The Next E(evee)volution

Part 2

June 29th

Hey everyone, I know it’s been a while. I’ve been focusing on my new life as a Sylveon. Let me backup a little. The day after my last entry, I went back to the clinic. Sure enough, Dr. Smith had some pills ready for me. I was pretty nervous, so I waited until I got home to take the first dose. Becca was by my side, supporting me. She’s the best girlfriend a Sylveon could ask for.

So given this much time, how much has changed? Well it’s subtle so far, but I have seen some changes! First is my hair. What was previously a very dark brown, has now started to lighten up. It’s even starting to get a bit of a pink hue to it! Another big one is my eyes. Becca was the one who noticed that my bluish-green eyes were now leaning more towards blue, and a much lighter shade at that! I checked the mirror and confirmed that they were indeed starting to change.

On the downside, I’ve noticed my body hair starting to grow much faster. It’s so damn itchy! I’ve had to step up shaving from once a week to every other day. It may not be worth it to try and keep up at this point, given that I am supposed to start growing fur. Still, it’s hard to give up having smooth legs! Guess I’ll figure this one out as I go.

But I think this is enough for today. There haven’t really been any other changes yet. The paperwork says it could take upwards of 6 months for any of the major changes to start, I guess we’ll see. Maybe next time, I’ll read off your comments again. That could be fun! Until next time!


July 13th

Wow, ok so it seems my posts have really started to blow up! A lot of people seem interested in my transition. I’ll try and post some selfies soon, but there’s not a ton to see yet. Even with a couple more weeks of taking my Sylvelactone (yes, that’s seriously what it’s called), there haven’t been many more changes. Though I am quickly losing the battle against my leg hair. I may give up shaving soon, this is way too much to try and combat! It’s also started spreading to other parts of my body as well. Other than that, a little more pink in my hair and a little more blue in my eyes. Nothing major besides that.

So then, let’s get to those comments. First up, we have Clicks4Jesus316 who says: “You should be ashamed of yourself! Not just trying to change your gender, but now your species as well? Your kind makes God weep. You’ll burn in the fiery pits of Hell for this! You need to find Jesus before it’s too late.”

Well gee Clicks, sounds really important. Now I’m no Christian, renounced actually due to my family. But if Jesus was here, I’m pretty sure he’d love me as I am. I had to read the Bible quite a bit when I was young and I realized that Jesus stood for love and acceptance of others, not hate. So maybe you should take your own advice and find Jesus in your life.

Next up we have GamblinMan65 who says: “Poke-HRT? Sounds sweet! If I could get my hands on some Hypno HRT, maybe that would make my Vegas trip worthwhile! Imagine the money that could be made from this!”

Ok pal, you do realize these changes are permanent, right? You’d have to live with being a Hypno for the rest of your life, just for one score in Vegas. And cheating is cheating, no matter what form it takes. While scoring money from being a Pokemon sounds great, that’s not what this is for at all. I’m not here to help people commit crimes, so I won’t be revealing any information that could lead to that. Make no mistake, I’m sharing this so others can see my journey to becoming my true self.

So with those idiots out of the way, let’s see who’s next. Well, looks like a whole chain of comments here so let’s take a look. Truthseaker101 says: “This is so fake! Seriously, you expect anyone to believe you’re actually transforming into a Pokemon? Nah, this is clearly a government conspiracy! You’re just a plant, made to distract people from the fact that the moon landing was faked and all the astronauts were lizard people! Wake up!”

To which Kurama97 replied: “Your mom didn’t seem to mind me putting my lizard in her last night! Heyo!”

After that, it’s a bunch of arguing and trolling. So you know what? I think I’m just gonna move on and block both of you. Seriously, I keep getting all the weirdos! Ugh, let’s hope the next one is actually sane. Oh hey, it’s PrincessMichelle90! She’s been a regular since my first post, always has something nice to say. Let’s see, she says: “Sounds like your transition has been going great so far! Sorry about the leg hair, that’s gotta be really annoying. Anyways, I just have a question and please don’t take this the wrong way. I’m curious, will you be able to say more than just ‘Sylveon’ when you’re done?”

Haha great question! As far as I know, yes, I’ll be able to say more than just that when I’m done. Randy speaks perfect English as a Pikachu, so I don’t think being a Sylveon is any different. Hope you’re doing well Michelle, shoot me a message sometime girl! Would love to talk to you more!

Last comment for today, let’s see. MirageMareep says: “Wait, this stuff is real? Holy shit, I didn’t know this was possible! You are so lucky you get to be your favorite Pokemon, I’ve always wanted to be a Mareep! Just a fluffy, electric sheep, hanging out. Probably not any docs like yours here in Mexico though, so I’ll just have to live with it and watch your progress. Have fun being a Sylveon!”

Thank you MM (do you mind if I call you MM? LMK)! I’m sorry that it seems like there’s nothing like this in your area. From the sound of it, you’d make a great Mareep! You seem pretty nice, so maybe we can work something out? Shoot me a DM, let’s talk!

Well that about wraps things up for today. Hopefully next time, I’ll have more to share about my transformation. Also, in the future, I’m just instantly blocking any assholes who leave rude comments on this blog. I’m afraid if I keep responding, that’ll just encourage them. Oh well, until next time!


September 12th

So sorry for the lack of updates these past couple months, a lot has happened. At first, I was waiting for more stuff to happen, then a lot happened in quick succession. First of all, my skin felt like it was on fire for a while, cause it was so damn itchy! Think of the worst itch you’ve ever had, multiply it by a hundred and have it spread out all over your body! Then you might come close to how I was feeling. It was hell. Turns out, that was my fur coming in and now I have a layer of small, white or pink hairs all over my body. Definitely not winning that battle with shaving anymore, so I gave up trying.

Next was my hands, which was the major reason for me not updating. They got so stiff that I couldn’t even drive or use my phone for a while! Now I have paw pads, beans! Combined with now pink hair covering them, it’s hard to call them hands anymore. They’re more like paws. Same thing happened to my feet. Luckily, I can still wear shoes for now. Hopefully that’ll be the case when all of this is done too. I’d hate to give up my favorite heels just because of this transformation.

I think the next biggest change to come is the tail. Sitting has been kinda awkward, cause now I have a nub sticking out of my tailbone area. It’s not huge, but it’s there. Something tells me this part is gonna hurt, I can’t imagine growing an entire tail is going to be pleasant. I have to keep reminding myself that this will all be worth it in the end, that I’m gonna be an amazing Sylveon girl, but it’s hard. I’m still so early in it, I can barely see the results so far. Just the annoying stuff.

Right now, it’s super important that I have Becca with me. I’m too scared to go out on my own like this and some of these things have been really troublesome. That nub has thrown off my sense of balance a little, just enough to make me seem extra clumsy. I will trip over my own damn feet if I’m not paying close enough attention to where I’m walking. And usually, most people don’t do that! Walking is automatic! So now I have to watch every damn step I take to make sure I don’t trip. Becca says if things keep going this way, she’s gonna get me a cane. At least that way, I have something else to lean on when she’s not around.

I’m sorry I’ve been complaining so much in this entry,  I’m still getting used to all these changes. I’m sure once I’m past the annoying stuff, I’ll have much happier news to report. Maybe next time, I’ll talk more about myself and Becca. That way, not everything has to be so negative! Yeah, I think I’ll do just that. Until next time!


October 15th

So I think I’m gonna be switching to monthly updates from now on, rather than trying for biweekly. It’s too much to try and keep up with and there’s not enough to say regarding my transition. Monthly gives more time for the changes to happen and have more to talk about in general. This past month, I’ve been thinking about opening up about myself more. I’ve been specifically vague on details, cause I don’t wanna give out too much personal information, but it seems I’ve done that a bit too well. People wanna know more about the girl behind the Sylveon, so I suppose that’s what this update will be about.

I’ll start with me and Becca. We’ve been together for about 2 years now, one year in person. We met online in an LGBT space, though she’s a cis girl. Even before I started HRT, she saw me for who I really was. It didn’t take long for the two of us to fall in love and start dating. After about a year of doing so online, I went out to see her. I knew at that point, there was no way I could ever leave her side. I was so deeply in love, I had to be with her no matter what. So, I quit my job and moved halfway across the country to be with her. So now the two of us live comfortably in southern Michigan together. It’s a good life and I’m glad we have each other.

As for my work, I’m an IT specialist for a large corporation. Basically, I’m the one with the duct tape and bubblegum, going around keeping everything together with the company systems! Certainly a mess, but beats working retail like Becca does. She says she’s happy with her job, I say she’s out of her mind working with the public! I swear this girl has the patience of a saint. Me on the other hand? Not so much. I can and will chew someone’s ass out if they even think about messing with my systems, which has led to me butting heads with the higher ups in the company more than once!

With all that said, ever since I started taking Sylvelactone, I’ve been mostly working from home. I don’t want my coworkers seeing me while I’m still changing, as it would draw way too much attention. Plus, as I said in the previous update, I’m nervous about going out on my own right now. Still, my boss requires that I still come into the office every few weeks so I can take part in meetings and whatnot. Why can't I do that virtually? Your guess is as good as mine. 

Still, whenever I do need to head in, I go in “human mode”. It’s like when a trans girl “boy modes” and hides her more feminine features, only it’s hiding my Sylveon features instead. That means wearing long sleeve shirts, hiding my now fully pink hair under a wig and wearing gloves to hide my paws. I know it’s probably not healthy to hide like this, but I’ll come out to them when I’m good and ready! Even if I probably look like even more of a freak hiding it. At least no one there knows about this yet.

It’s kinda funny, when my workplace started its “work from home” policy, I scoffed at it. Why would I need it? After all, it was only a 20 minute drive, I could listen to my tunes and buy some yummy snacks to have on my break. Plus, I have my own office and everything, why give that up? All in all, it just seemed a bit impractical for me. Yet, here we are now with me taking full advantage of it. Maybe I should spill the beans soon, especially now that I have to walk with a cane (Yes, Becca really did buy me one after all).

Becca works at a fabric store, a fairly small one. She’s the manager and takes care of a lot of their sewing needs. I am eternally grateful for that, as she’s been modifying my clothing to make room for my growing tail. It’s not full length yet, and fur is still thin, but it’s definitely coming in. And boy does it hurt like hell! It’s like my body is tearing itself a new asshole! Literally! Oh and remember how I mentioned needing a cane? It’s because it’s nearly impossible to walk like this! I know I should stay in bed, but there’s just way too much to do. I’m sucking it up, despite the pain and the difficulty walking. I have to adjust to my new body, whatever it takes!

I think that just about covers everything for now, I’ll update again when more changes have taken place. Until next time!


November 29th

Happy 6 month anniversary! Crazy to think it’s been half a year already. Right, so updates! You folks wanna hear more about what’s happened this past month or so. A few weeks ago, I had a checkup with Dr. Smith. He said my transformation is right on schedule and that I should be done by next May, at least with regular changes. I’ve been thinking about that and honestly, I’m fine with stopping there and just maintaining everything after that point. I’m not ready to go all the way to a 5 on that scale. I’ll be happy with whatever I get.

So my tail has almost fully come in at this point, doc said it just has a few more inches to grow. And it’s got a healthy coating of pink fur. Speaking of fur, my body is fully covered now with pink and white colors, including my face. At this point, I had no choice but to come out to folks at work, as human mode is nearly impossible now without shaving all the fur off my face. Too much effort honestly. My boss was super confused, especially since he’s not a Pokemon fan. But as long as I can still do my job, I can stay on. Besides, their systems would be a mess for quite some time if they let me go. I know the systems better than anyone else here!

This year, Becca and I hosted a “Friendsgiving”. If you don’t know, that’s a Thanksgiving dinner where you just invite friends instead of family. My relationship with my family is, not great. Not to mention the fact that I moved so far away to be with Becca. So we decided a small get-together with friends would be perfect. I knew exactly who to invite, that wouldn’t mind the fact that I’m changing into a Sylveon. So I called up Randy and invited both him and his girlfriend to come and join us, which they graciously accepted.

Thanksgiving Day arrived and Becca and I were both busy as bees. I was focusing on getting everything cleaned, which meant getting up my own shedded fur and whatnot, and she was cooking a wonderful meal for everyone! I was forbidden from stepping foot in the kitchen while she worked, just because of that one time I burned soup! Not my fault I got sucked into a game and forgot about it… ok maybe it was but still! No need to ban me from the kitchen for it! Whatever, I had my task and I managed it just fine. I got the apartment looking good for our guests, hopefully getting all my fur up.

Soon the intercom sounded, our guests had arrived. I buzzed them in and quickly went to change out of my cleaning outfit, into a pretty, Sylveon style dress that Becca had modified for me. I wanted to look good for this! As soon as I got changed, I heard them knock on the door and quickly went to answer it. Sure enough, Randy was standing there, along with his 6 foot tall girlfriend. She had clearly also undergone her own Pokemon transformation, a Garchomp! She absolutely dwarfed him in size, looking more like mother and child than a romantic couple.

“Whoa, hello you two! Welcome to our home! Please, come inside.” I said, stepping aside to let them in.

“Thank you kindly,” Randy said as the two of them entered. “Nice place you got here.”

“Oh, thank you. I spent all morning cleaning up for this. I’m pretty sure I got rid of all my loose fur. Doc said there would be some light shedding at first, ha! Becca can attest, this place was covered!” I laughed.

“Haha yup, same thing happened to me! I still shed sometimes, especially in warm weather. Isn’t that right babe?” He looked over to the Garchomp by his side.

“No kidding, even on my rough scales I can feel it!” A deep growl of a voice came from her. “This is why I make you change the sheets on the bed when that happens!” She turned to me, which her huge frame felt more than a bit intimidating. “Oh, excuse me. I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Cynthia, Randy’s girlfriend,” she extended a huge, clawed hand towards me.

“Uh, nice to meet you?” I said, though it came out as more of a question as I shook her hand.

She laughed, which surprisingly came off a lot lighter than her voice. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite. I learned Crunch instead!”

She had the dumbest smile on her face, even for a Garchomp. I had to laugh at that! “Well, I am a fairy type after all! Neither move would be very effective against me!”

We shared a good laugh with those dumb jokes. Suddenly I felt a lot more at ease around her. Despite her intimidating size, she was a regular girl underneath it all. I smiled as we sat down in the living room.

“So Cynthia, that’s quite a name. I can’t imagine it’s a coincidence, with you being a Garchomp and all. I gotta say, you look further along than even Randy!” I said.

“Heh, you caught me. Cynthia is my chosen name. I’m transgender, so while I was assigned male at birth, I transitioned into a woman, and then a Garchomp. You’re right, the name isn’t a coincidence. I was relentlessly bullied for being ‘too girly’ as a kid, Pokemon was my escape. I saw Cynthia in the games and she was everything I wanted to be. Beautiful, strong, confident, commanding attention. She was so cool! At first, I thought it was a crush. Later, it turned out to be envy. Which is why, when the time came, I took her name as my own.

The whole Garchomp thing came later. After Randy and I started dating, I opened up to him about how uncomfortable I was with myself. Being a woman was great, but I needed something else. A way to take back the power I lost as a kid. That’s when we found Dr. Smith, a way for both of us to truly embrace our inner selves. So we both started Pokemon HRT at the same time. He took Pikachu, while I took Cynthia’s ace Pokemon, Garchomp. However, whereas Randy decided to stop at stage 2 on the doctor’s scale, I chose to keep going. It wasn’t enough yet, I needed to be stronger! Now I’m at stage 3, planning to stop at stage 4. Just enough to keep me from fully becoming a Pokemon, as part of me still wants to be somewhat human. I hope this makes sense to you and I’m not just rambling.”

“No, that makes perfect sense to me. I’m trans too, so I feel your pain. Kids weren’t that kind to me either. And well, considering I’m going through my own Pokemon transformation? I understand why you went through with this. I do have a question or two about yours, if you don’t mind.” I said.

“Not at all, ask away!” Cynthia replied.

“Well, I saw the chart but I still don’t fully understand the difference between a stage 2 and a stage 3, especially in the case of Pokemon. What’s it like?” I asked.

“Ah well, at stage 3, you become much more Pokemon-like. To the point where you can even use Pokemon moves! I personally taught myself Dragon Claw and Crunch so far, still working on other moves. It’s not that easy to learn, not like we have TMs to teach us! Truthfully though, I think I’ll avoid learning Earthquake. Last thing I want is to hurt my sweet boy with his weakness!” She smiled as he gave her a peck on the cheek.

“Since I’m at stage 2, I can’t actually use Pokemon attacks,” Randy said. “However, as a Pikachu, I do have electrical sacks in my cheeks. In order to not hurt anyone or get sick, I have to discharge the electricity once in a while. I can control it somewhat, just not into a directed attack. I even learned how to charge my phone this way! It’s really cool! I just have to be careful, don’t wanna hurt anyone as I said. Pikachu is supposed to be the hero, not a villain!”

“Sounds like you have a strong sense of justice,” I said. “I respect that. I can see why you picked Pikachu, since he represents what’s good and just in the show. He has a strong moral code and knows who he is, which you could definitely see in the early seasons. Especially that time he refused to evolve to fight Lt. Surge. You picked a good Pokemon to look up to.”

“What about you then? Why did you pick Sylveon?” Cynthia asked.

“Well to be honest, it’s because of how feminine it is,” I responded. “There’s a reason Sylveon is a trans icon, especially with the colors. It has an elegant charm to it as well. It represents being girly and feminine, everything I wanted growing up. I really admired what Sylveon stood for as a trans woman. So when Randy opened up the possibility of Pokemon HRT to me, I knew Sylveon had to be the one.”

“I can respect that, even as a cis man,” Randy said. “Sylveon is certainly beautiful and elegant. And from how much I’ve gotten to know you as of late, it certainly suits you. Look how far you’ve come already! You got the tail, the fur and all of that. Though you’re still missing the ribbons and ears.”

“Ah yea, actually my ears have been starting to move up my head. Just a couple inches so far, but they’re migrating and according to Dr. Smith, they’ll be changing shape soon. As for the ribbons, I have a bit of growth on my neck. But they should come in around the same time as the ears. I just wish these changes would hurry up, so I could really express myself as a Sylveon!”

Both of them laughed at this. “Oh my gosh, that’s a huge mood!” Cynthia said. “We both went through that stage, it’s annoying as hell. Heck, I’m still waiting for more changes! I’m not done yet, it’ll just take more time to get there. But it’ll all be worth it once we’re done, trust me. You’re gonna be an amazing Sylveon, I can already tell!”

“Thanks Cynthia, I really hope so. I’m finally starting to feel more like myself this way. This really was the missing piece for me after all!” I said, smiling.

Soon enough, Becca called out from the kitchen that dinner was ready. Randy and Cynthia sat down at the table while I helped Becca get all the food on there. We had entirely too much for just the 4 of us, with a whole turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans and more! But it was worth it to share this day with friends. Once we had everything set, I got a bottle of champagne out of the fridge as well as 4 glasses. I poured one for each of us and picked up my own.

“How about a toast? To good friends and good food!” I said.

“I’ll drink to that!” Cynthia said as we all clanged our glasses together.

As we ate, Becca spoke up. “You know, I’m starting to feel like the odd one out here. You all look amazing as Pokemon and while I am happy as just a regular human, I can’t help but be a bit jealous of all of you.”

“Well, why not become a Pokemon too?” Cynthia asked. “You could just stop at stage 1 or 2, so you don’t have to go all the way with it.”

“I dunno, I mean would that even be right for me to do? I don’t have that dysmorphia all of you felt, nothing really compelling me to go through with it. Besides, what Pokemon would I even be? I think I’m happy just being an ally.”

I thought about it for a minute. I hated seeing her left out like this, but clearly she didn’t wanna become a Pokemon like the rest of us. Maybe there would be a good compromise? That’s when it hit me! “Hey, how about I lend you my Sylveon kigurumi for the night? That way, you can be a Pokemon with us, without the commitment of the HRT!”

“Heh, that sounds fun! Alright sure, but just for tonight. Sylveon doesn’t suit me like it does you. Maybe I’ll get something for myself down the line. Right now though, I’ll wear yours.” Becca said joyfully.

So with that, we excused ourselves for a moment while she went to change. A few minutes later, she came out wearing my Sylveon kigurumi. She did look adorable, though she was blushing a bit. I held her hand with my paw for support as we went back to the table. With that, we finally started eating a wonderful meal all together. We laughed and joked and genuinely had a wonderful time. Before long though, it was getting late so Cynthia and Randy had to get going. We packed up some leftovers for them in plastic containers and said our goodbyes! It was a wonderful night for everyone.

That’s all I have to share for right now. We really had fun together. Hopefully next time I talk to all of you, I’ll be much closer to my goal. I guess we’ll see. Until next time!


January 5th

Phew, I am back! Sorry for the lack of updates last month, the holidays are a busy time, ya know? My sister, Mary, surprised me by making a trip out to see Becca and me for Christmas. I was shocked to get the call, mainly because I haven’t spoken to her in about 6 years. Not since she moved out with her husband and cut contact with me due to being trans. Honestly, when I saw her name pop up on my phone, I was ready to just let it go to voicemail. What could that bitch possibly have to say to me after all these years? But Becca was there with me, and encouraged me to give her a chance. So I did.

As it turns out, her 5 year old “son” had started expressing the desire to be a girl. He’d put on a shirt that’s way too big for him and call it a dress, while also wanting to be “pretty like mommy”. Her husband hasn’t taken this very well and she’s tried discouraging the behavior. All it does though is make him cry. She admitted she was at a loss for what to do, which was what prompted her to call me after all this time. I made her promise to actually listen to me and take whatever advice I had to give. That’s when she proposed coming over to see us. I really didn’t want to, but she’s still family. Reluctantly, I agreed.

Before she came, I had to warn her. I had gone through quite a few changes as of late. Not just becoming a woman either, but my Pokemon transformation. Of course, she didn’t believe me at first. Not until she saw the pictures. Gone was the “brother” she had once known, now replaced by a Sylveon girl! A much happier one at that. I was miserable back then, not helped by both her and our parents abandoning me. But now, I had a good life. Far from back home, and with people who actually cared about me. If she knew what was good for her, she’d start learning and fast.

Finally, it was the week before Christmas and while it was cold as hell, there was no snow on the ground to show for it. I was anxiously awaiting my sister and her family, unsure of what to expect myself. It was nerve wracking, not knowing how they were gonna react to actually seeing me in person and everything. Sure, Mary had seen pictures and I was sure she showed them to that rotten husband of hers, but seeing pictures is much different than experiencing it in real life. I sighed as Becca put a hand on my shoulder to reassure me that everything would be fine. God I hoped she was right.

Soon enough, the intercom buzzed. They were here. So I buzzed them in and before long, they were knocking on my door. With one last deep breath, I put a smile on and went to open the door.

“Mary! How nice to see you after all this time!” I said, trying to sound cheerful.

She stared blankly for a moment, clearly trying to process exactly what she was seeing in front of her. Who could blame her? I’d changed quite a bit since she last saw me! 

“Ruby?” She finally managed to sputter out.

“In the flesh! Or should I say fur, in this case!” I laughed. “Please, come on in! Make yourselves at home.”

Mary walked in, followed by her husband, Chris, who seemed none too pleased to be here. Finally, a small head poked its way inside. Shaggy, blonde hair poked out from under a hat with big, blue eyes that shone with curiosity underneath. This must be Sam.

“It’s ok, I don’t bite. I give big hugs instead!” I smiled. Despite his parentage, he was certainly a cute kid.

He looked across the room to his mom, before slowly making his way inside and looking around. All in all, he looked like a typical 5 year old, wearing jeans and a winter coat. If this kid really did have gender dysphoria, I only hoped I could help. No one should have to experience that kind of pain, especially not this young. I kneeled down to his level to talk to him.

“Hey there, you must be Sammy! I’ve heard very good things about you! It’s very nice to meet you, I’m your auntie Ruby! Can I have a hug?”

He once again looked at his mom. While he was curious, he seemed a bit shy around a new person like me. Understandable, given his age, the fact that he suddenly found out he had an aunt he never knew, and the fact that I was a Pokemon. She just sighed.

“Go ahead Sam, give your aunt a hug,” she said, though she had a slight hesitation in her voice.

He came over and gave me a big hug, which I happily accepted. He seemed to like how fuzzy I was, as he rubbed his head on my fur. It was honestly adorable. After a moment, I set him down gently. Finally the kid seemed to be perking up!

“Hi auntie Ruby!” He finally said. My heart melted, how much more adorable could this kid get?

“Well it’s good to meet you Sam. Can you tell me a bit about you? Like, how old are you, or what’s your favorite color?”

Sam thought for a moment. “I, uh, I five! And, uh, my favorite color is, um, blue…”

His last answer seemed rather, forced. Like his parents had coached him to say it was blue and not something else. Wouldn’t put it past them honestly. Given the circumstances though, I had to stay civil. I really did want to try to have a relationship with my sister again. In order for that to happen, I had to hold my tongue. 

Truth be told, I used to look up to her a lot. I’d even say we were pretty close, until she met Chris. When she first brought him home, I instantly disliked the guy. He just had this smugness to him. Like he was entitled to her or something. I brushed it off at first, figuring I was just jealous that he was spending so much time with her. But the more I got to know him, the less I liked him. He was super religious, always had to bring God and the Bible into stuff where it wasn’t needed. He even tried to say I was gay, when I was still presenting male. He was right, of course, just not in the way he thought.

Ah crap, I was ranting again, wasn’t I? Eh, screw it. I’m leaving that in. Now where was I? Oh yeah, the arrival!

“Blue huh? That’s a nice color, but are you sure it’s your favorite? I bet there’s another color that you really like too,” I said, trying to see if he’d tell me how he really felt. Instead, he just looked at his parents again before nodding.

I sighed. They definitely had this kid trained. Oh well, it was still early. Hopefully with time, I could get him to let his true feelings out. After all, that was why they supposedly came here, so I could potentially figure out if Sam was trans or not and how to help. Clearly we still had a long way to go. For now, I let him go and went to sit down and talk with his folks.

“So Mary, how have you been? I’ll admit I was shocked when you called me like that out of the blue. How long has it been, 5, 6 years now?” I said, trying to make small talk.

“Just about, yes. I wasn’t sure if I should, but you’re the only person I know who has any clue about the type of issues Sam’s facing. Chris wanted to bring it to our minister’s attention, but I know how well trying to pray it away worked for you. That’s why I called. I just wasn’t expecting all, this…” she said, gesturing at me.

I just laughed. “Oh yea, this is pretty recent. I was having some weird feelings I couldn’t quite place, before a new friend opened my eyes to the possibility of Pokemon HRT. It’s a specialized treatment that few know about. I guess it’s technically still experimental, but they have a pretty good idea of how it works. I’m still changing. Just last week, my first bow finally came in!” I said, touching the one on my neck. It was pink and white, covered in the same fur as my body. “The one on my head should be coming in soon, as well as my ribbons! I can’t wait for that part!”

Chris just scowled at me. “You realize, you’re spitting in the face of everything God gave you, right? Look at you. First you try to alter your gender, when God made you a man for a reason, and now you’re turning into a creature He didn’t even create! A monster! You should be ashamed!”

“Excuse me?! You are a guest in my home! You came to me. You don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do! Your religion may dictate how you live your life, but it sure as hell does not give you the right to tell me how to live mine! I’m gonna hold my tongue for the sake of your kid. But know this, one more outburst like that and I’m gonna have a lot more than words for you! I’ll show you how much of a ‘monster’ I can be! Is that clear?” I said, getting right up in his face.

“Chris, dear, please don’t pick a fight with my sister. She’s always been scrappy, even when she was young. She’d always get into fights with bullies who were picking on other kids. Even got suspended from school a few times. Our parents always looked down on her for fighting, but I had to admire her spirit. I’d rather us not get to that point now, especially as guests in her home. It’s a lot to take in, but let’s try to show our host a little respect. She was nice enough to welcome us, despite our history. We should respect that.”

“Tch, fine. I apologize for speaking out. Happy?” He grumbled.

I just sighed. This was gonna be a long week…

The rest of the day passed without too much incident. Chris kept his mouth shut for the most part, only speaking when directly spoken to and even then, keeping his answers brief. Which was good, cause if I had to deal with his ass one more time, I was gonna scratch his eyes out! I didn’t care if Eevee learned scratch or not, I had the claws for it now!

Yeah, turns out Eeveelutions have claws, not a huge shocker honestly. Most of them are omnivorous, eating both prey and plants. Sylveon though are partial to sweets, part of the fairy typing. It’s no wonder my sweet tooth has increased tenfold! I have to be careful about that, obviously, with fangs starting to make their way in. Not the most pleasant feeling in the world, but it is what it is. Just a few more months and I’ll finally be a full Sylveon! Can’t wait for that!

Anyways, Mary and I spent the time catching up. She wasn’t so bad when she wasn’t trying to tell me how to live my life. It was good to see her putting in genuine effort to recognize me as a woman, even if I did throw her a curveball with this Sylveon transformation. As long as she showed me respect, I would do the same in turn. Even with my past issues with her, I had to try to push past it. If only just for Sam’s sake. 

While we did that, I sent Becca off on a mission to get some toys for the kid, including girl toys. I wanted to see if I could entice him to play with those and let his feminine side out. If I could just get him to drop his guard, I could try to talk to him about his feelings and figure out if he could be trans. That was gonna be tough though, as long as that jackass of a father of his was still around. Maybe I could get those two to go out tomorrow and let me babysit. I was taking time out of work for this anyways, so it wouldn’t be much of a hassle.

That night, Mary and Chris spent the night in the spare room. We set up an air mattress in the living room for Sam, so he’d have something better than the couch to sleep on. Honestly I had forgotten how early little kids went to bed. Not long after we had dinner, just some fast food, Mary gave him a bath and got him ready for bed. Honestly the kid was pretty cute in his little pjs and everything. The rest of us hung around in the kitchen for a while before heading off to our respective bedrooms. All in all, it could be worse for day 1! Little did I know what was coming next…

Part 2 End

Part 2 is finished! Originally, I had this slated for just two parts, but part 2 was getting long. So I cut it off here and the rest should be in part 3! (I say that now, but I have a bad habit of making these things go longer than anticipated. I am a wordy bitch xD)

So we see Ruby throughout her first 6 months of Sylveon HRT. A lot has changed for her, both with her body, and in her life. Now her sister is involved, with a potentially transgender kid. How will Ruby handle this situation? Will she be able to convince her sister and her husband that they have a daughter instead of a son? What about the rest of her transformation? How will that go? Will it be smooth sailing or will she hit some bumps? Find out next time!

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