The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 26- Akio Laments pt. 1

welcome to Arc 2. To speed up the story i will be practicing a different writing style. Having all the perspectives of each character being told through flashbacks. Let's see how you like it. Please leave a comment or like and let me know how you feel.

 Sunday May 7th,  mother's day 8:45pm

<p.o.v Akio>

Evenings at my house have become more routine. My father and mother have traveled much less since their return in February. It was a very hard transition to get used to. The suffering and degradation at the hands of Sasuke and his schemes coming to an end so suddenly. Me and the girls were free. Free to choose the life and love we wanted. 

The love I wanted… huh.


"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts. No longer am I surrounded by the circumstances that just ended 3-months ago, instead I am surrounded by my mother, father…. And Tama-kun.

I'm currently dressed in my school uniform. I am a third year now and I am a part of the track team again. Club had a late practice today even though it is Sunday, they want to make all the third year's final season our best season.

My father looked much older then when he left me alone 2-years ago. His combed back neat hair style being half grayed. The thin mustache he has is the same. His face seems thinned out making it longer and less rounded, his eyes always half open like he was contemplating.  175cm tall with an average frame. 

Even for a casual dinner he's wearing an overly priced business suit. Gunmetal gray, black under shirt, and a green tie.

My mother is wearing a red evening dress matching her lipstick on her medium sized lips, her eyes are doll-like and almost pointed, her symmetrical oval face is just proof of her former model glory. Her dress exposing her B-cup cleavage, snow white skin of her bare upper-chest and shoulders.

It was her who was speaking.

"Akio, are you ok? Is dinner not to your liking?"

I stared at my dinner, yet to take a single bite. The overly priced plate, the salmon filet seared to perfection and dressed with capers and a lemon glaze. It was go- no, it was perfect. Additionally side dishes of asparagus and potatoes, both cooked and topped with butted and their own seasonings, this was a meal fit to be in a magazine. This food was prepared by our cooks, by order of my mother. It was good enough to make others envious, but….. where was the love?

Every meal I've had with my family always makes me think about that time months ago. The first ever, and last ever meeting of Haruto's sister wives. The breakfast he made, the time and effort, the adorable octopus sausage, and…. His love.

I took my first bite into the meal, something was different. The food tasted…. Great. As I swallowed the food I felt it travel down my throat and I could feel my heartbeat quickens as it passed my chest.

What was that!? Why does it taste so much better today? It reminds me of….

Cutting off my own thoughts and while fighting back tears, I answer my mother.

"No mother, it is a superior dish in quality and presentation." I said, this time no falsehoods in my words l.

"Isn't it!? It's so good Aki-chan! Being able to eat it with you, mother, and father, it's a dream come true."

Sitting across from me dressed similarly to my father, except he opted for a red tie to match my ascot. His brown hair has been cut short and combed to the side, making him actually look prestigious. His face having the perfect ratios of ears to eyes and perfect cheek depth and chin point. My childhood friend has definitely become level attractive.

"Yes Tama-kun." I said matter stiffly.

I am in fact having a problem. I haven't heard or seen Haruto in over a week. I'm worried and yet I can't do too much. When Haruto was gone the first noticeable day I tried to message and call to see if he was alright, but there was no response.

I figured he finally gave up on me because Tama-kun is my fiancée and even though the thought alone hurt, I prayed that was the reason and not a more dubious one.

My worries only grew when Mirai only said I should visit Harutos home. Rika….. I still can't face her. We were so close, yet…. I ruined it.

I never received Himeno's number but when I went to their home I was greeted by a new woman. She said Haruto was supposed to take a small trip and should be back shortly. Seeing a new woman and me no longer being given the time of day, I was heart broken, but still worried.

I had asked my father to do a small investigation.

"Why would I pull a favor to search for some random child?" Was his response.

I tried to tell him how Haruto was a kind and caring person. How he was one of the greatest people I knew, but my rant was quickly silenced again by my father.

"Enough! How would your fiance feel, with his betrothed over-complimenting another man!?"

He yelled at me, yet it showed how little he actually knew Tama-kun. 

I could do nothing else at the moment to search for Haruto, except play everyday by ear and hope I hear something soon.

Breaking my thoughts was my father.

"Akio, please indulge Tamada-kun more. You are being a curt. Well young love does affect others different, isn't that right dear?" My father said as he grasped my mothers hand.

"Oh yes, that is quiet so." She flashed my father a smile.

As a child I used to believe in the love between my parents, but as of their return, all I see are fake gestures and empty words. Yet they had time to pretend, but not time for me.

Even as they have returned, they have shown no interest in what I do, stating that they believe in me so much that ill always be fine.

I'll always be fine? Is that what they would say if they saw my videos? Seeing what I indulged in, in their absence. Trying to fill the hole in me that they left. No! I won't blame them, I know what I did and I know Rika has all the right to hate me for everything, but I honestly did keep going to protect my fathers name, and that's why it hurts me to catch myself asking was it worth it?


the doors from the kitchen echoed a loud banging noise until finally the door swung open.

"Fuck! It was a pull door." A voice rang out.

All eyes went to the kitchen doorway.

"H-H-HARUTO?!" I yelled in shock. Haruto limped into my dining room, covered in bruises, cuts, blood, and sweat. He was shirtless and it looked like he was wearing his uniform pants albeit torn to shreds. Within the tears you can see his legs bleeding. His hand was holding his stomach where it seemed he was bleeding from. His stomach was wrapped in a bandage but you can see it wasn't a good wrap job, and it was leaking. His head had been shaved bald. Only on of his eyes were open, the other was swollen shut.

His ripped and defined body looked larger then before, though I have seen him recently I haven't seen him with his shirt off for a while. Today, though he looks bigger than before, he looks frail and weak. Like he hasn't been eating or doing much moving around.

"Haruto what hap-"

"Himeno!" He said in a raspy voice as he continued to walk close to us, it seems his destination… my father.

"What is the meaning of this!? Do you need an ambulance? Akio do you kno-"


As my father turned to talk to me, Haruto punched my fathers face into his dinner!

"How dare you! I will have you ARRESTED-"


Haruto slapped my father, shutting him up and slammed something on the table.

"YOU SHOULD BE ARRESTED FOR FAILING TO PROTECT YOUR DAUGHTER!" Haruto yelled and he turned to my mother.


My mother looked at Haruto, but not with anger or hate…. She's afraid of him?

"Haruto! What's going on!? Why are you doi-"

"SHUTUP SHUTUP SHUTUP!" He stands straight up and lifts the slammed hand on the table revealing a tiny smartphone. He pushed something on the smartphone. "I'm here to finish my promise, I told you I will make your life better. BUT I never said you had to like how I did it! Since you can't be honest, I WILL! Tamada!" Haruto limped towards Tama-kun who was…..?

Why is Tama-kun smiling!? What did he give to my fath……

As I turned to look at my father his face had turned pale, and he looked up at me shaking his head.

No… Haruto, you didn't….. you couldn't have…

Tears start running down my face.

"Haruto! You finally called me by my first name! Does that mean we-"



Haruto punched Tama-kun, but with his opposite hand he grabbed Tama-kun's tie and collar, keeping him standing up.

"I WANT TO CALL YOU PATHETIC! I WANT TO CALL YOU A PERVERT!..." Haruto took a breath and looked deeply atTama-kun, "but, you became what you thought you had to be, to prove you loved someone."

"...." Tama-kun stared at Haruto, his eyes flashed in fear. 

I don't think Tama-kun ever got hit before.

"Do you love Akio? Or" Haruto cocked his hand again pulling Tama-kun close, "DO YOU THINK SHE IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN ACCEPT A SICK FUCK LIKE YOU?!"

*Bam* Haruto punched Tama-kun again. Haruto keeps his grip on him though, but Tama-kun looks like he wants to be let go, like he wants to run away, like a rabbit staring at a wolf.

"ANSWER ME! GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT!" Haruto grabbed Tama-kun's opposite hand and placed it at his own throat. Fear in his eyes still prevalent, but now with hints of desperation.

Tama-kun's eyes went wide, not knowing what to do. *GULP* he swings at Haruto.


Harutos head is knocked back from the blow but he quickly turns his head back to its original position.


Haruto hits him again. Tama-kun grips tighter around Harutos throat, his eyes having less fear and more frustration. Tama-kun let's out a groan as he swings and hits him again.

Haruto hit Tama-kun 

Tama-kun hit Haruto.

Haruto hit Tama-kun 


Tama-kun hits Haruto.

"THIS WAS ALL BECAUSE IF HER!" Tama-kun yelled.

Tama-kun hits Haruto


Tama-kun hits Haruto

"NOW WHO COULD LOVE A SICK FREAK LIKE ME!?" Tears coming out of Tama-kun's eyes

Tama-kun hits Haruto

"BUT!... but, I knew Aki-chan liked that kinda if thing, so I could be…."


Haruto cocked his hand back up.

"SAFE!" Tama-kun yelled, "I wanted to feel safe, by being who I was and be with someone that wouldn't judge me and could love me for it."

Haruto swung his hand but instead of hitting Tama-kun his hand was placed on his shoulder.

"That's how everyone wants to feel; Loved, protected, important, worthy." Haruto looked Tama-kun in his eyes. "You can't find that by picking someone just because you think they'll accept you. You have to get to know a person, open yourself up, be vulnerable for them, and they have to do the same for you." Haruto flashed a confident smile, "I see now why you've annoyed me more than anyone else I've met Tamada. You remind me of myself, doing all you can for the one person who completely betrays you is just an added caveat, but, you are actually a nice and respectful guy. But, you're so used to being hurt you are afraid to actually start new. So, let's be friends Tamada, and I can support you in your search for love, so," Haruto balls a fist in front of Tama-kun's face, "Fight-o"

Tama-kun's eyes went wide at Harutos' words.

"So, it doesn't bother you that I've had sex with Aki-chan?" Tama-kun said with tears in his eyes and good intentions in his heart, but still made Haruto grimace.

"Does it bother you she prefers me even though we've never had sex?" He chopped Tama-kun's head.

"Ouch, ok ok. Yeah that does actually hurt, but does she? She's never actually said it."

"Have you actually confessed to her?"


Tama-kun had a stumped face then his eyes widened as if he just realized something. He turned to me, although I was still looking at my father whose expression grew dimmer.

"Aki-chan!" Tama-kun yelled at me, grabbing my attention aways from my father. "Its a little late but," Tama-kun took a deep breath. "AKI-CHAN I'VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU AS KIDS AND I KNOW WE HAVE GROWN APART AND EVE THOUGH WE ARE ENGAGED," Tama-kun bowed at a perfect 90 degrees. "WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?" 

"Good job Tama-kun." Haruto said with a smile.

What do I? What do I do?

Tears start forming and streaming down my face.  

This is my chance isn't it? Haruto is giving me the opportunity to be free, but… Haruto, I'm scared. I don't know what to do. My heart feels like it's in a vice grip. I finally have my parents at home with me more often, but I haven't been happy with you. Why is this so hard.

I take a deep breath and struggle with my words, but I know they need to come out, but before I could.

"YOU! YOU DID THIS TO MY DAUGHTER DIDNT YOU!?" My father rushed Haruto with a dinner knife in his hand.



In the instant my father lunged at Haruto, Tama-kun, clung to Haruto and swung their bodies to recieve the knife in Haruto's stead. 

Only to be protected by Haruto's bare hand.

Now with a dinner knife embedded in Haruto's hand, the knifepoint is mere centimeters from the exposed back of Tama-kun.

"FFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!" Haruto whipped Tama-kun away towards the dining table while holding his hand in agony.

"Haruto!" A voice came out from the door Haruto appeared from.

"Sachiko!?" I yelled

"Who is this!? Why are strangers barging int-"


My father was sent to the ground with a hip toss.

"AHHHHHH" my father screamed as Sachiko had him on his stomach with his arm behind his back.

"Honey!" My mother screamed

"Dont fucking move!" Sachiko yelled at my mother pausing her movements. "Haruto don't pull that out, it's serrated you might damage yourself further!" She said with urgency.

"Fuck!" Haruto winced, "Fine, fine." Haruto said letting go of the handle of the knife thats stabbed through his hand. 

There's so much chaos, it's too much for me to process.

Harutos hurt, Tama-kun is friends with Haruto, father just tried to kill Haruto, and mother seems to know Haruto. I can't control my breathing. I feel like I'm suffocating.

"What's going on! Please tell me! Why are you doing this!?" I yelled at Haruto trying to open my lungs for air.

"You are the reason." Sachiko looked at me with disgust. "You're lucky Haruto still even gives a damn about you and you ask him why is he doing this? You've got some fucking nerve." Sachiko's eyes can stare a hole into my body.

"I-I-I-I-Ive been… doing what I think is-"

"Shut up!" Haruto snapped, "if you are going to talk then speak the truth." Haruto holding the wrist of his injured hand while pointing at Tama-kun.  "Tell Tamada that you've been flirting behind his back, tell him you hate being shared, tell him… he's wrong about you. He deserves the fucking truth!" 

Haruto then points at my subdued father, "You're father doesn't deserve shit, but he also needs your honesty. The way you were tricked, how you sold your body to protect him, whether that's true or not I don't even care anymore." Haruto touched a wound in his gut with a sad expression, "Today I learned doing what's best, doing the right thing, and making people as happy as you can… doesn't mean you always enable them. You can't always turn a blind eye to their actions if you love them. Loving someone, doesn't mean you let them live with lies to bandage their damaged souls. Sometimes it means you will have to have them hate you because you want what's best for them, and honestly." He finally points at me. "I rather be hated by you, then watch you keep up with your bullshit!"

His words pierced into me. Im hyperventilating. My heart aches as I see him in as much physical pain as I am emotionally. His heart must be hurt too.

I really am a piece of shit.

I do my best to calm my breathing, as it seems the room is waiting for me to speak.

"Tama-kun, father.." I decided to be honest. Finally free from one cage just to be living in another one. I had to break free, and even though he did it violently, Haruto didn't make me do this alone..

I slowly came clean. I told my father everything, how I felt, how I was used, the people I hurt… about how Haruto did so much for me. Even about how I enjoyed it. His face was twisted in disgust, I felt he would disown me on the spot, but strangely… he's finally looking at me.

I felt it, all the years of neglect from my parents and now both see the final product of their lives. My pain, my suffering, my solitude, they see them all and for once thanks to Haruto my father didn't interrupt me.

"Father, I also am in love with this boy. He has witnessed…" I started crying again, "he saw my everything, and he loved me." My voice cracking as my mouth won't stop shivering as I speak. "He truly loved me, and I abandoned him for the parents that abandoned me." I fall to my knees, and crawl under the table towards Haruto, even though I don't know what I'm doing, I have to get my message across.

On my knees, close to my father still being held by Sachiko and near Haruto, I continue my confession.

How Tama has been sharing me, why he was sharing me, how I could have stopped him, but I wanted to be a good fiancée so I allowed it. How disgusted I feel everyday, how I hold myself under the bathwater thinking it would be easier to stay there then continue with all these farces.

I dogeza in front of Haruto.

"Please! I'M SORRY!" Head on the floor, "please, Haruto I'm so sorry." A puddle of tears forming under my forehead. "Please...please…..please….please."

I heard the sound of a door closing and I looked up, Haruto and Sachiko were gone.

Please…. Don't leave me.



<p.o.v Akio>

(Text like this is meant to be in portuguese)

Tuesday, 31st January

(Months earlier)

It's the middle of the school day, I'm dressed in my school uniform eating alone in the cafeteria. My student council president mask is on. The face of a hard working, diligent, perfect student. The events of the last two days are playing in my mind. The new and improved Tama-kun's return was a big blow to me mentally. Having had sex with someone that wasn't an anonymous stranger, my guilt toward Haruto was enormous. I knew he would forgive me if I asked, but now…. Im engaged.

That Sunday was a very emotional night, when I returned home I read a text from Rika that was delivered earlier, saying she's done sleeping around because it seemed Sasuke and his goons were M.I.A. so now was the time to retire. That news alone AFTER what occurred was very painful. Speaking of what occurred I had to call father.

"Father, I just met with Tama-kun.. he said some news."

"Hahaha! He couldn't hold back could he!? I'm amazed that such a tiny boy can be so aggressive. No need to thank me Akio-chan, you deserve it." He told me with a smug attitude like I was suppose to be grateful.

"Father he isn't small anymore, he did grow.."

"That's good to hear! Hahahaa! I was a little worried about having such a tiny son in law. You must be excited now that he's a man."

"But, um… father, there's a boy at school-"

"Is someone bothering you?! You shouldn't be at a public school anymore anyway with all those miscreants. Since you're no longer on the track team you would feel more comfortable with Tamada-kun at the private school wouldn't you?"

"Uh… no! I was… I was gonna go back to track, I uh, was just taking a little break."

"Is that true?"

".... yes father…"

"Ok good! Well I have to go Akio-chan your mother is waiting. Goodnight."


*click* *dial-tone*

Becoming engaged complicated things. I had a duty to perform as a Kuwabara and I decided it was best to cut out…. The distraction.

I did it at the worst time though. I avoided Rika and Haruto all Monday. I know I had to talk to them, but I just couldn't face them. They had no idea how hard this was for me and just as much as I wanted to do it properly, I couldn't handle the possible looks on their faces. I know they would be upset, but they wouldn't be able to see it from my side. The side of someone from the upper caste, where happiness comes after duty, family, and obligations…. In that order and I know I'll never get past the family part.

I decided to send a text to Haruto and blocked him,nits for the best that I see or hear his words, weakening my resolve. I ignored all incoming calls and texts except from Father and Tama-kun. Father didn't call or message though, and it seems Tama-kun has already planned another get together. 

Come to think of it, I was skeptical about Sasuke disappearing but I haven't received any messages, and I had an appointment today. So it seems Rika was speaking the truth. So I can skip out on the appointment today.

Breathing a sigh of relief I eat my lunch. 

Boring, lonely, and bland were my thoughts as I ate.


I heard a familiar voice and turned my head from my seat. It was Rika

I should've eaten in the council room.

Rika was wearing her school uniform…. Normally? 

Her pleated skirt was down to her knees and she properly wore a blazer. She looked like she was an upstanding student.

"Aki have ya checked on our Ruto-babes?" Her question made me furrow my brows

Upstanding student until she spoke that is. I feel she doesn't sound normal today and she's staring at me intently today. I didn't tell Rika I broke up with Haruto yesterday. But, she should have found out from Haruto today. Actually I haven't seen him at all today, did he stay home?

"No I haven't," I take a short breath, "act-"

"Ya mean after he went through all that, ya didn't see if Ruto-babes was alright?"

Huh? All what?

"Huh? Went thr-" I was interrupted 

"Ohhhh yaaaaaa, Aki avoided Ruto-babes and didn't give fucking rats ass about him. Right Aki?" She said with a smile but there was nothing happy or bubbly about her right now. She's oozing hate and irritation. I've only seen Rika speak her native language when she's emotional.

"Wh-wh-what do you mean?"

"I mean this you bitch asshole, here Aki, look~."

Rika showed me her phone and on it was Haruto fighting three upperclassmen. She played it mute so as to avoid others from looking at us, so I didn't know what was going on.

No! Haruto is getting hurt! Why was no one stopping this!? Stop it! Stop it!

My eyes begin to water until I see Haruto gaining the upper hand and finally prevailing. My face went through a roller coaster of emotions, but the final emotion was the realization of what I've done while he was injured. 

No! He needed to be cared for and I chose that time to break up with him? Wait its not my fault, I did the right thing and I didn't make Haruto get into a fight, I shouldn't feel guilty about this.

"Haruto should know better than to get into a fight on school grounds."


My head turned sideways from a large slap I just recieved from Rika. My eyes shot open in shock. Clenching my cheek I turned to face Rika again. Look at at Rika I see her breathing deeply and roughly. Her eyes are wet and her moca skin is tinged darker.

"Ya fucking dare say a fault on my Ruto-babes?! Those motherfucking boys forced themselves on Sakura and threatened to do it to me! Ruto-babes," Rikas breathing gets heavy, her eyes change shape, "he fought for Rika, hurt himself for Rika," Rika is now making animated movements to match her words, "put those whore assholes in place for Rika, how?" Rika starts to caress her cheeks lovingly, "How can someone so Adorbs be so-so-so primal, sexy, masculine, I love him! I love him, I love him, I love him,  I love him, I love him, I love him, I love him, I love him, I love him!" She stops her movements and her heart shaped eyes target me, literally target me, I feel I am in the cross hairs of a gun like an animal. "Ya know," Rikas face tightened, "I got this from Mirai last night Aki."

That's when I realized what this is all about, Mirai sent her my break up text. She showed it to me on her phone. I stood up, I can't take this disrespect sitting down. I know it was bad timing when I broke up with Haruto, but I had to do it.

"Look! You should be happy! You have Haruto and have to share him with less people now! You should than-"

Rika showed her phone again. This time, it isn't what I sent….. it's a video of me, at the hotel on Sunday.

"W-w-what!? Where did you get that!?"

"I said Mirai, or are ya deaf from all the cock you took?" Rika scowled at me. "Ya fiancée sends this to Ruto-babes and invited'um to the next one this weekend. So Aki, I messaged ya quick on Sunday, we are free now, but I can get that ya didn't read it. You having sex wasn't the problem Aki. Ya broke up with Ruto-babes cuz ya can't stand up to ya pops and with how hard Ruto-babes worked and hurt for us too." Rikas eyes no longer hand heart shapes, they are back to normal, but she is angry, "ya dumping Haruto, just ta be a sex toy for ya fiancée, means Rika…." Her angry eyes drew a couple tears, "means Rika, got tainted more cuz ya seemed like ya needed help! We were friends and with Ruto-babes we would be sisters, but instead ya betrayed Ruto-babes, betrayed yourself, and betrayed all the effort I put in to make certain Sasuke didn't ruin your family name."

"I didn't ask you to do that!" Was what I said at Rikas words……


The next few seconds felt like an eternity, Rikas face fell deadpan and there was almost no way to react to my words. We stared at eachother without talking or moving.

"You BITCH!"

Rika grabbed my arm and pulled me toward her. In an instant with my momentum Rika picked me up over her shoulder and catapulted me into the air.

*thud* I landed flat on my back. Years of self defense training had helped me cushion my fall, but it still hurt.

What the fuck was that!?

I got to my feet, just in time to see a charging Rika. She lept up and sent a barrel kick towards my head.

What the hell kind of fighting style is that?!

I duck under and turn around. The cafeteria crowd had gathered around us. We are now in an encirclement. I turn around and throw a punch at Rika hitting her in the face. I don't pull my hand back fast enough and Rika grabbed it, pulling me forward again, this time she roundhouse kicked toward my head. I ducked under, as her back turned I tried to attack again only to see her fall forwards and I felt something grip my waist, I looked down, I was between her legs and now she's using them to vice grip me. As Rika tumbled forwards away from my strike her legs wrapped me up sending  me into a looping motion over her body and I was slammed into the floor again, this time all my air was taken out of me.

Rika quickly mounts my body and punches me in the face, and the world goes dark.




I awoke in the infirmary my face feeling bruised. 

"I see that you're up."

I look to see the principal staring at me. She was in an all black business suit with a white shirt under her blazer.

"Yeah." I groaned while sitting up.

"Good, as of right now I have already sent Sagrado-san home. You may head home as well. I know of your home's circumstances so I notified one of your servants to pick you up. I still had to call your father though."

Those words caused me to flinch.

".... I understand."

"You and Rika both won't be allowed to return to school until Friday, hopefully the time off will cool your heads."

"Wait! Suspension? Saito-sensei I ca-"

"I've already spoken with your father. He will most likely ask you about the circumstances later."

I lowered my head at her words.

".... I understand."

With those words Saito-sensei left the room. 

My perfect school record…. Is gone.

I grabbed my and started messaging but I stopped.

Now with Rika gone I'm all alone again.  Mirai most likely will be angry at me too. I could unlock Haruto, no, how could I face him now.


I messaged the only person wanting to be in my life right now.






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