In front of him was Aeskell, Demiurge, and Albedo. Behind them was Sebas, Solution, Shalltear, Mare and Aura. Behind them then, was Ninya and Tuare. Even more so behind them too was the rest of the lesser status entities of the tomb.

          “Hello everyone and thank you all for coming here today. Albedo, Aeskell and I have some rather major announcements. But first, I must congratulate you all on a job well done!” He praised the NPCs, “So now everyone, I must hand out that praise for a job well done.”

          He looked at Sebas and Solution; the two of them bowing instinctually. He then sighed internally that they may never change their ways. He had tried to make them more honest with him, and act more casual, but they had refused. He then spoke once more.

          “Now, Sebas, what do you wish for? I will grant it, as long as it’s within my power, of course,” Ainz spoke with power.

          “I do not know my lord. I simply wish to continue to serve you faithfully,” the butler spoke.

          “Hm, alright, you may have a wish saved for the future then. After all, if you don’t have any ideas on what you want, then you may ask later,” Ainz said, and Sebas nodded his head.

          Then Ainz pointed to Solution, and she spoke in a voice that would send shivers up anyone’s spine. Anyone who wasn’t part of Nazarick, that is.

          “I wish to have a selection of humans. As a treat my lord. If they were innocent, then that would be even better my lord,” she spoke with a hair-raising smile.

          Tuare flinched somewhat behind them at those words. She still wasn’t completely used to the denizens of the tomb being straight up evil. After all, Sebas was probably the kindest of them all, and he was a denizen of the tomb.

          Ninya looked at her older sister and rubbed her hand in her own to try and calm her down. This seemed to work rather well. Tuare looked over at her younger sister and smiled.

          Ainz put a hand to his boney chin and hummed in thought. Then, he put up said hand and spoke in his commanding voice that he had practiced in front of the mirror. In all honesty, it was rather commanding.

          “Alright, however, you may not have any innocent humans. People who haven’t done anything wrong to us shouldn’t be treated as if they were. I apologize for not being able to fulfill your wish to it’s upmost,” Ainz said with slight sorrow.

          Solution bowed her head in gratitude and spoke in reverence. It was as if God had just apologized for not freeing the Israelites sooner than he did. Now the author wants to watch prince of Egypt.

          “Thank you, my lord, it is more than I deserve,” she said with even more reverence.

          Ainz then pointed a finger at Entoma and asked what she wished for. Since nothing bad had happened to her, but she had helped out in the plan, she was afforded a wish.

          “I wish for something from my creator, if that is not too tall of an ask, my lord,” she asked in her cute voice, adding in the most solum tone one could get with it.

          Ainz nodded his head and reached into his inventory. He had actually been meaning to give this item to the second youngest of the battle maids. However, he had not had the time till now.

          “Then, Entoma, come here. I have been meaning to gift this to you for a while now. Though, I hadn’t had the time to do so before now,” he said as he pulled a spider-themed dream catcher from his inventory.

          She walked forward to the front of the hall and kneeled with her head lowered as he handed her the item. Then, she moved back to her spot and he opened his mouth to explain.

          “That is a dreamcatcher. When you sleep, you are supposed to put it over your bed, and it will supposedly catch any nightmares you may have when you sleep,” he explained, and he saw Entoma start to cry tears of joy.

          “Thank you, my lord,” Entoma sobbed out in utter joy.

          After they had all let Entoma sob her joy out, Aeskell started the announcement. This would mark a turning point in the tomb moving forward. After all, they were about to have some children running around.

          “Now it is time to announce some rather important news, everyone!” Aeskell said proudly, “Albedo and I are pregnant!”

          All the NPCs seemed shocked by this. Sure, some of them knew that Albedo was pregnant, but not that Aeskell was either. It was incredibly shocking to our little vampire floor guardian as well.

          “Brilliant!” Demiurge said in utter devotion and glee, “this fits right into Lord Ainz’s plans of course! Marvelous! To think, not even I, myself, could see your plans my Lord. Sasuga Ainz sama!”

          The NPCs calmed down right away after they heard his words. Aeskell was smiling her motherly smile while looking at the guardian of the seventh, while Ainz was panicking.

          “An-an-and what plan is that? If you do-don’t mind m-me asking, my-my lord,” spoke Shalltear, too shaken to speak clearly.

          “I shall let demiurge explain my plan to you all,” Ainz passed off effortlessly.

          Then Demiurge spoke,

          “Everyone knows Ainz’s plan for world subjugation, right?” he spoke with an utter lack of sarcasm that might have told Ainz that this was a joke.

          He turned his shocked face to Aeskell for an explanation, but all he got I return was a rather happy and motherly smile that sent shocked, betrayed and aroused shivers down his spine.

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