The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 570: Mephisto is back!

"Angelo, haven't we shot yet? If the current trend continues, the Hell Expeditionary Force may not be able to hold on."

God King Odin asked Angelo across the tea table.

At this time, Master Gu Yi also looked towards Angelo.

Although Mage Gu Yi didn't speak, it was obvious that Mage Gu Yi had the same idea as Odin.

Now the battle situation in the mountains is very anxious, and the battle damage of the human coalition is very serious.

They just saw it clearly on the mountain.

Although the Wakanda Kingdom, Asgard Army, Kama Taj Masters, and the three camps of the Avengers are very optimistic.

They not only defended their positions.

It will also help others start defensive positions.

But these four small groups are still too few in number for the huge front of the Hell Expeditionary Force.

Most of the human coalition forces are still unable to attack the **** creatures.

Four small groups of clones are useless.

So far, Angelo's plan to train the human coalition to deal with the experience of **** creatures can be said to have been completed.

As long as any one of the three makes a move, then, this war against **** creatures will end perfectly!

The Hell Expeditionary Force has gained enough experience, and the casualties suffered by the Hell Expeditionary Force are also within the controllable range.

God King Odin and Mage Gu Yi really couldn't find any reason for Angelo to refuse to take action.

But rather...

Angelo's next answer surprised them.

"No!" Angelo shook his head slightly, frowned for a moment, and then said, "Wait, I think there will be surprises for a while, if it doesn't work, we will take another shot."

God King Odin and Mage Ancient One couldn't help frowning.

They couldn't understand what Angelo was waiting for.

"What surprise?"

"What is a surprise?"

The two asked the same thing almost at the same time.

"The surprise is..." Angelo hesitated, "Damn! Anyway, wait, I want to verify one thing."

Although this reason sounds very outrageous, it is simply outrageous to open the door to the outrageous - outrageous home!

But neither the Ancient One Mage nor the God King Odin spoke.

The two finally chose to believe in Angelo.

They believe that Angelo will never aimlessly.

In the end, the top of the mountain where the three were located fell into silence again.

In the mountains, the battle between the Hell Expedition and the Hell Creatures continued.

And as time went by, casualties on all fronts, except for individual ones, gradually began to expand.

Fortunately, there are the Avengers, the Asgardian army, the Kama Taj Masters, and the Wakanda Kingdom Battle Squad.

While sticking to their own lines, they still have spare capacity to help the fronts of other countries.

With their help, other countries' fronts could barely hold on.

In addition to Hulk and Thor, the most prominent members of the Avengers are Tony Stark and Ghost Rider Johnny.

Tony Stark, as Iron Man himself, is in a sense the representative of the highest-tech aggregate of human monomers.

The gold-devouring worm armor he is currently wearing is a very special half-biological, half-metal material, especially after it has been strengthened by the "Sade" rune.

Whether it is defense, toughness, or energy transmission, it has almost reached the top level among metal materials.

Plus Tony Stark, the endless energy of the new Ark reactor embedded in the Gold Eater Warframe.

Therefore, Tony Stark is like a never-ending bomber, raging back and forth over the **** creatures.

Paired with the energy weapons on his armor, the lethality of **** creature terror.

There are clearings ploughed by Tony Stark in the **** biome.

Although these **** creatures are huge, it is only rare that they can fly or attack Tony Stark.

Even if there are a few **** creatures that can only jump into the air or have long-range attacks, compared to Tony Stark, the clumsy ones are almost useless.

After they jumped up, Tony Stark flew away wearing the gold-devouring worm armor!

As for, Ghost Rider Johnny.

This "special occupation" originally flowed into Johnny's hands from the previous Hell Lord Morpheus.

Because of a series of encounters and the weapons that Angelo gave him.

The strength of Johnny at this time has long exceeded the previous ghost knights, and even exceeded the upper limit of the ghost knights.

From the red flame burning on the body, to the blue fire of vengeance, to the green hellfire from the eternal fire.

Three intensities are represented respectively.

What is burning on Johnny now is the hellfire mutated from the eternal fire.

His combat power also barely reached the threshold of the Heavenly Father level.

When a Heavenly Father-level combat power is added to the battle between **** creatures and **** expedition forces, it is conceivable how much influence it will have on the changes in the battle situation!

Johnny's hand was waving a chain burning green hellfire, and he kept clearing the **** creatures within the range.

If you touch it, you will die, if you touch it, you will die!

Even if there is no contact, within the influence range of the green hellfire, the **** creatures can last for less than ten seconds at most!

As the motorcycle under his crotch started, an empty space was plowed out of the **** biome.

The lethality is terrifying!

Especially for these fur and fleshy **** creatures, the feature of dealing damage in percentage is a natural nemesis!

But even Johnny, who had stepped into the threshold of the Heavenly Father level, could not restore the decline of the human coalition front.

Often, just after he helped one of the human fronts clear the siege, the other fronts began to be in a hurry!

It is precisely because Johnny has just stepped into the realm of the heavenly father, he just relies on the fire of **** and Angelo's weapons to reach the realm of the heavenly father.

But the power of mass destruction that Heavenly Father warns against is not there!

Therefore, he can only be like a firefighter, rushing around on the front lines everywhere.

Even adding the other Avengers doesn't turn the tide of the battle.

After all, it is impossible for them to care about all the fronts at the same time, so the fronts of the entire coalition are beginning to be in jeopardy.

Angelo at the top of the mountain watched the casualties on various fronts continue to expand, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

Just when Angelo was about to end the battle.

Suddenly, his brows loosened and he stood up from his seat.

"The surprise is here!"

At the same time, in the distance of the mountains, a whole new group of **** creatures appeared.

Unlike the previous **** creatures, this new group of **** creatures is not as diverse as the previous group of **** creatures.

This group of **** creatures are all one and the same, the same kind of **** creatures.

A humanoid creature of hell.

Walk with your feet upright.

But unlike humans, the legs of these humanoid **** creatures are animal-like anti-joint skeletons, and in addition to the usual ugliness of **** creatures, they also have demonic horns on their heads.

When the commander of the human coalition noticed them, it was also when they came out.

As soon as they came out, these humanoid **** creatures waved their hands towards the formation of the human coalition in a uniform manner.

As they waved their hands.

Fireballs the size of basins appeared out of thin air in the air, and then they came to the front formed by the human coalition.

Immediately, the souls of the dead who were frightened by the positional commander of the target human coalition army rushed out!

It turns out that **** creatures also have long-range attacks!

You know, most of the weapons used in the Human Front are gunpowder weapons!

After these gunpowder weapons are hit by high temperature flames, they will explode!

But the group of humanoid **** creatures is very far away from the human coalition at this time, even if the commander wants to command his soldiers to kill them, he can't do it!

Bullets and cannonballs will be blocked by those **** creatures rushing ahead!

These fireballs launched at the same time almost formed a sky.

Although the flying speed of this fireball is not fast, it can even be said to be a little slow.

In normal times, human commanders can even command their soldiers to withdraw quickly, so that these fireballs fail.

But not now.

Because they can't withdraw!

Once their position retreats, the **** creatures that are charging in front of the position will take the opportunity to rush into the front.

At the same time, it will also take the opportunity to attack other positions from both sides.

The original fronts of other countries are now very difficult to face the frontal impact of these **** creatures.

If the side impact is added, then the fronts of other countries will surely fall!

Although the country he belongs to is different, this commander has no intention of committing rape, because he has only one identity in **** now, first a human being, and then he is the commander of his own country!

He can only resist!

Simply a living target!


Even if he intends to take his army to resist these fireballs, it will eventually be a dead end...

After these fireballs fall, the gunpowder weapons in the position may be detonated.

The violent explosion will directly blow up this front line, and then it will be captured by the **** creatures that come up later!

The commander imagined all the scenarios, almost a dead end!

He even has grenades ready!

Even if you die, you must pull at least one **** creature to die together!

It's good to be able to fight for a second for the other fronts!

Not only this commander, but almost all the human soldiers in this position are ready to sacrifice!

Now the only way they can imagine the way to break the game is that the **** priest Angelo, who has not appeared since the attack of the **** creatures just now, has taken action...

Now that the human commander can see it, the God King Odin at the top of the mountain naturally can see it too!

When Odin was young, he also fought in the Nine Realms.

In addition, Asgard also has some records about **** creatures, which happens to include such long-range attack humanoid **** creatures.

He even predicted the development of the next battle situation as soon as these humanoid **** creatures appeared!

"Angelo, is this the surprise you were talking about?"

God King Odin frowned and looked suspiciously at Angelo.

He is now extremely doubtful whether Angelo has been plotted against.

And then got impostored by a **** creature never seen before!

According to the current situation, unless the three of them or the ancient evil **** Sithone shot.

Otherwise, the Hell Expedition is about to fail!

Casualties will be very heavy.

It may even be directly wiped out.

The result is now in Angelo's mouth, turning into a surprise?

This doesn't make sense anyway.

Angelo also saw these humanoid **** creatures that suddenly appeared at this time.

His eyes fell on these humanoid **** creatures and the fireball sky they just launched, and Angelo couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

This creature is mentioned in the information on the **** creatures he has.

Called the fire demon.

Very bad street name.

The ability is also very bad, and there is only one ability to launch fireballs.

It is also an alternative among the rough and fleshy **** creatures.

The melee combat capability is very weak, and the melee combat capability can be ranked at the bottom of the entire hell!

However, when the flame demons gather to a certain number, the quantitative change will lead to the qualitative change.

Enough flame demons can change the occupation in large-scale battles!

To use the professional name in modern warfare on Earth, it is the coverage saturation bombing!

This is indeed bad news for the current human camp.

Angelo was not replaced by any mess of **** creatures.

I can only blame the timing of the appearance of these flame demons is too coincidental.

The surprise in Angelo's mouth just now did not refer to these flame demons.



With a terrifying roar, a huge figure appeared in the mountains.

Mephisto Diablo's bony figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

This time, Mephisto appeared in the eyes of everyone.

But it is not the same as the body that appeared in the past.

This time, Mephisto Diablo's body is nearly 100 meters high!

A dark red flame lingers around him.

As soon as he appeared, UU read www. uukanshu.comBoss is full of breath.

At this time, the direction of Mephisto Dark's roar is exactly the direction of these incoming **** creatures.

In this direction, those flame demons are naturally included, as well as the fireball canopy that is flying to the human camp in the sky.

With the roar of Mephisto Dark, those fireballs that were flying here were shattered by the huge sound waves!

The life-and-death crisis of the original human defense line actually came into contact like this!


After Mephisto Diablo shattered the fireball sky, he roared in the direction of the incoming **** creature!

At the same time, Mephisto also used the power of the origin of **** he had just mastered to remove the influence of the former master of hell, Mephisto Hell, on these **** creatures.

The original means of blinding the mind were removed, and the few minds of these **** creatures returned to themselves.

At this time, I felt the breath of the Lord of Hell, and suddenly there was a commotion...

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