The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 116 – Kids will be kids (Part 1)

Been a lot of time without testing stuff hahaha, here's a new chapter, hope you all like it, and as usual, please give me any feedback you can think of! Thanks for reading, and hope you all have a great day! See you on Friday/Saturday with next scheduled chapter.

Suwon Devil’s Nest.

Everything was finally over. Packhorse Master’s business had been cleanly taken care of by Chameleon Troupe, and for the rest of the world, it would seem as if they successfully conquered the Dungeon.

Right now, in one of the many caves of the Dungeon, Boss and Jain were looking at a video.

“A simple rock with that much power...” Jain muttered as she looked at the ‘rock’ Hajin threw towards the Djinn. She then smiled. “Indeed, he’s full of potential. You were right, Boss.”

Jain laughed lightly as she looked at the Djinn twitching half-dead on the ground.

She finally admitted that she was wrong when judging Kim Hajin. Yes, he had the Anti-Magic property, but in her eyes, he was lacking in everything else.

{And that’s not all...} She thought as she watched him quickly take out his gun and shoot twice at the Djinn’s head.

Power isn’t the only thing that matters in their profession. In her opinion. Mercilessness is an important characteristic, and she was quite pleased when she looked at him doing his best to finish the guy in front of him.

He may have been a Djinn, but she was sure that he didn’t know that before he killed him and the Djinn turned to dust.

{What’s more… If he wasn’t a Djinn, he would be already dead the moment the rock hit him on the back of his head with that much strength.} Jain thought.

He attacked with decisive killing intent, but without losing his calm. A perfect assassin.


Saturday morning, United States.

“WAAAAH!” An excited scream could be heard in the background, as mechanical attractions specially built for both normal people and superhuman-like heroes decorated an entire city.

Two persons, a young man and a small child with a surprising resemblance, could be seen walking through the crowded streets of Disneyland.

Excitement could be seen on the face of the little child who didn’t stop looking around with wide eyes full of stars.

“There! There!” The child, Evandel, suddenly started to shout as she pointed towards a particular attraction whose movement could barely be perceived by the normal human eye. “I want to go up on that one, daddy!”

“Pfft… Sure.” Cristopher nodded as he chuckled at her selection of ride. “Let’s go.”

“Yay!” She said as they both started to walk towards the attraction.

After getting on the long line, and walking for a couple of minutes, Evandel looked at a sign that said there was a minimum stature to be able to ride it.

“...” With her mouth wide open, she looked at the sign that was at least at least 20 centimeters taller than her. “Daddy…?”

Not knowing what to do, she turned to look at Cristopher with pleading eyes.

“I can’t go up on this ride?” Her dazed eyes looked ready to burst into tears.

At her dilemma, Cristopher just scratched the back of his head.

{I knew this was going to happen...} An awkward smile appeared on his face.

“Look… Come here, let’s just stand in line, okay?” Cristopher said after a moment of thought. “I’ll pull something off so we can both ride this attraction. Okay?”

“Nn.” After getting slightly better, she nodded and stood in line again with her dad.

From time to time, she looked up at the screaming passengers of the ride, seeing how they went at an amazing speed. Slowly, excitement filled her heart and her smile made itself visible again.

Cristopher subconsciously made a soft smile while he looked at her. A smile that, once again, would give Olivia and Hajin the chills.

Time passed, and before long, the long line had reached its end. Both Evandel and Cristopher got up into one of the rows of the ride, as an attendant firmly secured them with the safety device with an awkward smile.

“Woah!” Evandel's smile widened as she looked at the front. They were on the first row and Cristopher had his arm around her, hugging her as an extra safety method, given that her small frame barely fitted in the ride’s safety mechanism. 

As they waited for the rest of the passengers to be ready, Evandel turned to look at Cristopher with her head tilted.

“What did you tell that man to let me come in, daddy?”

Being looked at with her curious glance, Cristopher shrugged with a smile.

“Nothing, really. Just that I would take care of you.”

Evandel moved her head to look out of the ride, only to see a slightly trembling man that was greeting the incoming passengers and pointing them to the rows. She could see the back of his shirt drenched in sweat.

She chuckled before leaning back on her seat, her legs swinging back and forth on her seat as her short stature didn’t allow her to reach the ride’s floor.

Soon, an excited voice announced the start of the ride, and moments after, the excited cry of a child and a young man could be heard around the park.

Just like that, Evandel and Cristopher started going from attraction to attraction, going up in as many of them as they could.

From time to time they also stopped to eat and drink, while enjoying the scenery of the place.

Cristopher didn’t forget to buy as many souvenirs as he could, for both Evandel and the kids at the orphanage, who he would be seeing soon.

By the end of the afternoon, Evandel was running around with a hat that had mouse-ears on top, a small backpack with mouse ears and the face of a famous female mouse, and all kinds of stickers pasted on it.

Her hands also carried a large drink with the same general theme of the park.

When Cristopher asked her why she bought so many things with mouse ears, she just answered that it was because other kids around were doing the same while eating chocolate candy, which made Cristopher smile awkwardly.

Soon enough, the time to go back came, and after consoling the pouty Evandel who wanted to watch the firecrackers festival that occurs each night, Cristopher and her went to pick up Shina at a nearby hotel and left for Korea.

“So… Why are you so serious?” Cristopher asked Evandel, who walked alongside him with an uncharacteristically serious face.

“...” She lowered her gaze before muttering something. “...I’m nervous.”

“Mm? What was that?” Feigning not hearing her, Cristopher asked.

“...I’m nervous.” This time she said in a slightly louder voice.

“Why though?” He tilted his head.

“W-What… What if they don’t want to play with me…?” She asked nervously.

Cristopher just looked at her, before looking around. It was then that he found a nearby restaurant. It was a popular chain of food in this world.

“Tell you what. Let’s buy food.” He said with a smile.

“Food…?” Evandel tilted her head.

“Yeah, food. Before we get there, let’s buy a lot of food and take it with us.”

Evandel’s eyes widened before she looked with a frown. Her arms were crossed and her hand rubbed her chin slowly.

“Pfft...” After looking at her for a little while, Cristopher couldn’t hold back a chuckle and ruffled her hair. “What are you thinking about so hard?”

“Ah…!” Evandel waved her head in a flustered manner at her dad’s sudden attack. “S-Stop!”

She tried to repel his hand, but her smile refused to leave her face.

“Nope until you tell me what’s in that head of yours~” He said as he kept ruffling her hair.

“I surrender! I surrender!” She said with a laugh.

“You’re too small to even think about winning against me, kid.” Cristopher chuckled, patting her head twice, before he finally let her go. “So? What were you thinking about?”

“Why food?” She said as she tilted her head with a confused face.

“Mm? Why not?” He said with a chuckle. “You love food, right?”


“Well, it’s the same with them.” Cristopher said with a shrug. “Everyone loves food, well, at least most people would be glad to receive food. More so if it’s something they really like.”

“Yes~! I love to eat food~.” Evandel said with her eyes closed, probably imagining some of her favorite dishes.

“See?” He chuckled. “We’re just going to brib- I mean, we’re going to give them food as gifts.”

“Oh!” As if finally understanding, Evandel nodded firmly, before she turned serious once again. “And then… Will they play with me then…?”

“Haha... ” Cristopher couldn’t hold it in and laughed.

“I-It’s not funny!” Evandel shouted flustered.

“Relax, Ev.” Cristopher said after he finally calmed down. “I’ll assure you they’ll play with you. You’re cute after all, who wouldn’t want to play with you?”

“...” Embarrassed, Evandel nodded with her gaze down. “...Thanks, daddy...”

She muttered in a really low voice, and Cristopher pretended not to hear her as he just patted her head softly.

Minutes after, Cristopher entered the International Portal Station in Orlando with a small husky puppy in his arms and Shina following beside him. Destination, Seoul.


Somewhere around China, Olivia and Hajin walked through the passage of a Dungeon.

“How the hell did you guys find this thing up?” Olivia asked as she attacked a couple of armed monkeys that were trying to attack her with their daggers and short swords.

“We have a good informant.” Hajin chuckled awkwardly as he shot a group of monkeys at the back who were carrying crossbows.

“Oh, right.” Olivia nodded as her knives flew everywhere, targeting monkeys as if they were alive.

“It’s just amazing no matter how many times I see it…” Hajin muttered after shooting a couple of bullets towards a chimpanzee that charged at them, one bullet shocked it, while the other blew up his head.

“Right!?” Olivia smirked proudly. “That hellish training did produce results. Right now I can freely control up to five knives, and I can even focus on other tasks like defending with my daggers or throwing more knives.”

“Yeah...” Hajin smiled awkwardly. “That guy sure knows a thing or two.”

“Tell me about it...” Olivia let out a deep sigh after she killed the last monkey on the passage. “If only he was calmer, or should I say docile?”

“Mm?” Hajin tilted his head. “You say it as if he’s some kind of animal.”

“...” Olivia tilted her head and looked at Hajin.

Both of them stared at each other for a moment and then started to laugh at the same time.

“Right, I guess that’s a great way to put it hahaha...” Hajin chuckled.

“I know, right!? It’s like he’s some kind of wild, untamed animal! He should really tone it down and treat others better.”

“Oh well...” Hajin let out a sigh before he swept away the tears that came from his laugh and turned to the end of the cave. “We have more company.”

“Yeah.” Olivia smirked, her knives already floating around her, ready to attack at any moment. “You know? Next time we should try a slightly higher leveled Dungeon.”

“Mm.” Hajin nodded as his Desert Eagle turned into shotgun mode, aiming it towards a group of chimpanzees that were rushing at them with shields and armor. “We should first see how we fare against the boss, then we can discuss it.”

A shot from his shotgun signaled the start of a new fight.


Seoul, South Korea.

“Are you ready?” Cristopher asked Evandel as they stood across the street in front of Locket of Hope.

“...” Evandel looked at the seemingly old building that had signs of ongoing reconstruction here and there.

“Ev?” Seeing that she didn’t answer him, Cristopher turned to look at her.

She stood there in a daze, her eyes fixed on the building in front of her. Her small hands fidgeted around.

“...Y-Yes” She answered after Shina softly rubbed her head on hers, which Evandel reciprocated by hugging the leopard cat.

“Are you sure?” Cristopher asked as he looked at her, a slight worry flashed unperceived in his eyes. “We can go to a hotel and rest, we’ve been travel for a while with almost no time to sleep.”

“N-No.” Evandel shook her head. “I’m fine. I’m ready.”

Cristopher looked at her for a little while before he nodded.

“Okay.” He said as he patted her head softly. “Do you have the bags ready in your bag?”

“Yes.” Evandel nodded before she suddenly stopped. “W-Wait.”

She quickly took off her mouse-eared backpack and looked inside it. After checking that everything was in place she let out a sigh and nodded at her dad.

“Ready.” She said.

“Ok. Let’s go.” He said with a smile as she put on the backpack again.

They both walked towards the crosswalk to cross the street.

“Do you remember what I told you before, right?” Cristopher asked as he walked while grabbing Evandel’s hand.

“Nn.” She nodded, still quiet, her heart racing inside her small chest.

The hand that grabbed Cristopher’s tightened more the more they approached the entrance to Locket of Hope.

Her hand was already white with all the strength she put on her grip once they arrived at Locket of Hope’s main gate.

As she bit her lip, Evandel’s gaze traveled through the path that led from the main gate to the front door of the building.

This was the moment. The moment she has been waiting for the most, but also the one she has been fearing the most.

She knew that she wasn’t like normal kids. She saw it clearly whenever she stayed back in the dorms watching TV.

She wasn’t like the kids on TV, not only in how they acted and grew. But also on how they were born.

Her powers were also a clear telltale of her difference.

Will they accept her? Will she be able to play with other kids? Will they be afraid of her?

In some of the stories she watched, she could notice how the people that were different would be ostracized, feared, and sometimes even hated.

She couldn’t help but fear that it would be her case. As much as she wanted to play with other kids, she also feared for the worst.

Just as her heart filled with doubt, a soft hand landed on her head, and her vision cleared up.

She didn’t know since when, but a pair of vermillion eyes were staring right into hers. They were clear and bright, like two shiny rubies.

They cleared her head and pulled in all her attention. She looked at them. She knew these eyes, she always looked out for them, searching for them even in her dreams.

The hand on top of her rubbed her head softly. As if it was afraid to hurt even one strand of her hair.

Meanwhile, her father, who crouched down in front of her, moved his mouth before letting out a bright smile. One that calmed her heart whenever things seemed difficult for her.

It was only the next instant that her brain finally processed his words.

“Everything will be fine.” A soft, fleeting whisper caressed her small ears, pulling up a subconscious small nod from her; before she even noticed it, her vision started to blur as, she knew, her eyes watered.

She tried to raise her hand to sweep her tears away, but before she moved, the hand that was on top of her head just seconds ago was already cleaning her small cheeks.

“Look at you.” Her father said, with his smile still present, as he cleaned her tears. “Is this the impression you want to give your new friends?”

His voice was soft and she could feel the hand that never left hers during their walk here gripping tighter. It didn’t hurt, far from it, she felt warmer. Calmer. Protected.

“What I told you before, do you remember it?” He asked.

{Ev, you’re different. But that’s not bad. That just means that you’re special. And no one should say the contrary. It is what makes you, you. And no matter what other people say, you will always be my special little daughter. My little fairy dragon.} His words resonated in her mind, as a memory of his smile at that time fused with the one he was currently showing her.

They were out of Disneyland at that time. She was feeling immensely happy. But deep in her heart, she also felt worried, and just as she tried to push that feeling away, she found a small baby in the arms of their mother. She couldn’t stop herself as she asked her dad why she grew so differently than that baby.

“I’m...” She muttered softly before she stopped and closed her eyes as she shook her head.

Her eyes opened again and glanced straight into his eyes.

“I’m different. I’m special.” She said as her hand tightened against his. “And no one can change that. Because that’s how I am. Because I’m your little fairy dragon.”

“That’s it.” Cristopher's smile deepened. “You’re special. More special than you think. I know it for sure because you’re my little fairy dragon.”

“Yes.” She nodded with a big smile, small tears traveling through her cheeks.

“Also.” Cristopher said as he stood up. “If someone says something against that. Look me up. I’ll make sure that they understand how wrong they are, and how special you are. Got it?”

Evandel chuckled at her dad’s words before she nodded.

“Yes, daddy!” She said.

“Well, then, come on.” He said as he pulled her through the path leading to the door of the orphanage. “You’re not going to make any friends if you just stay there.”

“Nn.” Evandel nodded and she followed him as Shina walked beside her.

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