The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 56 – Combat Exams (Part 1)

It was already Sunday, and I was right now drinking chocolate in Locket of Hope while talking with Fran.

“So… I’ve heard… That next week the exams start, is that right?”-Fran asks before sipping from her cup.

“Yes, they start tomorrow actually, but only theory tests, next week is the beginning of the combat exams.”-I answer here before sipping on my drink

“So… Can external people visit? Like family and stuff?”

“Yeah, they can… Why? Want to come?”

“Yes!! *sigh…* But with the kids… I’ll be a little hard to actually go there… I had to take care of everything here, you know?”-She says.

“Well… It would be better for you to stay here… right? I mean… Even if I talk to them next Sunday, and try to make them behave while you’re out, I’m not sure Antonio or Anne would leave you alone… They would probably start pestering you to go too, and leaving all the others behind...”

“Yeah… That’s true… Though… To be honest… It seems like you don’t want me to go. Is something there you’re hiding?”-She asks while lifting an eyebrow.

“No… Not particularly hiding…”

“You know I know when you’re lying. Drop it. So?”

“Well… There’ve been some incidents in that place… And let’s say that I intervened… As a part of the investigation team from first-year… So, the thing is… There might be a group of Djinn trying to hunt me. Not like I would be in danger. I can protect myself. But I’m worried about you and the kids. If they’re indeed behind me. And if they discover you. I would be dead-worried about you all getting hurt.”

“…”-She looks at me with a serious expression. “And exactly when did you expect to tell me all this? And why the hell are you going around getting yourself in trouble!? Are you an idiot!? You were always the silent type! What happened for you to go around looking for troubles… *sigh…*-She sighed while covering her face with both her hands…

“Well… Things just happened…? That kind of development…”-I said while looking away.

“Ohhhh so things just happened and now you’re probably being hunted by a group of the worse kind of delinquent!? Look at that!! So nice!! I understand!!! Don’t worry!!! How would I not!?”-She said while smiling, but not precisely smiling…

“It’s nothing so bad… Really… I can take care of myself pretty well…”- I said while scratching my head.

“Really!? Since when!? Last time I checked. You didn’t have any group backing you! You come from an orphanage! Our orphanage! Do you think the big shots care for us!? If something happens to you, they wouldn’t do anything!”-Fran shouts at me. “I… I just… I don’t want anything to happen to you…”

*sigh…* Hey… It’s ok… I know… But trust me. I’m going to be safe. It’s not something you have to worry about…”

“Then… I’m going. I’ll be there to see if that thing about taking care of yourself is true.”

“Huh? What do the exams have to do in all of this?”

“Well. I’ll see how well you can protect yourself. Isn’t the best way looking how you fight against other cadets?”

*sigh…* Whatever… But, don’t expect anything too flamboyant… Okay?”

“Sure! And… Well… If anything happens, just remember that you can come back here anytime.”

{If anything, they’re the ones that should be scared of me…}-I thought to myself while thinking of my future plans.

“Sure. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine. Then… I’ll keep training the kids. They should be ready by now with what I asked.”-I said before ending my drink and standing up.

“Oh, right. Go then, I’ll start making dinner.”-She stood up too.

After that, I went to the garden, to train the kids all day until dinner time, after which I finally went back to Cube.


“I guess tomorrow starts my free week of sorts…”-I say while looking at the ceiling of my room, listening to some music.

Having the cheat called Observation and Reading sure was convenient to evade exams. It would help me pass them without studying.

“If I didn’t have that I would be forced to study… Either that or get enough points on the combat exams to stay in Cube. Oh well, it doesn’t matter…”


That week was boring. Like, insane boring… I basically did nothing during classes, just present tests. I didn’t leave any answer without question, after all, it would only put me in second place, behind Hajin, which I already had in theory tests.

Thankfully, whenever I finished a test, I could leave the place. So, I took the chance and went to the Field a few times with Park Soohyuk just to make some money. I didn’t have astronomical luck like Hajin, so the lottery was out of the question.

Even then, hunting like an idiot for all the week did net me a good amount of money, which I basically used to invest in SH Agency and Packhorse Master’s Guild. I also started investing a little bit in Yoo Yeonha’s future companies. Well, mostly Essential Armory and Essence of the Strait’s Guild stocks. The other companies she would own in the future aren’t actually active.

I also acquired a Violet Banquet account. Paying all 50.000.000 won. It hurt. I’m not going to lie… It was really hurtful seeing all that money going away… But it was well invested.

It had a really easy to use interface. Kind of like a forum, with a lot more functions. I could create another account, but the price went up. If I had to pay 50.000.000 before, now I had to pay double that.

After linking my bank account with an encryption system (all part of the same Violet Banquet to assure total anonymity inside it), I now could make business inside the place. Though, I still haven’t used it too much, just looking a bit here and there.

“You’re here already.”-Hajin said to me while coming closer.

“Yeah, weird right?”-I answer him.

It was Saturday, theory exams finished yesterday, giving time for people to rest until Monday when the combat exams started, they were kind of a festival, so the family could come to see them. Even some guilds and people from the Association would come to see the combats exams, looking for promising candidates.

“Yes, you’re always late after all.”-He said while sitting down beside me.

“True. But it was weird. Seeing all these people here… So, I came a little bit earlier than expected.”

We were on Hero Park, and all around you could see cadets and civilians alike, even some active heroes from some of the best guilds in the world are here, along with members of the Hero Association, both to check the cadets and also assure the security of the place. As I said, it was similar to some kind of festival.

“I thought you didn’t like places with a lot of people.”

“I don’t. But, well, it isn’t like I can’t tolerate it either… Also, I won’t be seeing a lot of these people in the future.”

“Mm… I see… Well, it’s fine either way. Park Soohyuk told me that you went hunting all the week with him.”

“Ah yeah… I didn’t have too much to do, so I went hunting for a little bit after tests. Got a nice amount of money from it, though I invested a lot of it already.”

“Nice… It’s better to think of the future first.”

“Sure, sure. I hope it pays well.”

“Ah! Hajin-ssi!”-Suddenly a cadet came to look for Hajin along with two adults, so we turned towards her.

“Oh? Hazuki?”-Hajin answered to her.

“Hajin-ssi. What are you doing here?”-She asks him before glancing at me for a little and turning towards him.

“I’m just taking a break and talking with my friend here.”-Hajin said while pointing at me.

“Hey.”-I just nodded to her.

“Mm… Hi.”-She said and nodded back to me. We at least have seen each other in the classroom. After all, I spend time with her teammate.

“So… Who are those behind you?”-Hajin asks.

“Oh, they’re my parents! This is my mom, and this is my dad. Mom, Dad, these are my teammate and my classmate.”-She said while presenting everyone.

“Nice to meet you two, thanks for taking care of our daughter. What are your names?”-Said the father as he and her mom shook hands with us.

“H-hello.”-Hajin was only smiling with a lost face.

“Nice to meet you too. We’re Cristopher, the classmate, and Hajin, the teammate.”-I answered her father in Japanese. It would be pretty weird to speak here normally, as Hajin would understand Korean. The father and mother, Japanese. And I don’t know which language would understand Hazuki, as she’s Japanese but also speaks Korean, it would probably be the former.

Or well, I still don’t know how the translation work of my authority works exactly, but for Olivia’s reaction, while I was fighting with the Lizardman, it should be something like that. Maybe I should try to do some experiments to check how the hell does that work…

“Oh, you speak Japanese?”-The mother asked.

“Just a little bit.”

“Wow… Didn’t know that Cristopher-ssi.”-Hazuki also spoke to me in Japanese.

“Hey… what are you saying?”-Hajin asked me.

“Cristopher was saying both your names as my father was asking, it was surprising, to see him speak Japanese so well!”-Hazuki said. “Well, we’ll be going! We still have a few things to do! See you!”-Hazuki went away with their parents after they all said their goodbyes.

“… You know how to speak Japanese?”-Hajin looked at me while sitting back down on the bench.

“Well… Yes? Japanese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and some more. Just not Korean… Which thankfully gets translated with my authority.”-I said while shrugging. It was at that moment that I felt someone entering my sensing range, and turned to look while nudging at Hajin.

“Mm?”-He turned to look there too. “Ha?”

Walking through the park was one beautiful woman. With a total black hair, black eyes that seemed two obsidians and that carried certain sleepiness. Her entire body exuded a melancholic aura that extended all around her.

“…”-She stopped and turned and looked at us, well, at Hajin. I was looking elsewhere, so only he locked eyes with her. The guy froze in shock, hurrying to look away immediately after that with a fearing look.

She, known as the Boss of Chameleon Troupe, Yasha of the Eight Legions, turned again and keep walking.

“Ha… Ha…”-Hajin’s breath got rough.

The so-called Yasha then stopped once again a little further, not looking back, but with her senses on Hajin. Of course, this time Hajin wasn’t looking at her, but he still felt her sight. So, he slowly turned to look at her back.

“Wow… Isn’t she hot?”-Hajin asked me.

“Mm? Who?”-I answered looking in her direction, but not looking at her.

She gave Hajin a side-glance, but then kept walking.

“… You didn’t see her?”-Hajin asked once she was out of our sight.

“You mean the beautiful girl with black hair and black drowsy eyes? Of course, I did. I checked her all the time she was standing there. She’s a total beauty. But man. You should better your game… Don’t look straight at them… Don’t you know what peripherical vision is? Jeez, man… You’re such a noob…”-I said to him while moving my head sideways in reproach.

“… Why did you fake not seeing her?”

“Are you insane? And let her know I was checking her? No. Don’t want to. Go bring someone else down with your poor game of looking.”

*sigh…* Don’t you know who she is? She is the boss of Chameleon Troupe. THE BOSS. She’s like a really important character later in the novel…”-He says.

“Oh? She is? Well, that’s nice. You should always try to aim high. Go on man. I’ll ship you both.”

“… *sigh…* Forget it… Still… What’s she doing here? Oh right…”

“Mm? Did something come to mind?”

“Yes… They’re probably here to check the cadets to later try and recruit one of them.”

“Mm… Sounds great. Well, shall we go? Though, you didn’t tell me what we were doing today…”

“Oh, we’re just going to see a few things and then go hunting with Mr. Park Soohyuk.”-He says while standing up.

“Sure. Works for me.”



“Someone saw me.”-I talked once I reached a solitary space in an artificial forest inside of Cube. No one is around. But I’m sure my companion is listening.

[Really? Maybe you were mistaken?]-Immediately, a voice resounded from my shadow.

“No. He said I was hot. He called his friend to see me… But it seems it was only him that saw me…”

[Pfft… Well, did you like it Boss?]-The voice, Jain’s voice called to me.

“Do you want to die?”-I answer to the cheeky comment of my subordinate.

[Check again, maybe the necklace is not working.]-Jain answered.

Immediately, a full-body mirror appeared from the ground. And I took the chance to look myself at it, especially at the necklace on my neck.

The Siren’s Necklace was an item that allowed me to perfectly camouflage, becoming invisible. No one should be able to look at me. And there was nothing wrong with it from what I saw in the mirror.

“The necklace is working fine.”-I said after confirming the working necklace.

[Really? So, someone saw through the necklace? He must have a good perception. I’ll keep an eye out. Do you remember his name and face?]

“Stop joking around. You saw him too.”

[Huhu, I know, I know. I’m already looking into it. Wait just a bit.]-Jain said. Immediately starting to write something in a computer from what I can hear.

[There’s nothing special about him.]-After a little while of Jain tapping on her keyboard, her voice finally came out.

{That can’t be… He saw through my necklace… It’s impossible for him to have nothing special about him.}-I thought while smacking my lips in dissatisfaction.

[Really. He’s an orphan without parents or relatives. The orphanage he was in held an examination for potential Heroes and he was admitted to the Agent Military Academy at the age of 6. He never stood out, maintaining a below-average rank before entering Cube. He has a 300 million won debt. That’s it.]-Jain voice came again after she looked at my gesture.

{Then how did he notice me…? It shouldn’t be possible.}-I frowned while thinking…

The siren necklace is a mythical rank accessory, coming from the half-bird, half-woman, myth. Without an exceptional perception, or sight, it would be impossible to look through one of its abilities, ‘Perception’s distortion’.

{And he’s just a cadet… Not someone that could have such an incredible sight…}-I thought while still frowning.

[Do you still have doubts? I can put his name down on the notebook if you want.]-Jain voice came again.

“No…”-I finally said. “We still have many chances. We can write his name down after we find out more about him.”

“Oh? Boss, you were here!”-An imposing voice resounded close.

Looking at the source, a burly guy with a large body appeared inside the forest.

“It’s been a while Boss.”-The giant guy said. “This place is filled with powerful heroes.”-He said while clenching and unclenching his gauntlet-covered fists.

“Take those off.”-I said to him while looking at his gauntlets. “We didn’t come here to cause trouble.”

“Ah, right… I almost forgot.”-The big guy said.

“…”-I glared at him after a little while.

“Wh-what?”-He answered flustered.

[The report.]-Jain voice came again.

“Oh right, there’s nothing to report. I can pop everyone’s head with a flick of a finger.”

[Idiot… That’s obvious, I’m talking about their future potential.]-Jain voice said in a mocking tone.

“Hm… I’m not sure. I went to watch the second year’s rank 1 cadet, but he wasn’t anything special.”-He said after pondering for a little while.

[First years are who you should be watching. This year’s freshmen are said to be exceptional, so go look again. Oh, Boss, I have something to do now, so I’ll talk to you later.]

“Yeah, screw off.”

[…You shut up.]-Jain’s angry voice came again before disappearing.

The burly guy, Cheok Jungyeong, then looked at me.

“Boss, I don’t think there are any good saplings. What do we do? Since we’re here, can’t we fight these self-proclaimed Heroes?”

His desire to fight was making his magic power flaunt in the air. Any hero with keen senses would probably notice it.

{*sigh…* What a troublesome subordinate…}

“Gyeon…”-I called to him.


“Let’s test something.”-I then imbued the necklace with magic power, changing its color from gold to blue. “How is it? Can you see me?”-I ask him.

“Oho? Is it the treasure you got before? I can see a faint silhouette, but not your face. Ah, I have to focus. Even though you’re not moving, I keep losing sight of you if I’m not focused. Ah, you just fused with the tree, Boss!”

{So, the necklace is working perfectly…}-I thought with a frowning face. {And even Jungyeong can’t see me… So how did that cadet see me?}

“Oh, dang. I can’t tell where you are now, Boss. Let me borrow that too. I’m way too noticeable because of my large body. If there’s someone I wanted to kill…”

“We’re done here. Go.”-I said to him. “Make sure you complete your mission.”

“Yes, Boss.”-He said while walking away.

[…Cheok Jungyeong wasn’t always that stupid, right Boss?]-After a little while, Jain voice came once again.

{He’s really problematic sometimes…}



It was finally Monday. Today combat’s exam would start. I still had to nominate someone, and I didn’t know who I would nominate. Each cadet could nominate 3 persons to fight in the arena, the ones nominated can’t refuse the challenge. Which makes it kind of unfair, honestly.

Though, even if a high-ranking cadet were to nominate a low-ranking one, he wouldn’t win points if the difference was absurd, while even if the low-rank cadet were to lose, he would only win points for fighting against a higher-ranking cadet.

What was funny was, that I was already nominated.

[Duel 1] [Rank 400 – Olivia vs. Rank 915 - Cristopher]

“Well… Would you look at that? I guess she wants me to teach her a few fighting techniques.”

I thought to myself while sitting on a bench close to the dueling arena, waiting for my turn which would come in a few moments. There were a lot of people around, from family to Association’s agents, and active heroes.

“You also got a nomination already?”-Hajin’s voice sounded close to me.

“Yeah…”-I said without looking at him. “Olivia.”

“Oh… I imagined something like that would happen… What are you going to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you fighting her to win?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I? I can’t lose here now… *sigh…*-I sigh while thinking about Fran who’s already on the way.

“Mm? What do you mean?”

“Doesn’t matter… Oh well… I guess it works for me in the end… It should be convincing for me to win against the Rank 400…”-I murmured to myself.

“Convincing? The heck are you talking about, man? Well… Whatever…”-He finally says.

“Where are you going?”-Someone’s voice sounded, and Yoo Yeonha scurried herself close to us.

“Mm? To the dueling arena, obviously.”-Hajin answered to her.

I just glanced at her for a little while, before returning my eyes towards the path leading to the arena. I was waiting for Fran, after all…

“…”-She glanced at me the same way I did to her, before turning again towards Hajin. “Oh, right, Horak nominated you~”-She suddenly said.

“… Is there something you want to say?”-Hajin answered while frowning.

“I tried to stop him but he insisted on fighting you. I had no choice.”

“… Oh, I see…”

“Oh, also…”-She snapped her fingers and a tall guy came and gave her a suitcase. “Here are 100 pinnacle grade bullets. But if you need any more, just tell me. You can also ask for any defensive equipment.”

“Oh?”-Hajin looked at the suitcase and tried to reach towards it. But Yoo Yeonha pulled it back.

“But don’t misunderstand. This isn’t a payment for you saving my life.”


“T-this is… J-just a present…”-She said bashfully. “Also… Cristopher-ssi… If there’s anything you need… You can also ask. You also helped me back there…”

“Sure.”-I answered shortly while glancing ahead.

“Yeah, I get it, so give it here.”-Hajin said while taking the suitcase from Yoo Yeonha.

“Also, they’re asking for my testimony.”-She looked at Hajin, before looking at me. “In your case… Chae Nayun and the rest didn’t say anything… So… No one should ask you questions.”-She said before glancing again in Hajin’s direction.

“Hm?”-Hajin asked.

“For the Djinn incident.”

“Oh, yeah… What about it?”

“They want me to testify, but I’ve been delaying it since it looked like you wanted to hide your power.”-She said.

“…Then keep doing that.”

*sigh…*-I sighed. Not for their useless conversation. But because Fran was coming right here with both Anne and Antonio.

“Mm? Is there a problem, Cristopher-ssi?”-Yoo Yeonha asked me.

“Huh? Nothing.”

“You didn’t answer if you wanted me or the others to testify…”

“I don’t care. Do whatever you want.”-I said while standing up to receive the trio.

“Mm? Are you going somewhere?”

“Yeah… Receiving some people that came to see me fight…”-I said.



Both Yoo Yeonha and Kim Hajin stared at me with eyes wide open.

“Some… People? Someone came to see your fights?”-Hajin asked.

“Yeah.”-I said while nodding towards Fran and the kids while raising my hand to call them.

“W-wait… Are you married and with kids!?”-Yoo Yeonha said flustered.

“Are you insane? Those are from my orphanage.”

“Huh? Orphanage…?”

“Hey…”-Hajin called to me with a frown.

“I know what you want to say. But I’ll explain later.”

“Oppa!!!” “Hyung!!!”

Right after I answered Hajin, both kids came running and jumped at me. I had to catch them in the air.

“Hey… Be calm. You better behave.”-I said to both of them.

““Mm!””-They both nodded before looking towards Kim Hajin, and then Yoo Yeonha.

“Woa!! Pretty noona!!”-Antonio said.

“Woa!! Pretty unni!!”-Followed by Anne.

*sigh…* Stop. Both of you. I told you to behave. Or do you want to go back to the orphanage?”-I said while frowning.

““No!””-They both answered in unison. ““We want to see you fight!””

“Sorry for that!”-Fran finally got here before nagging them. “You must behave. That was the condition to let you two come here.”

“Yes, noona!”

“Yes, aunty!”

“Oi. Who’re you calling an aunty!?”-She shouted before hitting Anne in the head.

“Well… I’m off…”-Said Yoo Yeonha while looking that the attention was starting to gather around us.

“Yeah, see you.”-Hajin said while I just nodded towards her.

“Mm? Did we interrupt something?”-Fran asked, while the kids looked at us.

“Nah. Don’t mind her. Let’s go… I have to go to my first duel.”

“So… You aren’t presenting us?”-Fran asked while smiling.

“Oh, right. Fran, Hajin. Hajin, Fran. She’s a caretaker back in the orphanage. Hajin’s a friend and classmate. Those two are Antonio and Anne. Kids from the orphanage.”

“Nice to meet you.”-Hajin slightly bowed.

“Nice to meet you too.”-Fran and the brats did the same.

“Well. Should we all move? My duel is starting soon. And I think yours too, right?”

“Yeah… I’m going towards the second arena. You?”

“First one. Well, let’s go… We should better hurry.”

After that, we all made our way towards the dueling arenas. While Hajin’s one was full of people, mine was emptier. The reason being that Hajin’s arena had Kim Horak, Chae Nayun, and Kim Suho. They all were fighting there from 8 to 11:00 AM. Making it fairly popular among people.

“Well, good luck.”-I said to him.

“Yeah, you too.”-He said before turning to the others. “Also, it was a pleasure. See you later.”-He said while bowing and then went his way.

“Good luck!”-The kids and Fran shouted.

“Well… Let’s go.”-I said while guiding them towards the first arena, where I would fight.

After getting there, I got through the cadets’ entrance, while they went towards the general public entrance.

The exam’s week was about to start.

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