The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 2: Tommy Guns Are Fun! part three (47)

          Climb walked out of the adventure’s guild. He had just delivered a message to two of the members of the adventure party, Blue Rose. After that and having been given some advice by Lady Gagaran, he decided to walk around the capital.

          He began his walk by turning right from the entrance of the guild. The roads were dirty, and sparsely guarded as always. This irked Climb as His mistress, princess Renner, put a lot of effort into having the capital free from crime. Though, that didn’t stop Eight Fingers from getting their greedy little hands on everything.

          As he began his walk, however, he saw a commotion. It seemed to him that a crowd had gathered around some sort of fight. Said fight wasn’t being stropped by the guards around the area. They simply looked on as if nothing was happening. Climb’s face took on a rather angry gleam and he made his way over to the group of people.

          Once he got close enough, he noticed that a group of three obviously drunk men were beating on a small child no older then ten. The lead man seemed to be the oldest, and maybe was the older relative of the two others.

          Climb decided to do the job the other guards of the capital seemed to be ignoring and slacking off at. He quickly ran for the boy in the middle but had to stop and shuffle his way through the crowd of commoners.

          But as he got there, he saw a woman make her way through the crowd as well. While he was struggling to get through the throng of people, people seemed to completely ignore the woman. She had silver hair, and her eyes were the color of Adamantite.

          How did he know what her eyes looked like; you may ask? He locked eyes with the woman for a spilt second. In that moment, he knew he felt something he shouldn’t have. As a guard of the third princess, and as a soldier of the kingdom, he felt it. fear. A fear of something he had never seen or heard of before. But he felt it.

          He nearly stopped what he was doing to quiver. But he had a job to do, and a soldier couldn’t afford to feel fear. He pushed on through the crowd, but the woman got there first. Climb looked up just in time to see the woman standing between the largest man and the young boy.

          “What are you doing here girly? Go back to the kitchen where you belong!” the man shouted at the woman.

          She simply looked him up and down, then kicked him in the gut. The blow wasn’t a swinging kick, or one that could easily go for the crotch, no. This one was brought up and pushed forward, a spartan kick. The blow knocked the man onto back, sliding a couple feet on the ground.

          When he had hit the ground, there was also a rather loud crack as his bones made contact with the street they were on. The man groaned as he rolled onto his side and tried to get up. He yelped in pain as he did so, though.

          It appeared and sounded like he had broken a bone in his back, probably a vertebra or two. Climb looked at the strange woman who had just put her foot back onto the ground after leaving it in the air for a second.

          The Strange woman had on a pair of three-piece suit pants, so no one saw anything indecent. In fact, she was wearing a silver three-piece suit. The top half of the suit also seemed to be covering an Adamantite colored woman’s shirt as well as her sizable bust.

          She turned around and kneeled by the small boy who was looking at the woman with a starry-eyed expression on his face. It seemed like this boy had developed his first childish crush.

          She placed a hand on the boy and chanted a spell. Then, a golden light enveloped the boy for a split second. It seemed to Climb and the people around them that she was a healer. She then got up after healing the boy. She looked up from the boy laying on the ground and locked gazes with Climb.

          “Make sure he’s fully healed, boy. Now, if you will excuse me, I’ve got places to be,” she told the young man.

          Then she turned around and left the scene. Some guards finally got the courage and came over to arrest the men that had been causing this scene in the first place. Climb knelt near the boy and pulled out one of his healing potions.

          Climb tore his gaze away from the woman and looked at the young boy who was now sitting up on the ground. In all honesty, the kid looked fine now, but he better make sure like she had told him to.

          “Are you hurt anywhere? Any pain?” he asked the star struck kid, but the ten-year-old simply shook his head no.

          As climb followed the woman he had just seen again after walking after her for a couple of minutes, she turned and walked into an alleyway. With her heeled feet clacking on the ground, she turned around. She had walked about halfway down the alleyway and stopped to do so.

          “May I ask why the bodyguard of the third princess of this country has been following me boy. It’s not polite to stalk or even stare at a lady,” she said as her eyes locked onto the now slightly nervous boy, “I’m also rather busy today. I’ve got to put down a crime syndicate,” she finished.

          Climb answered her with a rather serious face. What she had just said had reminded him of why he was following her in the first place.

          “I simply wished to thank you for fixing that disturbance back there. I didn’t get there in time to stop them from hurting the child further, but you did. Again, I thank you,” he bowed his head in respect.

          “Also,” he spoke up again, “how did you know that I am the body of my mistress Renner?” he asked the first question that popped into his head.

          The girl looked at him, shocked by his question, then she spoke.

          “How could I not? All things considered; you are the person who stands beside her whenever she actually makes an appearance outside of that gilded castle. I would be a fool not to recognize you,” she answered him.

          Climb stood there; a bit dazed after that answer. That actually made sense. But he quickly shook off the shock of being recognized outside of his uniform so to speak, he needed to ask why she had mentioned taking down a crime syndicate.

          “What did you mean by taking down a crime syndicate?” he asked the mysterious woman.

          The woman shook her head at that. She sighed and stretched her arms to the sky and popped her back. She then looked back down and to the right of Climb. Her gaze bore into the wall of the building he stood beside.

          “Before I tell young Climb here that, I would like to know who you are,” she said to the wall, now person walking out of the wall’s shadow.

          “I’m sorry I hid from you two. My name is Brain Unglaus,” Climb was shocked by that statement.

          He had heard about Brain Unglaus from Gazef Stronoff himself. He had told the young man that Brain Unglaus was the only person who could fight him on even footing. At least, till he had met two rather powerful people when he tried to save a village a year ago.

          The man continued.

“But I was just wondering how you did it?” he said, turning to Climb, “How did you simply shake off that terror filled gaze she had?” he asked with slightly crazed eyes.

          “What do you mean how?” he asked the older man, “I simply have a duty to my mistress and fear has no part in that duty,” he explained to the well-seasoned warrior.

          The man looked back at him with shock. It was as if his whole world had crumbled down around him. Climb wondered what had happened to him to make him so shaken. It was as if he wasn’t a warrior at all, and just a man who had just started wielding a sword today.

          “Mr. Unglaus, what did you see to make you so fearful. I don’t think that I’m that scary to scare a seasoned veteran like you that much in but a day. So, why are you so frightened?” the woman who hadn’t even been given a name yet spoke.

          “I encountered an unscalable mountain. A peak that I can’t even see. I just… the encounter made me think that my life, my craft was useless,” he then turned back to Climb, “but you faced a glimpse of that fear and didn’t waver. How?”

          “I simply thought about my duty to my Mistress like I said before, fear is nothing to duty,” the young man said.

          The woman seemed to agree.

          “Well, said young Climb. Now that both of you are named, I’ll introduce myself,” she said, and she stepped back a couple of paces from them to give herself room.

          “My name is Peregrinus,” she said as she placed a hand on her heart and bowed. “Now, the both of you better leave, we have company,” she said as a group of cloaked assailants arrived at both ends of the alleyway.

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