The New Babylon

Chapter 22 : Reorganization

When the new day came, Nathan summoned his officers just after he woke up.

When everyone was reunited, he spoke

“_Ok ! Let us start the meeting. First thing first, we will upgrade our outpost. I already gave Mourzuk the necessary explanations, I will only inspect the development from time to time. We will name this outpost Alesia from now one. You will also be responsible for the arrow production. You will also have to help train the hobgoblins, including myself… If you find some time, train the goblins too.”

_ Yes, boss it will be with pleasure”

When Mourzuk heard about the workload Nathan dumped on his shoulder he frowned heavily, until he heard about Nathan’s training. He showed his most vicious smile. While saw this he posed for a second, his lips twitching.

‘Now that I think about it, I’m always dumping insane amount of work on the old hobgoblin. I feel like a scumbag, it’s like forcing a old man do construction work. Anyway, who told him to be this talented huh ?! … I hope he wont use the training as an excuse to take his vengeance.’

“_ Stevie, you will oversee the Javelin and spear production, but also recruitment. I want you to periodically recruit some new goblins, you will have to screen the cultist, kill them, and bring the rest to Nubian. I will also ask you to train the goblins of Alesia with spears and javelin.

_ Yes …”

Stevie nodded with a discouraged and sad face while Nathan tried to ignore her reaction. He turned to Yesus, who was the only goblin of the group except for Grom.

“ Yesus, I will teach you some first aid techniques to help the wounded. You will also have to teach the goblins those technique after that.

_ Yes ! I will do boss !

_ Vorya, I will show you some muscular training, you will have to teach the goblins and force them to train theirs body for combat.

_ Yeah why not.

_ Grom you will scout periodically around Alesia; you will report your finding to me. If you cannot find me report to Mourzuk, Vorya or Stevie. When you scout, take some goblin apprentice with you group and train them too.

_ Yes Boss !!”

Nathan then looked at the new Hobgoblins

“ As for you guys … Sio, you will assist Vorya with the muscular training, you will learn with him how to do it. I want you to train hard, it will help you maximize the effect of your mark. You will also assist Stevie when she goes to recruit some new faces.

Skeis, you will assist Mourzuk with everything he needs.

_ Yes !” (x2)

Nathan nodded and continued with his tasks.

“ _ As for me, I will leave in the hunting camp for a short while, I need Nubian to help me in developing something that will be useful for our future endeavours. I will depart after teaching all of you what you need to know. We will also organize the training schedules”

After some discussion, It was decided that the goblins in the camp, will all help with the upgrades of Alesia in the morning, when midday comes half of the goblins will go to Vorya, and the rest will continue their work. The next day they will switch. They will have to train with Yesus in the same way after that, Then with Steevie. They each must teach for 2 days a week, and the last day they will have some free time. Mourzuk will start the trainings when the upgrade of Alesia is done. As for Grom, he will have to pick some goblins randomly for now.

Nathan then took the rest of the day to teach Vorya and Sio until nightfall while Stevie never left his side.

The next day he inspected the development of the camp in the morning and took the day to teach the basics to Yesus. Two days later it was Yesus turn to teach the exhausted goblins. Nathan took this opportunity to go find Nubian while Steevie and Sio departed for their first round of recruitment.

When he arrived at the hunting camp, he was again welcomed by Nubian.

“_Boss you are back !

_ Yeah, Nubian … Stevie will come back with some new recruits periodically from now on. I told her to screen the cultists but, I want you to screen them while they help you in the camp. Let no one leave without permission or surveillance. When you think some goblins are relatively battle ready, send them to the outpost, it is named Alesia now. Keep the goblins who are talented in crafts with you here.

_ Yes boss ! That will be a huge help, as you know I’m always in need of more hands !

_ I know, by the way I didn’t come only for that. I have a new project I’d like to make with you. It will be primordial to succeed if we want to build a city in the future.”

When Nubian heard Nathan talk about the new project he eagerly, almost aggressively asked for details about it.

“_ What is it ? This new project ?! Weapons ? Protection ?!

_ Err … Bricks.

_ Bricks ?

_ Yeah with this we will be able to build large and resistant stone walls. Or houses too. For that we will first need to find the necessary ingredients. We should be able to find them near the river.

_ What are those ingredients ?

_ First, we will need to make cement, for that we will need some limestones, clay and sand.”

Nubian took some free goblins with him as he followed Nathan to the river. As expected, they found the necessary ingredients and brought back as much as they could.

Nathan explained the process to Nubian as he showed him how to make cement.

First, he asked some goblins to crush the limestone into relatively fine powder, then they mixed it with clay and sand. Then they put the mix in the old oven he had built with Nubian to bake it. Once they took it out, they waited the mix to cool down before crushing it into fine sand again.

When it was done Nathan was happy to announce to Nubian:

“ Look at this, this is cement ! We will be able to use it to make some bricks later one, it will be useful for every construction project. !”

As all the goblin clapped Nathan, finally noticed the setting sun. He then dismissed everyone as he told Nubian to go rest for today.

The next day, Nathan and Nubian excitedly resumed their work. They made a wooden mould for the bricks. And sent some goblins to find and crush some random stones, and to bring back water.

They then mixed the cement, with water, sand and crushed stones, before filling the mould with the new mix.

After a few minutes they removed the mould before making some more bricks.

When the first Brick was completely ready, Nathan summoned all the goblins who worked with him on the project as he raised the brick high above his head,  exactly like how a baboon would do with a little lion. While the goblins all clapped as they all rejoiced.

“ _ Thank you, Primitive survival skill videos on You**be !!!!”

As Nathan yelled all the goblin stopped their clapping as they looked at him like he was a mad man.


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